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package state
import (
. ""
cfg ""
tmsp ""
// Execute the block
// Execute the block to mutate State.
// Validates block and then executes Data.Txs in the block.
func (s *State) ExecBlock(eventCache types.Fireable, proxyAppConn proxy.AppConnConsensus, block *types.Block, blockPartsHeader types.PartSetHeader) error {
// Validate the block.
err := s.validateBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidBlock(err)
// Update the validator set
valSet := s.Validators.Copy()
// Update valSet with signatures from block.
updateValidatorsWithBlock(s.LastValidators, valSet, block)
// TODO: Update the validator set (e.g. block.Data.ValidatorUpdates?)
nextValSet := valSet.Copy()
// Execute the block txs
err = s.execBlockOnProxyApp(eventCache, proxyAppConn, block)
if err != nil {
// There was some error in proxyApp
// TODO Report error and wait for proxyApp to be available.
return ErrProxyAppConn(err)
// All good!
// Update validator accums and set state variables
s.SetBlockAndValidators(block.Header, blockPartsHeader, valSet, nextValSet)
// save state with updated height/blockhash/validators
// but stale apphash, in case we fail between Commit and Save
return nil
// Executes block's transactions on proxyAppConn.
// TODO: Generate a bitmap or otherwise store tx validity in state.
func (s *State) execBlockOnProxyApp(eventCache types.Fireable, proxyAppConn proxy.AppConnConsensus, block *types.Block) error {
var validTxs, invalidTxs = 0, 0
// Execute transactions and get hash
proxyCb := func(req *tmsp.Request, res *tmsp.Response) {
switch r := res.Value.(type) {
case *tmsp.Response_AppendTx:
// TODO: make use of res.Log
// TODO: make use of this info
// Blocks may include invalid txs.
// reqAppendTx := req.(tmsp.RequestAppendTx)
txError := ""
apTx := r.AppendTx
if apTx.Code == tmsp.CodeType_OK {
validTxs += 1
} else {
log.Debug("Invalid tx", "code", r.AppendTx.Code, "log", r.AppendTx.Log)
invalidTxs += 1
txError = apTx.Code.String()
// NOTE: if we count we can access the tx from the block instead of
// pulling it from the req
event := types.EventDataTx{
Tx: req.GetAppendTx().Tx,
Result: apTx.Data,
Code: apTx.Code,
Log: apTx.Log,
Error: txError,
types.FireEventTx(eventCache, event)
// Begin block
err := proxyAppConn.BeginBlockSync(block.Hash(), types.TM2PB.Header(block.Header))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error in proxyAppConn.BeginBlock", "error", err)
return err
fail.Fail() // XXX
// Run txs of block
for _, tx := range block.Txs {
fail.FailRand(len(block.Txs)) // XXX
if err := proxyAppConn.Error(); err != nil {
return err
fail.Fail() // XXX
// End block
changedValidators, err := proxyAppConn.EndBlockSync(uint64(block.Height))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error in proxyAppConn.EndBlock", "error", err)
return err
fail.Fail() // XXX
// TODO: Do something with changedValidators
log.Debug("TODO: Do something with changedValidators", "changedValidators", changedValidators)
log.Info(Fmt("ExecBlock got %v valid txs and %v invalid txs", validTxs, invalidTxs))
return nil
// Updates the LastCommitHeight of the validators in valSet, in place.
// Assumes that lastValSet matches the valset of block.LastCommit
// CONTRACT: lastValSet is not mutated.
func updateValidatorsWithBlock(lastValSet *types.ValidatorSet, valSet *types.ValidatorSet, block *types.Block) {
for i, precommit := range block.LastCommit.Precommits {
if precommit == nil {
_, val := lastValSet.GetByIndex(i)
if val == nil {
PanicCrisis(Fmt("Failed to fetch validator at index %v", i))
if _, val_ := valSet.GetByAddress(val.Address); val_ != nil {
val_.LastCommitHeight = block.Height - 1
updated := valSet.Update(val_)
if !updated {
PanicCrisis("Failed to update validator LastCommitHeight")
} else {
// XXX This is not an error if validator was removed.
// But, we don't mutate validators yet so go ahead and panic.
