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-------------------- MODULE TendermintPBT_002_draft ---------------------------
A TLA+ specification of a simplified Tendermint consensus, with added clocks
and proposer-based timestamps. This TLA+ specification extends and modifies
the Tendermint TLA+ specification for fork accountability:
* Version 2. A preliminary specification.
Zarko Milosevic, Igor Konnov, Informal Systems, 2019-2020.
Ilina Stoilkovska, Josef Widder, Informal Systems, 2021.
Jure Kukovec, Informal Systems, 2022.
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Apalache, typedefs
(********************* PROTOCOL PARAMETERS **********************************)
\* General protocol parameters
\* @type: Set(PROCESS);
Corr, \* the set of correct processes
\* @type: Set(PROCESS);
Faulty, \* the set of Byzantine processes, may be empty
\* @type: Int;
N, \* the total number of processes: correct, defective, and Byzantine
\* @type: Int;
T, \* an upper bound on the number of Byzantine processes
\* @type: Set(VALUE);
ValidValues, \* the set of valid values, proposed both by correct and faulty
\* @type: Set(VALUE);
InvalidValues, \* the set of invalid values, never proposed by the correct ones
\* @type: ROUND;
MaxRound, \* the maximal round number
\* @type: ROUND -> PROCESS;
Proposer \* the proposer function from Rounds to AllProcs
\* Time-related parameters
\* @type: TIME;
MaxTimestamp, \* the maximal value of the clock tick
\* @type: TIME;
MinTimestamp, \* the minimal value of the clock tick
\* @type: TIME;
Delay, \* message delay
\* @type: TIME;
Precision \* clock precision: the maximal difference between two local clocks
ASSUME(N = Cardinality(Corr \union Faulty))
(*************************** DEFINITIONS ************************************)
\* @type: Set(PROCESS);
AllProcs == Corr \union Faulty \* the set of all processes
\* @type: Set(ROUND);
Rounds == 0..MaxRound \* the set of potential rounds
\* @type: Set(TIME);
Timestamps == 0..MaxTimestamp \* the set of clock ticks
\* @type: ROUND;
NilRound == -1 \* a special value to denote a nil round, outside of Rounds
\* @type: TIME;
NilTimestamp == -1 \* a special value to denote a nil timestamp, outside of Ticks
\* @type: Set(ROUND);
RoundsOrNil == Rounds \union {NilRound}
\* @type: Set(VALUE);
Values == ValidValues \union InvalidValues \* the set of all values
\* @type: VALUE;
NilValue == "None" \* a special value for a nil round, outside of Values
\* @type: Set(PROPOSAL);
Proposals == Values \X Timestamps \X Rounds
\* @type: PROPOSAL;
NilProposal == <<NilValue, NilTimestamp, NilRound>>
\* @type: Set(VALUE);
ValuesOrNil == Values \union {NilValue}
\* @type: Set(DECISION);
Decisions == Proposals \X Rounds
\* @type: DECISION;
NilDecision == <<NilProposal, NilRound>>
ValidProposals == ValidValues \X (MinTimestamp..MaxTimestamp) \X Rounds
\* a value hash is modeled as identity
\* @type: (t) => t;
Id(v) == v
\* The validity predicate
\* @type: (PROPOSAL) => Bool;
IsValid(p) == p \in ValidProposals
\* Time validity check. If we want MaxTimestamp = \infty, set ValidTime(t) == TRUE
ValidTime(t) == t < MaxTimestamp
\* @type: (PROPMESSAGE) => VALUE;
MessageValue(msg) == msg.proposal[1]
\* @type: (PROPMESSAGE) => TIME;
MessageTime(msg) == msg.proposal[2]
\* @type: (PROPMESSAGE) => ROUND;
MessageRound(msg) == msg.proposal[3]
\* @type: (TIME, TIME) => Bool;
IsTimely(processTime, messageTime) ==
/\ processTime >= messageTime - Precision
/\ processTime <= messageTime + Precision + Delay
\* the two thresholds that are used in the algorithm
\* @type: Int;
THRESHOLD1 == T + 1 \* at least one process is not faulty
\* @type: Int;
THRESHOLD2 == 2 * T + 1 \* a quorum when having N > 3 * T
\* @type: (TIME, TIME) => TIME;
Min2(a,b) == IF a <= b THEN a ELSE b
\* @type: (Set(TIME)) => TIME;
Min(S) == FoldSet( Min2, MaxTimestamp, S )
