------------------------------- MODULE scheduler -------------------------------
A specification of the fast sync scheduler that is introduced in blockchain/v2:
The model includes:
- a scheduler that maintains the peers and blocks that it receives from the peers, and
- one environment simulating a correct peer
This specification focuses on the events that are received and produced by the scheduler.
Communication between the scheduler and the other fastsync components is not specified.
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
\* the protocol parameters
PeerIDs, \* potential peer ids, a set of integers, e.g. 0..2
ultimateHeight, \* the maximum height of the blockchain, an integer, e.g. 3
numRequests \* the maximum number of requests made when scheduling new blocks, e.g. 2
\* a few definitions
None == -1 \* an undefined value
Heights == 0..ultimateHeight \* potential heights
noErr == "errNone"
Errors == {
noErr, "errPeerNotFound", "errDelRemovedPeer", "errAddDuplicatePeer",
"errUpdateRemovedPeer", "errAfterPeerRemove", "errBadPeer", "errBadPeerState",
"errProcessedBlockEv", "finished", "timeout", "errAddRemovedPeer", "errPeerNoBlock", "errBadBlockState"}
PeerStates == {"peerStateUnknown", "peerStateNew", "peerStateReady", "peerStateRemoved"}
BlockStates == {
"blockStateUnknown", "blockStateNew", "blockStatePending",
"blockStateReceived", "blockStateProcessed"}
\* basic stuff
Min(a, b) == IF a < b THEN a ELSE b
Max(a, b) == IF a > b THEN a ELSE b
\* the state of the scheduler:
VARIABLE turn \* who makes a step: the scheduler or the environment
\* the state of the reactor:
VARIABLES inEvent, \* an event from the environment to the scheduler
envRunning \* a Boolean, negation of stopProcessing in the implementation
\* the state of the scheduler:
VARIABLES outEvent, \* an event from the scheduler to the environment
\* the block pool:
VARIABLE scheduler
scheduler is a record that contains:
height: Int,
height of the next block to collect
peers: PeerIDs,
the set of peers that have connected in the past, may include removed peers
peerHeights: [PeerIDs -> Heights],
a map to collect the peer heights, >0 if peer in ready state, None (-1) otherwise
peerStates: [PeerIDs -> PeerStates],
a map to record the peer states
blockStates: [Heights -> BlockStates]
a set of heights for which blocks are to be scheduled, pending or received
pendingBlocks: [Heights -> PeerIDs],
a set of heights for which blocks are to be scheduled or pending
receivedBlocks: [Heights -> PeerIDs],
a set of heights for which blocks were received but not yet processed
blocks: Heights,
the full set of blocks requested or downloaded by the scheduler
vars == <<turn, envRunning, inEvent, scRunning, outEvent, scheduler>>
\* for now just keep the height in the block
Blocks == [ height: Heights ]
noEvent == [type |-> "NoEvent"]
InEvents ==
{noEvent} \cup
[type: {"rTrySchedule", "tNoAdvanceExp"}] \cup
[type: {"bcStatusResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights] \cup
[type: {"bcBlockResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights, block: Blocks] \cup
[type: {"bcNoBlockResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights] \cup
[type: {"pcBlockProcessed"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights] \cup
[type: {"pcBlockVerificationFailure"}, height: Heights, firstPeerID: PeerIDs, secondPeerID: PeerIDs] \cup
[type: {"bcAddNewPeer"}, peerID: PeerIDs] \cup
[type: {"bcRemovePeer"}, peerID: PeerIDs]
\* Output events produced by the scheduler.
