package consensus import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path" "runtime" "runtime/pprof" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" dbm "" abcicli "" "" abci "" cfg "" cstypes "" cryptoenc "" "" "" "" "" tmsync "" mempl "" "" p2pmock "" tmproto "" sm "" statemocks "" "" "" ) //---------------------------------------------- // in-process testnets var defaultTestTime = time.Date(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) func startConsensusNet(t *testing.T, css []*State, n int) ( []*Reactor, []types.Subscription, []*types.EventBus, ) { reactors := make([]*Reactor, n) blocksSubs := make([]types.Subscription, 0) eventBuses := make([]*types.EventBus, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { /*logger, err := tmflags.ParseLogLevel("consensus:info,*:error", logger, "info") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err)}*/ reactors[i] = NewReactor(css[i], true) // so we dont start the consensus states reactors[i].SetLogger(css[i].Logger) // eventBus is already started with the cs eventBuses[i] = css[i].eventBus reactors[i].SetEventBus(eventBuses[i]) blocksSub, err := eventBuses[i].Subscribe(context.Background(), testSubscriber, types.EventQueryNewBlock) require.NoError(t, err) blocksSubs = append(blocksSubs, blocksSub) if css[i].state.LastBlockHeight == 0 { // simulate handle initChain in handshake if err := css[i].blockExec.Store().Save(css[i].state); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } } // make connected switches and start all reactors p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, n, func(i int, s *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch { s.AddReactor("CONSENSUS", reactors[i]) s.SetLogger(reactors[i].conS.Logger.With("module", "p2p")) return s }, p2p.Connect2Switches) // now that everyone is connected, start the state machines // If we started the state machines before everyone was connected, // we'd block when the cs fires NewBlockEvent and the peers are trying to start their reactors // TODO: is this still true with new pubsub? for i := 0; i < n; i++ { s := reactors[i].conS.GetState() reactors[i].SwitchToConsensus(s, false) } return reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses } func stopConsensusNet(logger log.Logger, reactors []*Reactor, eventBuses []*types.EventBus) { logger.Info("stopConsensusNet", "n", len(reactors)) for i, r := range reactors { logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: Stopping Reactor", "i", i) if err := r.Switch.Stop(); err != nil { logger.Error("error trying to stop switch", "error", err) } } for i, b := range eventBuses { logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: Stopping eventBus", "i", i) if err := b.Stop(); err != nil { logger.Error("error trying to stop eventbus", "error", err) } } logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: DONE", "n", len(reactors)) } // Ensure a testnet makes blocks func TestReactorBasic(t *testing.T) { N := 4 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) defer cleanup() reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // wait till everyone makes the first new block timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) } // Ensure we can process blocks with evidence func TestReactorWithEvidence(t *testing.T) { nValidators := 4 testName := "consensus_reactor_test" tickerFunc := newMockTickerFunc(true) appFunc := newCounter // heed the advice from // to unroll unwieldy abstractions. Here we duplicate the code from: // css := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) genDoc, privVals := randGenesisDoc(nValidators, false, 30) css := make([]*State, nValidators) logger := consensusLogger() for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ { stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB() // each state needs its own db stateStore := sm.NewStore(stateDB) state, _ := stateStore.LoadFromDBOrGenesisDoc(genDoc) thisConfig := ResetConfig(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", testName, i)) defer os.RemoveAll(thisConfig.RootDir) ensureDir(path.Dir(thisConfig.Consensus.WalFile()), 0700) // dir for wal app := appFunc() vals := types.TM2PB.ValidatorUpdates(state.Validators) app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{Validators: vals}) pv := privVals[i] // duplicate code from: // css[i] = newStateWithConfig(thisConfig, state, privVals[i], app) blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB() blockStore := store.NewBlockStore(blockDB) // one for mempool, one for consensus mtx := new(tmsync.Mutex) proxyAppConnMem := abcicli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app) proxyAppConnCon := abcicli.NewLocalClient(mtx, app) // Make Mempool mempool := mempl.NewCListMempool(thisConfig.Mempool, proxyAppConnMem, 0) mempool.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "mempool")) if thisConfig.Consensus.WaitForTxs() { mempool.EnableTxsAvailable() } // mock the evidence pool // everyone includes evidence of another double signing vIdx := (i + 1) % nValidators ev := types.NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(1, defaultTestTime, privVals[vIdx], config.ChainID()) evpool := &statemocks.EvidencePool{} evpool.On("CheckEvidence", mock.AnythingOfType("types.EvidenceList")).Return(nil) evpool.On("PendingEvidence", mock.AnythingOfType("int64")).Return([]types.Evidence{ ev}, int64(len(ev.Bytes()))) evpool.On("Update", mock.AnythingOfType("state.State")).Return() evpool.On("ABCIEvidence", mock.AnythingOfType("int64"), mock.AnythingOfType("[]types.Evidence")).Return( []abci.Evidence{}) evpool2 := sm.EmptyEvidencePool{} // Make State blockExec := sm.NewBlockExecutor(stateStore, log.TestingLogger(), proxyAppConnCon, mempool, evpool) cs := NewState(thisConfig.Consensus, state, blockExec, blockStore, mempool, evpool2) cs.