\* Min(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : \A y \in S : x <= y
\* @type: (TIME, TIME) => TIME;
Max2(a,b) == IF a >= b THEN a ELSE b
\* @type: (Set(TIME)) => TIME;
Max(S) == FoldSet( Max2, NilTimestamp, S )
\* Max(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : \A y \in S : y <= x
\* @type: (Set(MESSAGE)) => Int;
Card(S) ==
\* @type: (Int, MESSAGE) => Int;
PlusOne(i, m) == i + 1
IN FoldSet( PlusOne, 0, S )
(********************* PROTOCOL STATE VARIABLES ******************************)
\* @type: PROCESS -> ROUND;
round, \* a process round number
\* @type: PROCESS -> STEP;
step, \* a process step
\* @type: PROCESS -> DECISION;
decision, \* process decision
\* @type: PROCESS -> VALUE;
lockedValue, \* a locked value
\* @type: PROCESS -> ROUND;
lockedRound, \* a locked round
\* @type: PROCESS -> PROPOSAL;
validValue, \* a valid value
\* @type: PROCESS -> ROUND;
validRound \* a valid round
coreVars ==
<<round, step, decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
\* time-related variables
\* @type: PROCESS -> TIME;
localClock, \* a process local clock: Corr -> Ticks
\* @type: TIME;
realTime \* a reference Newtonian real time
temporalVars == <<localClock, realTime>>
\* book-keeping variables
\* @type: ROUND -> Set(PROPMESSAGE);
msgsPropose, \* PROPOSE messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
\* @type: ROUND -> Set(PREMESSAGE);
msgsPrevote, \* PREVOTE messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
\* @type: ROUND -> Set(PREMESSAGE);
msgsPrecommit, \* PRECOMMIT messages broadcast in the system, Rounds -> Messages
\* @type: Set(MESSAGE);
evidence, \* the messages that were used by the correct processes to make transitions
\* @type: ACTION;
action, \* we use this variable to see which action was taken
\* @type: PROCESS -> Set(PROPMESSAGE);
receivedTimelyProposal, \* used to keep track when a process receives a timely PROPOSAL message
\* @type: <<ROUND,PROCESS>> -> TIME;
inspectedProposal \* used to keep track when a process tries to receive a message
\* Action is excluded from the tuple, because it always changes
bookkeepingVars ==
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
evidence, (*action,*) receivedTimelyProposal,
\* Invariant support
\* @type: ROUND -> TIME;
beginRound, \* the minimum of the local clocks at the time any process entered a new round
\* @type: PROCESS -> TIME;
endConsensus, \* the local time when a decision is made
\* @type: ROUND -> TIME;
lastBeginRound, \* the maximum of the local clocks in each round
\* @type: ROUND -> TIME;
proposalTime, \* the real time when a proposer proposes in a round
\* @type: ROUND -> TIME;
proposalReceivedTime \* the real time when a correct process first receives a proposal message in a round
invariantVars ==
<<beginRound, endConsensus, lastBeginRound,
proposalTime, proposalReceivedTime>>
(* to see a type invariant, check TendermintAccInv3 *)
(********************* PROTOCOL INITIALIZATION ******************************)
\* @type: (ROUND) => Set(PROPMESSAGE);
FaultyProposals(r) ==
type : {"PROPOSAL"},
src : Faulty,
round : {r},
proposal : Proposals,
validRound: RoundsOrNil
\* @type: Set(PROPMESSAGE);
AllFaultyProposals ==
type : {"PROPOSAL"},
src : Faulty,
round : Rounds,
proposal : Proposals,
validRound: RoundsOrNil
\* @type: (ROUND) => Set(PREMESSAGE);
FaultyPrevotes(r) ==
type : {"PREVOTE"},
src : Faulty,
round: {r},
id : Proposals
\* @type: Set(PREMESSAGE);
AllFaultyPrevotes ==
type : {"PREVOTE"},
src : Faulty,
round: Rounds,
id : Proposals
\* @type: (ROUND) => Set(PREMESSAGE);
FaultyPrecommits(r) ==
type : {"PRECOMMIT"},
src : Faulty,
round: {r},
id : Proposals
\* @type: Set(PREMESSAGE);
AllFaultyPrecommits ==
type : {"PRECOMMIT"},
src : Faulty,
round: Rounds,
id : Proposals
\* @type: Set(PROPMESSAGE);
AllProposals ==
type : {"PROPOSAL"},
src : AllProcs,
