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package mempool
import (
stdprometheus ""
const (
// MetricsSubsystem is a subsystem shared by all metrics exposed by this
// package.
MetricsSubsystem = "mempool"
// Metrics contains metrics exposed by this package.
// see MetricsProvider for descriptions.
type Metrics struct {
// Size of the mempool.
Size metrics.Gauge
// Histogram of transaction sizes, in bytes.
TxSizeBytes metrics.Histogram
// Number of failed transactions.
FailedTxs metrics.Counter
// Number of times transactions are rechecked in the mempool.
RecheckTimes metrics.Counter
// PrometheusMetrics returns Metrics build using Prometheus client library.
// Optionally, labels can be provided along with their values ("foo",
// "fooValue").
func PrometheusMetrics(namespace string, labelsAndValues ...string) *Metrics {
labels := []string{}
for i := 0; i < len(labelsAndValues); i += 2 {
labels = append(labels, labelsAndValues[i])
return &Metrics{
Size: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "size",
Help: "Size of the mempool (number of uncommitted transactions).",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
TxSizeBytes: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "tx_size_bytes",
Help: "Transaction sizes in bytes.",
Buckets: stdprometheus.ExponentialBuckets(1, 3, 17),
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
FailedTxs: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "failed_txs",
Help: "Number of failed transactions.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
RecheckTimes: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "recheck_times",
Help: "Number of times transactions are rechecked in the mempool.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
// NopMetrics returns no-op Metrics.
func NopMetrics() *Metrics {
return &Metrics{
Size: discard.NewGauge(),
TxSizeBytes: discard.NewHistogram(),
FailedTxs: discard.NewCounter(),
RecheckTimes: discard.NewCounter(),