#lang ivy1.7
# ---
# layout: page
# title: Abstract specification of Tendermint in Ivy
# ---
# Here we define an abstract version of the Tendermint specification. We use
# two main forms of abstraction: a) We abstract over how information is
# transmitted (there is no network). b) We abstract functions using relations.
# For example, we abstract over a node's current round, instead only tracking
# with a relation which rounds the node has left. We do something similar for
# the `lockedRound` variable. This is in order to avoid using a function from
# node to round, and it allows us to emit verification conditions that are
# efficiently solvable by Z3.
# This specification also defines the observations that are used to adjudicate
# misbehavior. Well-behaved nodes faithfully observe every message that they
# use to take a step, while Byzantine nodes can fake observations about
# themselves (including withholding observations). Misbehavior is defined using
# the collection of all observations made (in reality, those observations must
# be collected first, but we do not model this process).
include domain_model
module abstract_tendermint = {
# Protocol state
# ##############
relation left_round(N:node, R:round)
relation prevoted(N:node, R:round, V:value)
relation precommitted(N:node, R:round, V:value)
relation decided(N:node, R:round, V:value)
relation locked(N:node, R:round, V:value)
# Accountability relations
# ########################
relation observed_prevoted(N:node, R:round, V:value)
relation observed_precommitted(N:node, R:round, V:value)
# relations that are defined in terms of the previous two:
relation observed_equivocation(N:node)
relation observed_unlawful_prevote(N:node)
relation agreement
relation accountability_violation
object defs = { # we hide those definitions and use them only when needed
private {
definition [observed_equivocation_def] observed_equivocation(N) = exists V1,V2,R .
V1 ~= V2 & (observed_precommitted(N,R,V1) & observed_precommitted(N,R,V2) | observed_prevoted(N,R,V1) & observed_prevoted(N,R,V2))
definition [observed_unlawful_prevote_def] observed_unlawful_prevote(N) = exists V1,V2,R1,R2 .
V1 ~= value.nil & V2 ~= value.nil & V1 ~= V2 & R1 < R2 & observed_precommitted(N,R1,V1) & observed_prevoted(N,R2,V2)
& forall Q,R . R1 <= R & R < R2 & nset.is_quorum(Q) -> exists N2 . nset.member(N2,Q) & ~observed_prevoted(N2,R,V2)
definition [agreement_def] agreement = forall N1,N2,R1,R2,V1,V2 . well_behaved(N1) & well_behaved(N2) & decided(N1,R1,V1) & decided(N2,R2,V2) -> V1 = V2
definition [accountability_violation_def] accountability_violation = exists Q1,Q2 . nset.is_quorum(Q1) & nset.is_quorum(Q2) & (forall N . nset.member(N,Q1) & nset.member(N,Q2) -> observed_equivocation(N) | observed_unlawful_prevote(N))
# Protocol transitions
# ####################
after init {
left_round(N,R) := R < 0;
prevoted(N,R,V) := false;
precommitted(N,R,V) := false;
decided(N,R,V) := false;
locked(N,R,V) := false;
observed_prevoted(N,R,V) := false;
observed_precommitted(N,R,V) := false;
# Actions are named after the corresponding line numbers in the Tendermint
# arXiv paper.
action l_11(n:node, r:round) = { # start round r
require ~left_round(n,r);
left_round(n,R) := R < r;
action l_22(n:node, rp:round, v:value) = {
require ~left_round(n,rp);
require ~prevoted(n,rp,V) & ~precommitted(n,rp,V);
require (forall R,V . locked(n,R,V) -> V = v) | v = value.nil;
prevoted(n, rp, v) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds.
observed_prevoted(n, rp, v) := observed_prevoted(n, rp, v) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action l_28(n:node, rp:round, v:value, vr:round, q:nset) = {
require ~left_round(n,rp) & ~prevoted(n,rp,V);
require ~prevoted(n,rp,V) & ~precommitted(n,rp,V);
require vr < rp;
require nset.is_quorum(q) & (forall N . nset.member(N,q) -> (prevoted(N,vr,v) | ~well_behaved(N)));
var proposal:value;
if value.valid(v) & ((forall R0,V0 . locked(n,R0,V0) -> R0 <= vr) | (forall R,V . locked(n,R,V) -> V = v)) {
proposal := v;
else {
proposal := value.nil;
prevoted(n, rp, proposal) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds
observed_prevoted(N, vr, v) := observed_prevoted(N, vr, v) | (well_behaved(n) & nset.member(N,q)); # the node observes the prevotes of quorum q
observed_prevoted(n, rp, proposal) := observed_prevoted(n, rp, proposal) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action l_36(n:node, rp:round, v:value, q:nset) = {
require v ~= value.nil;
require ~left_round(n,rp);
require exists V . prevoted(n,rp,V);
require ~precommitted(n,rp,V);
require nset.is_quorum(q) & (forall N . nset.member(N,q) -> (prevoted(N,rp,v) | ~well_behaved(N)));
precommitted(n, rp, v) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds
locked(n,R,V) := R <= rp & V = v;
observed_prevoted(N, rp, v) := observed_prevoted(N, rp, v) | (well_behaved(n) & nset.member(N,q)); # the node observes the prevotes of quorum q
observed_precommitted(n, rp, v) := observed_precommitted(n, rp, v) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action l_44(n:node, rp:round, q:nset) = {
require ~left_round(n,rp);
require ~precommitted(n,rp,V);
require nset.is_quorum(q) & (forall N .nset.member(N,q) -> (prevoted(N,rp,value.nil) | ~well_behaved(N)));
precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds
observed_prevoted(N, rp, value.nil) := observed_prevoted(N, rp, value.nil) | (well_behaved(n) & nset.member(N,q)); # the node observes the prevotes of quorum q
observed_precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) := observed_precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action l_57(n:node, rp:round) = {
require ~left_round(n,rp);
require ~prevoted(n,rp,V);
prevoted(n, rp, value.nil) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds
observed_prevoted(n, rp, value.nil) := observed_prevoted(n, rp, value.nil) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action l_61(n:node, rp:round) = {
require ~left_round(n,rp);
require ~precommitted(n,rp,V);
precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) := true;
left_round(n, R) := R < rp; # leave all lower rounds
observed_precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) := observed_precommitted(n, rp, value.nil) | well_behaved(n); # the node observes itself
action decide(n:node, r:round, v:value, q:nset) = {
require v ~= value.nil;
require nset.is_quorum(q) & (forall N . nset.member(N, q) -> (precommitted(N, r, v) | ~well_behaved(N)));
decided(n, r, v) := true;
observed_precommitted(N, r, v) := observed_precommitted(N, r, v) | (well_behaved(n) & nset.member(N,q)); # the node observes the precommits of quorum q
action misbehave = {
# Byzantine nodes can claim they observed whatever they want about themselves,
# but they cannot remove observations.
observed_prevoted(N,R,V) := *;
assume (old observed_prevoted(N,R,V)) -> observed_prevoted(N,R,V);
assume well_behaved(N) -> old observed_prevoted(N,R,V) = observed_prevoted(N,R,V);
observed_precommitted(N,R,V) := *;
assume (old observed_precommitted(N,R,V)) -> observed_precommitted(N,R,V);
assume well_behaved(N) -> old observed_precommitted(N,R,V) = observed_precommitted(N,R,V);