/* * Terms: NewHeight, NewRound, Propose, Prevote, Precommit represent state machine steps. (aka RoundStep). To "prevote/precommit" something means to broadcast a prevote/precommit vote for something. (H,R) means a particular height H and round R. A vote "at (H,R)" is a vote signed with (H,R). * Proposals: A proposal is signed and published by the designated proposer at each round. A proposal at (H,R) is composed of a proposed block of height H, and optionally a POL round number. The POL round number R' (where R' < R) is set to the latest POL round known to the proposer. If the proposer is locked on a block, it must include a POL round for the proposal. * POL and Justification of votes: A set of +2/3 of prevotes for a particular block or at (H,R) is called a POL (proof-of-lock). A POL for might instead be called a proof-of-unlock, but it's better to have a single terminology for both. Each precommit which changes the lock at round R must be justified by a POL where +2/3 prevoted for some block or at some round, equal to or less than R, but greater than the last round at which the lock was changed. POL = Proof-of-Lock = +2/3 prevotes for block B (or +2/3 prevotes for ) at (H,R) lastLockChangeRound < POLRound <= newLockChangeRound Without the POLRound <= newLockChangeRound condition, an unlock would be possible from a future condition that hasn't happened yet, so it destroys deterministic accountability. The point of the above inequality is to ensure that changes in the lock (locking/unlocking/lock-changing) are always justified by something that happened "in the past" by round numbers, so if there is a problem, we can deterministically figure out "when it was caused" and by who. If there is a blockchain halt or fork, the blame will fall on +1/3 of Byzantine voting power = who cannot push the blame into earlier rounds. (See lemma 4). * Block commits: The set of +2/3 of precommits at the same round for the same block is called a commit. A block contains the last block's commit which is comprised of +2/3 precommit votes at (H-1,R). While all the precommits in the commit are from the same height & round (ordered by validator index), some precommits may be absent (e.g. if the validator's precommit vote didn't reach the proposer in time), or some precommits may be for different blockhashes for the last block hash (which is fine). * Consensus State Machine Overview: During NewHeight/NewRound/Propose/Prevote/Precommit: * Nodes gossip the proposal block proposed by the designated proposer at round. * Nodes gossip prevotes/precommits at rounds [0...currentRound+1] (currentRound+1 to allow round-skipping) * Nodes gossip prevotes for the proposal's POL (proof-of-lock) round if proposed. * Nodes gossip to late nodes (lagging in height) with precommits of the commit round (aka catchup) Upon each state transition, the height/round/step is broadcast to neighboring peers. * NewRound(height:H,round:R): * Set up new round. --> goto Propose(H,R) * NOTE: Not much happens in this step. It exists for clarity. * Propose(height:H,round:R): * Upon entering Propose: * The designated proposer proposes a block at (H,R). * The Propose step ends: * After `timeoutPropose` after entering Propose. --> goto Prevote(H,R) * After receiving proposal block and all POL prevotes. --> goto Prevote(H,R) * After any +2/3 prevotes received at (H,R+1). --> goto Prevote(H,R+1) * After any +2/3 precommits received at (H,R+1). --> goto Precommit(H,R+1) * After +2/3 precommits received for a particular block. --> goto Commit(H) * Prevote(height:H,round:R): * Upon entering Prevote, each validator broadcasts its prevote vote. * If the validator is locked on a block, it prevotes that. * Else, if the proposed block from Propose(H,R) is good, it prevotes that. * Else, if the proposal is invalid or wasn't received on time, it prevotes . * The Prevote step ends: * After +2/3 prevotes for a particular block or . --> goto Precommit(H,R) * After `timeoutPrevote` after receiving any +2/3 prevotes. --> goto Precommit(H,R) * After any +2/3 prevotes received at (H,R+1). --> goto Prevote(H,R+1) * After any +2/3 precommits received at (H,R+1). --> goto Precommit(H,R+1) * After +2/3 precommits received for a particular block. --> goto Commit(H) * Precommit(height:H,round:R): * Upon entering Precommit, each validator broadcasts its precommit vote. * If the validator had seen +2/3 of prevotes for a particular block from Prevote(H,R), it locks (changes lock to) that block and precommits that block. * Else, if the validator had seen +2/3 of prevotes for , it unlocks and precommits . * Else, if +2/3 of prevotes for a particular block or is not received on time, it precommits . * The Precommit step ends: * After +2/3 precommits for a particular block. --> goto Commit(H) * After +2/3 precommits for . --> goto NewRound(H,R+1) * After `timeoutPrecommit` after receiving any +2/3 precommits. --> goto NewRound(H,R+1) * After any +2/3 prevotes received at (H,R+1). --> goto Prevote(H,R+1) * After any +2/3 precommits received at (H,R+1). --> goto Precommit(H,R+1) * Commit(height:H): * Set CommitTime = now * Wait until block is received. --> goto NewHeight(H+1) * NewHeight(height:H): * Move Precommits to LastCommit and increment height. * Set StartTime = CommitTime+timeoutCommit * Wait until `StartTime` to receive straggler commits. --> goto NewRound(H,0) * Proof of Safety: If a good validator commits at round R, it's because it saw +2/3 of precommits at round R. This implies that (assuming tolerance bounds) +1/3 of honest nodes are still locked at round R+1. These locked validators will remain locked until they see +2/3 prevote for something else, but this won't happen because +1/3 are locked and honest. * Proof of Liveness: Lemma 1: If +1/3 good nodes are locked on two different blocks, the proposers' POLRound will eventually cause nodes locked from the