## v0.32.1 \*\* Special thanks to external contributors on this release: Friendly reminder, we have a [bug bounty program](https://hackerone.com/tendermint). ### BREAKING CHANGES: - CLI/RPC/Config - Apps - Go API - [abci] \#2127 ABCI / mempool: Add a "Recheck Tx" indicator. Breaks the ABCI client interface (`abcicli.Client`) to allow for supplying the ABCI `types.RequestCheckTx` and `types.RequestDeliverTx` structs, and lets the mempool indicate to the ABCI app whether a CheckTx request is a recheck or not. - [libs] Remove unused `db/debugDB` and `common/colors.go` & `errors/errors.go` files (@marbar3778) - [libs] \#2432 Remove unused `common/heap.go` file (@marbar3778) - Blockchain Protocol - P2P Protocol ### FEATURES: - [node] Refactor `NewNode` to use functional options to make it more flexible and extensible in the future. - [node][\#3730](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/pull/3730) Add `CustomReactors` option to `NewNode` allowing caller to pass custom reactors to run inside Tendermint node (@ParthDesai) ### IMPROVEMENTS: - [rpc] \#3700 Make possible to set absolute paths for TLS cert and key (@climber73) ### BUG FIXES: - [p2p] \#3338 Prevent "sent next PEX request too soon" errors by not calling ensurePeers outside of ensurePeersRoutine - [behaviour] Return correct reason in MessageOutOfOrder (@jim380)