\* Note: in v2 the status request is done by the reactor/ environment
OutEvents ==
{noEvent} \cup
[type: {"scPeerError"}, peerID: PeerIDs, error: Errors] \cup
[type: {"scSchedulerFail"}, error: Errors] \cup
[type: {"scBlockRequest"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights] \cup
[type: {"scBlockReceived"}, peerID: PeerIDs, block: Blocks] \cup
[type: {"scPeersPruned"}, pruned: SUBSET [peerID: PeerIDs]] \cup
[type: {"scFinishedEv"}, error: Errors]
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The behavior of the scheduler that keeps track of peers, block requests and responses, etc. *)
(* See scheduler.go *)
(* https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/v0.33.3/blockchain/v2/scheduler.go *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
addPeer(sc, peerID) ==
IF peerID \in sc.peers THEN
[err |-> "errAddDuplicatePeer", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF sc.peerStates[peerID] = "peerStateRemoved" THEN
[err |-> "errAddRemovedPeer", val |-> sc]
LET newPeers == sc.peers \cup { peerID } IN
LET newPeerHeights == [sc.peerHeights EXCEPT ![peerID] = None] IN
LET newPeerStates == [sc.peerStates EXCEPT ![peerID] = "peerStateNew"] IN
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.peers = newPeers,
!.peerHeights = newPeerHeights,
!.peerStates = newPeerStates] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
maxHeight(states, heights) ==
LET activePeers == {p \in DOMAIN states: states[p] = "peerStateReady"} IN
IF activePeers = {} THEN
0 \* no peers, just return 0
CHOOSE max \in { heights[p] : p \in activePeers }:
\A p \in activePeers: heights[p] <= max \* max is the maximum
maxHeightScheduler(sc) ==
maxHeight(sc.peerStates, sc.peerHeights)
removePeer(sc, peerID) ==
IF peerID \notin sc.peers THEN
[err |-> "errPeerNotFound", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF sc.peerStates[peerID] = "peerStateRemoved" THEN
[err |-> "errDelRemovedPeer", val |-> sc]
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.peerHeights[peerID] = None,
!.peerStates[peerID] = "peerStateRemoved",
\* remove all blocks from peerID and block requests to peerID, see scheduler.removePeer
!.blockStates = [h \in Heights |->
IF sc.pendingBlocks[h] = peerID \/ sc.receivedBlocks[h] = peerID THEN "blockStateNew"
ELSE sc.blockStates[h]],
!.pendingBlocks = [h \in Heights |-> IF sc.pendingBlocks[h] = peerID THEN None ELSE sc.pendingBlocks[h]],
!.receivedBlocks = [h \in Heights |-> IF sc.receivedBlocks[h] = peerID THEN None ELSE sc.receivedBlocks[h]]
] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
addNewBlocks(sc, newMph) ==
\* add new blocks to be requested (e.g. when overall max peer height has changed)
IF Cardinality(sc.blocks) >= numRequests THEN
[newBlocks |-> sc.blocks, newBlockStates |-> sc.blockStates]
LET requestSet == sc.height.. Min(numRequests+sc.height, newMph) IN
LET heightsToRequest == {h \in requestSet: sc.blockStates[h] = "blockStateUnknown"} IN
LET newBlockStates == [
h \in Heights |-> IF h \in heightsToRequest THEN "blockStateNew"
ELSE sc.blockStates[h]] IN
[newBlocks |-> heightsToRequest, newBlockStates |-> newBlockStates]
\* Update the peer height (the peer should have been previously added)
setPeerHeight(sc, peerID, height) ==
IF peerID \notin sc.peers THEN
[err |-> "errPeerNotFound", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF sc.peerStates[peerID] = "peerStateRemoved" THEN
[err |-> "errUpdateRemovedPeer", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF height < sc.peerHeights[peerID] THEN (* The peer is corrupt? Remove the peer. *)
removePeer(sc, peerID)
LET newPeerHeights == [sc.peerHeights EXCEPT ![peerID] = height] IN \* set the peer's height
LET newPeerStates == [sc.peerStates EXCEPT ![peerID] = "peerStateReady"] IN \* set the peer's state
LET newMph == maxHeight(newPeerStates, newPeerHeights) IN
LET res == addNewBlocks(sc, newMph) IN
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.peerHeights = newPeerHeights, !.peerStates = newPeerStates,
!.blocks = res.newBlocks, !.blockStates = res.newBlockStates] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
nextHeightToSchedule(sc) ==
LET toBeScheduled == {h \in DOMAIN sc.blockStates: sc.blockStates[h] = "blockStateNew"} \cup {ultimateHeight+1} IN
CHOOSE minH \in toBeScheduled: \A h \in toBeScheduled: h >= minH
getStateAtHeight(sc, h) ==
IF h < sc.height THEN
ELSE IF h \in DOMAIN sc.blockStates THEN
markPending(sc, peerID, h) ==
IF getStateAtHeight(sc, h) /= "blockStateNew" THEN
