PACKAGES=$(shell go list ./...) OUTPUT?=build/tendermint BUILD_TAGS?='tendermint' LD_FLAGS = -X`git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD` -s -w BUILD_FLAGS = -mod=readonly -ldflags "$(LD_FLAGS)" HTTPS_GIT := DOCKER_BUF := docker run -v $(shell pwd):/workspace --workdir /workspace bufbuild/buf all: check build test install .PHONY: all # The below include contains the tools. include include ############################################################################### ### Build Tendermint ### ############################################################################### build: CGO_ENABLED=0 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -o $(OUTPUT) ./cmd/tendermint/ .PHONY: build build_c: CGO_ENABLED=1 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags "$(BUILD_TAGS) cleveldb" -o $(OUTPUT) ./cmd/tendermint/ .PHONY: build_c build_race: CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -race $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -o $(OUTPUT) ./cmd/tendermint .PHONY: build_race install: CGO_ENABLED=0 go install $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) ./cmd/tendermint .PHONY: install install_c: CGO_ENABLED=1 go install $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags "$(BUILD_TAGS) cleveldb" ./cmd/tendermint .PHONY: install_c ############################################################################### ### Protobuf ### ############################################################################### proto-all: proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking .PHONY: proto-all proto-gen: ## If you get the following error, ## "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" ## See ## Note the $< here is substituted for the %.proto ## Note the $@ here is substituted for the %.pb.go @sh scripts/ .PHONY: proto-gen proto-lint: @$(DOCKER_BUF) check lint --error-format=json .PHONY: proto-lint proto-check-breaking: @$(DOCKER_BUF) check breaking --against-input .git#branch=master .PHONY: proto-check-breaking proto-check-breaking-ci: @$(DOCKER_BUF) check breaking --against-input $(HTTPS_GIT)#branch=master .PHONY: proto-check-breaking-ci ############################################################################### ### Build ABCI ### ############################################################################### build_abci: @go build -mod=readonly -i ./abci/cmd/... .PHONY: build_abci install_abci: @go install -mod=readonly ./abci/cmd/... .PHONY: install_abci ############################################################################### ### Distribution ### ############################################################################### # dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution # TODO add abci to these scripts dist: @BUILD_TAGS=$(BUILD_TAGS) sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" .PHONY: dist go-mod-cache: go.sum @echo "--> Download go modules to local cache" @go mod download .PHONY: go-mod-cache go.sum: go.mod @echo "--> Ensure dependencies have not been modified" @go mod verify @go mod tidy draw_deps: @# requires brew install graphviz or apt-get install graphviz go get @goviz -i -d 3 | dot -Tpng -o dependency-graph.png .PHONY: draw_deps get_deps_bin_size: @# Copy of build recipe with additional flags to perform binary size analysis $(eval $(shell go build -work -a $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -o $(OUTPUT) ./cmd/tendermint/ 2>&1)) @find $(WORK) -type f -name "*.a" | xargs -I{} du -hxs "{}" | sort -rh | sed -e s:${WORK}/::g > deps_bin_size.log @echo "Results can be found here: $(CURDIR)/deps_bin_size.log" .PHONY: get_deps_bin_size ############################################################################### ### Libs ### ############################################################################### # generates certificates for TLS testing in remotedb and RPC server gen_certs: clean_certs certstrap init --common-name "" --passphrase "" certstrap request-cert --common-name "server" -ip "" --passphrase "" certstrap sign "server" --CA "" --passphrase "" mv out/server.crt rpc/lib/server/test.crt mv out/server.key rpc/lib/server/test.key rm -rf out .PHONY: gen_certs # deletes generated certificates clean_certs: rm -f rpc/lib/server/test.crt rm -f rpc/lib/server/test.key .PHONY: clean_certs ############################################################################### ### Formatting, linting, and vetting ### ############################################################################### format: find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs gofmt -w -s find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs goimports -w -local .PHONY: format lint: @echo "--> Running linter" @golangci-lint run .PHONY: lint DESTINATION = ./ ############################################################################### ### Documentation ### ############################################################################### build-docs: cd docs && \ while read p; do \ (git checkout $${p} && npm install && VUEPRESS_BASE="/$${p}/" npm run build) ; \ mkdir -p ~/output/$${p} ; \ cp -r .vuepress/dist/* ~/output/$${p}/ ; \ cp ~/output/$${p}/index.html ~/output ; \ done < versions ; .PHONY: build-docs sync-docs: cd ~/output && \ echo "role_arn = ${DEPLOYMENT_ROLE_ARN}" >> /root/.aws/config ; \ echo "CI job = ${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL}" >> version.html ; \ aws s3 sync . s3://${WEBSITE_BUCKET} --profile terraform --delete ; \ aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CF_DISTRIBUTION_ID} --profile terraform --path "/*" ; .PHONY: sync-docs ############################################################################### ### Docker image ### ############################################################################### build-docker: cp $(OUTPUT) DOCKER/tendermint docker build --label=tendermint --tag="tendermint/tendermint" DOCKER rm -rf DOCKER/tendermint .PHONY: build-docker ############################################################################### ### Local testnet using docker ### ############################################################################### # Build linux binary on other platforms build-linux: tools GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) build .PHONY: build-linux build-docker-localnode: @cd networks/local && make .PHONY: build-docker-localnode # Runs `make build_c` from within an Amazon Linux (v2)-based Docker build # container in order to build an Amazon Linux-compatible binary. Produces a # compatible binary at ./build/tendermint build_c-amazonlinux: $(MAKE) -C ./DOCKER build_amazonlinux_buildimage docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/tendermint tendermint/tendermint:build_c-amazonlinux .PHONY: build_c-amazonlinux # Run a 4-node testnet locally localnet-start: localnet-stop build-docker-localnode @if ! [ -f build/node0/config/genesis.json ]; then docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/build:/tendermint:Z tendermint/localnode testnet --config /etc/tendermint/config-template.toml --v 4 --o . --populate-persistent-peers --starting-ip-address; fi docker-compose up .PHONY: localnet-start # Stop testnet localnet-stop: docker-compose down .PHONY: localnet-stop # Build hooks for dredd, to skip or add information on some steps build-contract-tests-hooks: ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests.exe ./cmd/contract_tests else go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests ./cmd/contract_tests endif .PHONY: build-contract-tests-hooks # Run a nodejs tool to test endpoints against a localnet # The command takes care of starting and stopping the network # prerequisits: build-contract-tests-hooks build-linux # the two build commands were not added to let this command run from generic containers or machines. # The binaries should be built beforehand contract-tests: dredd .PHONY: contract-tests