package rpc
import (
// Client and Server should work over tcp or unix sockets
var (
tcpAddr = "tcp://"
unixAddr = "unix:///tmp/go-rpc.sock" // NOTE: must remove file for test to run again
websocketEndpoint = "/websocket/endpoint"
// Define a type for results and register concrete versions
type Result interface{}
type ResultStatus struct {
Value string
var _ = wire.RegisterInterface(
struct{ Result }{},
wire.ConcreteType{&ResultStatus{}, 0x1},
// Define some routes
var Routes = map[string]*rpcserver.RPCFunc{
"status": rpcserver.NewRPCFunc(StatusResult, "arg"),
// an rpc function
func StatusResult(v string) (Result, error) {
return &ResultStatus{v}, nil
// launch unix and tcp servers
func init() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
rpcserver.RegisterRPCFuncs(mux, Routes)
wm := rpcserver.NewWebsocketManager(Routes, nil)
mux.HandleFunc(websocketEndpoint, wm.WebsocketHandler)
go func() {
_, err := rpcserver.StartHTTPServer(tcpAddr, mux)
if err != nil {
mux2 := http.NewServeMux()
rpcserver.RegisterRPCFuncs(mux2, Routes)
wm = rpcserver.NewWebsocketManager(Routes, nil)
mux2.HandleFunc(websocketEndpoint, wm.WebsocketHandler)
go func() {
_, err := rpcserver.StartHTTPServer(unixAddr, mux2)
if err != nil {
// wait for servers to start
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
func testURI(t *testing.T, cl *rpcclient.ClientURI) {
val := "acbd"
params := map[string]interface{}{
"arg": val,
var result Result
_, err := cl.Call("status", params, &result)
if err != nil {
got := result.(*ResultStatus).Value
if got != val {
t.Fatalf("Got: %v .... Expected: %v \n", got, val)
func testJSONRPC(t *testing.T, cl *rpcclient.ClientJSONRPC) {
val := "acbd"
params := []interface{}{val}
var result Result
_, err := cl.Call("status", params, &result)
if err != nil {
got := result.(*ResultStatus).Value
if got != val {
t.Fatalf("Got: %v .... Expected: %v \n", got, val)
func testWS(t *testing.T, cl *rpcclient.WSClient) {
val := "acbd"
params := []interface{}{val}
err := cl.WriteJSON(rpctypes.RPCRequest{
JSONRPC: "2.0",
ID: "",
Method: "status",
Params: params,
if err != nil {
msg := <-cl.ResultsCh
result := new(Result)
wire.ReadJSONPtr(result, msg, &err)
if err != nil {
got := (*result).(*ResultStatus).Value
if got != val {
t.Fatalf("Got: %v .... Expected: %v \n", got, val)
func TestURI_TCP(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewClientURI(tcpAddr)
testURI(t, cl)
func TestURI_UNIX(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewClientURI(unixAddr)
testURI(t, cl)
func TestJSONRPC_TCP(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewClientJSONRPC(tcpAddr)
testJSONRPC(t, cl)
func TestJSONRPC_UNIX(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewClientJSONRPC(unixAddr)
testJSONRPC(t, cl)
func TestWS_TCP(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewWSClient(tcpAddr, websocketEndpoint)
_, err := cl.Start()
if err != nil {
testWS(t, cl)
func TestWS_UNIX(t *testing.T) {
cl := rpcclient.NewWSClient(unixAddr, websocketEndpoint)
_, err := cl.Start()
if err != nil {
testWS(t, cl)