[err |-> "errBadBlockState", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF peerID \notin sc.peers \/ sc.peerStates[peerID] /= "peerStateReady" THEN
[err |-> "errBadPeerState", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF h > sc.peerHeights[peerID] THEN
[err |-> "errPeerTooShort", val |-> sc]
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.blockStates = [sc.blockStates EXCEPT ![h] = "blockStatePending"],
!.pendingBlocks = [sc.pendingBlocks EXCEPT ![h] = peerID]] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
markReceived(sc, peerID, h) ==
IF peerID \notin sc.peers \/ sc.peerStates[peerID] /= "peerStateReady" THEN
[err |-> "errBadPeerState", val |-> sc]
ELSE IF getStateAtHeight(sc, h) /= "blockStatePending" \/ sc.pendingBlocks[h] /= peerID THEN
[err |-> "errBadPeer", val |-> sc]
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.blockStates = [sc.blockStates EXCEPT ![h] = "blockStateReceived"],
!.pendingBlocks = [sc.pendingBlocks EXCEPT ![h] = None],
!.receivedBlocks = [sc.receivedBlocks EXCEPT ![h] = peerID]] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
markProcessed(sc, h) ==
IF getStateAtHeight(sc, h) /= "blockStateReceived" THEN
[err |-> "errProcessedBlockEv", val |-> sc]
LET newSc == [sc EXCEPT
!.blockStates = [sc.blockStates EXCEPT ![h] = "blockStateProcessed"],
!.receivedBlocks = [sc.receivedBlocks EXCEPT ![h] = None],
!.height = sc.height + 1] IN
[err |-> noErr, val |-> newSc]
reachedMaxHeight(sc) ==
IF sc.peers = {} THEN
LET maxH == maxHeightScheduler(sc) IN
maxH > 0 /\ (sc.height >= maxH)
highPeers(sc, minH) == {p \in sc.peers: sc.peerHeights[p] >= minH}
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The behavior of the scheduler state machine *)
(* See scheduler.go *)
(* https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/brapse/blockchain-v2-riri-reactor-2/scheduler.go*)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
blStateInit(h, start) ==
IF h <= start THEN
ELSE "blockStateUnknown"
InitSc ==
/\ scRunning = TRUE
/\ outEvent = noEvent
/\ \E startHeight \in Heights:
scheduler = [
initHeight |-> startHeight,
height |-> startHeight + 1,
peers |-> {},
peerHeights |-> [p \in PeerIDs |-> None],
peerStates |-> [p \in PeerIDs |-> "peerStateUnknown"],
blocks |-> {},
blockStates |-> [h \in Heights |-> blStateInit(h, startHeight)],
pendingBlocks |-> [h \in Heights |-> None],
receivedBlocks |-> [h \in Heights |-> None]
handleAddNewPeer ==
/\ inEvent.type = "bcAddNewPeer"
/\ LET res == addPeer(scheduler, inEvent.peerID) IN
IF res.err /= noErr THEN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scSchedulerFail", error |-> res.err]
/\ UNCHANGED <<scheduler>>
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ UNCHANGED outEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scRunning
finishSc(event) ==
event.type = "scFinishedEv" /\ event.error = "finished"
handleRemovePeer ==
/\ inEvent.type = "bcRemovePeer"
/\ LET res == removePeer(scheduler, inEvent.peerID) IN
IF res.err /= noErr THEN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scSchedulerFail", error |-> res.err]
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ IF reachedMaxHeight(scheduler') THEN
outEvent' = [type |-> "scFinishedEv", error |-> "errAfterPeerRemove"]
/\ IF finishSc(outEvent') THEN
scRunning' = FALSE
handleStatusResponse ==
/\ inEvent.type = "bcStatusResponse"
/\ LET res == setPeerHeight(scheduler, inEvent.peerID, inEvent.height) IN
IF res.err /= noErr THEN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scPeerError", peerID |-> inEvent.peerID, error |-> res.err]
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ UNCHANGED outEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scRunning
handleTrySchedule == \* every 10 ms, but our spec is asynchronous
/\ inEvent.type = "rTrySchedule"
/\ LET minH == nextHeightToSchedule(scheduler) IN
IF minH = ultimateHeight+1 THEN
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
ELSE IF minH = ultimateHeight+1 THEN
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
/\ LET hp == highPeers(scheduler, minH) IN
IF hp = {} THEN
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
ELSE \E bestPeerID \in hp:
/\ LET res == markPending(scheduler, bestPeerID, minH) IN
/\ IF res.err /= noErr THEN
outEvent' = [type |-> "scSchedulerFail", error|-> res.err]
outEvent' = [type |-> "scBlockRequest", peerID |-> bestPeerID, height |-> minH]
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ UNCHANGED scRunning
handleBlockResponse ==
/\ inEvent.type = "bcBlockResponse"
/\ LET res == markReceived(scheduler, inEvent.peerID, inEvent.height) IN
IF res.err /= noErr THEN