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "consensus")) cs.SetPrivValidator(pv) eventBus := types.NewEventBus() eventBus.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "events")) err := eventBus.Start() require.NoError(t, err) cs.SetEventBus(eventBus) cs.SetTimeoutTicker(tickerFunc()) cs.SetLogger(logger.With("validator", i, "module", "consensus")) css[i] = cs } reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, nValidators) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // we expect for each validator that is the proposer to propose one piece of evidence. for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ { timeoutWaitGroup(t, nValidators, func(j int) { msg := <-blocksSubs[j].Out() block := msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block assert.Len(t, block.Evidence.Evidence, 1) }, css) } } //------------------------------------ // Ensure a testnet makes blocks when there are txs func TestReactorCreatesBlockWhenEmptyBlocksFalse(t *testing.T) { N := 4 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter, func(c *cfg.Config) { c.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocks = false }) defer cleanup() reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // send a tx if err := assertMempool(css[3].txNotifier).CheckTx([]byte{1, 2, 3}, nil, mempl.TxInfo{}); err != nil { t.Error(err) } // wait till everyone makes the first new block timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) } func TestReactorReceiveDoesNotPanicIfAddPeerHasntBeenCalledYet(t *testing.T) { N := 1 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) defer cleanup() reactors, _, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) var ( reactor = reactors[0] peer = p2pmock.NewPeer(nil) msg = MustEncode(&HasVoteMessage{Height: 1, Round: 1, Index: 1, Type: tmproto.PrevoteType}) ) reactor.InitPeer(peer) // simulate switch calling Receive before AddPeer assert.NotPanics(t, func() { reactor.Receive(StateChannel, peer, msg) reactor.AddPeer(peer) }) } func TestReactorReceivePanicsIfInitPeerHasntBeenCalledYet(t *testing.T) { N := 1 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) defer cleanup() reactors, _, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) var ( reactor = reactors[0] peer = p2pmock.NewPeer(nil) msg = MustEncode(&HasVoteMessage{Height: 1, Round: 1, Index: 1, Type: tmproto.PrevoteType}) ) // we should call InitPeer here // simulate switch calling Receive before AddPeer assert.Panics(t, func() { reactor.Receive(StateChannel, peer, msg) }) } // Test we record stats about votes and block parts from other peers. func TestReactorRecordsVotesAndBlockParts(t *testing.T) { N := 4 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) defer cleanup() reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // wait till everyone makes the first new block timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) // Get peer peer := reactors[1].Switch.Peers().List()[0] // Get peer state ps := peer.Get(types.PeerStateKey).(*PeerState) assert.Equal(t, true, ps.VotesSent() > 0, "number of votes sent should have increased") assert.Equal(t, true, ps.BlockPartsSent() > 0, "number of votes sent should have increased") } //------------------------------------------------------------- // ensure we can make blocks despite cycling a validator set func TestReactorVotingPowerChange(t *testing.T) { nVals := 4 logger := log.TestingLogger() css, cleanup := randConsensusNet( nVals, "consensus_voting_power_changes_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStore) defer cleanup() reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, nVals) defer stopConsensusNet(logger, reactors, eventBuses) // map of active validators activeVals := make(map[string]struct{}) for i := 0; i < nVals; i++ { pubKey, err := css[i].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) addr := pubKey.Address() activeVals[string(addr)] = struct{}{} } // wait till everyone makes block 1 timeoutWaitGroup(t, nVals, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.Debug("---------------------------- Testing changing the voting power of one validator a few times") val1PubKey, err := css[0].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) val1PubKeyABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(val1PubKey) require.NoError(t, err) updateValidatorTx := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 25) previousTotalVotingPower := css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower { t.Fatalf( "expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()) } updateValidatorTx = kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 2) previousTotalVotingPower = css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower { t.Fatalf( "expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()) } updateValidatorTx = kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 26) previousTotalVotingPower = css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower { t.Fatalf( "expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()) } } func TestReactorValidatorSetChanges(t *testing.T) { nPeers := 7 nVals := 4 css, _, _, cleanup := randConsensusNetWithPeers( nVals, nPeers, "consensus_val_set_changes_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStoreWithPath) defer cleanup() logger := log.TestingLogger() reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, nPeers) defer stopConsensusNet(logger, reactors, eventBuses) // map of active validators activeVals := make(map[string]struct{}) for i := 0; i < nVals; i++ { pubKey, err := css[i].