round : Rounds,
proposal : Proposals,
validRound: RoundsOrNil
\* @type: (ROUND) => Set(PROPMESSAGE);
RoundProposals(r) ==
type : {"PROPOSAL"},
src : AllProcs,
round : {r},
proposal : Proposals,
validRound: RoundsOrNil
\* @type: (ROUND -> Set(MESSAGE)) => Bool;
BenignRoundsInMessages(msgfun) ==
\* the message function never contains a message for a wrong round
\A r \in Rounds:
\A m \in msgfun[r]:
r = m.round
\* The initial states of the protocol. Some faults can be in the system already.
Init ==
/\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
/\ localClock \in [Corr -> MinTimestamp..(MinTimestamp + Precision)]
/\ realTime = 0
/\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
/\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilDecision]
/\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
/\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilProposal]
/\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
/\ msgsPropose \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyProposals]
/\ msgsPrevote \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyPrevotes]
/\ msgsPrecommit \in [Rounds -> SUBSET AllFaultyPrecommits]
/\ receivedTimelyProposal = [p \in Corr |-> {}]
/\ inspectedProposal = [r \in Rounds, p \in Corr |-> NilTimestamp]
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPropose)
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrevote)
/\ BenignRoundsInMessages(msgsPrecommit)
/\ evidence = {}
/\ action' = "Init"
/\ beginRound =
[r \in Rounds |->
IF r = 0
THEN Min({localClock[p] : p \in Corr})
ELSE MaxTimestamp
/\ endConsensus = [p \in Corr |-> NilTimestamp]
/\ lastBeginRound =
[r \in Rounds |->
IF r = 0
THEN Max({localClock[p] : p \in Corr})
ELSE NilTimestamp
/\ proposalTime = [r \in Rounds |-> NilTimestamp]
/\ proposalReceivedTime = [r \in Rounds |-> NilTimestamp]
(************************ MESSAGE PASSING ********************************)
\* @type: (PROCESS, ROUND, PROPOSAL, ROUND) => Bool;
BroadcastProposal(pSrc, pRound, pProposal, pValidRound) ==
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
newMsg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> pSrc,
round |-> pRound,
proposal |-> pProposal,
validRound |-> pValidRound
/\ msgsPropose' = [msgsPropose EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPropose[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
\* @type: (PROCESS, ROUND, PROPOSAL) => Bool;
BroadcastPrevote(pSrc, pRound, pId) ==
\* @type: PREMESSAGE;
newMsg ==
type |-> "PREVOTE",
src |-> pSrc,
round |-> pRound,
id |-> pId
/\ msgsPrevote' = [msgsPrevote EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPrevote[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
\* @type: (PROCESS, ROUND, PROPOSAL) => Bool;
BroadcastPrecommit(pSrc, pRound, pId) ==
\* @type: PREMESSAGE;
newMsg ==
type |-> "PRECOMMIT",
src |-> pSrc,
round |-> pRound,
id |-> pId
/\ msgsPrecommit' = [msgsPrecommit EXCEPT ![pRound] = msgsPrecommit[pRound] \union {newMsg}]
(***************************** TIME **************************************)
\* @type: Bool;
SynchronizedLocalClocks ==
\A p \in Corr : \A q \in Corr :
p /= q =>
\/ /\ localClock[p] >= localClock[q]
/\ localClock[p] - localClock[q] < Precision
\/ /\ localClock[p] < localClock[q]
/\ localClock[q] - localClock[p] < Precision
Proposal(v, t, r) ==
<<v, t, r>>
Decision(p, r) ==
<<p, r>>
(**************** MESSAGE PROCESSING TRANSITIONS *************************)
\* lines 12-13
\* @type: (PROCESS, ROUND) => Bool;
StartRound(p, r) ==
/\ step[p] /= "DECIDED" \* a decided process does not participate in consensus
/\ round' = [round EXCEPT ![p] = r]
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PROPOSE"]
\* We only need to update (last)beginRound[r] once a process enters round `r`
/\ beginRound' = [beginRound EXCEPT ![r] = Min2(@, localClock[p])]
