@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ |
/* |
Computes a deterministic minimal height merkle tree hash. |
If the number of items is not a power of two, some leaves |
will be at different levels. Tries to keep both sides of |
the tree the same size, but the left may be one greater. |
Use this for short deterministic trees, such as the validator list. |
For larger datasets, use IAVLTree. |
* |
/ \ |
/ \ |
/ \ |
/ \ |
* * |
/ \ / \ |
/ \ / \ |
/ \ / \ |
* * * h6 |
/ \ / \ / \ |
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 |
*/ |
package merkle |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"fmt" |
"sort" |
"golang.org/x/crypto/ripemd160" |
. "github.com/tendermint/go-common" |
"github.com/tendermint/go-wire" |
) |
func SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(left []byte, right []byte) []byte { |
var n int |
var err error |
var hasher = ripemd160.New() |
wire.WriteByteSlice(left, hasher, &n, &err) |
wire.WriteByteSlice(right, hasher, &n, &err) |
if err != nil { |
PanicCrisis(err) |
} |
return hasher.Sum(nil) |
} |
func SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) []byte { |
// Recursive impl.
switch len(hashes) { |
case 0: |
return nil |
case 1: |
return hashes[0] |
default: |
left := SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes[:(len(hashes)+1)/2]) |
right := SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes[(len(hashes)+1)/2:]) |
return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(left, right) |
} |
} |
// Convenience for SimpleHashFromHashes.
func SimpleHashFromBinaries(items []interface{}) []byte { |
hashes := make([][]byte, len(items)) |
for i, item := range items { |
hashes[i] = SimpleHashFromBinary(item) |
} |
return SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes) |
} |
// General Convenience
func SimpleHashFromBinary(item interface{}) []byte { |
hasher, n, err := ripemd160.New(), new(int), new(error) |
wire.WriteBinary(item, hasher, n, err) |
if *err != nil { |
PanicCrisis(err) |
} |
return hasher.Sum(nil) |
} |
// Convenience for SimpleHashFromHashes.
func SimpleHashFromHashables(items []Hashable) []byte { |
hashes := make([][]byte, len(items)) |
for i, item := range items { |
hash := item.Hash() |
hashes[i] = hash |
} |
return SimpleHashFromHashes(hashes) |
} |
// Convenience for SimpleHashFromHashes.
func SimpleHashFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) []byte { |
kpPairsH := MakeSortedKVPairs(m) |
return SimpleHashFromHashables(kpPairsH) |
} |
/* Convenience struct for key-value pairs. |
A list of KVPairs is hashed via `SimpleHashFromHashables`. |
NOTE: Each `Value` is encoded for hashing without extra type information, |
so the user is presumed to be aware of the Value types. |
*/ |
type KVPair struct { |
Key string |
Value interface{} |
} |
func (kv KVPair) Hash() []byte { |
hasher, n, err := ripemd160.New(), new(int), new(error) |
wire.WriteString(kv.Key, hasher, n, err) |
if kvH, ok := kv.Value.(Hashable); ok { |
wire.WriteByteSlice(kvH.Hash(), hasher, n, err) |
} else { |
wire.WriteBinary(kv.Value, hasher, n, err) |
} |
if *err != nil { |
PanicSanity(*err) |
} |
return hasher.Sum(nil) |
} |
type KVPairs []KVPair |
func (kvps KVPairs) Len() int { return len(kvps) } |
func (kvps KVPairs) Less(i, j int) bool { return kvps[i].Key < kvps[j].Key } |
func (kvps KVPairs) Swap(i, j int) { kvps[i], kvps[j] = kvps[j], kvps[i] } |
func (kvps KVPairs) Sort() { sort.Sort(kvps) } |
func MakeSortedKVPairs(m map[string]interface{}) []Hashable { |
kvPairs := []KVPair{} |
for k, v := range m { |
kvPairs = append(kvPairs, KVPair{k, v}) |
} |
KVPairs(kvPairs).Sort() |
kvPairsH := []Hashable{} |
for _, kvp := range kvPairs { |
kvPairsH = append(kvPairsH, kvp) |
} |
return kvPairsH |
} |
type SimpleProof struct { |
Aunts [][]byte `json:"aunts"` // Hashes from leaf's sibling to a root's child.
