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package consensus
import (
bc ""
. ""
. ""
sm ""
const (
StateChannel = byte(0x20)
DataChannel = byte(0x21)
VoteChannel = byte(0x22)
peerStateKey = "ConsensusReactor.peerState"
peerGossipSleepDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond // Time to sleep if there's nothing to send.
// The reactor's underlying ConsensusState may change state at any time.
// We atomically copy the RoundState struct before using it.
type ConsensusReactor struct {
sw *p2p.Switch
running uint32
quit chan struct{}
blockStore *bc.BlockStore
conS *ConsensusState
func NewConsensusReactor(consensusState *ConsensusState, blockStore *bc.BlockStore) *ConsensusReactor {
conR := &ConsensusReactor{
blockStore: blockStore,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
conS: consensusState,
return conR
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Start(sw *p2p.Switch) {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&conR.running, 0, 1) {
log.Info("Starting ConsensusReactor")
conR.sw = sw
go conR.broadcastNewRoundStepRoutine()
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Stop() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&conR.running, 1, 0) {
log.Info("Stopping ConsensusReactor")
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsRunning() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&conR.running) == 1
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetChannels() []*p2p.ChannelDescriptor {
// TODO optimize
return []*p2p.ChannelDescriptor{
Id: StateChannel,
Priority: 5,
Id: DataChannel,
Priority: 5,
Id: VoteChannel,
Priority: 5,
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) AddPeer(peer *p2p.Peer) {
if !conR.IsRunning() {
// Create peerState for peer
peerState := NewPeerState(peer)
peer.Data.Set(peerStateKey, peerState)
// Begin gossip routines for this peer.
go conR.gossipDataRoutine(peer, peerState)
go conR.gossipVotesRoutine(peer, peerState)
// Send our state to peer.
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) RemovePeer(peer *p2p.Peer, reason interface{}) {
if !conR.IsRunning() {
// Implements Reactor
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Receive(chId byte, peer *p2p.Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
if !conR.IsRunning() {
// Get round state
rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
ps := peer.Data.Get(peerStateKey).(*PeerState)
_, msg_, err := DecodeMessage(msgBytes)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error decoding message", "channel", chId, "peer", peer, "msg", msg_, "error", err, "bytes", msgBytes)
log.Debug("Receive", "channel", chId, "peer", peer, "msg", msg_, "bytes", msgBytes)
switch chId {
case StateChannel:
switch msg := msg_.(type) {
case *NewRoundStepMessage:
ps.ApplyNewRoundStepMessage(msg, rs)
case *CommitStepMessage:
case *HasVoteMessage:
// Ignore unknown message
case DataChannel:
switch msg := msg_.(type) {
case *Proposal:
err = conR.conS.SetProposal(msg)
case *PartMessage:
if msg.Type == partTypeProposalBlock {
ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part.Index)
_, err = conR.conS.AddProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part)
} else if msg.Type == partTypeProposalPOL {
ps.SetHasProposalPOLPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part.Index)
_, err = conR.conS.AddProposalPOLPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part)
} else {
// Ignore unknown part type
// Ignore unknown message
case VoteChannel:
switch msg := msg_.(type) {
case *VoteMessage:
vote := msg.Vote
if rs.Height != vote.Height {
return // Wrong height. Not necessarily a bad peer.
validatorIndex := msg.ValidatorIndex
address, _ := rs.Validators.GetByIndex(validatorIndex)
added, index, err := conR.conS.AddVote(address, vote)
if err != nil {
// If conflicting sig, broadcast evidence tx for slashing. Else punish peer.
if errDupe, ok := err.(*types.ErrVoteConflictingSignature); ok {
log.Warn("Found conflicting vote. Publish evidence")
evidenceTx := &types.DupeoutTx{
Address: address,
VoteA: *errDupe.VoteA,
VoteB: *errDupe.VoteB,
conR.conS.mempoolReactor.BroadcastTx(evidenceTx) // shouldn't need to check returned err
} else {
// Probably an invalid signature. Bad peer.
log.Warn("Error attempting to add vote", "error", err)
// TODO: punish peer
// Initialize Prevotes/Precommits/Commits if needed
ps.EnsureVoteBitArrays(rs.Height, rs.Validators.Size())
ps.SetHasVote(vote, index)
if added {
msg := &HasVoteMessage{
Height: vote.Height,
Round: vote.Round,
Type: vote.Type,
Index: index,
conR.sw.Broadcast(StateChannel, msg)
// Ignore unknown message
// Ignore unknown channel
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error in Receive()", "error", err)
// Sets our private validator account for signing votes.
