// nolint: dupl // dupl is reading this as the same file as crypto/merkle/result.go package kv import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "github.com/gogo/protobuf/jsonpb" ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // override JSON marshalling so we emit defaults (ie. disable omitempty) var ( jsonpbMarshaller = jsonpb.Marshaler{ EnumsAsInts: true, EmitDefaults: true, } jsonpbUnmarshaller = jsonpb.Unmarshaler{} ) func (r *Pair) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { s, err := jsonpbMarshaller.MarshalToString(r) return []byte(s), err } func (r *Pair) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { reader := bytes.NewBuffer(b) return jsonpbUnmarshaller.Unmarshal(reader, r) } // Some compile time assertions to ensure we don't // have accidental runtime surprises later on. // jsonEncodingRoundTripper ensures that asserted // interfaces implement both MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON type jsonRoundTripper interface { json.Marshaler json.Unmarshaler } var _ jsonRoundTripper = (*Pair)(nil)