# Tendermint monitor (tm-monitor) Tendermint monitor watches over one or more [Tendermint core](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint) applications (nodes), collecting and providing various statistics to the user. * [QuickStart using Docker](#quickstart-using-docker) * [QuickStart using binaries](#quickstart-using-binaries) * [Usage](#usage) * [RPC UI](#rpc-ui) ## QuickStart using Docker ``` docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" tendermint/tendermint init docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" -p "46657:46657" --name=tm tendermint/tendermint docker run -it --rm --link=tm tendermint/monitor tm:46657 ``` ## QuickStart using binaries Linux: ``` curl -L https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tendermint/0.8.0/tendermint_linux_amd64.zip && sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin tendermint_linux_amd64.zip && sudo chmod +x tendermint tendermint init tendermint node --app_proxy=dummy tm-monitor localhost:46657 ``` Max OS: ``` curl -L https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tendermint/0.8.0/tendermint_darwin_amd64.zip && sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin tendermint_darwin_amd64.zip && sudo chmod +x tendermint tendermint init tendermint node --app_proxy=dummy tm-monitor localhost:46657 ``` ## Usage ``` tm-monitor [-v] [-no-ton] [-listen-addr="tcp://"] [endpoints] Examples: # monitor single instance tm-monitor localhost:46657 # monitor a few instances by providing comma-separated list of RPC endpoints tm-monitor host1:46657,host2:46657 Flags: -listen-addr string HTTP and Websocket server listen address (default "tcp://") -no-ton Do not show ton (table of nodes) -v verbose logging ``` [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/105974.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/105974) ### RPC UI Run `tm-monitor` and visit [http://localhost:46670](http://localhost:46670). You should see the list of the available RPC endpoints: ``` http://localhost:46670/status http://localhost:46670/status/network http://localhost:46670/monitor?endpoint=_ http://localhost:46670/status/node?name=_ http://localhost:46670/unmonitor?endpoint=_ ``` The API is available as GET requests with URI encoded parameters, or as JSONRPC POST requests. The JSONRPC methods are also exposed over websocket. ### Ideas - currently we get IPs and dial, but should reverse so the nodes dial the netmon, both for node privacy and easier reconfig (validators changing ip/port). It would be good to have both. For testnets with others we def need them to dial the monitor. But I want to be able to run the monitor from my laptop without openning ports. If we don't want to open all the ports, maybe something like this would be a good fit for us: tm-monitor agent running on each node, collecting all the metrics. Each tm-monitor agent monitors local TM node and sends stats to a single master tm-monitor master. That way we'll only need to open a single port for UI on the node with tm-monitor master. And I believe it could be done with a single package with a few subcommands. ``` # agent collecting metrics from localhost (default) tm-monitor agent --master="" # agent collecting metrics from another TM node (useful for testing, development) tm-monitor agent --master="" --node="" # master accepting stats from agents tm-monitor master [--ton] OR [--ui] (`--ui` mode by default) # display table of nodes in the terminal (useful for testing, development, playing with TM) # --nodes="localhost:46657" by default tm-monitor # display table of nodes in the terminal (useful for testing, development, playing with TM) tm-monitor --nodes="," ``` - uptime over last day, month, year. There are different meanings for uptime. One is to constantly ping the nodes and make sure they respond to eg. /status. A more fine-grained one is to check for votes in the block commits. - show network size + auto discovery. You can get a list of connected peers at /net_info. But no single one will be connected to the whole network, so need to tease out all the unique peers from calling /net_info on all of them. Unless you have some prior information about how many peers in the net ... More: we could add `-auto-discovery` option and try to connect to every node. - input plugin for https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf, so the user is able to get the metrics and send them whenever he wants to (grafana, prometheus, etc.). Feel free to vote on the ideas or add your own by saying hello on [Slack](http://forum.tendermint.com:3000/) or by opening an issue.