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package privval
import (
cmn ""
p2pconn ""
var (
testAcceptDeadline = defaultAcceptDeadlineSeconds * time.Second
testConnDeadline = 100 * time.Millisecond
testConnDeadline2o3 = 66 * time.Millisecond // 2/3 of the other one
testHeartbeatTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
testHeartbeatTimeout3o2 = 6 * time.Millisecond // 3/2 of the other one
func TestSocketPVAddress(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
serverAddr := rs.privVal.GetPubKey().Address()
clientAddr := sc.GetPubKey().Address()
assert.Equal(t, serverAddr, clientAddr)
func TestSocketPVPubKey(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
clientKey := sc.GetPubKey()
privvalPubKey := rs.privVal.GetPubKey()
assert.Equal(t, privvalPubKey, clientKey)
func TestSocketPVProposal(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
privProposal = &types.Proposal{Timestamp: ts}
clientProposal = &types.Proposal{Timestamp: ts}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
require.NoError(t, rs.privVal.SignProposal(chainID, privProposal))
require.NoError(t, sc.SignProposal(chainID, clientProposal))
assert.Equal(t, privProposal.Signature, clientProposal.Signature)
func TestSocketPVVote(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
vType = types.PrecommitType
want = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
have = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
require.NoError(t, rs.privVal.SignVote(chainID, want))
require.NoError(t, sc.SignVote(chainID, have))
assert.Equal(t, want.Signature, have.Signature)
func TestSocketPVVoteResetDeadline(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
vType = types.PrecommitType
want = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
have = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
require.NoError(t, rs.privVal.SignVote(chainID, want))
require.NoError(t, sc.SignVote(chainID, have))
assert.Equal(t, want.Signature, have.Signature)
// This would exceed the deadline if it was not extended by the previous message
require.NoError(t, rs.privVal.SignVote(chainID, want))
require.NoError(t, sc.SignVote(chainID, have))
assert.Equal(t, want.Signature, have.Signature)
func TestSocketPVVoteKeepalive(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
vType = types.PrecommitType
want = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
have = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
time.Sleep(testConnDeadline * 2)
require.NoError(t, rs.privVal.SignVote(chainID, want))
require.NoError(t, sc.SignVote(chainID, have))
assert.Equal(t, want.Signature, have.Signature)
func TestSocketPVDeadline(t *testing.T) {
var (
addr = testFreeAddr(t)
listenc = make(chan struct{})
thisConnTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
sc = newSocketVal(log.TestingLogger(), addr, thisConnTimeout)
go func(sc *SocketVal) {
defer close(listenc)
assert.Equal(t, sc.Start().(cmn.Error).Data(), ErrConnTimeout)
assert.False(t, sc.IsRunning())
for {
conn, err := cmn.Connect(addr)
if err != nil {
_, err = p2pconn.MakeSecretConnection(
if err == nil {
func TestRemoteSignerRetry(t *testing.T) {
var (
attemptc = make(chan int)
retries = 2
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
go func(ln net.Listener, attemptc chan<- int) {
attempts := 0
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = conn.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
if attempts == retries {
attemptc <- attempts
}(ln, attemptc)
rs := NewRemoteSigner(
DialTCPFn(ln.Addr().String(), testConnDeadline, ed25519.GenPrivKey()),
defer rs.Stop()
assert.Equal(t, rs.Start(), ErrDialRetryMax)
select {
case attempts := <-attemptc:
assert.Equal(t, retries, attempts)
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
t.Error("expected remote to observe connection attempts")
func TestRemoteSignVoteErrors(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewErroringMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
vType = types.PrecommitType
vote = &types.Vote{Timestamp: ts, Type: vType}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
err := sc.SignVote("", vote)
require.Equal(t, err.(*RemoteSignerError).Description, types.ErroringMockPVErr.Error())
err = rs.privVal.SignVote(chainID, vote)
require.Error(t, err)
