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Cleanup docs (#4037)

* Quick clean up of docs

- removed a few files that have been deprecated and/or relocated

Signed-off-by: Marko Baricevic <>

* cleanup  a few docs
Marko 5 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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docs/app-dev/ View File

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# ABCI Specification
### XXX
DEPRECATED: Moved [here](../spec/abci/
## Message Types
ABCI requests/responses are defined as simple Protobuf messages in [this
schema file](
TendermintCore sends the requests, and the ABCI application sends the
responses. Here, we provide an overview of the messages types and how
they are used by Tendermint. Then we describe each request-response pair
as a function with arguments and return values, and add some notes on
Some messages (`Echo, Info, InitChain, BeginBlock, EndBlock, Commit`),
don't return errors because an error would indicate a critical failure
in the application and there's nothing Tendermint can do. The problem
should be addressed and both Tendermint and the application restarted.
All other messages (`SetOption, Query, CheckTx, DeliverTx`) return an
application-specific response `Code uint32`, where only `0` is reserved
for `OK`.
Some messages (`SetOption, Query, CheckTx, DeliverTx`) return
non-deterministic data in the form of `Info` and `Log`. The `Log` is
intended for the literal output from the application's logger, while the
`Info` is any additional info that should be returned.
The first time a new blockchain is started, Tendermint calls
`InitChain`. From then on, the Block Execution Sequence that causes the
committed state to be updated is as follows:
`BeginBlock, [DeliverTx], EndBlock, Commit`
where one `DeliverTx` is called for each transaction in the block.
Cryptographic commitments to the results of DeliverTx, EndBlock, and
Commit are included in the header of the next block.
Tendermint opens three connections to the application to handle the
different message types:
- `Consensus Connection - InitChain, BeginBlock, DeliverTx, EndBlock, Commit`
- `Mempool Connection - CheckTx`
- `Info Connection - Info, SetOption, Query`
The `Flush` message is used on every connection, and the `Echo` message
is only used for debugging.
Note that messages may be sent concurrently across all connections -a
typical application will thus maintain a distinct state for each
connection. They may be referred to as the `DeliverTx state`, the
`CheckTx state`, and the `Commit state` respectively.
See below for more details on the message types and how they are used.
## Request/Response Messages
### Echo
- **Request**:
- `Message (string)`: A string to echo back
- **Response**:
- `Message (string)`: The input string
- **Usage**:
- Echo a string to test an abci client/server implementation
### Flush
- **Usage**:
- Signals that messages queued on the client should be flushed to
the server. It is called periodically by the client
implementation to ensure asynchronous requests are actually
sent, and is called immediately to make a synchronous request,
which returns when the Flush response comes back.
### Info
- **Request**:
- `Version (string)`: The Tendermint version
- **Response**:
- `Data (string)`: Some arbitrary information
- `Version (Version)`: Version information
- `LastBlockHeight (int64)`: Latest block for which the app has
called Commit
- `LastBlockAppHash ([]byte)`: Latest result of Commit
- **Usage**:
- Return information about the application state.
- Used to sync Tendermint with the application during a handshake
that happens on startup.
- Tendermint expects `LastBlockAppHash` and `LastBlockHeight` to
be updated during `Commit`, ensuring that `Commit` is never
called twice for the same block height.
### SetOption
- **Request**:
- `Key (string)`: Key to set
- `Value (string)`: Value to set for key
- **Response**:
- `Code (uint32)`: Response code
- `Log (string)`: The output of the application's logger. May
be non-deterministic.
- `Info (string)`: Additional information. May
be non-deterministic.
- **Usage**:
- Set non-consensus critical application specific options.
- e.g. Key="min-fee", Value="100fermion" could set the minimum fee
required for CheckTx (but not DeliverTx - that would be
consensus critical).
### InitChain
- **Request**:
- `Time (google.protobuf.Timestamp)`: Genesis time.
- `ChainID (string)`: ID of the blockchain.
- `ConsensusParams (ConsensusParams)`: Initial consensus-critical parameters.
- `Validators ([]ValidatorUpdate)`: Initial genesis validators.
- `AppStateBytes ([]byte)`: Serialized initial application state. Amino-encoded JSON bytes.
- **Response**:
- `ConsensusParams (ConsensusParams)`: Initial
consensus-critical parameters.
- `Validators ([]ValidatorUpdate)`: Initial validator set (if non empty).
- **Usage**:
- Called once upon genesis.