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) activeVals[string(pubKey.Address())] = struct{}{} } // wait till everyone makes block 1 timeoutWaitGroup(t, nPeers, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing adding one validator") newValidatorPubKey1, err := css[nVals].privValidator.GetPubKey() assert.NoError(t, err) valPubKey1ABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(newValidatorPubKey1) assert.NoError(t, err) newValidatorTx1 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(valPubKey1ABCI, testMinPower) // wait till everyone makes block 2 // ensure the commit includes all validators // send newValTx to change vals in block 3 waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, newValidatorTx1) // wait till everyone makes block 3. // it includes the commit for block 2, which is by the original validator set waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, newValidatorTx1) // wait till everyone makes block 4. // it includes the commit for block 3, which is by the original validator set waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) // the commits for block 4 should be with the updated validator set activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey1.Address())] = struct{}{} // wait till everyone makes block 5 // it includes the commit for block 4, which should have the updated validator set waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing changing the voting power of one validator") updateValidatorPubKey1, err := css[nVals].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) updatePubKey1ABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(updateValidatorPubKey1) require.NoError(t, err) updateValidatorTx1 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(updatePubKey1ABCI, 25) previousTotalVotingPower := css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx1) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, updateValidatorTx1) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) if css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower { t.Errorf( "expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()) } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing adding two validators at once") newValidatorPubKey2, err := css[nVals+1].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) newVal2ABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(newValidatorPubKey2) require.NoError(t, err) newValidatorTx2 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal2ABCI, testMinPower) newValidatorPubKey3, err := css[nVals+2].privValidator.GetPubKey() require.NoError(t, err) newVal3ABCI, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(newValidatorPubKey3) require.NoError(t, err) newValidatorTx3 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal3ABCI, testMinPower) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, newValidatorTx2, newValidatorTx3) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, newValidatorTx2, newValidatorTx3) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey2.Address())] = struct{}{} activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey3.Address())] = struct{}{} waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing removing two validators at once") removeValidatorTx2 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal2ABCI, 0) removeValidatorTx3 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal3ABCI, 0) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, removeValidatorTx2, removeValidatorTx3) waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css, removeValidatorTx2, removeValidatorTx3) waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) delete(activeVals, string(newValidatorPubKey2.Address())) delete(activeVals, string(newValidatorPubKey3.Address())) waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, blocksSubs, css) } // Check we can make blocks with skip_timeout_commit=false func TestReactorWithTimeoutCommit(t *testing.T) { N := 4 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_with_timeout_commit_test", newMockTickerFunc(false), newCounter) defer cleanup() // override default SkipTimeoutCommit == true for tests for i := 0; i < N; i++ { css[i].config.SkipTimeoutCommit = false } reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N-1) defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // wait till everyone makes the first new block timeoutWaitGroup(t, N-1, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) } func waitForAndValidateBlock( t *testing.T, n int, activeVals map[string]struct{}, blocksSubs []types.Subscription, css []*State, txs ...[]byte, ) { timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) { css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlock") msg := <-blocksSubs[j].Out() newBlock := msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlock: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height) err := validateBlock(newBlock, activeVals) assert.Nil(t, err) for _, tx := range txs { err := assertMempool(css[j].txNotifier).CheckTx(tx, nil, mempl.TxInfo{}) assert.Nil(t, err) } }, css) } func waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx( t *testing.T, n int, activeVals map[string]struct{}, blocksSubs []types.Subscription, css []*State, txs ...