err = sc.SignVote(chainID, vote)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestRemoteSignProposalErrors(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
sc, rs = testSetupSocketPair(t, chainID, types.NewErroringMockPV())
ts = time.Now()
proposal = &types.Proposal{Timestamp: ts}
defer sc.Stop()
defer rs.Stop()
err := sc.SignProposal("", proposal)
require.Equal(t, err.(*RemoteSignerError).Description, types.ErroringMockPVErr.Error())
err = rs.privVal.SignProposal(chainID, proposal)
require.Error(t, err)
err = sc.SignProposal(chainID, proposal)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestErrUnexpectedResponse(t *testing.T) {
var (
addr = testFreeAddr(t)
logger = log.TestingLogger()
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
readyc = make(chan struct{})
errc = make(chan error, 1)
rs = NewRemoteSigner(
DialTCPFn(addr, testConnDeadline, ed25519.GenPrivKey()),
sc = newSocketVal(logger, addr, testConnDeadline)
testStartSocketPV(t, readyc, sc)
defer sc.Stop()
// we do not want to Start() the remote signer here and instead use the connection to
// reply with intentionally wrong replies below:
rsConn, err := rs.connect()
defer rsConn.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, rsConn)
// send over public key to get the remote signer running:
go testReadWriteResponse(t, &PubKeyResponse{}, rsConn)
// Proposal:
go func(errc chan error) {
errc <- sc.SignProposal(chainID, &types.Proposal{})
// read request and write wrong response:
go testReadWriteResponse(t, &SignedVoteResponse{}, rsConn)
err = <-errc
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, err, ErrUnexpectedResponse)
// Vote:
go func(errc chan error) {
errc <- sc.SignVote(chainID, &types.Vote{})
// read request and write wrong response:
go testReadWriteResponse(t, &SignedProposalResponse{}, rsConn)
err = <-errc
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, err, ErrUnexpectedResponse)
func TestRetryTCPConnToRemoteSigner(t *testing.T) {
var (
addr = testFreeAddr(t)
logger = log.TestingLogger()
chainID = cmn.RandStr(12)
readyc = make(chan struct{})
rs = NewRemoteSigner(
DialTCPFn(addr, testConnDeadline, ed25519.GenPrivKey()),
thisConnTimeout = testConnDeadline
sc = newSocketVal(logger, addr, thisConnTimeout)
// Ping every:
testStartSocketPV(t, readyc, sc)
defer sc.Stop()
require.NoError(t, rs.Start())
assert.True(t, rs.IsRunning())
time.Sleep(testHeartbeatTimeout * 2)
rs2 := NewRemoteSigner(
DialTCPFn(addr, testConnDeadline, ed25519.GenPrivKey()),
// let some pings pass
require.NoError(t, rs2.Start())
assert.True(t, rs2.IsRunning())
defer rs2.Stop()
// give the client some time to re-establish the conn to the remote signer
// should see sth like this in the logs:
// E[10016-01-10|17:12:46.128] Ping err="remote signer timed out"
// I[10016-01-10|17:16:42.447] Re-created connection to remote signer impl=SocketVal
time.Sleep(testConnDeadline * 2)
func newSocketVal(logger log.Logger, addr string, connDeadline time.Duration) *SocketVal {
ln, err := net.Listen(cmn.ProtocolAndAddress(addr))
if err != nil {
tcpLn := NewTCPListener(ln, ed25519.GenPrivKey())
return NewSocketVal(logger, tcpLn)
func testSetupSocketPair(
t *testing.T,
chainID string,
privValidator types.PrivValidator,
) (*SocketVal, *RemoteSigner) {
var (
addr = testFreeAddr(t)
logger = log.TestingLogger()
privVal = privValidator
readyc = make(chan struct{})
rs = NewRemoteSigner(
DialTCPFn(addr, testConnDeadline, ed25519.GenPrivKey()),
thisConnTimeout = testConnDeadline
sc = newSocketVal(logger, addr, thisConnTimeout)
testStartSocketPV(t, readyc, sc)
require.NoError(t, rs.Start())
assert.True(t, rs.IsRunning())
return sc, rs
func testReadWriteResponse(t *testing.T, resp RemoteSignerMsg, rsConn net.Conn) {
_, err := readMsg(rsConn)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = writeMsg(rsConn, resp)
require.NoError(t, err)
func testStartSocketPV(t *testing.T, readyc chan struct{}, sc *SocketVal) {
go func(sc *SocketVal) {
require.NoError(t, sc.Start())
assert.True(t, sc.IsRunning())
readyc <- struct{}{}
// testFreeAddr claims a free port so we don't block on listener being ready.
func testFreeAddr(t *testing.T) string {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer ln.Close()
return fmt.Sprintf("", ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)