earlier round to unlock. -> `timeoutProposalR` increments with round R, while the block.size && POL prevote size are fixed, so eventually we'll be able to "fully gossip" the block & POL. TODO: cap the block.size at something reasonable. Lemma 2: If a good node is at round R, neighboring good nodes will soon catch up to round R. Lemma 3: If a node at (H,R) receives +2/3 prevotes for a block (or +2/3 for ) at (H,R+1), it will enter NewRound(H,R+1). Lemma 4: Terminal conditions imply the existence of deterministic accountability, for a synchronous (fixed-duration) protocol extension (judgement). TODO: define terminal conditions (fork and non-decision). TODO: define new assumptions for the synchronous judgement period. +-------------------------------------+ v |(Wait til `CommmitTime+timeoutCommit`) +-----------+ +-----+-----+ +----------> | Propose +--------------+ | NewHeight | | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | | ^ |(Else, after timeoutPrecommit) v | +-----+-----+ +-----------+ | | Precommit | <------------------------+ Prevote | | +-----+-----+ +-----------+ | |(When +2/3 Precommits for block found) | v | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Commit | | | | * Set CommitTime = now; | | * Wait for block, then stage/save/commit block; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ package consensus import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "time" acm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/account" bc "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain" . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/common" "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/events" mempl "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/mempool" sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state" "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types" "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wire" ) var ( timeoutPropose = 3000 * time.Millisecond // Maximum duration of RoundStepPropose timeoutPrevote0 = 1000 * time.Millisecond // After any +2/3 prevotes received, wait this long for stragglers. timeoutPrevoteDelta = 0500 * time.Millisecond // timeoutPrevoteN is timeoutPrevote0 + timeoutPrevoteDelta*N timeoutPrecommit0 = 1000 * time.Millisecond // After any +2/3 precommits received, wait this long for stragglers. timeoutPrecommitDelta = 0500 * time.Millisecond // timeoutPrecommitN is timeoutPrecommit0 + timeoutPrecommitDelta*N timeoutCommit = 2000 * time.Millisecond // After +2/3 commits received for committed block, wait this long for stragglers in the next height's RoundStepNewHeight. ) var ( ErrInvalidProposalSignature = errors.New("Error invalid proposal signature") ErrInvalidProposalPOLRound = errors.New("Error invalid proposal POL round") ErrAddingVote = errors.New("Error adding vote") ErrVoteHeightMismatch = errors.New("Error vote height mismatch") ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RoundStepType enum type type RoundStepType uint8 // These must be numeric, ordered. const ( RoundStepNewHeight = RoundStepType(0x01) // Wait til CommitTime + timeoutCommit RoundStepNewRound = RoundStepType(0x02) // Setup new round and go to RoundStepPropose RoundStepPropose = RoundStepType(0x03) // Did propose, gossip proposal RoundStepPrevote = RoundStepType(0x04) // Did prevote, gossip prevotes RoundStepPrevoteWait = RoundStepType(0x05) // Did receive any +2/3 prevotes, start timeout RoundStepPrecommit = RoundStepType(0x06) // Did precommit, gossip precommits RoundStepPrecommitWait = RoundStepType(0x07) // Did receive any +2/3 precommits, start timeout RoundStepCommit = RoundStepType(0x08) // Entered commit state machine // NOTE: RoundStepNewHeight acts as RoundStepCommitWait. ) func (rs RoundStepType) String() string { switch rs { case RoundStepNewHeight: return "RoundStepNewHeight" case RoundStepNewRound: return "RoundStepNewRound" case RoundStepPropose: return "RoundStepPropose" case RoundStepPrevote: return "RoundStepPrevote" case RoundStepPrevoteWait: return "RoundStepPrevoteWait" case RoundStepPrecommit: return "RoundStepPrecommit" case RoundStepPrecommitWait: return "RoundStepPrecommitWait" case RoundStepCommit: return "RoundStepCommit" default: return "RoundStepUnknown" // Cannot panic. } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Immutable when returned from ConsensusState.GetRoundState() type RoundState struct { Height int // Height we are working on Round int Step RoundStepType StartTime time.Time CommitTime time.Time // Subjective time when +2/3 precommits for Block at Round were found Validators *types.ValidatorSet Proposal *types.Proposal ProposalBlock *types.Block ProposalBlockParts *types.PartSet LockedRound int LockedBlock *types.Block LockedBlockParts *types.PartSet Votes *HeightVoteSet CommitRound int // LastCommit *types.VoteSet // Last precommits at Height-1 LastValidators *types.ValidatorSet } func (rs *RoundState) RoundStateEvent() *types.EventDataRoundState { return &types.EventDataRoundState{ CurrentTime: time.Now(), Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Step: rs.Step.String(), StartTime: rs.StartTime, CommitTime: rs.CommitTime, Proposal: rs.Proposal, ProposalBlock: rs.ProposalBlock, LockedRound: rs.LockedRound, LockedBlock: rs.LockedBlock, POLRound: rs.Votes.POLRound(), } } func (rs *RoundState) String() string { return rs.StringIndented("") } func (rs *RoundState) StringIndented(indent string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`RoundState{ %s H:%v R:%v S:%v %s StartTime: %v %s CommitTime: %v %s Validators: %v %s Proposal: %v %s ProposalBlock: %v %v %s LockedRound: %v %s LockedBlock: %v %v %s Votes: %v %s LastCommit: %v %s LastValidators: %v %s}`, indent, rs.Height, rs.Round, rs.Step, indent, rs.StartTime, indent, rs.CommitTime, indent, rs.Validators.StringIndented(indent+" "), indent, rs.Proposal, indent, rs.ProposalBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.ProposalBlock.StringShort(), indent, rs.LockedRound, indent, rs.LockedBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.LockedBlock.StringShort(), indent, rs.Votes.StringIndented(indent+" "), indent, rs.LastCommit.StringShort(), indent, rs.LastValidators.StringIndented(indent+" "), indent) } func (rs *RoundState) StringShort() string { return fmt.Sprintf(`RoundState{H:%v R:%v S:%v ST:%v}`, rs.Height, rs.Round, rs.Step, rs.StartTime) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tracks consensus state across block heights and rounds. type ConsensusState struct { BaseService blockStore *bc.BlockStore mempoolReactor *mempl.MempoolReactor privValidator *types.PrivValidator newStepCh chan *RoundState mtx sync.Mutex RoundState state *sm.State // State until height-1. stagedBlock *types.Block // Cache last staged block. stagedState *sm.State // Cache result of staged block. evsw events.Fireable evc *events.EventCache // set in stageBlock and passed into state } func NewConsensusState(state *sm.State, blockStore *bc.BlockStore, mempoolReactor *mempl.MempoolReactor) *ConsensusState { cs := &ConsensusState{ blockStore: blockStore, mempoolReactor: mempoolReactor, newStepCh: make(chan *RoundState, 10), } cs.updateToState(state) // Don't call scheduleRound0 yet. // We do that upon Start(). cs.maybeRebond() cs.reconstructLastCommit(state) cs.BaseService = *NewBaseService(log, "ConsensusState", cs) return cs } // Reconstruct LastCommit from SeenValidation, which we saved along with the block, // (which happens even before saving the state) func (cs *ConsensusState) reconstructLastCommit(state *sm.State) { if state.LastBlockHeight == 0 { return } lastPrecommits := types.NewVoteSet(state.LastBlockHeight, 0, types.VoteTypePrecommit, state.LastBondedValidators) seenValidation := cs.blockStore.LoadSeenValidation(state.LastBlockHeight) for idx, precommit := range seenValidation.Precommits { if precommit == nil { continue } added, _, err := lastPrecommits.AddByIndex(idx, precommit) if !added || err != nil { PanicCrisis(Fmt("Failed to reconstruct LastCommit: %v", err)) } } if !lastPrecommits.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { PanicSanity("Failed to reconstruct LastCommit: Does not have +2/3 maj") } cs.LastCommit = lastPrecommits } func (cs *ConsensusState) GetState() *sm.State { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() return cs.state.Copy() } func (cs *ConsensusState) GetRoundState() *RoundState { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() return cs.getRoundState() } func (cs *ConsensusState) getRoundState() *RoundState { rs := cs.RoundState // copy return &rs } func (cs *ConsensusState) NewStepCh() chan *RoundState { return cs.newStepCh } func (cs *ConsensusState) OnStart() error { cs.BaseService.OnStart() cs.scheduleRound0(cs.Height) return nil } func (cs *ConsensusState) OnStop() { // It's asynchronous so, there's not much to stop. cs.BaseService.OnStop() } // EnterNewRound(height, 0) at cs.StartTime. func (cs *ConsensusState) scheduleRound0(height int) { //log.Info("scheduleRound0", "now", time.Now(), "startTime", cs.StartTime) sleepDuration := cs.StartTime.Sub(time.Now()) go func() { if 0 < sleepDuration { time.Sleep(sleepDuration) // TODO: event? } cs.EnterNewRound(height, 0, false) }() } // Updates ConsensusState and increments height to match that of state. // The round becomes 0 and cs.Step becomes RoundStepNewHeight. func (cs *ConsensusState) updateToState(state *sm.State) { if cs.CommitRound > -1 && 0 < cs.Height && cs.Height != state.LastBlockHeight { PanicSanity(Fmt("updateToState() expected state height of %v but found %v", cs.Height, state.LastBlockHeight)) } if cs.state != nil && cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1 != cs.Height { // This might happen when someone else is mutating cs.state. // Someone forgot to pass in state.Copy() somewhere?! PanicSanity(Fmt("Inconsistent cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1 %v vs cs.Height %v", cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1, cs.Height)) } // If state isn't further out than cs.state, just ignore. // This happens when SwitchToConsensus() is called in the reactor. // We don't want to reset e.g. the Votes. if cs.state != nil && (state.LastBlockHeight <= cs.state.LastBlockHeight) { log.Notice("Ignoring updateToState()", "newHeight", state.LastBlockHeight+1, "oldHeight", cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1) return } // Reset fields based on state. validators := state.BondedValidators height := state.LastBlockHeight + 1 // next desired block height lastPrecommits := (*types.VoteSet)(nil) if cs.CommitRound > -1 && cs.Votes != nil { if !cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).HasTwoThirdsMajority() { PanicSanity("updateToState(state) called but last Precommit round didn't have +2/3") } lastPrecommits = cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound) } // RoundState fields cs.Height = height cs.Round = 0 cs.Step = RoundStepNewHeight if cs.CommitTime.IsZero() { // "Now" makes it easier to sync up dev nodes. // We add timeoutCommit to allow transactions // to be gathered for the first block. // And alternative solution that relies on clocks: // cs.StartTime = state.LastBlockTime.Add(timeoutCommit) cs.StartTime = time.Now().Add(timeoutCommit) } else { cs.StartTime = cs.CommitTime.Add(timeoutCommit) } cs.CommitTime = time.Time{} cs.Validators = validators cs.Proposal = nil cs.ProposalBlock = nil cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil cs.LockedRound = 0 cs.LockedBlock = nil cs.LockedBlockParts = nil cs.Votes = NewHeightVoteSet(height, validators) cs.CommitRound = -1 cs.LastCommit = lastPrecommits cs.LastValidators = state.LastBondedValidators cs.state = state cs.stagedBlock = nil cs.stagedState = nil // Finally, broadcast RoundState cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() } // If we're unbonded, broadcast RebondTx. func (cs *ConsensusState) maybeRebond() { if cs.privValidator == nil || !cs.state.UnbondingValidators.HasAddress(cs.privValidator.Address) { return } rebondTx := &types.RebondTx{ Address: cs.privValidator.Address, Height: cs.Height, } err := cs.privValidator.SignRebondTx(cs.state.ChainID, rebondTx) if err == nil { err := cs.mempoolReactor.BroadcastTx(rebondTx) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed to broadcast RebondTx", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx, "error", err) } else { log.Notice("Signed and broadcast RebondTx", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx) } } else { log.Warn("Error signing RebondTx", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx, "error", err) } } func (cs *ConsensusState) SetPrivValidator(priv *types.PrivValidator) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() cs.privValidator = priv } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enter: +2/3 precommits for nil at (height,round-1) // Enter: `timeoutPrecommits` after any +2/3 precommits from (height,round-1) // Enter: `startTime = commitTime+timeoutCommit` from NewHeight(height) // NOTE: cs.StartTime was already set for height. func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterNewRound(height int, round int, timedOut bool) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step != RoundStepNewHeight) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterNewRound(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } if timedOut { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringTimeoutWait(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } if now := time.Now(); cs.StartTime.After(now) { log.Warn("Need to set a buffer and log.Warn() here for sanity.", "startTime", cs.StartTime, "now", now) } log.Notice(Fmt("EnterNewRound(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) // Increment validators if necessary validators := cs.Validators if cs.Round < round { validators = validators.Copy() validators.IncrementAccum(round - cs.Round) } // Setup new round cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepNewRound cs.Validators = validators if round == 0 { // We've already reset these upon new height, // and meanwhile we might have received a proposal // for round 0. } else { cs.Proposal = nil cs.ProposalBlock = nil cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil } cs.Votes.SetRound(round + 1) // also track next round (round+1) to allow round-skipping cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewRound(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) // Immediately go to EnterPropose. go cs.EnterPropose(height, round) } // Enter: from NewRound(height,round). func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPropose(height int, round int) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && RoundStepPropose <= cs.Step) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPropose(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } log.Info(Fmt("EnterPropose(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) defer func() { // Done EnterPropose: cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepPropose cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() // If we have the whole proposal + POL, then goto Prevote now. // else, we'll EnterPrevote when the rest of the proposal is received (in AddProposalBlockPart), // or else after timeoutPropose if cs.isProposalComplete() { go cs.EnterPrevote(height, cs.Round, false) } }() // This step times out after `timeoutPropose` go func() { time.Sleep(timeoutPropose) cs.EnterPrevote(height, round, true) }() // Nothing more to do if we're not a validator if cs.privValidator == nil { return } if !bytes.Equal(cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, cs.privValidator.Address) { log.Info("EnterPropose: Not our turn to propose", "proposer", cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, "privValidator", cs.privValidator) } else { log.Info("EnterPropose: Our turn to propose", "proposer", cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, "privValidator", cs.privValidator) cs.decideProposal(height, round) } } // Decides on the next proposal and sets them onto cs.Proposal* func (cs *ConsensusState) decideProposal(height int, round int) { var block *types.Block var blockParts *types.PartSet // Decide on block if cs.LockedBlock != nil { // If we're locked onto a block, just choose that. block, blockParts = cs.LockedBlock, cs.LockedBlockParts } else { // Create a new proposal block from state/txs from the mempool. block, blockParts = cs.createProposalBlock() } // Make proposal proposal := types.NewProposal(height, round, blockParts.Header(), cs.Votes.POLRound()) err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(cs.state.ChainID, proposal) if err == nil { log.Notice("Signed and set proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "proposal", proposal) log.Debug(Fmt("Signed and set proposal block: %v", block)) // Set fields cs.Proposal = proposal cs.ProposalBlock = block cs.ProposalBlockParts = blockParts } else { log.Warn("EnterPropose: Error signing proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "error", err) } } // Returns true if the proposal block is complete && // (if POLRound was proposed, we have +2/3 prevotes from there). func (cs *ConsensusState) isProposalComplete() bool { if cs.Proposal == nil || cs.ProposalBlock == nil { return false } // we have the proposal. if there's a POLRound, // make sure we have the prevotes from it too if cs.Proposal.POLRound < 0 { return true } else { // if this is false the proposer is lying or we haven't received the POL yet return cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Proposal.POLRound).HasTwoThirdsMajority() } } // Create the next block to propose and return it. // NOTE: keep it side-effect free for clarity. func (cs *ConsensusState) createProposalBlock() (block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet) { var validation *types.Validation if cs.Height == 1 { // We're creating a proposal for the first block. // The validation is empty, but not nil. validation = &types.Validation{} } else if cs.LastCommit.