Using Terraform =============== This is a generic `Terraform `__ configuration that sets up DigitalOcean droplets. See the `terraform-digitalocean `__ for the required files. Prerequisites ------------- - Install `HashiCorp Terraform `__ on a linux machine. - Create a `DigitalOcean API token `__ with read and write capability. - Create a private/public key pair for SSH. This is needed to log onto your droplets as well as by Ansible to connect for configuration changes. - Set up the public SSH key at the `DigitalOcean security page `__. `Here `__'s a tutorial. - Find out your SSH key ID at DigitalOcean by querying the below command on your linux box: :: DO_API_TOKEN="" curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $DO_API_TOKEN" "" Initialization -------------- If this is your first time using terraform, you have to initialize it by running the below command. (Note: initialization can be run multiple times) :: terraform init After initialization it's good measure to create a new Terraform environment for the droplets so they are always managed together. :: TESTNET_NAME="testnet-servers" terraform env new "$TESTNET_NAME" Note this ``terraform env`` command is only available in terraform ``v0.9`` and up. Execution --------- The below command will create 4 nodes in DigitalOcean. They will be named ``testnet-servers-node0`` to ``testnet-servers-node3`` and they will be tagged as ``testnet-servers``. :: DO_API_TOKEN="" SSH_IDS="[ \"\" ]" terraform apply -var TESTNET_NAME="testnet-servers" -var servers=4 -var DO_API_TOKEN="$DO_API_TOKEN" -var ssh_keys="$SSH_IDS" Note: ``ssh_keys`` is a list of strings. You can add multiple keys. For example: ``["1234567","9876543"]``. Alternatively you can use the default settings. The number of default servers is 4 and the testnet name is ``tf-testnet1``. Variables can also be defined as environment variables instead of the command-line. Environment variables that start with ``TF_VAR_`` will be translated into the Terraform configuration. For example the number of servers can be overriden by setting the ``TF_VAR_servers`` variable. :: TF_VAR_DO_API_TOKEN="" TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME="testnet-servers" terraform-apply Security -------- DigitalOcean uses the root user by default on its droplets. This is fine as long as SSH keys are used. However some people still would like to disable root and use an alternative user to connect to the droplets - then ``sudo`` from there. Terraform can do this but it requires SSH agent running on the machine where terraform is run, with one of the SSH keys of the droplets added to the agent. (This will be neede for ansible too, so it's worth setting it up here. Check out the `ansible `__ page for more information.) After setting up the SSH key, run ``terraform apply`` with ``-var noroot=true`` to create your droplets. Terraform will create a user called ``ec2-user`` and move the SSH keys over, this way disabling SSH login for root. It also adds the ``ec2-user`` to the sudoers file, so after logging in as ec2-user you can ``sudo`` to ``root``. DigitalOcean announced firewalls but the current version of Terraform (0.9.8 as of this writing) does not support it yet. Fortunately it is quite easy to set it up through the web interface (and not that bad through the `RESTful API `__ either). When adding droplets to a firewall rule, you can add tags. All droplets in a testnet are tagged with the testnet name so it's enough to define the testnet name in the firewall rule. It is not necessary to add the nodes one-by-one. Also, the firewall rule "remembers" the testnet name tag so if you change the servers but keep the name, the firewall rules will still apply.