LET res1 == removePeer(scheduler, inEvent.peerID) IN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scPeerError", peerID |-> inEvent.peerID, error |-> res.err]
/\ scheduler' = res1.val
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scBlockReceived", peerID |-> inEvent.peerID, block |-> inEvent.block]
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ UNCHANGED scRunning
handleNoBlockResponse ==
/\ inEvent.type = "bcNoBlockResponse"
/\ IF (scheduler.peers = {} \/ scheduler.peerStates[inEvent.peerID] = "peerStateRemoved") THEN
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
LET res == removePeer(scheduler, inEvent.peerID) IN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scPeerError", peerID |-> inEvent.peerID, error |-> "errPeerNoBlock"]
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ UNCHANGED scRunning
handleBlockProcessed ==
/\ inEvent.type = "pcBlockProcessed"
/\ IF inEvent.height /= scheduler.height THEN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scSchedulerFail", error |-> "errProcessedBlockEv"]
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
LET res == markProcessed(scheduler, inEvent.height) IN
IF res.err /= noErr THEN
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scSchedulerFail", error |-> res.err]
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
/\ scheduler' = res.val
/\ IF reachedMaxHeight(scheduler') THEN
outEvent' = [type |-> "scFinishedEv", error |-> "finished"]
outEvent' = noEvent
/\ IF finishSc(outEvent') THEN
scRunning' = FALSE
handleBlockProcessError ==
/\ inEvent.type = "pcBlockVerificationFailure"
/\ IF scheduler.peers = {} THEN
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED scheduler
LET res1 == removePeer(scheduler, inEvent.firstPeerID) IN
LET res2 == removePeer(res1.val, inEvent.secondPeerID) IN
/\ IF reachedMaxHeight(res2.val) THEN
outEvent' = [type |-> "scFinishedEv", error |-> "finished"]
outEvent' = noEvent
/\ scheduler' = res2.val
/\ IF finishSc(outEvent') THEN
scRunning' = FALSE
handleNoAdvanceExp ==
/\ inEvent.type = "tNoAdvanceExp"
/\ outEvent' = [type |-> "scFinishedEv", error |-> "timeout"]
/\ scRunning' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED <<scheduler>>
NextSc ==
IF ~scRunning THEN
UNCHANGED <<outEvent, scRunning, scheduler>>
\/ handleStatusResponse
\/ handleAddNewPeer
\/ handleRemovePeer
\/ handleTrySchedule
\/ handleBlockResponse
\/ handleNoBlockResponse
\/ handleBlockProcessed
\/ handleBlockProcessError
\/ handleNoAdvanceExp
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The behavior of the environment. *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
InitEnv ==
/\ inEvent = noEvent
/\ envRunning = TRUE
OnGlobalTimeoutTicker ==
/\ inEvent' = [type |-> "tNoAdvanceExp"]
/\ envRunning' = FALSE
OnTrySchedule ==
/\ inEvent' = [type |-> "rTrySchedule"]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnAddPeerEv ==
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"bcAddNewPeer"}, peerID: PeerIDs]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnStatusResponseEv ==
\* any status response can come from the blockchain, pick one non-deterministically
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"bcStatusResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnBlockResponseEv ==
\* any block response can come from the blockchain, pick one non-deterministically
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"bcBlockResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights, block: Blocks]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnNoBlockResponseEv ==
\* any no block response can come from the blockchain, pick one non-deterministically
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"bcNoBlockResponse"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnRemovePeerEv ==
\* although bcRemovePeer admits an arbitrary set, we produce just a singleton
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"bcRemovePeer"}, peerID: PeerIDs]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnPcBlockProcessed ==
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"pcBlockProcessed"}, peerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
OnPcBlockVerificationFailure ==
/\ inEvent' \in [type: {"pcBlockVerificationFailure"}, firstPeerID: PeerIDs, secondPeerID: PeerIDs, height: Heights]
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
\* messages from scheduler
OnScFinishedEv ==
/\ outEvent.type = "scFinishedEv"
/\ envRunning' = FALSE \* stop the env
/\ UNCHANGED inEvent
NextEnv ==
IF ~envRunning THEN
