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Merge branch 'master' into wb/abci-prepare-proposal-synchronize

William Banfield 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
9 changed files with 237 additions and 335 deletions
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docs/architecture/ View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Note the context/background should be written in the present tense.
- [ADR-067: Mempool Refactor](./
- [ADR-075: RPC Event Subscription Interface](./
- [ADR-076: Combine Spec and Tendermint Repositories](./
- [ADR-081: Protocol Buffers Management](./
### Deprecated

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docs/architecture/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# ADR 081: Protocol Buffers Management
## Changelog
- 2022-02-28: First draft
## Status
[Tracking issue](
## Context
At present, we manage the [Protocol Buffers] schema files ("protos") that define
our wire-level data formats within the Tendermint repository itself (see the
[`proto`](../../proto/) directory). Recently, we have been making use of [Buf],
both locally and in CI, in order to generate Go stubs, and lint and check
`.proto` files for breaking changes.
The version of Buf used at the time of this decision was `v1beta1`, and it was
discussed in [\#7975] and in weekly calls as to whether we should upgrade to
`v1` and harmonize our approach with that used by the Cosmos SDK. The team
managing the Cosmos SDK was primarily interested in having our protos versioned
and easily accessible from the [Buf] registry.
The three main sets of stakeholders for the `.proto` files and their needs, as
currently understood, are as follows.
1. Tendermint needs Go code generated from `.proto` files.
2. Consumers of Tendermint's `.proto` files, specifically projects that want to
interoperate with Tendermint and need to generate code for their own
programming language, want to be able to access these files in a reliable and
efficient way.
3. The Tendermint Core team wants to provide stable interfaces that are as easy
as possible to maintain, on which consumers can depend, and to be able to
notify those consumers promptly when those interfaces change. To this end, we
want to:
1. Prevent any breaking changes from being introduced in minor/patch releases
of Tendermint. Only major version updates should be able to contain
breaking interface changes.
2. Prevent generated code from diverging from the Protobuf schema files.
There was also discussion surrounding the notion of automated documentation
generation and hosting, but it is not clear at this time whether this would be
that valuable to any of our stakeholders. What will, of course, be valuable at
minimum would be better documentation (in comments) of the `.proto` files
## Alternative Approaches
### Meeting stakeholders' needs
1. Go stub generation from protos. We could use:
1. [Buf]. This approach has been rather cumbersome up to this point, and it
is not clear what Buf really provides beyond that which `protoc` provides
to justify the additional complexity in configuring Buf for stub
2. [protoc] - the Protocol Buffers compiler.
2. Notification of breaking changes:
1. Buf in CI for all pull requests to *release* branches only (and not on
2. Buf in CI on every pull request to every branch (this was the case at the
time of this decision, and the team decided that the signal-to-noise ratio
for this approach was too low to be of value).
3. `.proto` linting:
1. Buf in CI on every pull request
4. `.proto` formatting:
1. [clang-format] locally and a [clang-format GitHub Action] in CI to check
that files are formatted properly on every pull request.
5. Sharing of `.proto` files in a versioned, reliable manner:
1. Consumers could simply clone the Tendermint repository, check out a
specific commit, tag or branch and manually copy out all of the `.proto`
files they need. This requires no effort from the Tendermint Core team and
will continue to be an option for consumers. The drawback of this approach
is that it requires manual coding/scripting to implement and is brittle in
the face of bigger changes.
2. Uploading our `.proto` files to Buf's registry on every release. This is
by far the most seamless for consumers of our `.proto` files, but requires
the dependency on Buf. This has the additional benefit that the Buf
registry will automatically [generate and host
