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Add /block_results?height=H as rpc endpoint

Expose it in rpc client
Move ABCIResults into tendermint/types from tendermint/state
Ethan Frey 7 years ago
committed by Ethan Buchman
11 changed files with 217 additions and 110 deletions
  1. +9
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  3. +4
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  5. +63
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  9. +5
  10. +70
  11. +41

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rpc/client/httpclient.go View File

@ -152,6 +152,15 @@ func (c *HTTP) Block(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlock, error) {
return result, nil
func (c *HTTP) BlockResults(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockResults, error) {
result := new(ctypes.ResultBlockResults)
_, err := c.rpc.Call("block_results", map[string]interface{}{"height": height}, result)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Block Result")
return result, nil
func (c *HTTP) Commit(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error) {
result := new(ctypes.ResultCommit)
_, err := c.rpc.Call("commit", map[string]interface{}{"height": height}, result)

+ 1
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rpc/client/interface.go View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type ABCIClient interface {
// signatures and prove anything about the chain
type SignClient interface {
Block(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlock, error)
BlockResults(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockResults, error)
Commit(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error)
Validators(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultValidators, error)
Tx(hash []byte, prove bool) (*ctypes.ResultTx, error)

+ 4
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rpc/client/localclient.go View File

@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ func (Local) Block(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlock, error) {
return core.Block(height)
func (Local) BlockResults(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockResults, error) {
return core.BlockResults(height)
func (Local) Commit(height *int64) (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error) {
return core.Commit(height)

+ 9
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rpc/client/rpc_test.go View File

@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ func TestAppCalls(t *testing.T) {
// make sure we can lookup the tx with proof
// ptx, err := c.Tx(bres.Hash, true)
ptx, err := c.Tx(bres.Hash, true)
require.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
assert.EqualValues(txh, ptx.Height)
@ -168,6 +167,15 @@ func TestAppCalls(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(len(appHash) > 0)
assert.EqualValues(apph, block.BlockMeta.Header.Height)
// now check the results
blockResults, err := c.BlockResults(&apph)
require.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
assert.Equal(apph, blockResults.Height)
if assert.Equal(1, len(blockResults.Results)) {
// check success code
assert.EqualValues(0, blockResults.Results[0].Code)
// check blockchain info, now that we know there is info
// TODO: is this commented somewhere that they are returned
// in order of descending height???

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rpc/core/blocks.go View File

@ -312,3 +312,66 @@ func Commit(heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultCommit, error) {
commit := blockStore.LoadBlockCommit(height)
return ctypes.NewResultCommit(header, commit, true), nil
// BlockResults gets ABCIResults at a given height.
// If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
// Results are for the tx of the last block with the same index.
// Thus response.results[5] is the results of executing
// getBlock(h-1).Txs[5]
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:46657/block_results?height=10'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// info, err := client.BlockResults(10)
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "height": 88,
// "results": [
// {
// "code": 0,
// "data": "CAFE00F00D"
// },
// {
// "code": 102,
// "data": ""
// }
// ]
// }
// ```
func BlockResults(heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultBlockResults, error) {
var height int64
if heightPtr != nil {
height = *heightPtr
if height <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Height must be greater than 0")
storeHeight := blockStore.Height()
if height > storeHeight {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Height must be less than or equal to the current blockchain height")
} else {
height = blockStore.Height()
// load the results
state := consensusState.GetState()
results, err := state.LoadResults(height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := &ctypes.ResultBlockResults{
Height: height,
Results: results,
return res, nil

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rpc/core/routes.go View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ var Routes = map[string]*rpc.RPCFunc{
"blockchain": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BlockchainInfo, "minHeight,maxHeight"),
"genesis": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Genesis, ""),
"block": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Block, "height"),
"block_results": rpc.NewRPCFunc(BlockResults, "height"),
"commit": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Commit, "height"),
"tx": rpc.NewRPCFunc(Tx, "hash,prove"),
"tx_search": rpc.NewRPCFunc(TxSearch, "query,prove"),

+ 5
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rpc/core/types/responses.go View File