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SetPrivValidator(priv *sm.PrivValidator) {
// Reset to some state.
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) ResetToState(state *sm.State) {
conR.conS.updateToState(state, false)
func makeRoundStepMessages(rs *RoundState) (nrsMsg *NewRoundStepMessage, csMsg *CommitStepMessage) {
// Get seconds since beginning of height.
timeElapsed := time.Now().Sub(rs.StartTime)
// Broadcast NewRoundStepMessage
nrsMsg = &NewRoundStepMessage{
Height: rs.Height,
Round: rs.Round,
Step: rs.Step,
SecondsSinceStartTime: uint(timeElapsed.Seconds()),
// If the step is commit, then also broadcast a CommitStepMessage.
if rs.Step == RoundStepCommit {
csMsg = &CommitStepMessage{
Height: rs.Height,
BlockParts: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
BlockBitArray: rs.ProposalBlockParts.BitArray(),
// Listens for changes to the ConsensusState.Step by pulling
// on conR.conS.NewStepCh().
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) broadcastNewRoundStepRoutine() {
for {
// Get RoundState with new Step or quit.
var rs *RoundState
select {
case rs = <-conR.conS.NewStepCh():
case <-conR.quit:
nrsMsg, csMsg := makeRoundStepMessages(rs)
if nrsMsg != nil {
conR.sw.Broadcast(StateChannel, nrsMsg)
if csMsg != nil {
conR.sw.Broadcast(StateChannel, csMsg)
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) sendNewRoundStepRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer) {
rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
nrsMsg, csMsg := makeRoundStepMessages(rs)
if nrsMsg != nil {
peer.Send(StateChannel, nrsMsg)
if csMsg != nil {
peer.Send(StateChannel, nrsMsg)
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) gossipDataRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer, ps *PeerState) {
for {
// Manage disconnects from self or peer.
if !peer.IsRunning() || !conR.IsRunning() {
log.Info(Fmt("Stopping gossipDataRoutine for %v.", peer))
rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
prs := ps.GetRoundState()
// Send proposal Block parts?
// NOTE: if we or peer is at RoundStepCommit*, the round
// won't necessarily match, but that's OK.
if rs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(prs.ProposalBlockParts) {
//log.Debug("ProposalBlockParts matched", "blockParts", prs.ProposalBlockParts)
if index, ok := rs.ProposalBlockParts.BitArray().Sub(prs.ProposalBlockBitArray.Copy()).PickRandom(); ok {
part := rs.ProposalBlockParts.GetPart(index)
msg := &PartMessage{
Height: rs.Height,
Round: rs.Round,
Type: partTypeProposalBlock,
Part: part,
peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(rs.Height, rs.Round, index)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// If the peer is on a previous height, help catch up.
if 0 < prs.Height && prs.Height < rs.Height {
//log.Debug("Data catchup", "height", rs.Height, "peerHeight", prs.Height, "peerProposalBlockBitArray", prs.ProposalBlockBitArray)
if index, ok := prs.ProposalBlockBitArray.Not().PickRandom(); ok {
// Ensure that the peer's PartSetHeader is correct
blockMeta := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(prs.Height)
if !blockMeta.Parts.Equals(prs.ProposalBlockParts) {
log.Debug("Peer ProposalBlockParts mismatch, sleeping",
"peerHeight", prs.Height, "blockParts", blockMeta.Parts, "peerBlockParts", prs.ProposalBlockParts)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Load the part
part := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockPart(prs.Height, index)
if part == nil {
log.Warn("Could not load part", "index", index,
"peerHeight", prs.Height, "blockParts", blockMeta.Parts, "peerBlockParts", prs.ProposalBlockParts)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Send the part
msg := &PartMessage{
Height: prs.Height,
Round: prs.Round,
Type: partTypeProposalBlock,
Part: part,
peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(prs.Height, prs.Round, index)
continue OUTER_LOOP
} else {
//log.Debug("No parts to send in catch-up, sleeping")
continue OUTER_LOOP
// If height and round don't match, sleep.