documentation][buf-docs-gen] for these protos.
3. We could create a process that, upon release, creates a `.zip` file
containing our `.proto` files.
### Popular alternatives to Buf
[Prototool] was not considered as it appears deprecated, and the ecosystem seems
to be converging on Buf at this time.
### Tooling complexity
The more tools we have in our build/CI processes, the more complex and fragile
repository/CI management becomes, and the longer it takes to onboard new team
members. Maintainability is a core concern here.
### Buf sustainability and costs
One of the primary considerations regarding the usage of Buf is whether, for
example, access to its registry will eventually become a
paid-for/subscription-based service and whether this is valuable enough for us
and the ecosystem to pay for such a service. At this time, it appears as though
Buf will never charge for hosting open source projects' protos.
Another consideration was Buf's sustainability as a project - what happens when
their resources run out? Will there be a strong and broad enough open source
community to continue maintaining it?
### Local Buf usage options
Local usage of Buf (i.e. not in CI) can be accomplished in two ways:
1. Installing the relevant tools individually.
2. By way of its [Docker image][buf-docker].
Local installation of Buf requires developers to manually keep their toolchains
up-to-date. The Docker option comes with a number of complexities, including
how the file system permissions of code generated by a Docker container differ
between platforms (e.g. on Linux, Buf-generated code ends up being owned by
The trouble with the Docker-based approach is that we make use of the
[gogoprotobuf] plugin for `protoc`. Continuing to use the Docker-based approach
to using Buf will mean that we will have to continue building our own custom
Docker image with embedded gogoprotobuf.
Along these lines, we could eventually consider coming up with a [Nix]- or
[redo]-based approach to developer tooling to ensure tooling consistency across
the team and for anyone who wants to be able to contribute to Tendermint.
## Decision
1. We will adopt Buf for now for proto generation, linting, breakage checking
and its registry (mainly in CI, with optional usage locally).
2. Failing CI when checking for breaking changes in `.proto` files will only
happen when performing minor/patch releases.
3. Local tooling will be favored over Docker-based tooling.
## Detailed Design
We currently aim to:
1. Update to Buf `v1` to facilitate linting, breakage checking and uploading to
the Buf registry.
2. Configure CI appropriately for proto management:
1. Uploading protos to the Buf registry on every release (e.g. the
[approach][cosmos-sdk-buf-registry-ci] used by the Cosmos SDK).
2. Linting on every pull request (e.g. the
[approach][cosmos-sdk-buf-linting-ci] used by the Cosmos SDK). The linter
passing should be considered a requirement for accepting PRs.
3. Checking for breaking changes in minor/patch version releases and failing
CI accordingly - see [\#8003].
4. Add [clang-format GitHub Action] to check `.proto` file formatting. Format
checking should be considered a requirement for accepting PRs.
3. Update the Tendermint [`Makefile`](../../Makefile) to primarily facilitate
local Protobuf stub generation, linting, formatting and breaking change
checking. More specifically:
1. This includes removing the dependency on Docker and introducing the
dependency on local toolchain installation. CI-based equivalents, where
relevant, will rely on specific GitHub Actions instead of the Makefile.
2. Go code generation will rely on `protoc` directly.
## Consequences
### Positive
- We will still offer Go stub generation, proto linting and breakage checking.
- Breakage checking will only happen on minor/patch releases to increase the
signal-to-noise ratio in CI.
- Versioned protos will be made available via Buf's registry upon every release.
### Negative
- Developers/contributors will need to install the relevant Protocol
Buffers-related tooling (Buf, gogoprotobuf, clang-format) locally in order to
build, lint, format and check `.proto` files for breaking changes.
### Neutral
## References
- [Protocol Buffers]
- [Buf]
- [\#7975]
- [protoc] - The Protocol Buffers compiler
[Protocol Buffers]:
[clang-format GitHub Action]:

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internal/consensus/byzantine_test.go View File

