package types import ( "bytes" "testing" "" cmn "" tst "" tmtime "" ) // NOTE: privValidators are in order func randVoteSet(height int64, round int, type_ byte, numValidators int, votingPower int64) (*VoteSet, *ValidatorSet, []PrivValidator) { valSet, privValidators := RandValidatorSet(numValidators, votingPower) return NewVoteSet("test_chain_id", height, round, type_, valSet), valSet, privValidators } // Convenience: Return new vote with different validator address/index func withValidator(vote *Vote, addr []byte, idx int) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.ValidatorAddress = addr vote.ValidatorIndex = idx return vote } // Convenience: Return new vote with different height func withHeight(vote *Vote, height int64) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.Height = height return vote } // Convenience: Return new vote with different round func withRound(vote *Vote, round int) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.Round = round return vote } // Convenience: Return new vote with different type func withType(vote *Vote, type_ byte) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.Type = type_ return vote } // Convenience: Return new vote with different blockHash func withBlockHash(vote *Vote, blockHash []byte) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.BlockID.Hash = blockHash return vote } // Convenience: Return new vote with different blockParts func withBlockPartsHeader(vote *Vote, blockPartsHeader PartSetHeader) *Vote { vote = vote.Copy() vote.BlockID.PartsHeader = blockPartsHeader return vote } func TestAddVote(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrevote, 10, 1) val0 := privValidators[0] // t.Logf(">> %v", voteSet) if voteSet.GetByAddress(val0.GetAddress()) != nil { t.Errorf("Expected GetByAddress(val0.Address) to be nil") } if voteSet.BitArray().GetIndex(0) { t.Errorf("Expected BitArray.GetIndex(0) to be false") } blockID, ok := voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority") } vote := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: val0.GetAddress(), ValidatorIndex: 0, // since privValidators are in order Height: height, Round: round, Type: VoteTypePrevote, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), BlockID: BlockID{nil, PartSetHeader{}}, } _, err := signAddVote(val0, vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if voteSet.GetByAddress(val0.GetAddress()) == nil { t.Errorf("Expected GetByAddress(val0.Address) to be present") } if !voteSet.BitArray().GetIndex(0) { t.Errorf("Expected BitArray.GetIndex(0) to be true") } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority") } } func Test2_3Majority(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrevote, 10, 1) voteProto := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: nil, // NOTE: must fill in ValidatorIndex: -1, // NOTE: must fill in Height: height, Round: round, Type: VoteTypePrevote, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), BlockID: BlockID{nil, PartSetHeader{}}, } // 6 out of 10 voted for nil. for i := 0; i < 6; i++ { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[i].GetAddress(), i) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[i], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } blockID, ok := voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority") } // 7th validator voted for some blockhash { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[6].GetAddress(), 6) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[6], withBlockHash(vote, cmn.RandBytes(32)), voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority") } } // 8th validator voted for nil. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[7].GetAddress(), 7) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[7], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if !ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be 2/3 majority for nil") } } } func Test2_3MajorityRedux(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrevote, 100, 1) blockHash := crypto.CRandBytes(32) blockPartsTotal := 123 blockPartsHeader := PartSetHeader{blockPartsTotal, crypto.CRandBytes(32)} voteProto := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: nil, // NOTE: must fill in ValidatorIndex: -1, // NOTE: must fill in Height: height, Round: round, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), Type: VoteTypePrevote, BlockID: BlockID{blockHash, blockPartsHeader}, } // 66 out of 100 voted for nil. for i := 0; i < 66; i++ { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[i].GetAddress(), i) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[i], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } blockID, ok := voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority") } // 67th validator voted for nil { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[66].GetAddress(), 66) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[66], withBlockHash(vote, nil), voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority: last vote added was nil") } } // 68th validator voted for a different BlockParts PartSetHeader { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[67].GetAddress(), 67) blockPartsHeader := PartSetHeader{blockPartsTotal, crypto.CRandBytes(32)} _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[67], withBlockPartsHeader(vote, blockPartsHeader), voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority: last vote added had different PartSetHeader Hash") } } // 69th validator voted for different BlockParts Total { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[68].GetAddress(), 68) blockPartsHeader := PartSetHeader{blockPartsTotal + 1, blockPartsHeader.Hash} _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[68], withBlockPartsHeader(vote, blockPartsHeader), voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority: last vote added had different PartSetHeader Total") } } // 70th validator voted for different BlockHash { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[69].GetAddress(), 69) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[69], withBlockHash(vote, cmn.RandBytes(32)), voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if ok || !blockID.IsZero() { t.Errorf("There should be no 2/3 majority: last vote added had different BlockHash") } } // 71st validator voted for the right BlockHash & BlockPartsHeader { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[70].GetAddress(), 70) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[70], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } blockID, ok = voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if !ok || !blockID.Equals(BlockID{blockHash, blockPartsHeader}) { t.Errorf("There should be 2/3 majority") } } } func TestBadVotes(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrevote, 10, 1) voteProto := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: nil, ValidatorIndex: -1, Height: height, Round: round, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), Type: VoteTypePrevote, BlockID: BlockID{nil, PartSetHeader{}}, } // val0 votes for nil. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], vote, voteSet) if !added || err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed") } } // val0 votes again for some block. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], withBlockHash(vote, cmn.RandBytes(32)), voteSet) if added || err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, conflicting vote.") } } // val1 votes on another height { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[1].GetAddress(), 1) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[1], withHeight(vote, height+1), voteSet) if added || err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, wrong height") } } // val2 votes on another round { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[2].GetAddress(), 2) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[2], withRound(vote, round+1), voteSet) if added || err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, wrong round") } } // val3 votes of another type. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[3].GetAddress(), 3) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[3], withType(vote, VoteTypePrecommit), voteSet) if added || err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, wrong type") } } } func TestConflicts(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrevote, 4, 1) blockHash1 := cmn.RandBytes(32) blockHash2 := cmn.RandBytes(32) voteProto := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: nil, ValidatorIndex: -1, Height: height, Round: round, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), Type: VoteTypePrevote, BlockID: BlockID{nil, PartSetHeader{}}, } // val0 votes for nil. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], vote, voteSet) if !added || err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed") } } // val0 votes again for blockHash1. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash1), voteSet) if added { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, conflicting vote.") } if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to return error, conflicting vote.") } } // start tracking blockHash1 voteSet.SetPeerMaj23("peerA", BlockID{blockHash1, PartSetHeader{}}) // val0 votes again for blockHash1. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash1), voteSet) if !added { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed, called SetPeerMaj23().") } if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to return error, conflicting vote.") } } // attempt tracking blockHash2, should fail because already set for peerA. voteSet.SetPeerMaj23("peerA", BlockID{blockHash2, PartSetHeader{}}) // val0 votes again for blockHash1. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[0].GetAddress(), 0) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[0], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash2), voteSet) if added { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to fail, duplicate SetPeerMaj23() from peerA") } if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to return error, conflicting vote.") } } // val1 votes for blockHash1. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[1].GetAddress(), 1) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[1], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash1), voteSet) if !added || err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed") } } // check if voteSet.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { t.Errorf("We shouldn't have 2/3 majority yet") } if voteSet.HasTwoThirdsAny() { t.Errorf("We shouldn't have 2/3 if any votes yet") } // val2 votes for blockHash2. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[2].GetAddress(), 2) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[2], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash2), voteSet) if !added || err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed") } } // check if voteSet.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { t.Errorf("We shouldn't have 2/3 majority yet") } if !voteSet.HasTwoThirdsAny() { t.Errorf("We should have 2/3 if any votes") } // now attempt tracking blockHash1 voteSet.SetPeerMaj23("peerB", BlockID{blockHash1, PartSetHeader{}}) // val2 votes for blockHash1. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[2].GetAddress(), 2) added, err := signAddVote(privValidators[2], withBlockHash(vote, blockHash1), voteSet) if !added { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to succeed") } if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected VoteSet.Add to return error, conflicting vote") } } // check if !voteSet.HasTwoThirdsMajority() { t.Errorf("We should have 2/3 majority for blockHash1") } blockIDMaj23, _ := voteSet.TwoThirdsMajority() if !bytes.Equal(blockIDMaj23.Hash, blockHash1) { t.Errorf("Got the wrong 2/3 majority blockhash") } if !voteSet.HasTwoThirdsAny() { t.Errorf("We should have 2/3 if any votes") } } func TestMakeCommit(t *testing.T) { height, round := int64(1), 0 voteSet, _, privValidators := randVoteSet(height, round, VoteTypePrecommit, 10, 1) blockHash, blockPartsHeader := crypto.CRandBytes(32), PartSetHeader{123, crypto.CRandBytes(32)} voteProto := &Vote{ ValidatorAddress: nil, ValidatorIndex: -1, Height: height, Round: round, Timestamp: tmtime.Now(), Type: VoteTypePrecommit, BlockID: BlockID{blockHash, blockPartsHeader}, } // 6 out of 10 voted for some block. for i := 0; i < 6; i++ { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[i].GetAddress(), i) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[i], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } // MakeCommit should fail. tst.AssertPanics(t, "Doesn't have +2/3 majority", func() { voteSet.MakeCommit() }) // 7th voted for some other block. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[6].GetAddress(), 6) vote = withBlockHash(vote, cmn.RandBytes(32)) vote = withBlockPartsHeader(vote, PartSetHeader{123, cmn.RandBytes(32)}) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[6], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } // The 8th voted like everyone else. { vote := withValidator(voteProto, privValidators[7].GetAddress(), 7) _, err := signAddVote(privValidators[7], vote, voteSet) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } commit := voteSet.MakeCommit() // Commit should have 10 elements if len(commit.Precommits) != 10 { t.Errorf("Commit Precommits should have the same number of precommits as validators") } // Ensure that Commit precommits are ordered. if err := commit.ValidateBasic(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Error in Commit.ValidateBasic(): %v", err) } }