if rs.Height != prs.Height || rs.Round != prs.Round {
//log.Debug("Peer Height|Round mismatch, sleeping", "peerHeight", prs.Height, "peerRound", prs.Round, "peer", peer)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Send proposal?
if rs.Proposal != nil && !prs.Proposal {
msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeProposal, rs.Proposal}
peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Send proposal POL parts?
if rs.ProposalPOLParts.HasHeader(prs.ProposalPOLParts) {
if index, ok := rs.ProposalPOLParts.BitArray().Sub(prs.ProposalPOLBitArray.Copy()).PickRandom(); ok {
msg := &PartMessage{
Height: rs.Height,
Round: rs.Round,
Type: partTypeProposalPOL,
Part: rs.ProposalPOLParts.GetPart(index),
peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
ps.SetHasProposalPOLPart(rs.Height, rs.Round, index)
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Nothing to do. Sleep.
continue OUTER_LOOP
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) gossipVotesRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer, ps *PeerState) {
for {
// Manage disconnects from self or peer.
if !peer.IsRunning() || !conR.IsRunning() {
log.Info(Fmt("Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for %v.", peer))
rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
prs := ps.GetRoundState()
trySendVote := func(voteSet *VoteSet, peerVoteSet BitArray) (sent bool) {
if prs.Height == voteSet.Height() {
// Initialize Prevotes/Precommits/Commits if needed
ps.EnsureVoteBitArrays(prs.Height, voteSet.Size())
// TODO: give priority to our vote.
if index, ok := voteSet.BitArray().Sub(peerVoteSet.Copy()).PickRandom(); ok {
vote := voteSet.GetByIndex(index)
// NOTE: vote may be a commit.
msg := &VoteMessage{index, vote}
peer.Send(VoteChannel, msg)
ps.SetHasVote(vote, index)
return true
return false
trySendCommitFromValidation := func(blockMeta *types.BlockMeta, validation *types.Validation, peerVoteSet BitArray) (sent bool) {
// Initialize Commits if needed
ps.EnsureVoteBitArrays(prs.Height, uint(len(validation.Commits)))
if index, ok := validation.BitArray().Sub(prs.Commits.Copy()).PickRandom(); ok {
commit := validation.Commits[index]
log.Debug("Picked commit to send", "index", index, "commit", commit)
// Reconstruct vote.
vote := &types.Vote{
Height: prs.Height,
Round: commit.Round,
Type: types.VoteTypeCommit,
BlockHash: blockMeta.Hash,
BlockParts: blockMeta.Parts,
Signature: commit.Signature,
msg := &VoteMessage{index, vote}
peer.Send(VoteChannel, msg)
ps.SetHasVote(vote, index)
return true
return false
// If height matches, then send LastCommits, Prevotes, Precommits, or Commits.
if rs.Height == prs.Height {
// If there are lastcommits to send...
if prs.Round == 0 && prs.Step == RoundStepNewHeight {
if prs.LastCommits.Size() == rs.LastCommits.Size() {
if trySendVote(rs.LastCommits, prs.LastCommits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
// If there are prevotes to send...
if rs.Round == prs.Round && prs.Step <= RoundStepPrevote {
if trySendVote(rs.Prevotes, prs.Prevotes) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
// If there are precommits to send...
if rs.Round == prs.Round && prs.Step <= RoundStepPrecommit {
if trySendVote(rs.Precommits, prs.Precommits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
// If there are any commits to send...
if trySendVote(rs.Commits, prs.Commits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Catchup logic
if prs.Height != 0 && !prs.HasAllCatchupCommits {
// If peer is lagging by height 1, match our LastCommits or SeenValidation to peer's Commits.
if rs.Height == prs.Height+1 && rs.LastCommits.Size() > 0 {
// If there are lastcommits to send...
if trySendVote(rs.LastCommits, prs.Commits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
} else {
// Or, if peer is lagging by 1 and we don't have LastCommits, send SeenValidation.
if rs.Height == prs.Height+1 && rs.LastCommits.Size() == 0 {
// Load the blockMeta for block at prs.Height
blockMeta := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(prs.Height)
// Load the seen validation for prs.Height
validation := conR.blockStore.LoadSeenValidation(prs.Height)
log.Debug("Loaded SeenValidation for catch-up", "height", prs.Height, "blockMeta", blockMeta, "validation", validation)
if trySendCommitFromValidation(blockMeta, validation, prs.Commits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
} else {
// If peer is lagging by more than 1, send Validation.