[]byte, ) { timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) { ntxs := 0 BLOCK_TX_LOOP: for { css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx", "ntxs", ntxs) msg := <-blocksSubs[j].Out() newBlock := msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height) err := validateBlock(newBlock, activeVals) assert.Nil(t, err) // check that txs match the txs we're waiting for. // note they could be spread over multiple blocks, // but they should be in order. for _, tx := range newBlock.Data.Txs { assert.EqualValues(t, txs[ntxs], tx) ntxs++ } if ntxs == len(txs) { break BLOCK_TX_LOOP } } }, css) } func waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt( t *testing.T, n int, updatedVals map[string]struct{}, blocksSubs []types.Subscription, css []*State, ) { timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) { var newBlock *types.Block LOOP: for { css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt") msg := <-blocksSubs[j].Out() newBlock = msg.Data().(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block if newBlock.LastCommit.Size() == len(updatedVals) { css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height) break LOOP } else { css[j].Logger.Debug( "waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt: Got block with no new validators. Skipping", "height", newBlock.Height) } } err := validateBlock(newBlock, updatedVals) assert.Nil(t, err) }, css) } // expects high synchrony! func validateBlock(block *types.Block, activeVals map[string]struct{}) error { if block.LastCommit.Size() != len(activeVals) { return fmt.Errorf( "commit size doesn't match number of active validators. Got %d, expected %d", block.LastCommit.Size(), len(activeVals)) } for _, commitSig := range block.LastCommit.Signatures { if _, ok := activeVals[string(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("found vote for inactive validator %X", commitSig.ValidatorAddress) } } return nil } func timeoutWaitGroup(t *testing.T, n int, f func(int), css []*State) { wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) wg.Add(n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { go func(j int) { f(j) wg.Done() }(i) } done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { wg.Wait() close(done) }() // we're running many nodes in-process, possibly in in a virtual machine, // and spewing debug messages - making a block could take a while, timeout := time.Second * 120 select { case <-done: case <-time.After(timeout): for i, cs := range css { t.Log("#################") t.Log("Validator", i) t.Log(cs.GetRoundState()) t.Log("") } os.Stdout.Write([]byte("pprof.Lookup('goroutine'):\n")) err := pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1) require.NoError(t, err) capture() panic("Timed out waiting for all validators to commit a block") } } func capture() { trace := make([]byte, 10240000) count := runtime.Stack(trace, true) fmt.Printf("Stack of %d bytes: %s\n", count, trace) } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Ensure basic validation of structs is functioning func TestNewRoundStepMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned expectErr bool messageRound int32 messageLastCommitRound int32 messageHeight int64 testName string messageStep cstypes.RoundStepType }{ {false, 0, 0, 0, "Valid Message", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight}, {true, -1, 0, 0, "Negative round", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight}, {true, 0, 0, -1, "Negative height", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight}, {true, 0, 0, 0, "Invalid Step", cstypes.RoundStepCommit + 1}, // The following cases will be handled by ValidateHeight {false, 0, 0, 1, "H == 1 but LCR != -1 ", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight}, {false, 0, -1, 2, "H > 1 but LCR < 0", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { message := NewRoundStepMessage{ Height: tc.messageHeight, Round: tc.messageRound, Step: tc.messageStep, LastCommitRound: tc.messageLastCommitRound, } err := message.ValidateBasic() if tc.expectErr { require.Error(t, err) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } }) } } func TestNewRoundStepMessageValidateHeight(t *testing.T) { initialHeight := int64(10) testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned expectErr bool messageLastCommitRound int32 messageHeight int64 testName string }{ {false, 0, 11, "Valid Message"}, {true, 0, -1, "Negative height"}, {true, 0, 0, "Zero height"}, {true, 0, 10, "Initial height but LCR != -1 "}, {true, -1, 11, "Normal height but LCR < 0"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { message := NewRoundStepMessage{ Height: tc.messageHeight, Round: 0, Step: cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight, LastCommitRound: tc.messageLastCommitRound, } err := message.ValidateHeight(initialHeight) if tc.expectErr { require.Error(t, err) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } }) } } func TestNewValidBlockMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { malleateFn func(*NewValidBlockMessage) expErr string }{ {func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) {}, ""}, {func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"}, {func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.Round = -1 }, "negative Round"}, { func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.BlockPartSetHeader.Total = 2 }, "blockParts bit array size 1 not equal to BlockPartSetHeader.Total 2", }, { func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.BlockPartSetHeader.Total = 0 msg.BlockParts = bits.NewBitArray(0) }, "empty