@ -296,267 +296,3 @@ func TestByzantinePrevoteEquivocation(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, prevoteHeight, ev.Height())
// 4 validators. 1 is byzantine. The other three are partitioned into A (1 val) and B (2 vals).
// byzantine validator sends conflicting proposals into A and B,
// and prevotes/precommits on both of them.
// B sees a commit, A doesn't.
// Heal partition and ensure A sees the commit
func TestByzantineConflictingProposalsWithPartition(t *testing.T) {
// TODO:
// n := 4
// logger := consensusLogger().With("test", "byzantine")
// app := newCounter
// states, cleanup := randConsensusState(n, "consensus_byzantine_test", newMockTickerFunc(false), app)
// t.Cleanup(cleanup)
// // give the byzantine validator a normal ticker
// ticker := NewTimeoutTicker()
// ticker.SetLogger(states[0].logger)
// states[0].SetTimeoutTicker(ticker)
// p2pLogger := logger.With("module", "p2p")
// blocksSubs := make([]types.Subscription, n)
// reactors := make([]p2p.Reactor, n)
// for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// // enable txs so we can create different proposals
// assertMempool(states[i].txNotifier).EnableTxsAvailable()
// eventBus := states[i].eventBus
// eventBus.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "events", "validator", i))
// var err error
// blocksSubs[i], err = eventBus.Subscribe(ctx, testSubscriber, types.EventQueryNewBlock)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// conR := NewReactor(states[i], true) // so we don't start the consensus states
// conR.SetLogger(logger.With("validator", i))
// conR.SetEventBus(eventBus)
// var conRI p2p.Reactor = conR
// // make first val byzantine
// if i == 0 {
// conRI = NewByzantineReactor(conR)
// }
// reactors[i] = conRI
// err = states[i].blockExec.Store().Save(states[i].state) // for save height 1's validators info
// require.NoError(t, err)
// }
// switches := p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, N, func(i int, sw *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch {
// sw.SetLogger(p2pLogger.With("validator", i))
// sw.AddReactor("CONSENSUS", reactors[i])
// return sw
// }, func(sws []*p2p.Switch, i, j int) {
// // the network starts partitioned with globally active adversary
// if i != 0 {
// return
// }
// p2p.Connect2Switches(sws, i, j)
// })
// // make first val byzantine
// // NOTE: Now, test validators are MockPV, which by default doesn't
// // do any safety checks.
// states[0].privValidator.(types.MockPV).DisableChecks()
// states[0].decideProposal = func(j int32) func(int64, int32) {
// return func(height int64, round int32) {
// byzantineDecideProposalFunc(t, height, round, states[j], switches[j])
// }
// }(int32(0))
// // We are setting the prevote function to do nothing because the prevoting
// // and precommitting are done alongside the proposal.
// states[0].doPrevote = func(height int64, round int32) {}
// defer func() {
// for _, sw := range switches {
// err := sw.Stop()
// require.NoError(t, err)
// }
// }()
// // start the non-byz state machines.
// // note these must be started before the byz
// for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
// cr := reactors[i].(*Reactor)
// cr.SwitchToConsensus(cr.conS.GetState(), false)
// }
// // start the byzantine state machine
// byzR := reactors[0].(*ByzantineReactor)
// s := byzR.reactor.conS.GetState()
// byzR.reactor.SwitchToConsensus(s, false)
// // byz proposer sends one block to peers[0]
// // and the other block to peers[1] and peers[2].
// // note peers and switches order don't match.
// peers := switches[0].Peers().List()
// // partition A
// ind0 := getSwitchIndex(switches, peers[0])
// // partition B
// ind1 := getSwitchIndex(switches, peers[1])
// ind2 := getSwitchIndex(switches, peers[2])
// p2p.Connect2Switches(switches, ind1, ind2)
// // wait for someone in the big partition (B) to make a block
// <-blocksSubs[ind2].Out()
// t.Log("A block has been committed. Healing partition")
// p2p.Connect2Switches(switches, ind0, ind1)
// p2p.Connect2Switches(switches, ind0, ind2)
// // wait till everyone makes the first new block
// // (one of them already has)
// wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
// for i := 1; i < N-1; i++ {
// wg.Add(1)
// go func(j int) {
// <-blocksSubs[j].Out()
// wg.Done()
// }(i)
// }
// done := make(chan struct{})
// go func() {
// wg.Wait()
// close(done)
// }()
// tick := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10)