PanicCrisis("Could not find validator")
// Validate block
func (s *State) ValidateBlock(block *types.Block) error {
return s.validateBlock(block)
func (s *State) validateBlock(block *types.Block) error {
// Basic block validation.
err := block.ValidateBasic(s.ChainID, s.LastBlockHeight, s.LastBlockID, s.LastBlockTime, s.AppHash)
if err != nil {
return err
// Validate block LastCommit.
if block.Height == 1 {
if len(block.LastCommit.Precommits) != 0 {
return errors.New("Block at height 1 (first block) should have no LastCommit precommits")
} else {
if len(block.LastCommit.Precommits) != s.LastValidators.Size() {
return errors.New(Fmt("Invalid block commit size. Expected %v, got %v",
s.LastValidators.Size(), len(block.LastCommit.Precommits)))
err := s.LastValidators.VerifyCommit(
s.ChainID, s.LastBlockID, block.Height-1, block.LastCommit)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ApplyBlock executes the block, then commits and updates the mempool atomically
// Execute and commit block against app, save block and state
func (s *State) ApplyBlock(eventCache types.Fireable, proxyAppConn proxy.AppConnConsensus,
block *types.Block, partsHeader types.PartSetHeader, mempool Mempool) error {
// Run the block on the State:
// + update validator sets
// + run txs on the proxyAppConn
err := s.ExecBlock(eventCache, proxyAppConn, block, partsHeader)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(Fmt("Exec failed for application: %v", err))
// lock mempool, commit state, update mempoool
err = s.CommitStateUpdateMempool(proxyAppConn, block, mempool)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(Fmt("Commit failed for application: %v", err))
return nil
// mempool must be locked during commit and update
// because state is typically reset on Commit and old txs must be replayed
// against committed state before new txs are run in the mempool, lest they be invalid
func (s *State) CommitStateUpdateMempool(proxyAppConn proxy.AppConnConsensus, block *types.Block, mempool Mempool) error {
defer mempool.Unlock()
// Commit block, get hash back
res := proxyAppConn.CommitSync()
if res.IsErr() {
log.Warn("Error in proxyAppConn.CommitSync", "error", res)
return res
if res.Log != "" {
log.Debug("Commit.Log: " + res.Log)
// Set the state's new AppHash
s.AppHash = res.Data
// Update mempool.
mempool.Update(block.Height, block.Txs)
return nil
// Updates to the mempool need to be synchronized with committing a block
// so apps can reset their transient state on Commit
type Mempool interface {
Update(height int, txs []types.Tx)
type mockMempool struct {
func (m mockMempool) Lock() {}
func (m mockMempool) Unlock() {}
func (m mockMempool) Update(height int, txs []types.Tx) {}
// Handshake with app to sync to latest state of core by replaying blocks
// TODO: Should we move blockchain/store.go to its own package?
type BlockStore interface {
Height() int
LoadBlock(height int) *types.Block
type Handshaker struct {
config cfg.Config
state *State
store BlockStore
nBlocks int // number of blocks applied to the state
func NewHandshaker(config cfg.Config, state *State, store BlockStore) *Handshaker {
return &Handshaker{config, state, store, 0}
// TODO: retry the handshake once if it fails the first time
// ... let Info take an argument determining its behaviour
func (h *Handshaker) Handshake(proxyApp proxy.AppConns) error {
// handshake is done via info request on the query conn
res, tmspInfo, blockInfo, configInfo := proxyApp.Query().InfoSync()
if res.IsErr() {
return errors.New(Fmt("Error calling Info. Code: %v; Data: %X; Log: %s", res.Code, res.Data, res.Log))
if blockInfo == nil {
log.Warn("blockInfo is nil, aborting handshake")
return nil
log.Notice("TMSP Handshake", "height", blockInfo.BlockHeight, "block_hash", blockInfo.BlockHash, "app_hash", blockInfo.AppHash)
blockHeight := int(blockInfo.BlockHeight) // safe, should be an int32
blockHash := blockInfo.BlockHash
appHash := blockInfo.AppHash
if tmspInfo != nil {
// TODO: check tmsp version (or do this in the tmspcli?)
_ = tmspInfo
// last block (nil if we starting from 0)
var header *types.Header
var partsHeader types.PartSetHeader
// replay all blocks after blockHeight
// if blockHeight == 0, we will replay everything
if blockHeight != 0 {
block :=
if block == nil {
return ErrUnknownBlock{blockHeight}
// check block hash
if !bytes.Equal(block.Hash(), blockHash) {
return ErrBlockHashMismatch{block.Hash(), blockHash, blockHeight}
// NOTE: app hash should be in the next block ...
