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package types
import (
abci ""
cryptoenc ""
tmproto ""
// Use strings to distinguish types in ABCI messages
const (
ABCIPubKeyTypeEd25519 = ed25519.KeyType
ABCIPubKeyTypeSecp256k1 = secp256k1.KeyType
// TODO: Make non-global by allowing for registration of more pubkey types
var ABCIPubKeyTypesToNames = map[string]string{
ABCIPubKeyTypeEd25519: ed25519.PubKeyName,
ABCIPubKeyTypeSecp256k1: secp256k1.PubKeyName,
// TM2PB is used for converting Tendermint ABCI to protobuf ABCI.
var TM2PB = tm2pb{}
type tm2pb struct{}
func (tm2pb) Header(header *Header) tmproto.Header {
return tmproto.Header{
Version: header.Version.ToProto(),
ChainID: header.ChainID,
Height: header.Height,
Time: header.Time,
LastBlockId: header.LastBlockID.ToProto(),
LastCommitHash: header.LastCommitHash,
DataHash: header.DataHash,
ValidatorsHash: header.ValidatorsHash,
NextValidatorsHash: header.NextValidatorsHash,
ConsensusHash: header.ConsensusHash,
AppHash: header.AppHash,
LastResultsHash: header.LastResultsHash,
EvidenceHash: header.EvidenceHash,
ProposerAddress: header.ProposerAddress,
func (tm2pb) Validator(val *Validator) abci.Validator {
return abci.Validator{
Address: val.PubKey.Address(),
Power: val.VotingPower,
func (tm2pb) BlockID(blockID BlockID) tmproto.BlockID {
return tmproto.BlockID{
Hash: blockID.Hash,
PartSetHeader: TM2PB.PartSetHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader),
func (tm2pb) PartSetHeader(header PartSetHeader) tmproto.PartSetHeader {
return tmproto.PartSetHeader{
Total: header.Total,
Hash: header.Hash,
// XXX: panics on unknown pubkey type
func (tm2pb) ValidatorUpdate(val *Validator) abci.ValidatorUpdate {
pk, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(val.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return abci.ValidatorUpdate{
PubKey: pk,
Power: val.VotingPower,
// XXX: panics on nil or unknown pubkey type
func (tm2pb) ValidatorUpdates(vals *ValidatorSet) []abci.ValidatorUpdate {
validators := make([]abci.ValidatorUpdate, vals.Size())
for i, val := range vals.Validators {
validators[i] = TM2PB.ValidatorUpdate(val)
return validators
// XXX: panics on nil or unknown pubkey type
func (tm2pb) NewValidatorUpdate(pubkey crypto.PubKey, power int64) abci.ValidatorUpdate {
pubkeyABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(pubkey)
if err != nil {
return abci.ValidatorUpdate{
PubKey: pubkeyABCI,
Power: power,
// PB2TM is used for converting protobuf ABCI to Tendermint ABCI.
var PB2TM = pb2tm{}
type pb2tm struct{}
func (pb2tm) ValidatorUpdates(vals []abci.ValidatorUpdate) ([]*Validator, error) {
tmVals := make([]*Validator, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
pub, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyFromProto(v.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmVals[i] = NewValidator(pub, v.Power)
return tmVals, nil