// select {
// case <-done:
// case <-tick.C:
// for i, reactor := range reactors {
// t.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Consensus Reactor %v", i))
// t.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%v", reactor))
// }
// t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for all validators to commit first block")
// }
// func byzantineDecideProposalFunc(t *testing.T, height int64, round int32, cs *State, sw *p2p.Switch) {
// // byzantine user should create two proposals and try to split the vote.
// // Avoid sending on internalMsgQueue and running consensus state.
// // Create a new proposal block from state/txs from the mempool.
// block1, blockParts1 := cs.createProposalBlock()
// polRound, propBlockID := cs.ValidRound, types.BlockID{Hash: block1.Hash(), PartSetHeader: blockParts1.Header()}
// proposal1 := types.NewProposal(height, round, polRound, propBlockID)
// p1 := proposal1.ToProto()
// if err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(cs.state.ChainID, p1); err != nil {
// t.Error(err)
// }
// proposal1.Signature = p1.Signature
// // some new transactions come in (this ensures that the proposals are different)
// deliverTxsRange(cs, 0, 1)
// // Create a new proposal block from state/txs from the mempool.
// block2, blockParts2 := cs.createProposalBlock()
// polRound, propBlockID = cs.ValidRound, types.BlockID{Hash: block2.Hash(), PartSetHeader: blockParts2.Header()}
// proposal2 := types.NewProposal(height, round, polRound, propBlockID)
// p2 := proposal2.ToProto()
// if err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(cs.state.ChainID, p2); err != nil {
// t.Error(err)
// }
// proposal2.Signature = p2.Signature
// block1Hash := block1.Hash()
// block2Hash := block2.Hash()
// // broadcast conflicting proposals/block parts to peers
// peers := sw.Peers().List()
// t.Logf("Byzantine: broadcasting conflicting proposals to %d peers", len(peers))
// for i, peer := range peers {
// if i < len(peers)/2 {
// go sendProposalAndParts(height, round, cs, peer, proposal1, block1Hash, blockParts1)
// } else {
// go sendProposalAndParts(height, round, cs, peer, proposal2, block2Hash, blockParts2)
// }
// }
// }
// func sendProposalAndParts(
// height int64,
// round int32,
// cs *State,
// peer p2p.Peer,
// proposal *types.Proposal,
// blockHash []byte,
// parts *types.PartSet,
// ) {
// // proposal
// msg := &ProposalMessage{Proposal: proposal}
// peer.Send(DataChannel, MustEncode(msg))
// // parts
// for i := 0; i < int(parts.Total()); i++ {
// part := parts.GetPart(i)
// msg := &BlockPartMessage{
// Height: height, // This tells peer that this part applies to us.
// Round: round, // This tells peer that this part applies to us.
// Part: part,
// }
// peer.Send(DataChannel, MustEncode(msg))
// }
// // votes
// cs.mtx.Lock()
// prevote, _ := cs.signVote(tmproto.PrevoteType, blockHash, parts.Header())
// precommit, _ := cs.signVote(tmproto.PrecommitType, blockHash, parts.Header())
// cs.mtx.Unlock()
// peer.Send(VoteChannel, MustEncode(&VoteMessage{prevote}))
// peer.Send(VoteChannel, MustEncode(&VoteMessage{precommit}))
// }
// type ByzantineReactor struct {
// service.Service
// reactor *Reactor
// }
// func NewByzantineReactor(conR *Reactor) *ByzantineReactor {
// return &ByzantineReactor{
// Service: conR,
// reactor: conR,
// }
// }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) SetSwitch(s *p2p.Switch) { br.reactor.SetSwitch(s) }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) GetChannels() []*p2p.ChannelDescriptor { return br.reactor.GetChannels() }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) AddPeer(peer p2p.Peer) {
// if !br.reactor.IsRunning() {
// return
// }
// // Create peerState for peer
// peerState := NewPeerState(peer).SetLogger(br.reactor.logger)
// peer.Set(types.PeerStateKey, peerState)
// // Send our state to peer.
// // If we're syncing, broadcast a RoundStepMessage later upon SwitchToConsensus().
// if !br.reactor.waitSync {
// br.reactor.sendNewRoundStepMessage(peer)
// }
// }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) RemovePeer(peer p2p.Peer, reason interface{}) {
// br.reactor.RemovePeer(peer, reason)
// }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) Receive(chID byte, peer p2p.Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
// br.reactor.Receive(chID, peer, msgBytes)
// }
// func (br *ByzantineReactor) InitPeer(peer p2p.Peer) p2p.Peer { return peer }

