package pex
import (
wire ""
cmn ""
type Peer = p2p.Peer
const (
// PexChannel is a channel for PEX messages
PexChannel = byte(0x00)
maxPexMessageSize = 1048576 // 1MB
// ensure we have enough peers
defaultEnsurePeersPeriod = 30 * time.Second
defaultMinNumOutboundPeers = 10
// Seed/Crawler constants
// TODO:
// We want seeds to only advertise good peers.
// Peers are marked by external mechanisms.
// We need a config value that can be set to be
// on the order of how long it would take before a good
// peer is marked good.
defaultSeedDisconnectWaitPeriod = 2 * time.Minute // disconnect after this
defaultCrawlPeerInterval = 2 * time.Minute // dont redial for this. TODO: back-off
defaultCrawlPeersPeriod = 30 * time.Second // check some peers every this
// PEXReactor handles PEX (peer exchange) and ensures that an
// adequate number of peers are connected to the switch.
// It uses `AddrBook` (address book) to store `NetAddress`es of the peers.
// ## Preventing abuse
// Only accept pexAddrsMsg from peers we sent a corresponding pexRequestMsg too.
// Only accept one pexRequestMsg every ~defaultEnsurePeersPeriod.
type PEXReactor struct {
book AddrBook
config *PEXReactorConfig
ensurePeersPeriod time.Duration
// maps to prevent abuse
requestsSent *cmn.CMap // ID->struct{}: unanswered send requests
lastReceivedRequests *cmn.CMap // ID->time.Time: last time peer requested from us
attemptsToDial sync.Map // dial addr -> number of attempts to dial (for exponential backoff)
// PEXReactorConfig holds reactor specific configuration data.
type PEXReactorConfig struct {
// Seed/Crawler mode
SeedMode bool
// Seeds is a list of addresses reactor may use
// if it can't connect to peers in the addrbook.
Seeds []string
// NewPEXReactor creates new PEX reactor.
func NewPEXReactor(b AddrBook, config *PEXReactorConfig) *PEXReactor {
r := &PEXReactor{
book: b,
config: config,
ensurePeersPeriod: defaultEnsurePeersPeriod,
requestsSent: cmn.NewCMap(),
lastReceivedRequests: cmn.NewCMap(),
r.BaseReactor = *p2p.NewBaseReactor("PEXReactor", r)
return r
// OnStart implements BaseService
func (r *PEXReactor) OnStart() error {
if err := r.BaseReactor.OnStart(); err != nil {
return err
err :=
if err != nil && err != cmn.ErrAlreadyStarted {
return err
// return err if user provided a bad seed address
if err := r.checkSeeds(); err != nil {
return err
// Check if this node should run
// in seed/crawler mode
if r.config.SeedMode {
go r.crawlPeersRoutine()
} else {
go r.ensurePeersRoutine()
return nil
// OnStop implements BaseService
func (r *PEXReactor) OnStop() {
// GetChannels implements Reactor
func (r *PEXReactor) GetChannels() []*conn.ChannelDescriptor {
return []*conn.ChannelDescriptor{
ID: PexChannel,
Priority: 1,
SendQueueCapacity: 10,
// AddPeer implements Reactor by adding peer to the address book (if inbound)
// or by requesting more addresses (if outbound).
func (r *PEXReactor) AddPeer(p Peer) {
if p.IsOutbound() {
// For outbound peers, the address is already in the books -
// either via DialPeersAsync or r.Receive.
// Ask it for more peers if we need.
if {
} else {
// For inbound peers, the peer is its own source,
// and its NodeInfo has already been validated.