/\ lastBeginRound' = [lastBeginRound EXCEPT ![r] = Max2(@, localClock[p])]
\* lines 14-19, a proposal may be sent later
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
InsertProposal(p) ==
LET r == round[p] IN
/\ p = Proposer[r]
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE"
\* if the proposer is sending a proposal, then there are no other proposals
\* by the correct processes for the same round
/\ \A m \in msgsPropose[r]: m.src /= p
\* /\ localClock[p] >
/\ \E v \in ValidValues:
LET proposal ==
IF validValue[p] /= NilProposal
THEN validValue[p]
ELSE Proposal(v, localClock[p], r)
/\ BroadcastProposal(p, r, proposal, validRound[p])
/\ proposalTime' = [proposalTime EXCEPT ![r] = realTime]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, coreVars>>
<<(*msgsPropose,*) msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
evidence, receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
<<beginRound, endConsensus, lastBeginRound,
(*proposalTime,*) proposalReceivedTime>>
/\ action' = "InsertProposal"
\* a new action used to filter messages that are not on time
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
ReceiveProposal(p) ==
\E v \in Values, t \in Timestamps:
/\ LET r == round[p] IN
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
msg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> Proposer[round[p]],
round |-> round[p],
proposal |-> Proposal(v, t, r),
validRound |-> NilRound
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[round[p]]
/\ inspectedProposal[r,p] = NilTimestamp
/\ msg \notin receivedTimelyProposal[p]
/\ inspectedProposal' = [inspectedProposal EXCEPT ![r,p] = localClock[p]]
/\ LET
isTimely == IsTimely(localClock[p], t)
\/ /\ isTimely
/\ receivedTimelyProposal' = [receivedTimelyProposal EXCEPT ![p] = @ \union {msg}]
/\ LET
isNilTimestamp == proposalReceivedTime[r] = NilTimestamp
\/ /\ isNilTimestamp
/\ proposalReceivedTime' = [proposalReceivedTime EXCEPT ![r] = realTime]
\/ /\ ~isNilTimestamp
/\ UNCHANGED proposalReceivedTime
\/ /\ ~isTimely
/\ UNCHANGED <<receivedTimelyProposal, proposalReceivedTime>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, coreVars>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
evidence(*, receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal*)>>
<<beginRound, endConsensus, lastBeginRound,
proposalTime(*, proposalReceivedTime*)>>
/\ action' = "ReceiveProposal"
\* lines 22-27
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponProposalInPropose(p) ==
\E v \in Values, t \in Timestamps:
r == round[p]
\* @type: PROPOSAL;
prop == Proposal(v,t,r)
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE" (* line 22 *)
/\ LET
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
msg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> Proposer[r],
round |-> r,
proposal |-> prop,
validRound |-> NilRound
/\ msg \in receivedTimelyProposal[p] \* updated line 22
/\ evidence' = {msg} \union evidence
/\ LET mid == (* line 23 *)
IF IsValid(prop) /\ (lockedRound[p] = NilRound \/ lockedValue[p] = v)
THEN Id(prop)
ELSE NilProposal
BroadcastPrevote(p, r, mid) \* lines 24-26
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, (*msgsPrevote,*) msgsPrecommit,
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPropose"
\* lines 28-33
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote(p) ==
\E v \in Values, t \in Timestamps, vr \in Rounds, pr \in Rounds:
r == round[p]
\* @type: PROPOSAL;
prop == Proposal(v,t,pr)
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE" /\ 0 <= vr /\ vr < r \* line 28, the while part
/\ pr <= vr
/\ LET
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
msg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> Proposer[r],
round |-> r,
proposal |-> prop,
validRound |-> vr
\* Changed from 001: no need to re-check timeliness
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[r] \* line 28
