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package types
import (
tmjson ""
tmmath ""
tmproto ""
type RoundVoteSet struct {
Prevotes *types.VoteSet
Precommits *types.VoteSet
var (
ErrGotVoteFromUnwantedRound = errors.New(
"peer has sent a vote that does not match our round for more than one round",
Keeps track of all VoteSets from round 0 to round 'round'.
Also keeps track of up to one RoundVoteSet greater than
'round' from each peer, to facilitate catchup syncing of commits.
A commit is +2/3 precommits for a block at a round,
but which round is not known in advance, so when a peer
provides a precommit for a round greater than mtx.round,
we create a new entry in roundVoteSets but also remember the
peer to prevent abuse.
We let each peer provide us with up to 2 unexpected "catchup" rounds.
One for their LastCommit round, and another for the official commit round.
type HeightVoteSet struct {
chainID string
height int64
valSet *types.ValidatorSet
mtx sync.Mutex
round int32 // max tracked round
roundVoteSets map[int32]RoundVoteSet // keys: [0...round]
peerCatchupRounds map[p2p.NodeID][]int32 // keys: peer.ID; values: at most 2 rounds
func NewHeightVoteSet(chainID string, height int64, valSet *types.ValidatorSet) *HeightVoteSet {
hvs := &HeightVoteSet{
chainID: chainID,
hvs.Reset(height, valSet)
return hvs
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) Reset(height int64, valSet *types.ValidatorSet) {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
hvs.height = height
hvs.valSet = valSet
hvs.roundVoteSets = make(map[int32]RoundVoteSet)
hvs.peerCatchupRounds = make(map[p2p.NodeID][]int32)
hvs.round = 0
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) Height() int64 {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
return hvs.height
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) Round() int32 {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
return hvs.round
// Create more RoundVoteSets up to round.
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) SetRound(round int32) {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
newRound := tmmath.SafeSubInt32(hvs.round, 1)
if hvs.round != 0 && (round < newRound) {
panic("SetRound() must increment hvs.round")
for r := newRound; r <= round; r++ {
if _, ok := hvs.roundVoteSets[r]; ok {
continue // Already exists because peerCatchupRounds.
hvs.round = round
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) addRound(round int32) {
if _, ok := hvs.roundVoteSets[round]; ok {
panic("addRound() for an existing round")
// log.Debug("addRound(round)", "round", round)
prevotes := types.NewVoteSet(hvs.chainID, hvs.height, round, tmproto.PrevoteType, hvs.valSet)
precommits := types.NewVoteSet(hvs.chainID, hvs.height, round, tmproto.PrecommitType, hvs.valSet)
hvs.roundVoteSets[round] = RoundVoteSet{
Prevotes: prevotes,
Precommits: precommits,
// Duplicate votes return added=false, err=nil.
// By convention, peerID is "" if origin is self.
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) AddVote(vote *types.Vote, peerID p2p.NodeID) (added bool, err error) {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
if !types.IsVoteTypeValid(vote.Type) {
voteSet := hvs.getVoteSet(vote.Round, vote.Type)
if voteSet == nil {
if rndz := hvs.peerCatchupRounds[peerID]; len(rndz) < 2 {
voteSet = hvs.getVoteSet(vote.Round, vote.Type)
hvs.peerCatchupRounds[peerID] = append(rndz, vote.Round)
} else {
// punish peer
err = ErrGotVoteFromUnwantedRound
added, err = voteSet.AddVote(vote)
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) Prevotes(round int32) *types.VoteSet {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
return hvs.getVoteSet(round, tmproto.PrevoteType)
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) Precommits(round int32) *types.VoteSet {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
return hvs.getVoteSet(round, tmproto.PrecommitType)
// Last round and blockID that has +2/3 prevotes for a particular block or nil.
// Returns -1 if no such round exists.
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) POLInfo() (polRound int32, polBlockID types.BlockID) {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
for r := hvs.round; r >= 0; r-- {
rvs := hvs.getVoteSet(r, tmproto.PrevoteType)
polBlockID, ok := rvs.TwoThirdsMajority()
if ok {
return r, polBlockID
return -1, types.BlockID{}
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) getVoteSet(round int32, voteType tmproto.SignedMsgType) *types.VoteSet {
rvs, ok := hvs.roundVoteSets[round]
if !ok {
return nil
switch voteType {
case tmproto.PrevoteType:
return rvs.Prevotes
case tmproto.PrecommitType:
return rvs.Precommits
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected vote type %X", voteType))
// If a peer claims that it has 2/3 majority for given blockKey, call this.
// NOTE: if there are too many peers, or too much peer churn,
// this can cause memory issues.
// TODO: implement ability to remove peers too
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) SetPeerMaj23(
round int32,
voteType tmproto.SignedMsgType,
peerID p2p.NodeID,
blockID types.BlockID) error {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
if !types.IsVoteTypeValid(voteType) {
return fmt.Errorf("setPeerMaj23: Invalid vote type %X", voteType)
voteSet := hvs.getVoteSet(round, voteType)
if voteSet == nil {
return nil // something we don't know about yet
return voteSet.SetPeerMaj23(types.P2PID(peerID), blockID)
// string and json
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) String() string {
return hvs.StringIndented("")
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) StringIndented(indent string) string {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
vsStrings := make([]string, 0, (len(hvs.roundVoteSets)+1)*2)
// rounds 0 ~ hvs.round inclusive
for round := int32(0); round <= hvs.round; round++ {
voteSetString := hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Prevotes.StringShort()
vsStrings = append(vsStrings, voteSetString)
voteSetString = hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Precommits.StringShort()
vsStrings = append(vsStrings, voteSetString)
// all other peer catchup rounds
for round, roundVoteSet := range hvs.roundVoteSets {
if round <= hvs.round {
voteSetString := roundVoteSet.Prevotes.StringShort()
vsStrings = append(vsStrings, voteSetString)
voteSetString = roundVoteSet.Precommits.StringShort()
vsStrings = append(vsStrings, voteSetString)
return fmt.Sprintf(`HeightVoteSet{H:%v R:0~%v
%s %v
hvs.height, hvs.round,
indent, strings.Join(vsStrings, "\n"+indent+" "),
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer hvs.mtx.Unlock()
return tmjson.Marshal(hvs.toAllRoundVotes())
func (hvs *HeightVoteSet) toAllRoundVotes() []roundVotes {
totalRounds := hvs.round + 1
allVotes := make([]roundVotes, totalRounds)
// rounds 0 ~ hvs.round inclusive
for round := int32(0); round < totalRounds; round++ {
allVotes[round] = roundVotes{
Round: round,
Prevotes: hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Prevotes.VoteStrings(),
PrevotesBitArray: hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Prevotes.BitArrayString(),
Precommits: hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Precommits.VoteStrings(),
PrecommitsBitArray: hvs.roundVoteSets[round].Precommits.BitArrayString(),
// TODO: all other peer catchup rounds
return allVotes
type roundVotes struct {
Round int32 `json:"round"`
Prevotes []string `json:"prevotes"`
PrevotesBitArray string `json:"prevotes_bit_array"`
Precommits []string `json:"precommits"`
PrecommitsBitArray string `json:"precommits_bit_array"`