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { // Make the validation from LastCommit validation = cs.LastCommit.MakeValidation() } else { // This shouldn't happen. log.Error("EnterPropose: Cannot propose anything: No validation for the previous block.") return } txs := cs.mempoolReactor.Mempool.GetProposalTxs() MaxTxsPerBlock := 100 // TODO if len(txs) > MaxTxsPerBlock { txs = txs[:MaxTxsPerBlock] } block = &types.Block{ Header: &types.Header{ ChainID: cs.state.ChainID, Height: cs.Height, Time: time.Now(), Fees: 0, // TODO fees NumTxs: len(txs), LastBlockHash: cs.state.LastBlockHash, LastBlockParts: cs.state.LastBlockParts, StateHash: nil, // Will set afterwards. }, LastValidation: validation, Data: &types.Data{ Txs: txs, }, } block.FillHeader() // Set the block.Header.StateHash. err := cs.state.ComputeBlockStateHash(block) if err != nil { log.Error("EnterPropose: Error setting state hash", "error", err) return } blockParts = block.MakePartSet() return block, blockParts } // Enter: `timeoutPropose` after entering Propose. // Enter: proposal block and POL is ready. // Enter: any +2/3 prevotes for future round. // Prevote for LockedBlock if we're locked, or ProposalBlock if valid. // Otherwise vote nil. func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevote(height int, round int, timedOut bool) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && RoundStepPrevote <= cs.Step) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrevote(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } // fire event for how we got here if timedOut { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringTimeoutPropose(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } else if cs.isProposalComplete() { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringCompleteProposal(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } else { // we received +2/3 prevotes for a future round // TODO: catchup event? } log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrevote(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) // Sign and broadcast vote as necessary cs.doPrevote(height, round) // Done EnterPrevote: cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepPrevote cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() // Once `addVote` hits any +2/3 prevotes, we will go to PrevoteWait // (so we have more time to try and collect +2/3 prevotes for a single block) } func (cs *ConsensusState) doPrevote(height int, round int) { // If a block is locked, prevote that. if cs.LockedBlock != nil { log.Info("EnterPrevote: Block was locked") cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), cs.LockedBlockParts.Header()) return } // If ProposalBlock is nil, prevote nil. if cs.ProposalBlock == nil { log.Warn("EnterPrevote: ProposalBlock is nil") cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) return } // Try staging cs.ProposalBlock err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts) if err != nil { // ProposalBlock is invalid, prevote nil. log.Warn("EnterPrevote: ProposalBlock is invalid", "error", err) cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) return } // Prevote cs.ProposalBlock // NOTE: the proposal signature is validated when it is received, // and the proposal block parts are validated as they are received (against the merkle hash in the proposal) cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header()) return } // Enter: any +2/3 prevotes at next round. func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevoteWait(height int, round int) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && RoundStepPrevoteWait <= cs.Step) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } if !cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() { PanicSanity(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v), but Prevotes does not have any +2/3 votes", height, round)) } log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) // Done EnterPrevoteWait: cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepPrevoteWait cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() // After `timeoutPrevote0+timeoutPrevoteDelta*round`, EnterPrecommit() go func() { time.Sleep(timeoutPrevote0 + timeoutPrevoteDelta*time.Duration(round)) cs.EnterPrecommit(height, round, true) }() } // Enter: +2/3 precomits for block or nil. // Enter: `timeoutPrevote` after any +2/3 prevotes. // Enter: any +2/3 precommits for next round. // Lock & precommit the ProposalBlock if we have enough prevotes for it (a POL in this round) // else, unlock an existing lock and precommit nil if +2/3 of prevotes were nil, // else, precommit nil otherwise. func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommit(height int, round int, timedOut bool) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && RoundStepPrecommit <= cs.Step) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrecommit(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } if timedOut { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringTimeoutWait(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrecommit(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) defer func() { // Done EnterPrecommit: cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommit cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() }() hash, partsHeader, ok := cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).TwoThirdsMajority() // If we don't have a polka, we must