+ 0
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internal/consensus/state.go View File

@ -997,13 +997,11 @@ func (cs *State) handleMsg(ctx context.Context, mi msgInfo) {
// if err == ErrAddingVote {
// TODO: punish peer
// We probably don't want to stop the peer here. The vote does not
// necessarily comes from a malicious peer but can be just broadcasted by
// a typical peer.
// }
// NOTE: the vote is broadcast to peers by the reactor listening
// for vote events

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internal/libs/autofile/autofile.go View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import (
// Create/Append to ./autofile_test
af, err := OpenAutoFile("autofile_test")
if err != nil {
// Stream of writes.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ for i := 0; i < 60; i++ {
// Close the AutoFile
err = af.Close()
if err != nil {
@ -189,13 +189,7 @@ func (af *AutoFile) openFile() error {
if err != nil {
return err
// fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if fileInfo.Mode() != autoFilePerms {
// return errors.NewErrPermissionsChanged(file.Name(), fileInfo.Mode(), autoFilePerms)
// }
af.file = file
return nil

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internal/libs/autofile/cmd/logjack.go View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
stdlog "log"
@ -19,19 +20,26 @@ const Version = "0.0.1"
const readBufferSize = 1024 // 1KB at a time
// Parse command-line options
func parseFlags() (headPath string, chopSize int64, limitSize int64, version bool) {
func parseFlags() (headPath string, chopSize int64, limitSize int64, version bool, err error) {
var flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError)
var chopSizeStr, limitSizeStr string
flagSet.StringVar(&headPath, "head", "logjack.out", "Destination (head) file.")
flagSet.StringVar(&chopSizeStr, "chop", "100M", "Move file if greater than this")
flagSet.StringVar(&limitSizeStr, "limit", "10G", "Only keep this much (for each specified file). Remove old files.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Version")
if err := flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("err parsing flag: %v\n", err)
if err = flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
chopSize, err = parseByteSize(chopSizeStr)
if err != nil {
limitSize, err = parseByteSize(limitSizeStr)
if err != nil {
chopSize = parseBytesize(chopSizeStr)
limitSize = parseBytesize(limitSizeStr)
@ -41,22 +49,23 @@ func main() {
defer func() { fmt.Println("logjack shutting down") }()
// Read options
headPath, chopSize, limitSize, version := parseFlags()
headPath, chopSize, limitSize, version, err := parseFlags()
if err != nil {
stdlog.Fatalf("problem parsing arguments: %q", err.Error())
if version {
fmt.Printf("logjack version %v\n", Version)
stdlog.Printf("logjack version %s", Version)
// Open Group
group, err := auto.OpenGroup(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), headPath, auto.GroupHeadSizeLimit(chopSize), auto.GroupTotalSizeLimit(limitSize))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("logjack couldn't create output file %v\n", headPath)
stdlog.Fatalf("logjack couldn't create output file %q", headPath)
if err = group.Start(ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("logjack couldn't start with file %v\n", headPath)
stdlog.Fatalf("logjack couldn't start with file %q", headPath)
// Forever read from stdin and write to AutoFile.
@ -65,25 +74,21 @@ func main() {
n, err := os.Stdin.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
} else {
fmt.Println("logjack errored:", err.Error())
stdlog.Fatalln("logjack errored:", err.Error())
_, err = group.Write(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "logjack failed write with error %v\n", headPath)
stdlog.Fatalf("logjack failed write %q with error: %q", headPath, err.Error())
if err := group.FlushAndSync(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "logjack flushsync fail with error %v\n", headPath)
stdlog.Fatalf("logjack flushsync %q fail with error: %q", headPath, err.Error())
func parseBytesize(chopSize string) int64 {
func parseByteSize(chopSize string) (int64, error) {
// Handle suffix multiplier
var multiplier int64 = 1
if strings.HasSuffix(chopSize, "T") {
@ -106,8 +111,8 @@ func parseBytesize(chopSize string) int64 {
// Parse the numeric part
chopSizeInt, err := strconv.Atoi(chopSize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return int64(chopSizeInt) * multiplier
return int64(chopSizeInt) * multiplier, nil