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ type ResultCommit struct {
CanonicalCommit bool `json:"canonical"`
type ResultBlockResults struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Results types.ABCIResults `json:"results"`
// NewResultCommit is a helper to initialize the ResultCommit with
// the embedded struct
func NewResultCommit(header *types.Header, commit *types.Commit,

+ 9
- 70
state/state.go View File

@ -8,13 +8,10 @@ import (
abci ""
cmn ""
dbm ""
wire ""
@ -79,9 +76,9 @@ type State struct {
LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged int64
// Store LastABCIResults along with hash
LastResults ABCIResults // TODO: remove??
LastResultHash []byte // this is the one for the next block to propose
LastLastResultHash []byte // this verifies the last block?
LastResults types.ABCIResults // TODO: remove??
LastResultHash []byte // this is the one for the next block to propose
LastLastResultHash []byte // this verifies the last block?
// The latest AppHash we've received from calling abci.Commit()
AppHash []byte
@ -311,8 +308,8 @@ func (s *State) saveConsensusParamsInfo() {
s.db.SetSync(calcConsensusParamsKey(nextHeight), paramsInfo.Bytes())
// LoadResults loads the ABCIResults for a given height.
func (s *State) LoadResults(height int64) (ABCIResults, error) {
// LoadResults loads the types.ABCIResults for a given height.
func (s *State) LoadResults(height int64) (types.ABCIResults, error) {
resInfo := s.loadResults(height)
if resInfo == nil {
return nil, ErrNoResultsForHeight{height}
@ -320,13 +317,13 @@ func (s *State) LoadResults(height int64) (ABCIResults, error) {
return resInfo, nil
func (s *State) loadResults(height int64) ABCIResults {
func (s *State) loadResults(height int64) types.ABCIResults {
buf := s.db.Get(calcResultsKey(height))
if len(buf) == 0 {
return nil
v := new(ABCIResults)
v := new(types.ABCIResults)
err := wire.ReadBinaryBytes(buf, v)
if err != nil {
@ -396,7 +393,7 @@ func (s *State) SetBlockAndValidators(header *types.Header, blockPartsHeader typ
return nil
@ -404,7 +401,7 @@ func (s *State) setBlockAndValidators(height int64,
newTxs int64, blockID types.BlockID, blockTime time.Time,
valSet *types.ValidatorSet,
params types.ConsensusParams,
results ABCIResults) {
results types.ABCIResults) {
s.LastBlockHeight = height
s.LastBlockTotalTx += newTxs
@ -455,64 +452,6 @@ func (a *ABCIResponses) Bytes() []byte {
// ABCIResult is just the essential info to prove
// success/failure of a DeliverTx
type ABCIResult struct {
Code uint32 `json:"code"`
Data data.Bytes `json:"data"`
// Hash creates a canonical json hash of the ABCIResult
func (a ABCIResult) Hash() []byte {
// stupid canonical json output, easy to check in any language
bs := fmt.Sprintf(`{"code":%d,"data":"%s"}`, a.Code, a.Data)
var hasher = ripemd160.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
// ABCIResults wraps the deliver tx results to return a proof
type ABCIResults []ABCIResult
// NewResults creates ABCIResults from ResponseDeliverTx
func NewResults(del []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx) ABCIResults {
res := make(ABCIResults, len(del))
for i, d := range del {
res[i] = ABCIResult{
Code: d.Code,
Data: d.Data,
return res
// Bytes serializes the ABCIResponse using go-wire
func (a ABCIResults) Bytes() []byte {
return wire.BinaryBytes(a)
// Hash returns a merkle hash of all results
func (a ABCIResults) Hash() []byte {
return merkle.SimpleHashFromHashables(a.toHashables())
// ProveResult returns a merkle proof of one result from the set
func (a ABCIResults) ProveResult(i int) merkle.SimpleProof {
_, proofs := merkle.SimpleProofsFromHashables(a.toHashables())
return *proofs[i]
func (a ABCIResults) toHashables() []merkle.Hashable {
l := len(a)
hashables := make([]merkle.Hashable, l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
hashables[i] = a[i]
return hashables
// ValidatorsInfo represents the latest validator set, or the last height it changed
type ValidatorsInfo struct {
ValidatorSet *types.ValidatorSet