if rs.Height >= prs.Height+2 {
// Load the blockMeta for block at prs.Height
blockMeta := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(prs.Height)
// Load the block validation for prs.Height+1,
// which contains commit signatures for prs.Height.
validation := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockValidation(prs.Height + 1)
log.Debug("Loaded BlockValidation for catch-up", "height", prs.Height+1, "blockMeta", blockMeta, "validation", validation)
if trySendCommitFromValidation(blockMeta, validation, prs.Commits) {
continue OUTER_LOOP
} else {
// We sent nothing. Sleep...
continue OUTER_LOOP
// Read only when returned by PeerState.GetRoundState().
type PeerRoundState struct {
Height uint // Height peer is at
Round uint // Round peer is at
Step RoundStep // Step peer is at
StartTime time.Time // Estimated start of round 0 at this height
Proposal bool // True if peer has proposal for this round
ProposalBlockParts types.PartSetHeader //
ProposalBlockBitArray BitArray // True bit -> has part
ProposalPOLParts types.PartSetHeader //
ProposalPOLBitArray BitArray // True bit -> has part
Prevotes BitArray // All votes peer has for this round
Precommits BitArray // All precommits peer has for this round
Commits BitArray // All commits peer has for this height
LastCommits BitArray // All commits peer has for last height
HasAllCatchupCommits bool // Used for catch-up
var (
ErrPeerStateHeightRegression = errors.New("Error peer state height regression")
ErrPeerStateInvalidStartTime = errors.New("Error peer state invalid startTime")
type PeerState struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
func NewPeerState(peer *p2p.Peer) *PeerState {
return &PeerState{}
// Returns an atomic snapshot of the PeerRoundState.
// There's no point in mutating it since it won't change PeerState.
func (ps *PeerState) GetRoundState() *PeerRoundState {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
prs := ps.PeerRoundState // copy
return &prs
func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposal(proposal *Proposal) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height != proposal.Height || ps.Round != proposal.Round {
if ps.Proposal {
ps.Proposal = true
ps.ProposalBlockParts = proposal.BlockParts
ps.ProposalBlockBitArray = NewBitArray(uint(proposal.BlockParts.Total))
ps.ProposalPOLParts = proposal.POLParts
ps.ProposalPOLBitArray = NewBitArray(uint(proposal.POLParts.Total))
func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposalBlockPart(height uint, round uint, index uint) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height != height || ps.Round != round {
ps.ProposalBlockBitArray.SetIndex(uint(index), true)
func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposalPOLPart(height uint, round uint, index uint) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height != height || ps.Round != round {
ps.ProposalPOLBitArray.SetIndex(uint(index), true)
func (ps *PeerState) EnsureVoteBitArrays(height uint, numValidators uint) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height != height {
if ps.Prevotes.IsZero() {
ps.Prevotes = NewBitArray(numValidators)
if ps.Precommits.IsZero() {
ps.Precommits = NewBitArray(numValidators)
if ps.Commits.IsZero() {
ps.Commits = NewBitArray(numValidators)
func (ps *PeerState) SetHasVote(vote *types.Vote, index uint) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
ps.setHasVote(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.Type, index)
func (ps *PeerState) setHasVote(height uint, round uint, type_ byte, index uint) {
if ps.Height == height+1 && type_ == types.VoteTypeCommit {
// Special case for LastCommits.
ps.LastCommits.SetIndex(index, true)
} else if ps.Height != height {
// Does not apply.
switch type_ {
case types.VoteTypePrevote:
ps.Prevotes.SetIndex(index, true)
case types.VoteTypePrecommit:
ps.Precommits.SetIndex(index, true)
case types.VoteTypeCommit:
if round < ps.Round {
ps.Prevotes.SetIndex(index, true)
ps.Precommits.SetIndex(index, true)
ps.Commits.SetIndex(index, true)
panic("Invalid vote type")
// When catching up, this helps keep track of whether
// we should send more commit votes from the block (validation) store
func (ps *PeerState) SetHasAllCatchupCommits(height uint) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height == height {
ps.HasAllCatchupCommits = true
func (ps *PeerState) ApplyNewRoundStepMessage(msg *NewRoundStepMessage, rs *RoundState) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
// Just remember these values.