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[vr]: = Id(prop) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 28
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ LET mid == (* line 29 *)
IF IsValid(prop) /\ (lockedRound[p] <= vr \/ lockedValue[p] = v)
THEN Id(prop)
ELSE NilProposal
BroadcastPrevote(p, r, mid) \* lines 24-26
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, (*msgsPrevote,*) msgsPrecommit,
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote"
\* lines 34-35 + lines 61-64 (onTimeoutPrevote)
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PREVOTE" \* line 34 and 61
/\ \E MyEvidence \in SUBSET msgsPrevote[round[p]]:
\* find the unique voters in the evidence
LET Voters == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
\* compare the number of the unique voters against the threshold
/\ Cardinality(Voters) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 34
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, round[p], NilProposal)
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PRECOMMIT"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, (*msgsPrecommit, *)
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny"
\* lines 36-46
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote(p) ==
\E v \in ValidValues, t \in Timestamps, vr \in RoundsOrNil:
r == round[p]
\* @type: PROPOSAL;
prop == Proposal(v,t,r)
/\ step[p] \in {"PREVOTE", "PRECOMMIT"} \* line 36
/\ LET
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
msg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> Proposer[r],
round |-> r,
proposal |-> prop,
validRound |-> vr
\* Changed from 001: no need to re-check timeliness
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[r] \* line 36
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[r]: = Id(prop) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 36
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ IF step[p] = "PREVOTE"
THEN \* lines 38-41:
/\ lockedValue' = [lockedValue EXCEPT ![p] = v]
/\ lockedRound' = [lockedRound EXCEPT ![p] = r]
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, r, Id(prop))
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PRECOMMIT"]
UNCHANGED <<lockedValue, lockedRound, msgsPrecommit, step>>
\* lines 42-43
/\ validValue' = [validValue EXCEPT ![p] = prop]
/\ validRound' = [validRound EXCEPT ![p] = r]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision(*, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound*)>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, (*msgsPrecommit, *)
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote"
\* lines 47-48 + 65-67 (onTimeoutPrecommit)
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny(p) ==
/\ \E MyEvidence \in SUBSET msgsPrecommit[round[p]]:
\* find the unique committers in the evidence
LET Committers == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
\* compare the number of the unique committers against the threshold
/\ Cardinality(Committers) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 47
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ round[p] + 1 \in Rounds
/\ StartRound(p, round[p] + 1)
/\ UNCHANGED temporalVars
<<(*beginRound,*) endConsensus, (*lastBeginRound,*)
proposalTime, proposalReceivedTime>>
<<(*round, step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny"
\* lines 49-54
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision(p) ==
/\ decision[p] = NilDecision \* line 49
/\ \E v \in ValidValues, t \in Timestamps (* line 50*) , r \in Rounds, pr \in Rounds, vr \in RoundsOrNil:
\* @type: PROPOSAL;
prop == Proposal(v,t,pr)
/\ LET
\* @type: PROPMESSAGE;
msg ==
type |-> "PROPOSAL",
src |-> Proposer[r],
round |-> r,
proposal |-> prop,
validRound |-> vr
/\ msg \in msgsPropose[r] \* line 49
/\ inspectedProposal[r,p] /= NilTimestamp \* Keep?
