Refs #1861
We don't use the fee field and its likely just confusing.
We can add backwards compatible priority (instead of fee) later.
Note priority is better than fee because it lets the app do the math on how to rank order transactions, rather than forcing that into tendermint (ie. if we return fee, priority would be fee/gas)
* use increment and decrement operators.
* remove unnecessary else branches.
* fix package comment with leading space.
* fix receiver names.
* fix error strings.
* remove omittable code.
* remove redundant return statement.
* Revert changes (code is generated.)
* use cfg as receiver name for all config-related types.
* use lsi as the receiver name for the LastSignedInfo type.
I assume there is a deeper issue with how UnmarshalBinary works in
go-amino (i.e., when loading array of some objects, the empty array
becomes []object{nil}). Note when Marshaling, the object is nil.
save transactions to blockstore
move to a separate module
benchmark KVIndexer
batch write transactions
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex-2 100000 516300 ns/op
ok 56.506s
5,16 s for 10000 transactions
1 s for 2000 transactions
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex-2 h 3000000 8622 ns/op
ok 34.210s
86 ms for 10000 transactions
16 ms for 2000 transactions
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex1-2 5000000 7160 ns/op
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex500-2 20000 1750411 ns/op
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex1000-2 10000 3573973 ns/op
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex2000-2 5000 7836851 ns/op
BenchmarkKVIndexerIndex10000-2 1000 33438980 ns/op
ok 209.482s
7,8 ms for 2000 transactions
[state] write test for ApplyBlock
review comments
- move txindexer to state
- fix type
save Tx Index as well
do not store tx itself in the result