package lite import ( "bytes" "fmt" "sync" log "" lerr "" "" ) const sizeOfPendingMap = 1024 var _ Verifier = (*DynamicVerifier)(nil) // DynamicVerifier implements an auto-updating Verifier. It uses a // "source" provider to obtain the needed FullCommits to securely sync with // validator set changes. It stores properly validated data on the // "trusted" local system. // TODO: make this single threaded and create a new // ConcurrentDynamicVerifier that wraps it with concurrency. // see type DynamicVerifier struct { chainID string logger log.Logger // Already validated, stored locally trusted PersistentProvider // New info, like a node rpc, or other import method. source Provider // pending map to synchronize concurrent verification requests mtx sync.Mutex pendingVerifications map[int64]chan struct{} } // NewDynamicVerifier returns a new DynamicVerifier. It uses the // trusted provider to store validated data and the source provider to // obtain missing data (e.g. FullCommits). // // The trusted provider should be a DBProvider. // The source provider should be a client.HTTPProvider. func NewDynamicVerifier(chainID string, trusted PersistentProvider, source Provider) *DynamicVerifier { return &DynamicVerifier{ logger: log.NewNopLogger(), chainID: chainID, trusted: trusted, source: source, pendingVerifications: make(map[int64]chan struct{}, sizeOfPendingMap), } } func (dv *DynamicVerifier) SetLogger(logger log.Logger) { logger = logger.With("module", "lite") dv.logger = logger dv.trusted.SetLogger(logger) dv.source.SetLogger(logger) } // Implements Verifier. func (dv *DynamicVerifier) ChainID() string { return dv.chainID } // Implements Verifier. // // If the validators have changed since the last known time, it looks to // dv.trusted and dv.source to prove the new validators. On success, it will // try to store the SignedHeader in dv.trusted if the next // validator can be sourced. func (dv *DynamicVerifier) Verify(shdr types.SignedHeader) error { // Performs synchronization for multi-threads verification at the same height. dv.mtx.Lock() if pending := dv.pendingVerifications[shdr.Height]; pending != nil { dv.mtx.Unlock() <-pending // pending is chan struct{} } else { pending := make(chan struct{}) dv.pendingVerifications[shdr.Height] = pending defer func() { close(pending) dv.mtx.Lock() delete(dv.pendingVerifications, shdr.Height) dv.mtx.Unlock() }() dv.mtx.Unlock() } //Get the exact trusted commit for h, and if it is // equal to shdr, then it's already trusted, so // just return nil. trustedFCSameHeight, err := dv.trusted.LatestFullCommit(dv.chainID, shdr.Height, shdr.Height) if err == nil { // If loading trust commit successfully, and trust commit equal to shdr, then don't verify it, // just return nil. if bytes.Equal(trustedFCSameHeight.SignedHeader.Hash(), shdr.Hash()) { dv.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Load full commit at height %d from cache, there is not need to verify.", shdr.Height)) return nil } } else if !lerr.IsErrCommitNotFound(err) { // Return error if it is not CommitNotFound error dv.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Encountered unknown error in loading full commit at height %d.", shdr.Height)) return err } // Get the latest known full commit <= h-1 from our trusted providers. // The full commit at h-1 contains the valset to sign for h. prevHeight := shdr.Height - 1 trustedFC, err := dv.trusted.LatestFullCommit(dv.chainID, 1, prevHeight) if err != nil { return err } // sync up to the prevHeight and assert our latest NextValidatorSet // is the ValidatorSet for the SignedHeader if trustedFC.Height() == prevHeight { // Return error if valset doesn't match. if !bytes.Equal( trustedFC.NextValidators.Hash(), shdr.Header.ValidatorsHash) { return lerr.ErrUnexpectedValidators( trustedFC.NextValidators.Hash(), shdr.Header.ValidatorsHash) } } else { // If valset doesn't match, try to update if !bytes.Equal( trustedFC.NextValidators.Hash(), shdr.Header.ValidatorsHash) { // ... update. trustedFC, err = dv.updateToHeight(prevHeight) if err != nil { return err } // Return error if valset _still_ doesn't match. if !bytes.Equal(trustedFC.NextValidators.Hash(), shdr.Header.ValidatorsHash) { return lerr.ErrUnexpectedValidators( trustedFC.NextValidators.Hash(), shdr.Header.ValidatorsHash) } } } // Verify the signed header using the matching valset. cert := NewBaseVerifier(dv.chainID, trustedFC.Height()+1, trustedFC.NextValidators) err = cert.Verify(shdr) if err != nil { return err } // By now, the SignedHeader is fully validated and we're synced up to // SignedHeader.Height - 1. To sync to SignedHeader.Height, we need // the validator set at SignedHeader.Height + 1 so we can verify the // SignedHeader.NextValidatorSet. // TODO: is the ValidateFull below mostly redundant with the BaseVerifier.Verify above? // See // Get the next validator set. nextValset, err := dv.source.ValidatorSet(dv.chainID, shdr.Height+1) if lerr.IsErrUnknownValidators(err) { // Ignore this error. return nil } else if err != nil { return err } // Create filled FullCommit. nfc := FullCommit{ SignedHeader: shdr, Validators: trustedFC.NextValidators, NextValidators: nextValset, } // Validate the full commit. This checks the cryptographic // signatures of Commit against Validators. if err := nfc.ValidateFull(dv.chainID); err != nil { return err } // Trust it. return dv.trusted.SaveFullCommit(nfc) } // verifyAndSave will verify if this is a valid source full commit given the // best match trusted full commit, and if good, persist to dv.trusted. // Returns ErrTooMuchChange when >2/3 of trustedFC did not sign sourceFC. // Panics if trustedFC.Height() >= sourceFC.Height(). func (dv *DynamicVerifier) verifyAndSave(trustedFC, sourceFC FullCommit) error { if trustedFC.Height() >= sourceFC.Height() { panic("should not happen") } err := trustedFC.NextValidators.VerifyFutureCommit( sourceFC.Validators, dv.chainID, sourceFC.SignedHeader.Commit.BlockID, sourceFC.SignedHeader.Height, sourceFC.SignedHeader.Commit, ) if err != nil { return err } return dv.trusted.SaveFullCommit(sourceFC) } // updateToHeight will use divide-and-conquer to find a path to h. // Returns nil error iff we successfully verify and persist a full commit // for height h, using repeated applications of bisection if necessary. // // Returns ErrCommitNotFound if source provider doesn't have the commit for h. func (dv *DynamicVerifier) updateToHeight(h int64) (FullCommit, error) { // Fetch latest full commit from source. sourceFC, err := dv.source.LatestFullCommit(dv.chainID, h, h) if err != nil { return FullCommit{}, err } // If sourceFC.Height() != h, we can't do it. if sourceFC.Height() != h { return FullCommit{}, lerr.ErrCommitNotFound() } // Validate the full commit. This checks the cryptographic // signatures of Commit against Validators. if err := sourceFC.ValidateFull(dv.chainID); err != nil { return FullCommit{}, err } // Verify latest FullCommit against trusted FullCommits FOR_LOOP: for { // Fetch latest full commit from trusted. trustedFC, err := dv.trusted.LatestFullCommit(dv.chainID, 1, h) if err != nil { return FullCommit{}, err } // We have nothing to do. if trustedFC.Height() == h { return trustedFC, nil } // Try to update to full commit with checks. err = dv.verifyAndSave(trustedFC, sourceFC) if err == nil { // All good! return sourceFC, nil } // Handle special case when err is ErrTooMuchChange. if types.IsErrTooMuchChange(err) { // Divide and conquer. start, end := trustedFC.Height(), sourceFC.Height() if !(start < end) { panic("should not happen") } mid := (start + end) / 2 _, err = dv.updateToHeight(mid) if err != nil { return FullCommit{}, err } // If we made it to mid, we retry. continue FOR_LOOP } return FullCommit{}, err } } func (dv *DynamicVerifier) LastTrustedHeight() int64 { fc, err := dv.trusted.LatestFullCommit(dv.chainID, 1, 1<<63-1) if err != nil { panic("should not happen") } return fc.Height() }