} |
// proofs[0] is the proof for items[0].
func SimpleProofsFromHashables(items []Hashable) (rootHash []byte, proofs []*SimpleProof) { |
trails, rootSPN := trailsFromHashables(items) |
rootHash = rootSPN.Hash |
proofs = make([]*SimpleProof, len(items)) |
for i, trail := range trails { |
proofs[i] = &SimpleProof{ |
Aunts: trail.FlattenAunts(), |
} |
} |
return |
} |
// Verify that leafHash is a leaf hash of the simple-merkle-tree
// which hashes to rootHash.
func (sp *SimpleProof) Verify(index int, total int, leafHash []byte, rootHash []byte) bool { |
computedHash := computeHashFromAunts(index, total, leafHash, sp.Aunts) |
if computedHash == nil { |
return false |
} |
if !bytes.Equal(computedHash, rootHash) { |
return false |
} |
return true |
} |
func (sp *SimpleProof) String() string { |
return sp.StringIndented("") |
} |
func (sp *SimpleProof) StringIndented(indent string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf(`SimpleProof{ |
%s Aunts: %X |
%s}`, |
indent, sp.Aunts, |
indent) |
} |
// Use the leafHash and innerHashes to get the root merkle hash.
// If the length of the innerHashes slice isn't exactly correct, the result is nil.
func computeHashFromAunts(index int, total int, leafHash []byte, innerHashes [][]byte) []byte { |
// Recursive impl.
if index >= total { |
return nil |
} |
switch total { |
case 0: |
PanicSanity("Cannot call computeHashFromAunts() with 0 total") |
return nil |
case 1: |
if len(innerHashes) != 0 { |
return nil |
} |
return leafHash |
default: |
if len(innerHashes) == 0 { |
return nil |
} |
numLeft := (total + 1) / 2 |
if index < numLeft { |
leftHash := computeHashFromAunts(index, numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1]) |
if leftHash == nil { |
return nil |
} |
return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(leftHash, innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1]) |
} else { |
rightHash := computeHashFromAunts(index-numLeft, total-numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1]) |
if rightHash == nil { |
return nil |
} |
return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1], rightHash) |
} |
} |
} |
// Helper structure to construct merkle proof.
// The node and the tree is thrown away afterwards.
// Exactly one of node.Left and node.Right is nil, unless node is the root, in which case both are nil.
// node.Parent.Hash = hash(node.Hash, node.Right.Hash) or
// hash(node.Left.Hash, node.Hash), depending on whether node is a left/right child.
type SimpleProofNode struct { |
Hash []byte |
Parent *SimpleProofNode |
Left *SimpleProofNode // Left sibling (only one of Left,Right is set)
Right *SimpleProofNode // Right sibling (only one of Left,Right is set)
} |
// Starting from a leaf SimpleProofNode, FlattenAunts() will return
// the inner hashes for the item corresponding to the leaf.
func (spn *SimpleProofNode) FlattenAunts() [][]byte { |
// Nonrecursive impl.
innerHashes := [][]byte{} |
for spn != nil { |
if spn.Left != nil { |
innerHashes = append(innerHashes, spn.Left.Hash) |
} else if spn.Right != nil { |
innerHashes = append(innerHashes, spn.Right.Hash) |
} else { |
break |
} |
spn = spn.Parent |
} |
return innerHashes |
} |
// trails[0].Hash is the leaf hash for items[0].
// trails[i].Parent.Parent....Parent == root for all i.
func trailsFromHashables(items []Hashable) (trails []*SimpleProofNode, root *SimpleProofNode) { |
// Recursive impl.
switch len(items) { |
case 0: |
return nil, nil |
case 1: |
trail := &SimpleProofNode{items[0].Hash(), nil, nil, nil} |
return []*SimpleProofNode{trail}, trail |
default: |
lefts, leftRoot := trailsFromHashables(items[:(len(items)+1)/2]) |
rights, rightRoot := trailsFromHashables(items[(len(items)+1)/2:]) |
rootHash := SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(leftRoot.Hash, rightRoot.Hash) |
root := &SimpleProofNode{rootHash, nil, nil, nil} |
leftRoot.Parent = root |
leftRoot.Right = rightRoot |
rightRoot.Parent = root |
rightRoot.Left = leftRoot |
return append(lefts, rights...), root |
} |
} |