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#Terraform Configuration
variable "DO_API_TOKEN" {
description = "DigitalOcean Access Token"
variable "TESTNET_NAME" {
description = "Name of the cluster/testnet"
default = "tf-testnet1"
variable "ssh_keys" {
description = "SSH keys provided in DigitalOcean to be used on the nodes"
# curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $DO_API_TOKEN" ""
default = [
variable "servers" {
description = "Number of nodes in cluster"
default = "4"
variable "image" {
description = "DigitalOcean image name"
default = "ubuntu-16-04-x64"
variable "noroot" {
description = "Set this variable to true, if you want SSH keys set for ec2-user instead of root."
default = false
provider "digitalocean" {
token = "${var.DO_API_TOKEN}"
module "cluster" {
source = "./cluster"
name = "${var.TESTNET_NAME}"
key_ids = "${var.ssh_keys}"
servers = "${var.servers}"
noroot = "${var.noroot}"
image_id = "${var.image}"
output "public_ips" {
value = "${module.cluster.public_ips}"
#output "floating_ips" {
# value = "${module.cluster.floating_ips}"