/* go-crypto is a customized/convenience cryptography package for supporting Tendermint. It wraps select functionality of equivalent functions in the Go standard library, for easy usage with our libraries. Keys: All key generation functions return an instance of the PrivKey interface which implements methods AssertIsPrivKeyInner() Bytes() []byte Sign(msg []byte) Signature PubKey() PubKey Equals(PrivKey) bool Wrap() PrivKey From the above method we can: a) Retrieve the public key if needed pubKey := key.PubKey() For example: privKey, err := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519() if err != nil { ... } pubKey := privKey.PubKey() ... // And then you can use the private and public key doSomething(privKey, pubKey) We also provide hashing wrappers around algorithms: Sha256 sum := crypto.Sha256([]byte("This is Tendermint")) fmt.Printf("%x\n", sum) Ripemd160 sum := crypto.Ripemd160([]byte("This is consensus")) fmt.Printf("%x\n", sum) */ package crypto // TODO: Add more docs in here