--- order: 5 --- # Configure State-Sync State sync will continuously work in the background to supply nodes with chunked data when bootstrapping. > NOTE: Before trying to use state sync, see if the application you are operating a node for supports it. Under the state sync section in `config.toml` you will find multiple settings that need to be configured in order for your node to use state sync. Lets breakdown the settings: - `enable`: Enable is to inform the node that you will be using state sync to bootstrap your node. - `rpc_servers`: RPC servers are needed because state sync utilizes the light client for verification. - 2 servers are required, more is always helpful. - `temp_dir`: Temporary directory is store the chunks in the machines local storage, If nothing is set it will create a directory in `/tmp` The next information you will need to acquire it through publicly exposed RPC's or a block explorer which you trust. - `trust_height`: Trusted height defines at which height your node should trust the chain. - `trust_hash`: Trusted hash is the hash in the `BlockID` corresponding to the trusted height. - `trust_period`: Trust period is the period in which headers can be verified. > :warning: This value should be significantly smaller than the unbonding period. If you are relying on publicly exposed RPC's to get the need information, you can use `curl`. Example: ```bash curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}" ``` The response will be: ```json { "height": "273", "hash": "188F4F36CBCD2C91B57509BBF231C777E79B52EE3E0D90D06B1A25EB16E6E23D" } ```