psHeight := ps.Height
psRound := ps.Round
//psStep := ps.Step
startTime := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Duration(msg.SecondsSinceStartTime) * time.Second)
ps.Height = msg.Height
ps.Round = msg.Round
ps.Step = msg.Step
ps.StartTime = startTime
if psHeight != msg.Height || psRound != msg.Round {
ps.Proposal = false
ps.ProposalBlockParts = types.PartSetHeader{}
ps.ProposalBlockBitArray = BitArray{}
ps.ProposalPOLParts = types.PartSetHeader{}
ps.ProposalPOLBitArray = BitArray{}
// We'll update the BitArray capacity later.
ps.Prevotes = BitArray{}
ps.Precommits = BitArray{}
if psHeight != msg.Height {
// Shift Commits to LastCommits
if psHeight+1 == msg.Height {
ps.LastCommits = ps.Commits
} else {
ps.LastCommits = BitArray{}
// We'll update the BitArray capacity later.
ps.Commits = BitArray{}
ps.HasAllCatchupCommits = false
func (ps *PeerState) ApplyCommitStepMessage(msg *CommitStepMessage) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
if ps.Height != msg.Height {
ps.ProposalBlockParts = msg.BlockParts
ps.ProposalBlockBitArray = msg.BlockBitArray
func (ps *PeerState) ApplyHasVoteMessage(msg *HasVoteMessage) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
// Special case for LastCommits
if ps.Height == msg.Height+1 && msg.Type == types.VoteTypeCommit {
ps.LastCommits.SetIndex(msg.Index, true)
} else if ps.Height != msg.Height {
ps.setHasVote(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Type, msg.Index)
// Messages
const (
msgTypeUnknown = byte(0x00)
msgTypeNewRoundStep = byte(0x01)
msgTypeCommitStep = byte(0x02)
msgTypeProposal = byte(0x11)
msgTypePart = byte(0x12) // both block & POL
msgTypeVote = byte(0x13)
msgTypeHasVote = byte(0x14)
// TODO: check for unnecessary extra bytes at the end.
func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg interface{}, err error) {
n := new(int64)
// log.Debug(Fmt("decoding msg bytes: %X", bz))
msgType = bz[0]
r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
switch msgType {
// Messages for communicating state changes
case msgTypeNewRoundStep:
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&NewRoundStepMessage{}, r, n, &err)
case msgTypeCommitStep:
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&CommitStepMessage{}, r, n, &err)
// Messages of data
case msgTypeProposal:
r.ReadByte() // Consume the byte
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&Proposal{}, r, n, &err)
case msgTypePart:
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&PartMessage{}, r, n, &err)
case msgTypeVote:
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&VoteMessage{}, r, n, &err)
case msgTypeHasVote:
msg = binary.ReadBinary(&HasVoteMessage{}, r, n, &err)
msg = nil
type NewRoundStepMessage struct {
Height uint
Round uint
Step RoundStep
SecondsSinceStartTime uint
func (m *NewRoundStepMessage) TypeByte() byte { return msgTypeNewRoundStep }
func (m *NewRoundStepMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[NewRoundStep H:%v R:%v S:%v]", m.Height, m.Round, m.Step)
type CommitStepMessage struct {
Height uint
BlockParts types.PartSetHeader
BlockBitArray BitArray
func (m *CommitStepMessage) TypeByte() byte { return msgTypeCommitStep }
func (m *CommitStepMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[CommitStep H:%v BP:%v BA:%v]", m.Height, m.BlockParts, m.BlockBitArray)
const (
partTypeProposalBlock = byte(0x01)
partTypeProposalPOL = byte(0x02)
type PartMessage struct {
Height uint
Round uint
Type byte
Part *types.Part
func (m *PartMessage) TypeByte() byte { return msgTypePart }
func (m *PartMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[Part H:%v R:%v T:%X P:%v]", m.Height, m.Round, m.Type, m.Part)
type VoteMessage struct {
ValidatorIndex uint
Vote *types.Vote
func (m *VoteMessage) TypeByte() byte { return msgTypeVote }
func (m *VoteMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[Vote VI:%v V:%v]", m.ValidatorIndex, m.Vote)
type HasVoteMessage struct {
Height uint
Round uint
Type byte
Index uint
func (m *HasVoteMessage) TypeByte() byte { return msgTypeHasVote }
func (m *HasVoteMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[HasVote %v/%v T:%X]", m.Height, m.Round, m.Type)