UNCHANGED <<inEvent, envRunning>>
\/ OnScFinishedEv
\/ OnGlobalTimeoutTicker
\/ OnAddPeerEv
\/ OnTrySchedule
\/ OnStatusResponseEv
\/ OnBlockResponseEv
\/ OnNoBlockResponseEv
\/ OnRemovePeerEv
\/ OnPcBlockProcessed
\/ OnPcBlockVerificationFailure
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The system is the composition of the environment and the schedule *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
Init == turn = "environment" /\ InitEnv /\ InitSc
FlipTurn ==
turn' = (
IF turn = "scheduler" THEN
\* scheduler and environment alternate their steps (synchronous composition introduces more states)
Next ==
/\ FlipTurn
/\ IF turn = "scheduler" THEN
/\ NextSc
/\ inEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED envRunning
/\ NextEnv
/\ outEvent' = noEvent
/\ UNCHANGED <<scRunning, scheduler>>
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_turn(FlipTurn)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Invariants *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
TypeOK ==
/\ turn \in {"scheduler", "environment"}
/\ inEvent \in InEvents
/\ envRunning \in BOOLEAN
/\ outEvent \in OutEvents
/\ scheduler \in [
initHeight: Heights,
height: Heights \cup {ultimateHeight + 1},
peers: SUBSET PeerIDs,
peerHeights: [PeerIDs -> Heights \cup {None}],
peerStates: [PeerIDs -> PeerStates],
blocks: SUBSET Heights,
blockStates: [Heights -> BlockStates],
pendingBlocks: [Heights -> PeerIDs \cup {None}],
receivedBlocks: [Heights -> PeerIDs \cup {None}]
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Helpers for Properties *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
NoFailuresAndTimeouts ==
/\ inEvent.type /= "bcRemovePeer"
/\ inEvent.type /= "bcNoBlockResponse"
/\ inEvent.type /= "pcBlockVerificationFailure"
\* simulate good peer behavior using this formula. Useful to show termination in the presence of good peers.
GoodResponse ==
\/ inEvent.type
\in {"bcAddNewPeer", "bcStatusResponse", "bcBlockResponse", "pcBlockProcessed", "rTrySchedule"}
\/ ~envRunning
\* all blocks from initHeight up to max peer height have been processed
AllRequiredBlocksProcessed ==
LET maxH == Max(scheduler.height, maxHeightScheduler(scheduler)) IN
LET processedBlocks == {h \in scheduler.initHeight.. maxH-1: scheduler.blockStates[h] = "blockStateProcessed"} IN
scheduler.height >= maxH /\ Cardinality(processedBlocks) = scheduler.height - scheduler.initHeight
IncreaseHeight ==
(scheduler'.height > scheduler.height) \/ (scheduler.height >= ultimateHeight)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Expected properties *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* *)
(* 1. TerminationWhenNoAdvance - termination if there are no correct peers. *)
(* The model assumes the "noAdvance" timer expires and the "tNoAdvanceExp" event is received *)
(* *)
TerminationWhenNoAdvance ==
(inEvent.type = "tNoAdvanceExp")
=> <>(outEvent.type = "scFinishedEv" /\ outEvent.error = "timeout")
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* *)
(* 2. TerminationGoodPeers - *)
(* termination when IncreaseHeight holds true, fastsync is progressing, all blocks processed *)
(* *)
TerminationGoodPeers ==
(/\ scheduler.height < ultimateHeight
/\ <>[]GoodResponse
/\[]<>(<<IncreaseHeight>>_<<scheduler, turn>>)
=> <>(outEvent.type = "scFinishedEv" /\ AllRequiredBlocksProcessed)
(* This property is violated. It shows that the precondition of TerminationGoodPeers is not *)
(* always FALSE *)
TerminationGoodPeersPre ==
(/\ scheduler.height < ultimateHeight
/\ <>[]GoodResponse
/\[]<>(<<IncreaseHeight>>_<<scheduler, turn>>)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* 3. TerminationAllCases - *)
(* any peer behavior, either terminates with all blocks processed or times out *)
TerminationAllCases ==
(/\ scheduler.height < ultimateHeight
/\(([]<> (<<IncreaseHeight>>_<<scheduler, turn>>)) \/ <>(inEvent.type = "tNoAdvanceExp"))
=> <>(outEvent.type = "scFinishedEv" /\ (AllRequiredBlocksProcessed \/ outEvent.error = "timeout"))
(* This property is violated. It shows that the precondition of TerminationAllCases is not *)
(* always FALSE *)
TerminationAllCasesPre ==
(/\ scheduler.height < ultimateHeight
/\(([]<> (<<IncreaseHeight>>_<<scheduler, turn>>)) \/ <>(inEvent.type = "tNoAdvanceExp"))
(* This property is violated. TLC output shows an example of increasing heights in the scheduler *)
SchedulerIncreasePre ==
[]<>(<<IncreaseHeight>>_<<scheduler, turn>>)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Thu Apr 16 13:21:33 CEST 2020 by ancaz
\* Created Sat Feb 08 13:12:30 CET 2020 by ancaz