// The mempool pushes new txs onto the proxyAppConn. // It gets a stream of (req, res) tuples from the proxy. // The mempool stores good txs in a concurrent linked-list. // Multiple concurrent go-routines can traverse this linked-list // safely by calling .NextWait() on each element. // So we have several go-routines: // 1. Consensus calling Update() and Reap() synchronously // 2. Many mempool reactor's peer routines calling CheckTx() // 3. Many mempool reactor's peer routines traversing the txs linked list // 4. Another goroutine calling GarbageCollectTxs() periodically // To manage these goroutines, there are three methods of locking. // 1. Mutations to the linked-list is protected by an internal mtx (CList is goroutine-safe) // 2. Mutations to the linked-list elements are atomic // 3. CheckTx() calls can be paused upon Update() and Reap(), protected by .proxyMtx // Garbage collection of old elements from mempool.txs is handlde via // the DetachPrev() call, which makes old elements not reachable by // peer broadcastTxRoutine() automatically garbage collected. // TODO: Better handle abci client errors. (make it automatically handle connection errors) package mempool