# Changelog ## 0.8.3 (develop branch) FEATURES: - [autofile] logjack command for piping stdin to a rotating file - [common] ASCIITrim() ## 0.8.2 (April 23rd, 2018) FEATURES: - [pubsub] TagMap, NewTagMap - [merkle] SimpleProofsFromMap() - [common] IsASCIIText() - [common] PrefixEndBytes // e.g. increment or nil - [common] BitArray.MarshalJSON/.UnmarshalJSON - [common] BitArray uses 'x' not 'X' for String() and above. - [db] DebugDB shows better colorized output BUG FIXES: - [common] Fix TestParallelAbort nondeterministic failure #201/#202 - [db] PrefixDB Iterator/ReverseIterator fixes - [db] DebugDB fixes ## 0.8.1 (April 5th, 2018) FEATURES: - [common] Error.Error() includes cause - [common] IsEmpty() for 0 length ## 0.8.0 (April 4th, 2018) BREAKING: - [merkle] `PutVarint->PutUvarint` in encodeByteSlice - [db] batch.WriteSync() - [common] Refactored and fixed `Parallel` function - [common] Refactored `Rand` functionality - [common] Remove unused `Right/LeftPadString` functions - [common] Remove StackError, introduce Error interface (to replace use of pkg/errors) FEATURES: - [db] NewPrefixDB for a DB with all keys prefixed - [db] NewDebugDB prints everything during operation - [common] SplitAndTrim func - [common] rand.Float64(), rand.Int63n(n), rand.Int31n(n) and global equivalents - [common] HexBytes Format() BUG FIXES: - [pubsub] Fix unsubscribing - [cli] Return config errors - [common] Fix WriteFileAtomic Windows bug ## 0.7.1 (March 22, 2018) IMPROVEMENTS: - glide -> dep BUG FIXES: - [common] Fix panic in NewBitArray for negative bits - [common] Fix and simplify WriteFileAtomic so it cleans up properly ## 0.7.0 (February 20, 2018) BREAKING: - [db] Major API upgrade. See `db/types.go`. - [common] added `Quit() <-chan struct{}` to Service interface. The returned channel is closed when service is stopped. - [common] Remove HTTP functions - [common] Heap.Push takes an `int`, new Heap.PushComparable takes the comparable. - [logger] Removed. Use `log` - [merkle] Major API updade - uses cmn.KVPairs. - [cli] WriteDemoConfig -> WriteConfigValues - [all] Remove go-wire dependency! FEATURES: - [db] New FSDB that uses the filesystem directly - [common] HexBytes - [common] KVPair and KI64Pair (protobuf based key-value pair objects) IMPROVEMENTS: - [clist] add WaitChan() to CList, NextWaitChan() and PrevWaitChan() to CElement. These can be used instead of blocking `*Wait()` methods if you need to be able to send quit signal and not block forever - [common] IsHex handles 0x-prefix BUG FIXES: - [common] BitArray check for nil arguments - [common] Fix memory leak in RepeatTimer ## 0.6.0 (December 29, 2017) BREAKING: - [cli] remove --root - [pubsub] add String() method to Query interface IMPROVEMENTS: - [common] use a thread-safe and well seeded non-crypto rng BUG FIXES - [clist] fix misuse of wait group - [common] introduce Ticker interface and logicalTicker for better testing of timers ## 0.5.0 (December 5, 2017) BREAKING: - [common] replace Service#Start, Service#Stop first return value (bool) with an error (ErrAlreadyStarted, ErrAlreadyStopped) - [common] replace Service#Reset first return value (bool) with an error - [process] removed FEATURES: - [common] IntInSlice and StringInSlice functions - [pubsub/query] introduce `Condition` struct, expose `Operator`, and add `query.Conditions()` ## 0.4.1 (November 27, 2017) FEATURES: - [common] `Keys()` method on `CMap` IMPROVEMENTS: - [log] complex types now encoded as "%+v" by default if `String()` method is undefined (previously resulted in error) - [log] logger logs its own errors BUG FIXES: - [common] fixed `Kill()` to build on Windows (Windows does not have `syscall.Kill`) ## 0.4.0 (October 26, 2017) BREAKING: - [common] GoPath is now a function - [db] `DB` and `Iterator` interfaces have new methods to better support iteration FEATURES: - [autofile] `Read([]byte)` and `Write([]byte)` methods on `Group` to support binary WAL - [common] `Kill()` sends SIGTERM to the current process IMPROVEMENTS: - comments and linting BUG FIXES: - [events] fix allocation error prefixing cache with 1000 empty events ## 0.3.2 (October 2, 2017) BUG FIXES: - [autofile] fix AutoFile.Sync() to open file if it's been closed - [db] fix MemDb.Close() to not empty the database (ie. its just a noop) ## 0.3.1 (September 22, 2017) BUG FIXES: - [common] fix WriteFileAtomic to not use /tmp, which can be on another device ## 0.3.0 (September 22, 2017) BREAKING CHANGES: - [log] logger functions no longer returns an error - [common] NewBaseService takes the new logger - [cli] RunCaptureWithArgs now captures stderr and stdout - +func RunCaptureWithArgs(cmd Executable, args []string, env map[string]string) (stdout, stderr string, err error) - -func RunCaptureWithArgs(cmd Executable, args []string, env map[string]string) (output string, err error) FEATURES: - [common] various common HTTP functionality - [common] Date range parsing from string (ex. "2015-12-31:2017-12-31") - [common] ProtocolAndAddress function - [pubsub] New package for publish-subscribe with more advanced filtering BUG FIXES: - [common] fix atomicity of WriteFileAtomic by calling fsync - [db] fix memDb iteration index out of range - [autofile] fix Flush by calling fsync ## 0.2.2 (June 16, 2017) FEATURES: - [common] IsHex and StripHex for handling `0x` prefixed hex strings - [log] NewTracingLogger returns a logger that output error traces, ala `github.com/pkg/errors` IMPROVEMENTS: - [cli] Error handling for tests - [cli] Support dashes in ENV variables BUG FIXES: - [flowrate] Fix non-deterministic test failures ## 0.2.1 (June 2, 2017) FEATURES: - [cli] Log level parsing moved here from tendermint repo ## 0.2.0 (May 18, 2017) BREAKING CHANGES: - [common] NewBaseService takes the new logger FEATURES: - [cli] New library to standardize building command line tools - [log] New logging library BUG FIXES: - [autofile] Close file before rotating ## 0.1.0 (May 1, 2017) Initial release, combines what were previously independent repos: - go-autofile - go-clist - go-common - go-db - go-events - go-flowrate - go-logger - go-merkle - go-process