package main import ( "fmt" "" ) // SECRET var SECRET = []byte("some secret") func printEd() { priv := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret(SECRET) pub := priv.PubKey().(crypto.PubKeyEd25519) sigV, err := priv.Sign([]byte("hello")) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unexpected error:", err) } sig := sigV.(crypto.SignatureEd25519) name := "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519" length := len(pub[:]) fmt.Println("### PubKeyEd25519") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Printf("// Name: %s\n", name) fmt.Printf("// PrefixBytes: 0x%X \n", pub.Bytes()[:4]) fmt.Printf("// Length: 0x%X \n", length) fmt.Println("// Notes: raw 32-byte Ed25519 pubkey") fmt.Println("type PubKeyEd25519 [32]byte") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(`func (pubkey PubKeyEd25519) Address() []byte { // NOTE: hash of the Amino encoded bytes! return RIPEMD160(AminoEncode(pubkey)) }`) fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("For example, the 32-byte Ed25519 pubkey `%X` would be encoded as `%X`.\n\n", pub[:], pub.Bytes()) fmt.Printf("The address would then be `RIPEMD160(0x%X)` or `%X`\n", pub.Bytes(), pub.Address()) fmt.Println("") name = "tendermint/SignatureKeyEd25519" length = len(sig[:]) fmt.Println("### SignatureEd25519") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Printf("// Name: %s\n", name) fmt.Printf("// PrefixBytes: 0x%X \n", sig.Bytes()[:4]) fmt.Printf("// Length: 0x%X \n", length) fmt.Println("// Notes: raw 64-byte Ed25519 signature") fmt.Println("type SignatureEd25519 [64]byte") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("For example, the 64-byte Ed25519 signature `%X` would be encoded as `%X`\n", sig[:], sig.Bytes()) fmt.Println("") name = "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519" fmt.Println("### PrivKeyEd25519") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("// Name:", name) fmt.Println("// Notes: raw 32-byte priv key concatenated to raw 32-byte pub key") fmt.Println("type PrivKeyEd25519 [64]byte") fmt.Println("```") } func printSecp() { priv := crypto.GenPrivKeySecp256k1FromSecret(SECRET) pub := priv.PubKey().(crypto.PubKeySecp256k1) sigV, err := priv.Sign([]byte("hello")) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unexpected error:", err) } sig := sigV.(crypto.SignatureSecp256k1) name := "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1" length := len(pub[:]) fmt.Println("### PubKeySecp256k1") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Printf("// Name: %s\n", name) fmt.Printf("// PrefixBytes: 0x%X \n", pub.Bytes()[:4]) fmt.Printf("// Length: 0x%X \n", length) fmt.Println("// Notes: OpenSSL compressed pubkey prefixed with 0x02 or 0x03") fmt.Println("type PubKeySecp256k1 [33]byte") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(`func (pubkey PubKeySecp256k1) Address() []byte { // NOTE: hash of the raw pubkey bytes (not Amino encoded!). // Compatible with Bitcoin addresses. return RIPEMD160(SHA256(pubkey[:])) }`) fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("For example, the 33-byte Secp256k1 pubkey `%X` would be encoded as `%X`\n\n", pub[:], pub.Bytes()) fmt.Printf("The address would then be `RIPEMD160(SHA256(0x%X))` or `%X`\n", pub[:], pub.Address()) fmt.Println("") name = "tendermint/SignatureKeySecp256k1" fmt.Println("### SignatureSecp256k1") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Printf("// Name: %s\n", name) fmt.Printf("// PrefixBytes: 0x%X \n", sig.Bytes()[:4]) fmt.Printf("// Length: Variable\n") fmt.Printf("// Encoding prefix: Variable\n") fmt.Println("// Notes: raw bytes of the Secp256k1 signature") fmt.Println("type SignatureSecp256k1 []byte") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("For example, the Secp256k1 signature `%X` would be encoded as `%X`\n", []byte(sig[:]), sig.Bytes()) fmt.Println("") name = "tendermint/PrivKeySecp256k1" fmt.Println("### PrivKeySecp256k1") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("```") fmt.Println("// Name:", name) fmt.Println("// Notes: raw 32-byte priv key") fmt.Println("type PrivKeySecp256k1 [32]byte") fmt.Println("```") } func main() { printEd() fmt.Println("") printSecp() }