precommit nil if !ok { if cs.LockedBlock != nil { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: No +2/3 prevotes during EnterPrecommit while we're locked. Precommitting nil") } else { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: No +2/3 prevotes during EnterPrecommit. Precommitting nil.") } cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) return } // At this point +2/3 prevoted for a particular block or nil cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringPolka(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) // the latest POLRound should be this round if cs.Votes.POLRound() < round { PanicSanity(Fmt("This POLRound should be %v but got %", round, cs.Votes.POLRound())) } // +2/3 prevoted nil. Unlock and precommit nil. if len(hash) == 0 { if cs.LockedBlock == nil { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for nil.") } else { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for nil. Unlocking") cs.LockedRound = 0 cs.LockedBlock = nil cs.LockedBlockParts = nil cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringUnlock(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) return } // At this point, +2/3 prevoted for a particular block. // If we're already locked on that block, precommit it, and update the LockedRound if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(hash) { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted locked block. Relocking") cs.LockedRound = round cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringRelock(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, hash, partsHeader) return } // If +2/3 prevoted for proposal block, stage and precommit it if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) { log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block. Locking", "hash", hash) // Validate the block. if err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts); err != nil { PanicConsensus(Fmt("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for an invalid block: %v", err)) } cs.LockedRound = round cs.LockedBlock = cs.ProposalBlock cs.LockedBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringLock(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, hash, partsHeader) return } // There was a polka in this round for a block we don't have. // Fetch that block, unlock, and precommit nil. // The +2/3 prevotes for this round is the POL for our unlock. // TODO: In the future save the POL prevotes for justification. cs.LockedRound = 0 cs.LockedBlock = nil cs.LockedBlockParts = nil if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(partsHeader) { cs.ProposalBlock = nil cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(partsHeader) } cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringUnlock(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) return } // Enter: any +2/3 precommits for next round. func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommitWait(height int, round int) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && RoundStepPrecommitWait <= cs.Step) { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } if !cs.Votes.Precommits(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() { PanicSanity(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v), but Precommits does not have any +2/3 votes", height, round)) } log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) // Done EnterPrecommitWait: cs.Round = round cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommitWait cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() // After `timeoutPrecommit0+timeoutPrecommitDelta*round`, EnterNewRound() go func() { time.Sleep(timeoutPrecommit0 + timeoutPrecommitDelta*time.Duration(round)) // If we have +2/3 of precommits for a particular block (or nil), // we already entered commit (or the next round). // So just try to transition to the next round, // which is what we'd do otherwise. cs.EnterNewRound(height, round+1, true) }() } // Enter: +2/3 precommits for block func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterCommit(height int, commitRound int) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || RoundStepCommit <= cs.Step { log.Debug(Fmt("EnterCommit(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, commitRound, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } log.Info(Fmt("EnterCommit(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, commitRound, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) defer func() { // Done Entercommit: // keep ca.Round the same, it points to the right Precommits set. cs.Step = RoundStepCommit cs.CommitRound = commitRound cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState() // Maybe finalize immediately. cs.tryFinalizeCommit(height) }() hash, partsHeader, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(commitRound).TwoThirdsMajority() if !ok { PanicSanity("RunActionCommit() expects +2/3 precommits") } // The Locked* fields no longer matter. // Move them over to ProposalBlock if they match the commit hash, // otherwise they'll be cleared in updateToState. if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(hash) { cs.ProposalBlock = cs.LockedBlock cs.ProposalBlockParts = cs.LockedBlockParts } // If we don't have the block being committed, set up to get it. if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) { if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(partsHeader) { // We're getting the wrong block. // Set up ProposalBlockParts and keep waiting. cs.ProposalBlock = nil cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(partsHeader) } else { // We just need to keep waiting. } } } // If we have the block AND +2/3 commits for it, finalize. func (cs *ConsensusState) tryFinalizeCommit(height int) { if cs.Height != height { PanicSanity(Fmt("tryFinalizeCommit() cs.Height: %v vs height: %v", cs.Height, height)) } hash, _, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).TwoThirdsMajority() if !ok || len(hash) == 0 { log.Warn("Attempt to finalize failed. There was no +2/3 majority, or +2/3 was for .") return } if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) { log.Warn("Attempt to finalize failed. We don't have the commit block.") return } go cs.FinalizeCommit(height) } // Increment height and goto RoundStepNewHeight func (cs *ConsensusState) FinalizeCommit(height int) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() if cs.Height != height || cs.Step != RoundStepCommit { log.Debug(Fmt("FinalizeCommit(%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step)) return } hash, header, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).TwoThirdsMajority() if !ok { PanicSanity(Fmt("Cannot FinalizeCommit, commit does not have two thirds majority")) } if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(header) { PanicSanity(Fmt("Expected ProposalBlockParts header to be commit header")) } if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) { PanicSanity(Fmt("Cannot FinalizeCommit, ProposalBlock does not hash to commit hash")) } if err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts); err != nil { PanicConsensus(Fmt("+2/3 committed an invalid block: %v", err)) } log.Info(Fmt("Finalizing commit of block: %v", cs.ProposalBlock)) // We have the block, so stage/save/commit-vote. cs.saveBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts, cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound)) // Increment height. cs.updateToState(cs.stagedState) // cs.StartTime is already set. // Schedule Round0 to start soon. go cs.scheduleRound0(height + 1) // If we're unbonded, broadcast RebondTx. cs.maybeRebond() // By here, // * cs.Height has been increment to height+1 // * cs.Step is now RoundStepNewHeight // * cs.StartTime is set to when we will start round0. return } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (cs *ConsensusState) SetProposal(proposal *types.Proposal) error { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() // Already have one if cs.Proposal != nil { return nil } // Does not apply if proposal.Height != cs.Height || proposal.Round != cs.Round { return nil } // We don't care about the proposal if we're already in RoundStepCommit. if RoundStepCommit <= cs.Step { return nil } // Verify POLRound, which must be -1 or between 0 and proposal.Round exclusive. if proposal.POLRound != -1 && (proposal.POLRound < 0 || proposal.Round <= proposal.POLRound) { return ErrInvalidProposalPOLRound } // Verify signature if !cs.Validators.Proposer().PubKey.VerifyBytes(acm.SignBytes(cs.state.ChainID, proposal), proposal.Signature) { return ErrInvalidProposalSignature } cs.Proposal = proposal cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(proposal.BlockPartsHeader) return nil } // NOTE: block is not necessarily valid. // This can trigger us to go into EnterPrevote asynchronously (before we timeout of propose) or to attempt to commit func (cs *ConsensusState) AddProposalBlockPart(height int, part *types.Part) (added bool, err error) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() // Blocks might be reused, so round mismatch is OK if cs.Height != height { return false, nil } // We're not expecting a block part. if cs.ProposalBlockParts == nil { return false, nil // TODO: bad peer? Return error? } added, err = cs.ProposalBlockParts.AddPart(part) if err != nil { return added, err } if added && cs.ProposalBlockParts.IsComplete() { // Added and completed! var n int64 var err error cs.ProposalBlock = wire.ReadBinary(&types.Block{}, cs.ProposalBlockParts.GetReader(), &n, &err).(*types.Block) log.Info("Received complete proposal", "hash", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash()) if cs.Step == RoundStepPropose && cs.isProposalComplete() { // Move onto the next step go cs.EnterPrevote(height, cs.Round, false) } else if cs.Step == RoundStepCommit { // If we're waiting on the proposal block... cs.tryFinalizeCommit(height) } return true, err } return added, nil } // Attempt to add the vote. if its a duplicate signature, dupeout the validator func (cs *ConsensusState) TryAddVote(valIndex int, vote *types.Vote, peerKey string) (bool, error) { added, address, err := cs.AddVote(valIndex, vote, peerKey) if err != nil { // If the vote height is off, we'll just ignore it, // But if it's a conflicting sig, broadcast evidence tx for slashing. // If it's otherwise invalid, punish peer. if err == ErrVoteHeightMismatch { return added, err } else if errDupe, ok := err.(*types.ErrVoteConflictingSignature); ok { log.Warn("Found conflicting vote. Publish evidence") evidenceTx := &types.DupeoutTx{ Address: address, VoteA: *errDupe.VoteA, VoteB: *errDupe.VoteB, } cs.mempoolReactor.BroadcastTx(evidenceTx) // shouldn't need to check returned err return added, err } else { // Probably an invalid signature. Bad peer. log.Warn("Error attempting to add vote", "error", err) return added, ErrAddingVote } } return added, nil } func (cs *ConsensusState) AddVote(valIndex int, vote *types.Vote, peerKey string) (added bool, address []byte, err error) { cs.mtx.Lock() defer cs.mtx.Unlock() return cs.addVote(valIndex, vote, peerKey) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (cs *ConsensusState) addVote(valIndex int, vote *types.Vote, peerKey string) (added bool, address []byte, err error) { log.Debug("addVote", "voteHeight", vote.Height, "voteType", vote.Type, "csHeight", cs.Height) defer func() { if added { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringVote(), &types.EventDataVote{valIndex, address, vote}) } }() // A precommit for the previous height? if vote.Height+1 == cs.Height { if !