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrecommit[r]: = Id(prop) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 49
/\ evidence' = PV \union {msg} \union evidence
/\ decision' = [decision EXCEPT ![p] = Decision(prop, r)] \* update the decision, line 51
\* The original algorithm does not have 'DECIDED', but it increments the height.
\* We introduced 'DECIDED' here to prevent the process from changing its decision.
/\ endConsensus' = [endConsensus EXCEPT ![p] = localClock[p]]
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "DECIDED"]
/\ UNCHANGED temporalVars
<<round, (*step, decision,*) lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
<<beginRound, (*endConsensus,*) lastBeginRound,
proposalTime, proposalReceivedTime>>
/\ action' = "UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision"
\* the actions below are not essential for safety, but added for completeness
\* lines 20-21 + 57-60
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
OnTimeoutPropose(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PROPOSE"
/\ p /= Proposer[round[p]]
/\ BroadcastPrevote(p, round[p], NilProposal)
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PREVOTE"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, (*msgsPrevote,*) msgsPrecommit,
evidence, receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "OnTimeoutPropose"
\* lines 44-46
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes(p) ==
/\ step[p] = "PREVOTE"
/\ LET PV == { m \in msgsPrevote[round[p]]: = Id(NilProposal) } IN
/\ Cardinality(PV) >= THRESHOLD2 \* line 36
/\ evidence' = PV \union evidence
/\ BroadcastPrecommit(p, round[p], Id(NilProposal))
/\ step' = [step EXCEPT ![p] = "PRECOMMIT"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<temporalVars, invariantVars>>
<<round, (*step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, (*msgsPrecommit,*)
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes"
\* lines 55-56
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
OnRoundCatchup(p) ==
\E r \in {rr \in Rounds: rr > round[p]}:
LET RoundMsgs == msgsPropose[r] \union msgsPrevote[r] \union msgsPrecommit[r] IN
\E MyEvidence \in SUBSET RoundMsgs:
LET Faster == { m.src: m \in MyEvidence } IN
/\ Cardinality(Faster) >= THRESHOLD1
/\ evidence' = MyEvidence \union evidence
/\ StartRound(p, r)
/\ UNCHANGED temporalVars
<<(*beginRound,*) endConsensus, (*lastBeginRound,*)
proposalTime, proposalReceivedTime>>
<<(*round, step,*) decision, lockedValue,
lockedRound, validValue, validRound>>
<<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit,
(*evidence,*) receivedTimelyProposal, inspectedProposal>>
/\ action' = "OnRoundCatchup"
(********************* PROTOCOL TRANSITIONS ******************************)
\* advance the global clock
\* @type: Bool;
AdvanceRealTime ==
/\ ValidTime(realTime)
/\ \E t \in Timestamps:
/\ t > realTime
/\ realTime' = t
/\ localClock' = [p \in Corr |-> localClock[p] + (t - realTime)]
/\ UNCHANGED <<coreVars, bookkeepingVars, invariantVars>>
/\ action' = "AdvanceRealTime"
\* advance the local clock of node p to some larger time t, not necessarily by 1
\* #type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
\* AdvanceLocalClock(p) ==
\* /\ ValidTime(localClock[p])
\* /\ \E t \in Timestamps:
\* /\ t > localClock[p]
\* /\ localClock' = [localClock EXCEPT ![p] = t]
\* /\ UNCHANGED <<coreVars, bookkeepingVars, invariantVars>>
\* /\ UNCHANGED realTime
\* /\ action' = "AdvanceLocalClock"
\* process timely messages
\* @type: (PROCESS) => Bool;
MessageProcessing(p) ==
\* start round
\/ InsertProposal(p)
\* reception step
\/ ReceiveProposal(p)
\* processing step
\/ UponProposalInPropose(p)
\/ UponProposalInProposeAndPrevote(p)
\/ UponQuorumOfPrevotesAny(p)
\/ UponProposalInPrevoteOrCommitAndPrevote(p)
\/ UponQuorumOfPrecommitsAny(p)
\/ UponProposalInPrecommitNoDecision(p)
\* the actions below are not essential for safety, but added for completeness
\/ OnTimeoutPropose(p)
\/ OnQuorumOfNilPrevotes(p)
\/ OnRoundCatchup(p)
* A system transition. In this specificatiom, the system may eventually deadlock,
* e.g., when all processes decide. This is expected behavior, as we focus on safety.
