You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

601 lines
18 KiB

package types
import (
cmn ""
tmtime ""
func TestValidatorSetBasic(t *testing.T) {
// empty or nil validator lists are allowed,
// but attempting to IncrementProposerPriority on them will panic.
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{})
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
vset = NewValidatorSet(nil)
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
assert.EqualValues(t, vset, vset.Copy())
assert.False(t, vset.HasAddress([]byte("some val")))
idx, val := vset.GetByAddress([]byte("some val"))
assert.Equal(t, -1, idx)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val := vset.GetByIndex(-100)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val = vset.GetByIndex(0)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val = vset.GetByIndex(100)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
assert.Zero(t, vset.Size())
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.Nil(t, vset.GetProposer())
assert.Nil(t, vset.Hash())
// add
val = randValidator_(vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.True(t, vset.Add(val))
assert.True(t, vset.HasAddress(val.Address))
idx, val2 := vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, 0, idx)
assert.Equal(t, val, val2)
addr, val2 = vset.GetByIndex(0)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(val.Address), addr)
assert.Equal(t, val, val2)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vset.Size())
assert.Equal(t, val.VotingPower, vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.Equal(t, val, vset.GetProposer())
assert.NotNil(t, vset.Hash())
assert.NotPanics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
// update
assert.False(t, vset.Update(randValidator_(vset.TotalVotingPower())))
_, val = vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
val.VotingPower += 100
proposerPriority := val.ProposerPriority
// Mimic update from types.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates which does not know about ProposerPriority
// and hence defaults to 0.
val.ProposerPriority = 0
assert.True(t, vset.Update(val))
_, val = vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, proposerPriority, val.ProposerPriority)
// remove
val2, removed := vset.Remove(randValidator_(vset.TotalVotingPower()).Address)
assert.Nil(t, val2)
assert.False(t, removed)
val2, removed = vset.Remove(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, val.Address, val2.Address)
assert.True(t, removed)
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
vset := randValidatorSet(10)
vsetHash := vset.Hash()
if len(vsetHash) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("ValidatorSet had unexpected zero hash")
vsetCopy := vset.Copy()
vsetCopyHash := vsetCopy.Hash()
if !bytes.Equal(vsetHash, vsetCopyHash) {
t.Fatalf("ValidatorSet copy had wrong hash. Orig: %X, Copy: %X", vsetHash, vsetCopyHash)
// Test that IncrementProposerPriority requires positive times.
func TestIncrementProposerPriorityPositiveTimes(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("foo"), 1000),
newValidator([]byte("bar"), 300),
newValidator([]byte("baz"), 330),
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(-1) })
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(0) })
func BenchmarkValidatorSetCopy(b *testing.B) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{})
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
privKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey()
pubKey := privKey.PubKey()
val := NewValidator(pubKey, 0)
if !vset.Add(val) {
panic("Failed to add validator")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func TestProposerSelection1(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("foo"), 1000),
newValidator([]byte("bar"), 300),
newValidator([]byte("baz"), 330),
var proposers []string
for i := 0; i < 99; i++ {
val := vset.GetProposer()
proposers = append(proposers, string(val.Address))
expected := `foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo foo baz bar foo foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo`
if expected != strings.Join(proposers, " ") {
t.Errorf("Expected sequence of proposers was\n%v\nbut got \n%v", expected, strings.Join(proposers, " "))
func TestProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
addr0 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
addr1 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
addr2 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2}
// when all voting power is same, we go in order of addresses
val0, val1, val2 := newValidator(addr0, 100), newValidator(addr1, 100), newValidator(addr2, 100)
valList := []*Validator{val0, val1, val2}
vals := NewValidatorSet(valList)
for i := 0; i < len(valList)*5; i++ {
ii := (i) % len(valList)
prop := vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, valList[ii].Address) {
t.Fatalf("(%d): Expected %X. Got %X", i, valList[ii].Address, prop.Address)
// One validator has more than the others, but not enough to propose twice in a row
*val2 = *newValidator(addr2, 400)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
// vals.IncrementProposerPriority(1)
prop := vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be first proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr0) {
t.Fatalf("Expected smallest address to be validator. Got %X", prop.Address)
// One validator has more than the others, and enough to be proposer twice in a row
*val2 = *newValidator(addr2, 401)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be first proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be second proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr0) {
t.Fatalf("Expected smallest address to be validator. Got %X", prop.Address)
// each validator should be the proposer a proportional number of times
val0, val1, val2 = newValidator(addr0, 4), newValidator(addr1, 5), newValidator(addr2, 3)
valList = []*Validator{val0, val1, val2}
propCount := make([]int, 3)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