- If ResponseInitChain.Validators is empty, the initial validator set will be the RequestInitChain.Validators
- If ResponseInitChain.Validators is not empty, the initial validator set will be the
ResponseInitChain.Validators (regardless of what is in RequestInitChain.Validators).
- This allows the app to decide if it wants to accept the initial validator
set proposed by tendermint (ie. in the genesis file), or if it wants to use
a different one (perhaps computed based on some application specific
information in the genesis file).
### Query
- **Request**:
- `Data ([]byte)`: Raw query bytes. Can be used with or in lieu
of Path.
- `Path (string)`: Path of request, like an HTTP GET path. Can be
used with or in liue of Data.
- Apps MUST interpret '/store' as a query by key on the
underlying store. The key SHOULD be specified in the Data field.
- Apps SHOULD allow queries over specific types like
'/accounts/...' or '/votes/...'
- `Height (int64)`: The block height for which you want the query
(default=0 returns data for the latest committed block). Note
that this is the height of the block containing the
application's Merkle root hash, which represents the state as it
was after committing the block at Height-1
- `Prove (bool)`: Return Merkle proof with response if possible
- **Response**:
- `Code (uint32)`: Response code.
- `Log (string)`: The output of the application's logger. May
be non-deterministic.
- `Info (string)`: Additional information. May
be non-deterministic.
- `Index (int64)`: The index of the key in the tree.
- `Key ([]byte)`: The key of the matching data.
- `Value ([]byte)`: The value of the matching data.
- `Proof ([]byte)`: Proof for the data, if requested.
- `Height (int64)`: The block height from which data was derived.
Note that this is the height of the block containing the
application's Merkle root hash, which represents the state as it
was after committing the block at Height-1
- **Usage**:
- Query for data from the application at current or past height.
- Optionally return Merkle proof.
### BeginBlock
- **Request**:
- `Hash ([]byte)`: The block's hash. This can be derived from the
block header.
- `Header (struct{})`: The block header.
- `LastCommitInfo (LastCommitInfo)`: Info about the last commit, including the
round, and the list of validators and which ones signed the last block.
- `ByzantineValidators ([]Evidence)`: List of evidence of
validators that acted maliciously.
- **Response**:
- `Tags ([]cmn.KVPair)`: Key-Value tags for filtering and indexing
- **Usage**:
- Signals the beginning of a new block. Called prior to
any DeliverTxs.
- The header contains the height, timestamp, and more - it exactly matches the
Tendermint block header. We may seek to generalize this in the future.
- The `LastCommitInfo` and `ByzantineValidators` can be used to determine
rewards and punishments for the validators. NOTE validators here do not
include pubkeys.
### CheckTx
- **Request**:
- `Tx ([]byte)`: The request transaction bytes
- **Response**:
- `Code (uint32)`: Response code
- `Data ([]byte)`: Result bytes, if any.
- `Log (string)`: The output of the application's logger. May
be non-deterministic.
- `Info (string)`: Additional information. May
be non-deterministic.
- `GasWanted (int64)`: Amount of gas request for transaction.
- `GasUsed (int64)`: Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
- `Tags ([]cmn.KVPair)`: Key-Value tags for filtering and indexing
transactions (eg. by account).
- **Usage**: Validate a mempool transaction, prior to broadcasting
or proposing. CheckTx should perform stateful but light-weight
checks of the validity of the transaction (like checking signatures
and account balances), but need not execute in full (like running a
smart contract).
Tendermint runs CheckTx and DeliverTx concurrently with eachother,
though on distinct ABCI connections - the mempool connection and the
consensus connection, respectively.
The application should maintain a separate state to support CheckTx.
This state can be reset to the latest committed state during
`Commit`. Before calling Commit, Tendermint will lock and flush the mempool,
ensuring that all existing CheckTx are responded to and no new ones can
begin. After `Commit`, the mempool will rerun
CheckTx for all remaining transactions, throwing out any that are no longer valid.
Then the mempool will unlock and start sending CheckTx again.
Keys and values in Tags must be UTF-8 encoded strings (e.g.
"account.owner": "Bob", "balance": "100.0", "date": "2018-01-02")
### DeliverTx
- **Request**:
- `Tx ([]byte)`: The request transaction bytes.
- **Response**:
- `Code (uint32)`: Response code.
- `Data ([]byte)`: Result bytes, if any.
- `Log (string)`: The output of the application's logger. May
be non-deterministic.
- `Info (string)`: Additional information. May
be non-deterministic.
- `GasWanted (int64)`: Amount of gas requested for transaction.