// Let the ensurePeersRoutine handle asking for more
// peers when we need - we don't trust inbound peers as much.
addr := p.NodeInfo().NetAddress()
|, addr)
// RemovePeer implements Reactor.
func (r *PEXReactor) RemovePeer(p Peer, reason interface{}) {
id := string(p.ID())
// Receive implements Reactor by handling incoming PEX messages.
func (r *PEXReactor) Receive(chID byte, src Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
_, msg, err := DecodeMessage(msgBytes)
if err != nil {
r.Logger.Error("Error decoding message", "err", err)
r.Logger.Debug("Received message", "src", src, "chId", chID, "msg", msg)
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *pexRequestMessage:
// Check we're not receiving too many requests
if err := r.receiveRequest(src); err != nil {
r.Switch.StopPeerForError(src, err)
// Seeds disconnect after sending a batch of addrs
if r.config.SeedMode {
// TODO: should we be more selective ?
} else {
case *pexAddrsMessage:
// If we asked for addresses, add them to the book
if err := r.ReceiveAddrs(msg.Addrs, src); err != nil {
r.Switch.StopPeerForError(src, err)
r.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown message type %v", reflect.TypeOf(msg)))
func (r *PEXReactor) receiveRequest(src Peer) error {
id := string(src.ID())
v := r.lastReceivedRequests.Get(id)
if v == nil {
// initialize with empty time
lastReceived := time.Time{}
r.lastReceivedRequests.Set(id, lastReceived)
return nil
lastReceived := v.(time.Time)
if lastReceived.Equal(time.Time{}) {
// first time gets a free pass. then we start tracking the time
lastReceived = time.Now()
r.lastReceivedRequests.Set(id, lastReceived)
return nil
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(lastReceived) < r.ensurePeersPeriod/3 {
return fmt.Errorf("Peer (%v) is sending too many PEX requests. Disconnecting", src.ID())
r.lastReceivedRequests.Set(id, now)
return nil
// RequestAddrs asks peer for more addresses if we do not already
// have a request out for this peer.
func (r *PEXReactor) RequestAddrs(p Peer) {
id := string(p.ID())
if r.requestsSent.Has(id) {
r.requestsSent.Set(id, struct{}{})
p.Send(PexChannel, struct{ PexMessage }{&pexRequestMessage{}})
// ReceiveAddrs adds the given addrs to the addrbook if theres an open
// request for this peer and deletes the open request.
// If there's no open request for the src peer, it returns an error.
func (r *PEXReactor) ReceiveAddrs(addrs []*p2p.NetAddress, src Peer) error {
id := string(src.ID())
if !r.requestsSent.Has(id) {
return errors.New("Received unsolicited pexAddrsMessage")
srcAddr := src.NodeInfo().NetAddress()
for _, netAddr := range addrs {
if netAddr != nil {
|, srcAddr)
return nil
// SendAddrs sends addrs to the peer.
func (r *PEXReactor) SendAddrs(p Peer, netAddrs []*p2p.NetAddress) {
p.Send(PexChannel, struct{ PexMessage }{&pexAddrsMessage{Addrs: netAddrs}})
// SetEnsurePeersPeriod sets period to ensure peers connected.
func (r *PEXReactor) SetEnsurePeersPeriod(d time.Duration) {
r.ensurePeersPeriod = d
// Ensures that sufficient peers are connected. (continuous)
func (r *PEXReactor) ensurePeersRoutine() {
var (
seed = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
jitter = seed.Int63n(r.ensurePeersPeriod.Nanoseconds())
// Randomize first round of communication to avoid thundering herd.
// If no potential peers are present directly start connecting so we guarantee
// swift setup with the help of configured seeds.
if r.hasPotentialPeers() {
// fire once immediately.
// ensures we dial the seeds right away if the book is empty
// fire periodically
ticker := time.NewTicker(r.ensurePeersPeriod)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-r.Quit():
// ensurePeers ensures that sufficient peers are connected. (once)
// heuristic that we haven't perfected yet, or, perhaps is manually edited by
// the node operator. It should not be used to compute what addresses are
// already connected or not.
func (r *PEXReactor) ensurePeers() {
var (
out, in, dial = r.Switch.NumPeers()
numToDial = defaultMinNumOutboundPeers - (out + dial)
"Ensure peers",
"numOutPeers", out,
"numInPeers", in,
"numDialing", dial,
"numToDial", numToDial,
if numToDial <= 0 {
// bias to prefer more vetted peers when we have fewer connections.