// check app hash
/*if !bytes.Equal(block.Header.AppHash, appHash) {
return fmt.Errorf("Handshake error. App hash at height %d does not match. Got %X, expected %X", blockHeight, appHash, block.Header.AppHash)
header = block.Header
partsHeader = block.MakePartSet(h.config.GetInt("block_part_size")).Header()
if configInfo != nil {
// TODO: set config info
_ = configInfo
// replay blocks up to the latest in the blockstore
err := h.ReplayBlocks(appHash, header, partsHeader, proxyApp.Consensus())
if err != nil {
return errors.New(Fmt("Error on replay: %v", err))
// TODO: (on restart) replay mempool
return nil
// Replay all blocks after blockHeight and ensure the result matches the current state.
func (h *Handshaker) ReplayBlocks(appHash []byte, header *types.Header, partsHeader types.PartSetHeader,
appConnConsensus proxy.AppConnConsensus) error {
// NOTE/TODO: tendermint may crash after the app commits
// but before it can save the new state root.
// it should save all eg. valset changes before calling Commit.
// then, if tm state is behind app state, the only thing missing can be app hash
// get a fresh state and reset to the apps latest
stateCopy := h.state.Copy()
// TODO: put validators in iavl tree so we can set the state with an older validator set
lastVals, nextVals := stateCopy.GetValidators()
if header == nil {
stateCopy.LastBlockHeight = 0
stateCopy.LastBlockID = types.BlockID{}
// stateCopy.LastBlockTime = ... doesnt matter
stateCopy.Validators = nextVals
stateCopy.LastValidators = lastVals
} else {
stateCopy.SetBlockAndValidators(header, partsHeader, lastVals, nextVals)
stateCopy.Stale = false
stateCopy.AppHash = appHash
appBlockHeight := stateCopy.LastBlockHeight
coreBlockHeight :=
if coreBlockHeight < appBlockHeight {
// if the app is ahead, there's nothing we can do
return ErrAppBlockHeightTooHigh{coreBlockHeight, appBlockHeight}
} else if coreBlockHeight == appBlockHeight {
// if we crashed between Commit and SaveState,
// the state's app hash is stale.
// otherwise we're synced
if h.state.Stale {
h.state.Stale = false
h.state.AppHash = appHash
return checkState(h.state, stateCopy)
} else if h.state.LastBlockHeight == appBlockHeight {
// core is ahead of app but core's state height is at apps height
// this happens if we crashed after saving the block,
// but before committing it. We should be 1 ahead
if coreBlockHeight != appBlockHeight+1 {
PanicSanity(Fmt("core.state.height == app.height but core.height (%d) > app.height+1 (%d)", coreBlockHeight, appBlockHeight+1))
// check that the blocks last apphash is the states apphash
block :=
if !bytes.Equal(block.Header.AppHash, appHash) {
return ErrLastStateMismatch{coreBlockHeight, block.Header.AppHash, appHash}
// replay the block against the actual tendermint state (not the copy)
return h.loadApplyBlock(coreBlockHeight, h.state, appConnConsensus)
} else {
// either we're caught up or there's blocks to replay
// replay all blocks starting with appBlockHeight+1
for i := appBlockHeight + 1; i <= coreBlockHeight; i++ {
h.loadApplyBlock(i, stateCopy, appConnConsensus)
return checkState(h.state, stateCopy)
func checkState(s, stateCopy *State) error {
// The computed state and the previously set state should be identical
if !s.Equals(stateCopy) {
return ErrStateMismatch{stateCopy, s}
return nil
func (h *Handshaker) loadApplyBlock(blockIndex int, state *State, appConnConsensus proxy.AppConnConsensus) error {
h.nBlocks += 1
block :=
panicOnNilBlock(blockIndex,, block) // XXX
var eventCache types.Fireable // nil
return state.ApplyBlock(eventCache, appConnConsensus, block, block.MakePartSet(h.config.GetInt("block_part_size")).Header(), mockMempool{})
func panicOnNilBlock(height, bsHeight int, block *types.Block) {
if block == nil {
// Sanity?
block is nil for height <= blockStore.Height() (%d <= %d).
Block: %v,
`, height, bsHeight, block))