blockParts", }, { func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.BlockParts = bits.NewBitArray(int(types.MaxBlockPartsCount) + 1) }, "blockParts bit array size 1602 not equal to BlockPartSetHeader.Total 1", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { msg := &NewValidBlockMessage{ Height: 1, Round: 0, BlockPartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{ Total: 1, }, BlockParts: bits.NewBitArray(1), } tc.malleateFn(msg) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) { assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr) } }) } } func TestProposalPOLMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { malleateFn func(*ProposalPOLMessage) expErr string }{ {func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) {}, ""}, {func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"}, {func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOLRound = -1 }, "negative ProposalPOLRound"}, {func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOL = bits.NewBitArray(0) }, "empty ProposalPOL bit array"}, {func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOL = bits.NewBitArray(types.MaxVotesCount + 1) }, "proposalPOL bit array is too big: 10001, max: 10000"}, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { msg := &ProposalPOLMessage{ Height: 1, ProposalPOLRound: 1, ProposalPOL: bits.NewBitArray(1), } tc.malleateFn(msg) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) { assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr) } }) } } func TestBlockPartMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { testPart := new(types.Part) testPart.Proof.LeafHash = tmhash.Sum([]byte("leaf")) testCases := []struct { testName string messageHeight int64 messageRound int32 messagePart *types.Part expectErr bool }{ {"Valid Message", 0, 0, testPart, false}, {"Invalid Message", -1, 0, testPart, true}, {"Invalid Message", 0, -1, testPart, true}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { message := BlockPartMessage{ Height: tc.messageHeight, Round: tc.messageRound, Part: tc.messagePart, } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result") }) } message := BlockPartMessage{Height: 0, Round: 0, Part: new(types.Part)} message.Part.Index = 1 assert.Equal(t, true, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result") } func TestHasVoteMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { const ( validSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x01 invalidSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x03 ) testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned expectErr bool messageRound int32 messageIndex int32 messageHeight int64 testName string messageType tmproto.SignedMsgType }{ {false, 0, 0, 0, "Valid Message", validSignedMsgType}, {true, -1, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType}, {true, 0, -1, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType}, {true, 0, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", invalidSignedMsgType}, {true, 0, 0, -1, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { message := HasVoteMessage{ Height: tc.messageHeight, Round: tc.messageRound, Type: tc.messageType, Index: tc.messageIndex, } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result") }) } } func TestVoteSetMaj23MessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { const ( validSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x01 invalidSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x03 ) validBlockID := types.BlockID{} invalidBlockID := types.BlockID{ Hash: bytes.HexBytes{}, PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{ Total: 1, Hash: []byte{0}, }, } testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned expectErr bool messageRound int32 messageHeight int64 testName string messageType tmproto.SignedMsgType messageBlockID types.BlockID }{ {false, 0, 0, "Valid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID}, {true, -1, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID}, {true, 0, -1, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID}, {true, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", invalidSignedMsgType, validBlockID}, {true, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, invalidBlockID}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { message := VoteSetMaj23Message{ Height: tc.messageHeight, Round: tc.messageRound, Type: tc.messageType, BlockID: tc.messageBlockID, } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result") }) } } func TestVoteSetBitsMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { malleateFn func(*VoteSetBitsMessage) expErr string }{ {func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) {}, ""}, {func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"}, {func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Type = 0x03 }, "invalid Type"}, {func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.BlockID = types.BlockID{ Hash: bytes.HexBytes{}, PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{ Total: 1, Hash: []byte{0}, }, } }, "wrong BlockID: wrong PartSetHeader: wrong Hash:"}, {func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Votes = bits.NewBitArray(types.MaxVotesCount + 1) }, "votes bit array is too big: 10001, max: 10000"}, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { msg := &VoteSetBitsMessage{ Height: 1, Round: 0, Type: 0x01, Votes: bits.NewBitArray(1), BlockID: types.BlockID{}, } tc.malleateFn(msg) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) { assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr) } }) } }