- `GasUsed (int64)`: Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
- `Tags ([]cmn.KVPair)`: Key-Value tags for filtering and indexing
transactions (eg. by account).
- **Usage**:
- Deliver a transaction to be executed in full by the application.
If the transaction is valid, returns CodeType.OK.
- Keys and values in Tags must be UTF-8 encoded strings (e.g.
"account.owner": "Bob", "balance": "100.0",
"time": "2018-01-02T12:30:00Z")
### EndBlock
- **Request**:
- `Height (int64)`: Height of the block just executed.
- **Response**:
- `ValidatorUpdates ([]ValidatorUpdate)`: Changes to validator set (set
voting power to 0 to remove).
- `ConsensusParamUpdates (ConsensusParams)`: Changes to
consensus-critical time, size, and other parameters.
- `Tags ([]cmn.KVPair)`: Key-Value tags for filtering and indexing
- **Usage**:
- Signals the end of a block.
- Called prior to each Commit, after all transactions.
- Validator updates returned for block H:
- apply to the NextValidatorsHash of block H+1
- apply to the ValidatorsHash (and thus the validator set) for block H+2
- apply to the RequestBeginBlock.LastCommitInfo (ie. the last validator set) for block H+3
- Consensus params returned for block H apply for block H+1
### Commit
- **Response**:
- `Data ([]byte)`: The Merkle root hash
- **Usage**:
- Persist the application state.
- Return a Merkle root hash of the application state.
- It's critical that all application instances return the
same hash. If not, they will not be able to agree on the next
block, because the hash is included in the next block!
## Data Messages
### Header
- **Fields**:
- `ChainID (string)`: ID of the blockchain
- `Height (int64)`: Height of the block in the chain
- `Time (google.protobuf.Timestamp)`: Time of the block. It is the proposer's
local time when block was created.
- `NumTxs (int32)`: Number of transactions in the block
- `TotalTxs (int64)`: Total number of transactions in the blockchain until
- `LastBlockID (BlockID)`: Hash of the previous (parent) block
- `LastCommitHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the previous block's commit
- `ValidatorsHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the validator set for this block
- `NextValidatorsHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the validator set for the next block
- `ConsensusHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the consensus parameters for this block
- `AppHash ([]byte)`: Data returned by the last call to `Commit` - typically the
Merkle root of the application state after executing the previous block's
- `LastResultsHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the ABCI results returned by the last block
- `EvidenceHash ([]byte)`: Hash of the evidence included in this block
- `ProposerAddress ([]byte)`: Original proposer for the block
- **Usage**:
- Provided in RequestBeginBlock
- Provides important context about the current state of the blockchain -
especially height and time.
- Provides the proposer of the current block, for use in proposer-based
reward mechanisms.
### Validator
- **Fields**:
- `Address ([]byte)`: Address of the validator (hash of the public key)
- `Power (int64)`: Voting power of the validator
- **Usage**:
- Validator identified by address
- Used in RequestBeginBlock as part of VoteInfo
- Does not include PubKey to avoid sending potentially large quantum pubkeys
over the ABCI
### ValidatorUpdate
- **Fields**:
- `PubKey (PubKey)`: Public key of the validator
- `Power (int64)`: Voting power of the validator
- **Usage**:
- Validator identified by PubKey
- Used to tell Tendermint to update the validator set
### VoteInfo
- **Fields**:
- `Validator (Validator)`: A validator
- `SignedLastBlock (bool)`: Indicates whether or not the validator signed
the last block
- **Usage**:
- Indicates whether a validator signed the last block, allowing for rewards
based on validator availability
### PubKey
- **Fields**:
- `Type (string)`: Type of the public key. A simple string like `"ed25519"`.
In the future, may indicate a serialization algorithm to parse the `Data`,
for instance `"amino"`.
- `Data ([]byte)`: Public key data. For a simple public key, it's just the
raw bytes. If the `Type` indicates an encoding algorithm, this is the
encoded public key.
- **Usage**:
- A generic and extensible typed public key
### Evidence
- **Fields**:
- `Type (string)`: Type of the evidence. A hierarchical path like
- `Validator (Validator`: The offending validator
- `Height (int64)`: Height when the offense was committed
- `Time (google.protobuf.Timestamp)`: Time of the block at height `Height`.
It is the proposer's local time when block was created.
- `TotalVotingPower (int64)`: Total voting power of the validator set at
height `Height`
### LastCommitInfo
- **Fields**:
- `Round (int32)`: Commit round.
- `Votes ([]VoteInfo)`: List of validators addresses in the last validator set
with their voting power and whether or not they signed a vote.