// not perfect, but somewhate ensures that we prioritize connecting to more-vetted
// NOTE: range here is [10, 90]. Too high ?
newBias := cmn.MinInt(out, 8)*10 + 10
toDial := make(map[p2p.ID]*p2p.NetAddress)
// Try maxAttempts times to pick numToDial addresses to dial
maxAttempts := numToDial * 3
for i := 0; i < maxAttempts && len(toDial) < numToDial; i++ {
try :=
if try == nil {
if _, selected := toDial[try.ID]; selected {
if dialling := r.Switch.IsDialing(try.ID); dialling {
if connected := r.Switch.Peers().Has(try.ID); connected {
r.Logger.Info("Will dial address", "addr", try)
toDial[try.ID] = try
// Dial picked addresses
for _, addr := range toDial {
go r.dialPeer(addr)
// If we need more addresses, pick a random peer and ask for more.
if {
peers := r.Switch.Peers().List()
peersCount := len(peers)
if peersCount > 0 {
peer := peers[rand.Int()%peersCount] // nolint: gas
r.Logger.Info("We need more addresses. Sending pexRequest to random peer", "peer", peer)
// If we are not connected to nor dialing anybody, fallback to dialing a seed.
if out+in+dial+len(toDial) == 0 {
r.Logger.Info("No addresses to dial nor connected peers. Falling back to seeds")
func (r *PEXReactor) dialPeer(addr *p2p.NetAddress) {
// 1s == (1e9 ns) == (1 Billion ns)
billionNs := float64(time.Second.Nanoseconds())
// exponential backoff if it's not our first attempt to dial given address
var attempts int
if lAttempts, attempted := r.attemptsToDial.Load(addr.DialString()); attempted {
attempts = lAttempts.(int)
jitterSeconds := time.Duration(rand.Float64() * billionNs)
backoffDuration := jitterSeconds + ((1 << uint(attempts)) * time.Second)
r.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Dialing %v", addr), "attempts", attempts, "backoff_duration", backoffDuration)
err := r.Switch.DialPeerWithAddress(addr, false)
if err != nil {
r.Logger.Error("Dialing failed", "err", err)
// TODO: detect more "bad peer" scenarios
if _, ok := err.(p2p.ErrSwitchAuthenticationFailure); ok {
} else {
// record attempt
r.attemptsToDial.Store(addr.DialString(), attempts+1)
} else {
// cleanup any history
// check seed addresses are well formed
func (r *PEXReactor) checkSeeds() error {
lSeeds := len(r.config.Seeds)
if lSeeds == 0 {
return nil
_, errs := p2p.NewNetAddressStrings(r.config.Seeds)
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// randomly dial seeds until we connect to one or exhaust them
func (r *PEXReactor) dialSeeds() {
lSeeds := len(r.config.Seeds)
if lSeeds == 0 {
seedAddrs, _ := p2p.NewNetAddressStrings(r.config.Seeds)
perm := rand.Perm(lSeeds)
// perm := r.Switch.rng.Perm(lSeeds)
for _, i := range perm {
// dial a random seed
seedAddr := seedAddrs[i]
err := r.Switch.DialPeerWithAddress(seedAddr, false)
if err == nil {
r.Switch.Logger.Error("Error dialing seed", "err", err, "seed", seedAddr)
r.Switch.Logger.Error("Couldn't connect to any seeds")
// Explores the network searching for more peers. (continuous)
// Seed/Crawler Mode causes this node to quickly disconnect
// from peers, except other seed nodes.
