package consensus import ( "testing" "" "" tmrand "" "" tmproto "" "" ) //---------------------------------------------- // byzantine failures // one byz val sends a precommit for a random block at each height // Ensure a testnet makes blocks func TestReactorInvalidPrecommit(t *testing.T) { N := 4 css, cleanup := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter) defer cleanup() for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { ticker := NewTimeoutTicker() ticker.SetLogger(css[i].Logger) css[i].SetTimeoutTicker(ticker) } reactors, blocksSubs, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N) // this val sends a random precommit at each height byzValIdx := 0 byzVal := css[byzValIdx] byzR := reactors[byzValIdx] // update the doPrevote function to just send a valid precommit for a random block // and otherwise disable the priv validator byzVal.mtx.Lock() pv := byzVal.privValidator byzVal.doPrevote = func(height int64, round int32) { invalidDoPrevoteFunc(t, height, round, byzVal, byzR.Switch, pv) } byzVal.mtx.Unlock() defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses) // wait for a bunch of blocks // TODO: make this tighter by ensuring the halt happens by block 2 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) { <-blocksSubs[j].Out() }, css) } } func invalidDoPrevoteFunc(t *testing.T, height int64, round int32, cs *State, sw *p2p.Switch, pv types.PrivValidator) { // routine to: // - precommit for a random block // - send precommit to all peers // - disable privValidator (so we don't do normal precommits) go func() { cs.mtx.Lock() cs.privValidator = pv pubKey, err := cs.privValidator.GetPubKey() if err != nil { panic(err) } addr := pubKey.Address() valIndex, _ := cs.Validators.GetByAddress(addr) // precommit a random block blockHash := bytes.HexBytes(tmrand.Bytes(32)) precommit := &types.Vote{ ValidatorAddress: addr, ValidatorIndex: valIndex, Height: cs.Height, Round: cs.Round, Timestamp: cs.voteTime(), Type: tmproto.PrecommitType, BlockID: types.BlockID{ Hash: blockHash, PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{Total: 1, Hash: tmrand.Bytes(32)}}, } p := precommit.ToProto() cs.privValidator.SignVote(cs.state.ChainID, p) precommit.Signature = p.Signature cs.privValidator = nil // disable priv val so we don't do normal votes cs.mtx.Unlock() peers := sw.Peers().List() for _, peer := range peers { cs.Logger.Info("Sending bad vote", "block", blockHash, "peer", peer) peer.Send(VoteChannel, MustEncode(&VoteMessage{precommit})) } }() }