/* Package inspect provides a tool for investigating the state of a failed Tendermint node. This package provides the Inspector type. The Inspector type runs a subset of the Tendermint RPC endpoints that are useful for debugging issues with Tendermint consensus. When a node running the Tendermint consensus engine detects an inconsistent consensus state, the entire node will crash. The Tendermint consensus engine cannot run in this inconsistent state so the node will not be able to start up again. The RPC endpoints provided by the Inspector type allow for a node operator to inspect the block store and state store to better understand what may have caused the inconsistent state. The Inspector type's lifecycle is controlled by a context.Context ins := inspect.NewFromConfig(rpcConfig) ctx, cancelFunc:= context.WithCancel(context.Background()) // Run blocks until the Inspector server is shut down. go ins.Run(ctx) ... // calling the cancel function will stop the running inspect server cancelFunc() Inspector serves its RPC endpoints on the address configured in the RPC configuration rpcConfig.ListenAddress = "tcp://" ins := inspect.NewFromConfig(rpcConfig) go ins.Run(ctx) The list of available RPC endpoints can then be viewed by navigating to in the web browser. */ package inspect