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mempool: remove panic when recheck-tx was not sent to ABCI application (#7134)

This pull request fixes a panic that exists in both mempools. The panic occurs when the ABCI client misses a response from the ABCI application. This happen when the ABCI client drops the request as a result of a full client queue. The fix here was to loop through the ordered list of recheck-tx in the callback until one matches the currently observed recheck request.
William Banfield 3 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 152 additions and 46 deletions
  1. +28
  2. +53
  3. +71

+ 28
- 6
internal/mempool/v0/clist_mempool.go View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -450,12 +449,35 @@ func (mem *CListMempool) resCbRecheck(req *abci.Request, res *abci.Response) {
case *abci.Response_CheckTx:
tx := req.GetCheckTx().Tx
memTx := mem.recheckCursor.Value.(*mempoolTx)
if !bytes.Equal(tx, memTx.tx) {
"Unexpected tx response from proxy during recheck\nExpected %X, got %X",
// Search through the remaining list of tx to recheck for a transaction that matches
// the one we received from the ABCI application.
for {
if bytes.Equal(tx, memTx.tx) {
// We've found a tx in the recheck list that matches the tx that we
// received from the ABCI application.
// Break, and use this transaction for further checks.
"re-CheckTx transaction mismatch",
"got", types.Tx(tx),
"expected", memTx.tx,
if mem.recheckCursor == mem.recheckEnd {
// we reached the end of the recheckTx list without finding a tx
// matching the one we received from the ABCI application.
// Return without processing any tx.
mem.recheckCursor = nil
mem.recheckCursor = mem.recheckCursor.Next()
memTx = mem.recheckCursor.Value.(*mempoolTx)
var postCheckErr error
if mem.postCheck != nil {
postCheckErr = mem.postCheck(tx, r.CheckTx)

+ 53
- 0
internal/mempool/v0/clist_mempool_test.go View File

@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ import (
gogotypes ""
abciclient ""
abciclimocks ""
abciserver ""
abci ""
@ -214,6 +216,57 @@ func TestMempoolUpdate(t *testing.T) {
func TestMempoolUpdateDoesNotPanicWhenApplicationMissedTx(t *testing.T) {
var callback abciclient.Callback
mockClient := new(abciclimocks.Client)
mockClient.On("SetLogger", mock.Anything)
mockClient.On("FlushAsync", mock.Anything).Return(abciclient.NewReqRes(abci.ToRequestFlush()), nil)
mockClient.On("SetResponseCallback", mock.MatchedBy(func(cb abciclient.Callback) bool { callback = cb; return true }))
cc := func() (abciclient.Client, error) {
return mockClient, nil
mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
defer cleanup()
// Add 4 transactions to the mempool by calling the mempool's `CheckTx` on each of them.
txs := []types.Tx{[]byte{0x01}, []byte{0x02}, []byte{0x03}, []byte{0x04}}
for _, tx := range txs {
reqRes := abciclient.NewReqRes(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: tx}))
reqRes.Response = abci.ToResponseCheckTx(abci.ResponseCheckTx{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK})
// SetDone allows the ReqRes to process its callback synchronously.
// This simulates the Response being ready for the client immediately.
mockClient.On("CheckTxAsync", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(reqRes, nil)
err := mp.CheckTx(context.Background(), tx, nil, mempool.TxInfo{})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Calling update to remove the first transaction from the mempool.
// This call also triggers the mempool to recheck its remaining transactions.
err := mp.Update(0, []types.Tx{txs[0]}, abciResponses(1, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
require.Nil(t, err)
// The mempool has now sent its requests off to the client to be rechecked
// and is waiting for the corresponding callbacks to be called.
// We now call the mempool-supplied callback on the first and third transaction.
// This simulates the client dropping the second request.
// Previous versions of this code panicked when the ABCI application missed
// a recheck-tx request.
resp := abci.ResponseCheckTx{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK}
req := abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: txs[1]}
callback(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(req), abci.ToResponseCheckTx(resp))
req = abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: txs[3]}
callback(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(req), abci.ToResponseCheckTx(resp))
func TestMempool_KeepInvalidTxsInCache(t *testing.T) {
app := kvstore.NewApplication()
cc := abciclient.NewLocalCreator(app)

