#! /bin/bash set -eu NUM_OF_PEERS=$1 # how many attempts for each peer to catch up by height MAX_ATTEMPTS_TO_CATCH_UP=10 echo "Waiting for nodes to come online" set +e for i in $(seq 1 "$NUM_OF_PEERS"); do addr=$(test/p2p/ip.sh "$i"):46657 curl -s "$addr/status" > /dev/null ERR=$? while [ "$ERR" != 0 ]; do sleep 1 curl -s "$addr/status" > /dev/null ERR=$? done echo "... node $i is up" done set -e # get the first peer's height addr=$(test/p2p/ip.sh 1):46657 h1=$(curl -s "$addr/status" | jq .result[1].latest_block_height) echo "1st peer is on height $h1" echo "Waiting until other peers reporting a height higher than the 1st one" for i in $(seq 2 "$NUM_OF_PEERS"); do attempt=1 hi=0 while [[ $hi -le $h1 ]] ; do addr=$(test/p2p/ip.sh "$i"):46657 hi=$(curl -s "$addr/status" | jq .result[1].latest_block_height) echo "... peer $i is on height $hi" ((attempt++)) if [ "$attempt" -ge $MAX_ATTEMPTS_TO_CATCH_UP ] ; then echo "$attempt unsuccessful attempts were made to catch up" exit 1 fi sleep 1 done done