(cs.Step == RoundStepNewHeight && vote.Type == types.VoteTypePrecommit) { // TODO: give the reason .. // fmt.Errorf("TryAddVote: Wrong height, not a LastCommit straggler commit.") return added, nil, ErrVoteHeightMismatch } added, address, err = cs.LastCommit.AddByIndex(valIndex, vote) if added { log.Info(Fmt("Added to lastPrecommits: %v", cs.LastCommit.StringShort())) } return } // A prevote/precommit for this height? if vote.Height == cs.Height { height := cs.Height added, address, err = cs.Votes.AddByIndex(valIndex, vote, peerKey) if added { switch vote.Type { case types.VoteTypePrevote: prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(vote.Round) log.Info(Fmt("Added to prevotes: %v", prevotes.StringShort())) // First, unlock if prevotes is a valid POL. // >> lockRound < POLRound <= unlockOrChangeLockRound (see spec) // NOTE: If (lockRound < POLRound) but !(POLRound <= unlockOrChangeLockRound), // we'll still EnterNewRound(H,vote.R) and EnterPrecommit(H,vote.R) to process it // there. if (cs.LockedBlock != nil) && (cs.LockedRound < vote.Round) && (vote.Round <= cs.Round) { hash, _, ok := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok && !cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(hash) { log.Notice("Unlocking because of POL.", "lockedRound", cs.LockedRound, "POLRound", vote.Round) cs.LockedRound = 0 cs.LockedBlock = nil cs.LockedBlockParts = nil cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringUnlock(), cs.RoundStateEvent()) } } if cs.Round <= vote.Round && prevotes.HasTwoThirdsAny() { // Round-skip over to PrevoteWait or goto Precommit. go func() { cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round, false) if prevotes.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { cs.EnterPrecommit(height, vote.Round, false) } else { cs.EnterPrevote(height, vote.Round, false) cs.EnterPrevoteWait(height, vote.Round) } }() } else if cs.Proposal != nil && 0 <= cs.Proposal.POLRound && cs.Proposal.POLRound == vote.Round { // If the proposal is now complete, enter prevote of cs.Round. if cs.isProposalComplete() { go cs.EnterPrevote(height, cs.Round, false) } } case types.VoteTypePrecommit: precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(vote.Round) log.Info(Fmt("Added to precommit: %v", precommits.StringShort())) hash, _, ok := precommits.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok { go func() { if len(hash) == 0 { cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round+1, false) } else { cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round, false) cs.EnterPrecommit(height, vote.Round, false) cs.EnterCommit(height, vote.Round) } }() } else if cs.Round <= vote.Round && precommits.HasTwoThirdsAny() { go func() { cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round, false) cs.EnterPrecommit(height, vote.Round, false) cs.EnterPrecommitWait(height, vote.Round) }() } default: PanicSanity(Fmt("Unexpected vote type %X", vote.Type)) // Should not happen. } } // Either duplicate, or error upon cs.Votes.AddByIndex() return } else { err = ErrVoteHeightMismatch } // Height mismatch, bad peer? log.Info("Vote ignored and not added", "voteHeight", vote.Height, "csHeight", cs.Height) return } func (cs *ConsensusState) stageBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet) error { if block == nil { PanicSanity("Cannot stage nil block") } // Already staged? blockHash := block.Hash() if cs.stagedBlock != nil && len(blockHash) != 0 && bytes.Equal(cs.stagedBlock.Hash(), blockHash) { return nil } // Create a copy of the state for staging stateCopy := cs.state.Copy() // reset the event cache and pass it into the state cs.evc = events.NewEventCache(cs.evsw) stateCopy.SetFireable(cs.evc) // Commit block onto the copied state. // NOTE: Basic validation is done in state.AppendBlock(). err := sm.ExecBlock(stateCopy, block, blockParts.Header()) if err != nil { return err } else { cs.stagedBlock = block cs.stagedState = stateCopy return nil } } func (cs *ConsensusState) signVote(type_ byte, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) (*types.Vote, error) { vote := &types.Vote{ Height: cs.Height, Round: cs.Round, Type: type_, BlockHash: hash, BlockPartsHeader: header, } err := cs.privValidator.SignVote(cs.state.ChainID, vote) return vote, err } func (cs *ConsensusState) signAddVote(type_ byte, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote { if cs.privValidator == nil || !cs.Validators.HasAddress(cs.privValidator.Address) { return nil } vote, err := cs.signVote(type_, hash, header) if err == nil { // NOTE: store our index in the cs so we don't have to do this every time valIndex, _ := cs.Validators.GetByAddress(cs.privValidator.Address) _, _, err := cs.addVote(valIndex, vote, "") log.Notice("Signed and added vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "error", err) return vote } else { log.Warn("Error signing vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "error", err) return nil } } // Save Block, save the +2/3 Commits we've seen func (cs *ConsensusState) saveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, commits *types.VoteSet) { // The proposal must be valid. if err := cs.stageBlock(block, blockParts); err != nil { PanicSanity(Fmt("saveBlock() an invalid block: %v", err)) } // Save to blockStore. if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height { seenValidation := commits.MakeValidation() cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenValidation) } // Save the state. cs.stagedState.Save() // Update mempool. cs.mempoolReactor.ResetForBlockAndState(block, cs.stagedState) // Fire off event if cs.evsw != nil && cs.evc != nil { go func(block *types.Block) { cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewBlock(), types.EventDataNewBlock{block}) cs.evc.Flush() }(block) } } // implements events.Eventable func (cs *ConsensusState) SetFireable(evsw events.Fireable) { cs.evsw = evsw } func (cs *ConsensusState) String() string { return Fmt("ConsensusState(H:%v R:%v S:%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step) }