N := 1
for i := 0; i < 120*N; i++ {
prop := vals.GetProposer()
ii := prop.Address[19]
if propCount[0] != 40*N {
t.Fatalf("Expected prop count for validator with 4/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d", 40*N, 120*N, propCount[0], 120*N)
if propCount[1] != 50*N {
t.Fatalf("Expected prop count for validator with 5/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d", 50*N, 120*N, propCount[1], 120*N)
if propCount[2] != 30*N {
t.Fatalf("Expected prop count for validator with 3/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d", 30*N, 120*N, propCount[2], 120*N)
func TestProposerSelection3(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("a"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("b"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("c"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("d"), 1),
proposerOrder := make([]*Validator, 4)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
proposerOrder[i] = vset.GetProposer()
// i for the loop
// j for the times
// we should go in order for ever, despite some IncrementProposerPriority with times > 1
var i, j int
for ; i < 10000; i++ {
got := vset.GetProposer().Address
expected := proposerOrder[j%4].Address
if !bytes.Equal(got, expected) {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("vset.Proposer (%X) does not match expected proposer (%X) for (%d, %d)", got, expected, i, j))
// serialize, deserialize, check proposer
b := vset.toBytes()
computed := vset.GetProposer() // findGetProposer()
if i != 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(got, computed.Address) {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("vset.Proposer (%X) does not match computed proposer (%X) for (%d, %d)", got, computed.Address, i, j))
// times is usually 1
times := 1
mod := (cmn.RandInt() % 5) + 1
if cmn.RandInt()%mod > 0 {
// sometimes its up to 5
times = (cmn.RandInt() % 4) + 1
j += times
func newValidator(address []byte, power int64) *Validator {
return &Validator{Address: address, VotingPower: power}
func randPubKey() crypto.PubKey {
var pubKey [32]byte
copy(pubKey[:], cmn.RandBytes(32))
return ed25519.PubKeyEd25519(pubKey)
func randValidator_(totalVotingPower int64) *Validator {
// this modulo limits the ProposerPriority/VotingPower to stay in the
// bounds of MaxTotalVotingPower minus the already existing voting power:
val := NewValidator(randPubKey(), cmn.RandInt64()%(MaxTotalVotingPower-totalVotingPower))
val.ProposerPriority = cmn.RandInt64() % (MaxTotalVotingPower - totalVotingPower)
return val
func randValidatorSet(numValidators int) *ValidatorSet {
validators := make([]*Validator, numValidators)
totalVotingPower := int64(0)
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
validators[i] = randValidator_(totalVotingPower)
totalVotingPower += validators[i].VotingPower
return NewValidatorSet(validators)
func (valSet *ValidatorSet) toBytes() []byte {
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(valSet)
if err != nil {
return bz
func (valSet *ValidatorSet) fromBytes(b []byte) {
err := cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(b, &valSet)
if err != nil {
func TestValidatorSetTotalVotingPowerPanicsOnOverflow(t *testing.T) {
// NewValidatorSet calls IncrementProposerPriority which calls TotalVotingPower()
// which should panic on overflows:
shouldPanic := func() {
{Address: []byte("a"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
{Address: []byte("b"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
{Address: []byte("c"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
assert.Panics(t, shouldPanic)
func TestAvgProposerPriority(t *testing.T) {
// Create Validator set without calling IncrementProposerPriority:
tcs := []struct {
vs ValidatorSet
want int64
0: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}}}, 0},
1: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}}}, math.MaxInt64 / 3},
2: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: 0}}}, math.MaxInt64 / 2},
3: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}}}, math.MaxInt64},
4: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MinInt64}, {ProposerPriority: math.MinInt64}}}, math.MinInt64},
for i, tc := range tcs {
got := tc.vs.computeAvgProposerPriority()
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, got, "test case: %v", i)
func TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriority(t *testing.T) {
// Test that the averaging works as expected inside of IncrementProposerPriority.
// Each validator comes with zero voting power which simplifies reasoning about
// the expected ProposerPriority.
tcs := []struct {
vs ValidatorSet
times int
avg int64
0: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 1},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: 2},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 3}}},
1, 2},
1: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 10},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: -10},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 1}}},
// this should average twice but the average should be 0 after the first iteration
// (voting power is 0 -> no changes)
11, 1 / 3},
2: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 100},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: -10},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 1}}},
1, 91 / 3},
for i, tc := range tcs {
// work on copy to have the old ProposerPriorities:
newVset := tc.vs.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(tc.times)
for _, val := range tc.vs.Validators {
_, updatedVal := newVset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, updatedVal.ProposerPriority, val.ProposerPriority-tc.avg, "test case: %v", i)
func TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriorityWithVotingPower(t *testing.T) {
// Other than TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriority this is a more complete test showing
// how each ProposerPriority changes in relation to the validator's voting power respectively.