Next ==
\/ AdvanceRealTime
\/ /\ SynchronizedLocalClocks
/\ \E p \in Corr: MessageProcessing(p)
(*************************** INVARIANTS *************************************)
AgreementOnValue ==
\A p, q \in Corr:
/\ decision[p] /= NilDecision
/\ decision[q] /= NilDecision
=> \E v \in ValidValues, t \in Timestamps, pr \in Rounds, r1 \in Rounds, r2 \in Rounds :
LET prop == Proposal(v,t,pr)
/\ decision[p] = Decision(prop, r1)
/\ decision[q] = Decision(prop, r2)
ConsensusTimeValid ==
\A p \in Corr:
\* if a process decides on v and t
\E v \in ValidValues, t \in Timestamps, pr \in Rounds, dr \in Rounds :
decision[p] = Decision(Proposal(v,t,pr), dr)
\* then
\* TODO: consider tighter bound where beginRound[pr] is replaced
\* w/ MedianOfRound[pr]
=> (/\ beginRound[pr] - Precision - Delay <= t
/\ t <= endConsensus[p] + Precision)
ConsensusSafeValidCorrProp ==
\A v \in ValidValues:
\* and there exists a process that decided on v, t
/\ \E p \in Corr, t \in Timestamps, pr \in Rounds, dr \in Rounds :
\* if the proposer in the round is correct
(/\ Proposer[pr] \in Corr
/\ decision[p] = Decision(Proposal(v,t,pr), dr))
\* then t is between the minimal and maximal initial local time
=> /\ beginRound[pr] <= t
/\ t <= lastBeginRound[pr]
ConsensusRealTimeValidCorr ==
\A r \in Rounds :
\E p \in Corr, v \in ValidValues, t \in Timestamps, pr \in Rounds:
(/\ decision[p] = Decision(Proposal(v,t,pr), r)
/\ proposalTime[r] /= NilTimestamp)
=> (/\ proposalTime[r] - Precision <= t
/\ t <= proposalTime[r] + Precision)
ConsensusRealTimeValid ==
\A t \in Timestamps, r \in Rounds :
(\E p \in Corr, v \in ValidValues, pr \in Rounds :
decision[p] = Decision(Proposal(v,t,pr), r))
=> /\ proposalReceivedTime[r] - Precision < t
/\ t < proposalReceivedTime[r] + Precision + Delay
DecideAfterMin == TRUE
\* if decide => time > min
BoundedDelay ==
\A r \in Rounds :
(/\ proposalTime[r] /= NilTimestamp
/\ proposalTime[r] + Delay < realTime)
=> \A p \in Corr: inspectedProposal[r,p] /= NilTimestamp
ConsensusTimeLive ==
\A r \in Rounds, p \in Corr :
(/\ proposalTime[r] /= NilTimestamp
/\ proposalTime[r] + Delay < realTime
/\ Proposer[r] \in Corr
/\ round[p] <= r)
=> \E msg \in RoundProposals(r) : msg \in receivedTimelyProposal[p]
\* a conjunction of all invariants
Inv ==
/\ AgreementOnValue
/\ ConsensusTimeValid
/\ ConsensusSafeValidCorrProp
\* /\ ConsensusRealTimeValid
\* /\ ConsensusRealTimeValidCorr
\* /\ BoundedDelay
\* Liveness ==
\* ConsensusTimeLive