+ 5
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state/state_test.go View File

@ -279,40 +279,6 @@ func TestConsensusParamsChangesSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
func TestABCIResults(t *testing.T) {
a := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: nil}
b := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: []byte{}}
c := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: []byte("one")}
d := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: nil}
e := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: []byte("foo")}
f := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: []byte("bar")}
// nil and []byte{} should produce same hash
assert.Equal(t, a.Hash(), b.Hash())
// a and b should be the same, don't go in results
results := ABCIResults{a, c, d, e, f}
// make sure each result hashes properly
var last []byte
for i, res := range results {
h := res.Hash()
assert.NotEqual(t, last, h, "%d", i)
last = h
// make sure that we can get a root hash from results
// and verify proofs
root := results.Hash()
assert.NotEmpty(t, root)
for i, res := range results {
proof := results.ProveResult(i)
valid := proof.Verify(i, len(results), res.Hash(), root)
assert.True(t, valid, "%d", i)
// TestResultsSaveLoad tests saving and loading abci results.
func TestResultsSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
@ -324,17 +290,17 @@ func TestResultsSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
// height is implied index+2
// as block 1 is created from genesis
added []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx
expected ABCIResults
expected types.ABCIResults
0: {
1: {
{Code: 32, Data: []byte("Hello"), Log: "Huh?"},
{32, []byte("Hello")},
2: {
@ -346,13 +312,13 @@ func TestResultsSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
abci.KVPairString("build", "stuff"),
{383, []byte{}},
{0, []byte("Gotcha!")},
3: {

+ 70
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types/results.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package types
import (
abci ""
wire ""
// ABCIResult is just the essential info to prove
// success/failure of a DeliverTx
type ABCIResult struct {
Code uint32 `json:"code"`
Data data.Bytes `json:"data"`
// Hash creates a canonical json hash of the ABCIResult
func (a ABCIResult) Hash() []byte {
// stupid canonical json output, easy to check in any language
bs := fmt.Sprintf(`{"code":%d,"data":"%s"}`, a.Code, a.Data)
var hasher = ripemd160.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
// ABCIResults wraps the deliver tx results to return a proof
type ABCIResults []ABCIResult
// NewResults creates ABCIResults from ResponseDeliverTx
func NewResults(del []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx) ABCIResults {
res := make(ABCIResults, len(del))
for i, d := range del {
res[i] = ABCIResult{
Code: d.Code,
Data: d.Data,
return res
// Bytes serializes the ABCIResponse using go-wire
func (a ABCIResults) Bytes() []byte {
return wire.BinaryBytes(a)
// Hash returns a merkle hash of all results
func (a ABCIResults) Hash() []byte {
return merkle.SimpleHashFromHashables(a.toHashables())
// ProveResult returns a merkle proof of one result from the set
func (a ABCIResults) ProveResult(i int) merkle.SimpleProof {
_, proofs := merkle.SimpleProofsFromHashables(a.toHashables())
return *proofs[i]
func (a ABCIResults) toHashables() []merkle.Hashable {
l := len(a)
hashables := make([]merkle.Hashable, l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
hashables[i] = a[i]
return hashables

+ 41
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types/results_test.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package types
import (
func TestABCIResults(t *testing.T) {
a := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: nil}
b := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: []byte{}}
c := ABCIResult{Code: 0, Data: []byte("one")}
d := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: nil}
e := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: []byte("foo")}
f := ABCIResult{Code: 14, Data: []byte("bar")}
// nil and []byte{} should produce same hash
assert.Equal(t, a.Hash(), b.Hash())
// a and b should be the same, don't go in results
results := ABCIResults{a, c, d, e, f}
// make sure each result hashes properly
var last []byte
for i, res := range results {
h := res.Hash()
assert.NotEqual(t, last, h, "%d", i)
last = h
// make sure that we can get a root hash from results
// and verify proofs
root := results.Hash()
assert.NotEmpty(t, root)
for i, res := range results {
proof := results.ProveResult(i)
valid := proof.Verify(i, len(results), res.Hash(), root)
assert.True(t, valid, "%d", i)