func (r *PEXReactor) crawlPeersRoutine() {
// Do an initial crawl
// Fire periodically
ticker := time.NewTicker(defaultCrawlPeersPeriod)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-r.Quit():
// hasPotentialPeers indicates if there is a potential peer to connect to, by
// consulting the Switch as well as the AddrBook.
func (r *PEXReactor) hasPotentialPeers() bool {
out, in, dial := r.Switch.NumPeers()
return out+in+dial > 0 && len( > 0
// crawlPeerInfo handles temporary data needed for the
// network crawling performed during seed/crawler mode.
type crawlPeerInfo struct {
// The listening address of a potential peer we learned about
Addr *p2p.NetAddress
// The last time we attempt to reach this address
LastAttempt time.Time
// The last time we successfully reached this address
LastSuccess time.Time
// oldestFirst implements sort.Interface for []crawlPeerInfo
// based on the LastAttempt field.
type oldestFirst []crawlPeerInfo
func (of oldestFirst) Len() int { return len(of) }
func (of oldestFirst) Swap(i, j int) { of[i], of[j] = of[j], of[i] }
func (of oldestFirst) Less(i, j int) bool { return of[i].LastAttempt.Before(of[j].LastAttempt) }
// getPeersToCrawl returns addresses of potential peers that we wish to validate.
// NOTE: The status information is ordered as described above.
func (r *PEXReactor) getPeersToCrawl() []crawlPeerInfo {
var of oldestFirst
// TODO: be more selective
addrs :=
for _, addr := range addrs {
if len(addr.ID()) == 0 {
continue // dont use peers without id
of = append(of, crawlPeerInfo{
Addr: addr.Addr,
LastAttempt: addr.LastAttempt,
LastSuccess: addr.LastSuccess,
return of
// crawlPeers will crawl the network looking for new peer addresses. (once)
func (r *PEXReactor) crawlPeers() {
peerInfos := r.getPeersToCrawl()
now := time.Now()
// Use addresses we know of to reach additional peers
for _, pi := range peerInfos {
// Do not attempt to connect with peers we recently dialed
if now.Sub(pi.LastAttempt) < defaultCrawlPeerInterval {
// Otherwise, attempt to connect with the known address
err := r.Switch.DialPeerWithAddress(pi.Addr, false)
if err != nil {
// Crawl the connected peers asking for more addresses
for _, pi := range peerInfos {
// We will wait a minimum period of time before crawling peers again
if now.Sub(pi.LastAttempt) >= defaultCrawlPeerInterval {
peer := r.Switch.Peers().Get(pi.Addr.ID)
if peer != nil {
// attemptDisconnects checks if we've been with each peer long enough to disconnect
func (r *PEXReactor) attemptDisconnects() {
for _, peer := range r.Switch.Peers().List() {
status := peer.Status()
if status.Duration < defaultSeedDisconnectWaitPeriod {
if peer.IsPersistent() {
// Messages
const (
msgTypeRequest = byte(0x01)
msgTypeAddrs = byte(0x02)
// PexMessage is a primary type for PEX messages. Underneath, it could contain
// either pexRequestMessage, or pexAddrsMessage messages.
type PexMessage interface{}
var _ = wire.RegisterInterface(
struct{ PexMessage }{},
wire.ConcreteType{&pexRequestMessage{}, msgTypeRequest},
wire.ConcreteType{&pexAddrsMessage{}, msgTypeAddrs},
// DecodeMessage implements interface registered above.
func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg PexMessage, err error) {
msgType = bz[0]
n := new(int)
r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
msg = wire.ReadBinary(struct{ PexMessage }{}, r, maxPexMessageSize, n, &err).(struct{ PexMessage }).PexMessage
A pexRequestMessage requests additional peer addresses.
type pexRequestMessage struct {
func (m *pexRequestMessage) String() string {
return "[pexRequest]"
A message with announced peer addresses.
type pexAddrsMessage struct {
Addrs []*p2p.NetAddress
func (m *pexAddrsMessage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[pexAddrs %v]", m.Addrs)