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internal/libs/autofile/group.go View File

@ -318,7 +318,8 @@ func (g *Group) checkTotalSizeLimit(ctx context.Context) {
// rotateFile causes group to close the current head and assign it some index.
// rotateFile causes group to close the current head and assign it
// some index. Panics if it encounters an error.
func (g *Group) rotateFile(ctx context.Context) {
defer g.mtx.Unlock()

+ 0
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light/helpers_test.go View File

@ -35,35 +35,12 @@ func genPrivKeys(n int) privKeys {
return res
// // Change replaces the key at index i.
// func (pkz privKeys) Change(i int) privKeys {
// res := make(privKeys, len(pkz))
// copy(res, pkz)
// res[i] = ed25519.GenPrivKey()
// return res
// }
// Extend adds n more keys (to remove, just take a slice).
func (pkz privKeys) Extend(n int) privKeys {
extra := genPrivKeys(n)
return append(pkz, extra...)
// // GenSecpPrivKeys produces an array of secp256k1 private keys to generate commits.
// func GenSecpPrivKeys(n int) privKeys {
// res := make(privKeys, n)
// for i := range res {
// res[i] = secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
// }
// return res
// }
// // ExtendSecp adds n more secp256k1 keys (to remove, just take a slice).
// func (pkz privKeys) ExtendSecp(n int) privKeys {
// extra := GenSecpPrivKeys(n)
// return append(pkz, extra...)
// }
// ToValidators produces a valset from the set of keys.
// The first key has weight `init` and it increases by `inc` every step
// so we can have all the same weight, or a simple linear distribution

+ 1
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rpc/jsonrpc/client/ws_client.go View File

@ -344,10 +344,6 @@ func (c *WSClient) writeRoutine(ctx context.Context) {
defer func() {
// err != nil {
// ignore error; it will trigger in tests
// likely because it's closing an already closed connection
// }
@ -430,14 +426,7 @@ func (c *WSClient) readRoutine(ctx context.Context) {
// ID. According to the spec, they should be notifications (requests
// without IDs).
// c.mtx.Lock()
// if _, ok := c.sentIDs[response.ID.(types.JSONRPCIntID)]; !ok {
// c.Logger.Error("unsolicited response ID", "id", response.ID, "expected", c.sentIDs)
// c.mtx.Unlock()
// continue
// }
// delete(c.sentIDs, response.ID.(types.JSONRPCIntID))
// c.mtx.Unlock()
// Combine a non-blocking read on BaseService.Quit with a non-blocking write on ResponsesCh to avoid blocking
// c.wg.Wait() in c.Stop(). Note we rely on Quit being closed so that it sends unlimited Quit signals to stop
// both readRoutine and writeRoutine