// average is zero in each round:
vp0 := int64(10)
vp1 := int64(1)
vp2 := int64(1)
total := vp0 + vp1 + vp2
avg := (vp0 + vp1 + vp2 - total) / 3
vals := ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte{0}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp0},
{Address: []byte{1}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp1},
{Address: []byte{2}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp2}}}
tcs := []struct {
vals *ValidatorSet
wantProposerPrioritys []int64
times int
wantProposer *Validator
0: {
// Acumm+VotingPower-Avg:
0 + vp0 - total - avg, // mostest will be subtracted by total voting power (12)
0 + vp1,
0 + vp2},
1: {
(0 + vp0 - total) + vp0 - total - avg, // this will be mostest on 2nd iter, too
(0 + vp1) + vp1,
(0 + vp2) + vp2},
vals.Validators[0]}, // increment twice -> expect average to be subtracted twice
2: {
0 + 3*(vp0-total) - avg, // still mostest
0 + 3*vp1,
0 + 3*vp2},
3: {
0 + 4*(vp0-total), // still mostest
0 + 4*vp1,
0 + 4*vp2},
4: {
0 + 4*(vp0-total) + vp0, // 4 iters was mostest
0 + 5*vp1 - total, // now this val is mostest for the 1st time (hence -12==totalVotingPower)
0 + 5*vp2},
5: {
0 + 6*vp0 - 5*total, // mostest again
0 + 6*vp1 - total, // mostest once up to here
0 + 6*vp2},
6: {
0 + 7*vp0 - 6*total, // in 7 iters this val is mostest 6 times
0 + 7*vp1 - total, // in 7 iters this val is mostest 1 time
0 + 7*vp2},
7: {
0 + 8*vp0 - 7*total, // mostest again
0 + 8*vp1 - total,
0 + 8*vp2},
8: {
0 + 9*vp0 - 7*total,
0 + 9*vp1 - total,
0 + 9*vp2 - total}, // mostest
9: {
0 + 10*vp0 - 8*total, // after 10 iters this is mostest again
0 + 10*vp1 - total, // after 6 iters this val is "mostest" once and not in between
0 + 10*vp2 - total}, // in between 10 iters this val is "mostest" once
10: {
0 + 11*vp0 - 9*total,
0 + 11*vp1 - total, // after 6 iters this val is "mostest" once and not in between
0 + 11*vp2 - total}, // after 10 iters this val is "mostest" once
for i, tc := range tcs {
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantProposer.Address, tc.vals.GetProposer().Address,
"test case: %v",
for valIdx, val := range tc.vals.Validators {
"test case: %v, validator: %v",
func TestSafeAdd(t *testing.T) {
f := func(a, b int64) bool {
c, overflow := safeAdd(a, b)
return overflow || (!overflow && c == a+b)
if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {
func TestSafeAddClip(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeAddClip(math.MaxInt64, 10))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeAddClip(math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeAddClip(math.MinInt64, -10))
func TestSafeSubClip(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, 10))
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, math.MinInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeSubClip(math.MaxInt64, -10))
func TestValidatorSetVerifyCommit(t *testing.T) {
privKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey()
pubKey := privKey.PubKey()
v1 := NewValidator(pubKey, 1000)
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{v1})
chainID := "mychainID"
blockID := BlockID{Hash: []byte("hello")}
height := int64(5)
vote := &Vote{
ValidatorAddress: v1.Address,
ValidatorIndex: 0,
Height: height,
Round: 0,
Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
Type: PrecommitType,
BlockID: blockID,
sig, err := privKey.Sign(vote.SignBytes(chainID))
assert.NoError(t, err)
vote.Signature = sig
commit := &Commit{
BlockID: blockID,
Precommits: []*Vote{vote},
badChainID := "notmychainID"
badBlockID := BlockID{Hash: []byte("goodbye")}
badHeight := height + 1
badCommit := &Commit{
BlockID: blockID,
Precommits: []*Vote{nil},
// test some error cases
// TODO: test more cases!
cases := []struct {
chainID string
blockID BlockID
height int64
commit *Commit
{badChainID, blockID, height, commit},
{chainID, badBlockID, height, commit},
{chainID, blockID, badHeight, commit},
{chainID, blockID, height, badCommit},
for i, c := range cases {
err := vset.VerifyCommit(c.chainID, c.blockID, c.height, c.commit)
assert.NotNil(t, err, i)
// test a good one
err = vset.VerifyCommit(chainID, blockID, height, commit)
assert.Nil(t, err)