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docs: fix lite client formatting (#3198)

Closes #3180
Infinytum 5 years ago
committed by Anton Kaliaev
1 changed files with 17 additions and 22 deletions
  1. +17

+ 17
- 22
lite/doc.go View File

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ for you, so you can just build nice applications.
We design for clients who have no strong trust relationship with any Tendermint
node, just the blockchain and validator set as a whole.
# Data structures
## SignedHeader
SignedHeader is a block header along with a commit -- enough validator
precommit-vote signatures to prove its validity (> 2/3 of the voting power)
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ The FullCommit is also declared in this package as a convenience structure,
which includes the SignedHeader along with the full current and next
## Verifier
A Verifier validates a new SignedHeader given the currently known state. There
are two different types of Verifiers provided.
@ -56,35 +54,32 @@ greater).
DynamicVerifier - this Verifier implements an auto-update and persistence
strategy to verify any SignedHeader of the blockchain.
## Provider and PersistentProvider
Provider and PersistentProvider
A Provider allows us to store and retrieve the FullCommits.
type Provider interface {
// LatestFullCommit returns the latest commit with
// minHeight <= height <= maxHeight.
// If maxHeight is zero, returns the latest where
// minHeight <= height.
LatestFullCommit(chainID string, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (FullCommit, error)
type Provider interface {
// LatestFullCommit returns the latest commit with
// minHeight <= height <= maxHeight.
// If maxHeight is zero, returns the latest where
// minHeight <= height.
LatestFullCommit(chainID string, minHeight, maxHeight int64) (FullCommit, error)
* client.NewHTTPProvider - query Tendermint rpc.
A PersistentProvider is a Provider that also allows for saving state. This is
used by the DynamicVerifier for persistence.
type PersistentProvider interface {
type PersistentProvider interface {
// SaveFullCommit saves a FullCommit (without verification).
SaveFullCommit(fc FullCommit) error
// SaveFullCommit saves a FullCommit (without verification).
SaveFullCommit(fc FullCommit) error
* DBProvider - persistence provider for use with any libs/DB.
* MultiProvider - combine multiple providers.
The suggested use for local light clients is client.NewHTTPProvider(...) for
@ -93,7 +88,7 @@ dbm.NewMemDB()), NewDBProvider("label", db.NewFileDB(...))) to store confirmed
full commits (Trusted)
# How We Track Validators
How We Track Validators
Unless you want to blindly trust the node you talk with, you need to trace
every response back to a hash in a block header and validate the commit