+ 71
- 40
internal/mempool/v1/mempool.go View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -639,58 +640,88 @@ func (txmp *TxMempool) defaultTxCallback(req *abci.Request, res *abci.Response)
checkTxRes, ok := res.Value.(*abci.Response_CheckTx)
if ok {
tx := req.GetCheckTx().Tx
wtx := txmp.recheckCursor.Value.(*WrappedTx)
if !bytes.Equal(tx, wtx.tx) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("re-CheckTx transaction mismatch; got: %X, expected: %X", wtx.tx.Hash(), types.Tx(tx).Key()))
if !ok {
txmp.logger.Error("received incorrect type in mempool callback",
"expected", reflect.TypeOf(&abci.Response_CheckTx{}).Name(),
"got", reflect.TypeOf(res.Value).Name(),
tx := req.GetCheckTx().Tx
wtx := txmp.recheckCursor.Value.(*WrappedTx)
// Search through the remaining list of tx to recheck for a transaction that matches
// the one we received from the ABCI application.
for {
if bytes.Equal(tx, wtx.tx) {
// We've found a tx in the recheck list that matches the tx that we
// received from the ABCI application.
// Break, and use this transaction for further checks.
// Only evaluate transactions that have not been removed. This can happen
// if an existing transaction is evicted during CheckTx and while this
// callback is being executed for the same evicted transaction.
if !txmp.txStore.IsTxRemoved(wtx.hash) {
var err error
if txmp.postCheck != nil {
err = txmp.postCheck(tx, checkTxRes.CheckTx)
if checkTxRes.CheckTx.Code == abci.CodeTypeOK && err == nil {
wtx.priority = checkTxRes.CheckTx.Priority
} else {
"existing transaction no longer valid; failed re-CheckTx callback",
"priority", wtx.priority,
"tx", fmt.Sprintf("%X", wtx.tx.Hash()),
"err", err,
"code", checkTxRes.CheckTx.Code,
if wtx.gossipEl != txmp.recheckCursor {
panic("corrupted reCheckTx cursor")
txmp.removeTx(wtx, !txmp.config.KeepInvalidTxsInCache)
"re-CheckTx transaction mismatch",
"got", wtx.tx.Hash(),
"expected", types.Tx(tx).Key(),
// move reCheckTx cursor to next element
if txmp.recheckCursor == txmp.recheckEnd {
// we reached the end of the recheckTx list without finding a tx
// matching the one we received from the ABCI application.
// Return without processing any tx.
txmp.recheckCursor = nil
} else {
txmp.recheckCursor = txmp.recheckCursor.Next()
if txmp.recheckCursor == nil {
txmp.logger.Debug("finished rechecking transactions")
txmp.recheckCursor = txmp.recheckCursor.Next()
wtx = txmp.recheckCursor.Value.(*WrappedTx)
// Only evaluate transactions that have not been removed. This can happen
// if an existing transaction is evicted during CheckTx and while this
// callback is being executed for the same evicted transaction.
if !txmp.txStore.IsTxRemoved(wtx.hash) {
var err error
if txmp.postCheck != nil {
err = txmp.postCheck(tx, checkTxRes.CheckTx)
if txmp.Size() > 0 {
if checkTxRes.CheckTx.Code == abci.CodeTypeOK && err == nil {
wtx.priority = checkTxRes.CheckTx.Priority
} else {
"existing transaction no longer valid; failed re-CheckTx callback",
"priority", wtx.priority,
"tx", fmt.Sprintf("%X", wtx.tx.Hash()),
"err", err,
"code", checkTxRes.CheckTx.Code,
if wtx.gossipEl != txmp.recheckCursor {
panic("corrupted reCheckTx cursor")
txmp.removeTx(wtx, !txmp.config.KeepInvalidTxsInCache)
// move reCheckTx cursor to next element
if txmp.recheckCursor == txmp.recheckEnd {
txmp.recheckCursor = nil
} else {
txmp.recheckCursor = txmp.recheckCursor.Next()
if txmp.recheckCursor == nil {
txmp.logger.Debug("finished rechecking transactions")
if txmp.Size() > 0 {
// updateReCheckTxs updates the recheck cursors by using the gossipIndex. For
