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- name: generate tendermint keys
shell: "tendermint gen_validator > {{tendermint_home}}/priv_validator.json"
warn: no
creates: "{{tendermint_home}}/priv_validator.json"
- name: secure priv_validator.json
file: "path={{tendermint_home}}/priv_validator.json mode=0400 owner={{tendermint_user}} group={{tendermint_group}}"
- name: gather tendermint public keys
when: tendermint_genesis_file is not defined
command: "jq '.pub_key | .data' {{tendermint_home}}/priv_validator.json"
register: pubkeys
changed_when: false
- name: register tendermint public keys as host facts
when: tendermint_genesis_file is not defined
set_fact: "pubkey={{pubkeys.stdout_lines[0]}}"
connection: local
- name: copy generated tendermint genesis.json - genesis_time will be updated
when: tendermint_genesis_file is not defined
src: genesis.json.j2
dest: "{{tendermint_home}}/genesis.json"
owner: "{{tendermint_user}}"
group: "{{tendermint_group}}"
- name: copy pre-created genesis.json
when: tendermint_genesis_file is defined
copy: "src={{tendermint_genesis_file}} dest={{tendermint_home}}/genesis.json owner={{tendermint_user}} group={{tendermint_group}}"
- name: copy tendermint config.toml
src: config.toml.j2
dest: "{{tendermint_home}}/config.toml"
owner: "{{tendermint_user}}"
group: "{{tendermint_group}}"