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docs/app-dev/ecosystem.json View File

@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
"abciApps": [
"name": "Cosmos SDK",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Cosmos",
"description": "A prototypical account based crypto currency state machine supporting plugins"
"name": "cb-ledger",
"url": "",
"language": "C++",
"author": "Block Finance",
"description": "Custodian Bank Ledger, integrating central banking with the blockchains of tomorrow"
"name": "Clearchain",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "FXCLR",
"description": "Application to manage a distributed ledger for money transfers that support multi-currency accounts"
"name": "Ethermint",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Tendermint",
"description": "The go-ethereum state machine run as an ABCI app"
"name": "Merkle AVL Tree",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Tendermint",
"description": "Tendermint IAVL tree implemented as an ABCI app"
"name": "Burrow",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Monax Industries",
"description": "Ethereum Virtual Machine augmented with native permissioning scheme and global key-value store"
"name": "Merkle AVL Tree",
"url": "",
"language": "Java",
"author": "jTMSP",
"description": "Tendermint IAVL tree implemented as an ABCI app"
"name": "TMChat",
"url": "",
"language": "Java",
"author": "jTMSP",
"description": "P2P chat using Tendermint"
"name": "Comit",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Zach Balder",
"description": "Public service reporting and tracking"
"name": "ParadigmCore",
"url": "",
"language": "TypeScript",
"author": "Paradigm Labs",
"description": "Reference implementation of the Paradigm Protocol, and OrderStream network client."
"name": "Passchain",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "trusch",
"description": "Tool to securely store and share passwords, tokens and other short secrets"
"name": "Passwerk",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Rigel Rozanski",
"description": "Encrypted storage web-utility backed by Tendermint"
"name": "py-tendermint",
"url": "",
"language": "Python",
"author": "Dave Bryson",
"description": "A Python microframework for building blockchain applications with Tendermint"
"name": "Stratumn SDK",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Stratumn",
"description": "SDK for Proof-of-Process networks"
"name": "Lotion",
"url": "",
"language": "Javascript",
"author": "Judd Keppel",
"description": "A Javascript microframework for building blockchain applications with Tendermint"
"name": "Tendermint Blockchain Chat App",
"url": "",
"language": "Javascript",
"author": "Saif Rehman",
"description": "This is a minimal chat application based on Tendermint using Lotion.js in 30 lines of code!. It also includes web/mobile application built using Ionic 3."
"name": "BigchainDB",
"url": "",
"language": "Python",
"author": "BigchainDB GmbH and the BigchainDB community",
"description": "Blockchain database"
"name": "Mint",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Hashnode",
"description": "Build blockchain-powered social apps"
"abciServers": [
"name": "go-abci",
"url": "",
"language": "Go",
"author": "Tendermint"
"name": "js-abci",
"url": "",
"language": "Javascript",
"author": "Tendermint"
"name": "rust-tsp",
"url": "",
"language": "Rust",
"author": "Tendermint"
"name": "cpp-tmsp",
"url": "",
"language": "C++",
"author": "Martin Dyring"
"name": "jabci",
"url": "",
"language": "Java",
"author": "jTendermint"
"name": "ocaml-tmsp",
"url": "",
"language": "Ocaml",
"author": "Zach Balder"
"name": "abci_server",
"url": "",
"language": "Erlang",
"author": "Krzysztof Jurewicz"
"name": "py-abci",
"url": "",
"language": "Python",
"author": "Dave Bryson"
"name": "tm-abci (fork of py-abci with async IO)",
"url": "",
"language": "Python",
"author": "Softblocks"
"name": "Spearmint",
"url": "",
"language": "Javascript",
"author": "Dennis McKinnon"
"aminoLibraries": [
"name": "JS-Amino",
"url": "",
"language": "Javascript",
"author": "TanNgocDo"

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docs/app-dev/ View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Ecosystem
The growing list of applications built using various pieces of the
Tendermint stack can be found at the [ecosystem page](
We thank the community for their contributions and welcome the
addition of new projects. A pull request can be submitted to [this
to include your project.

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docs/research/ View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# On Determinism
See [Determinism](../spec/abci/

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docs/research/ View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Transactional Semantics
See details of the [broadcast API](../tendermint-core/
and the [mempool WAL](../tendermint-core/

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docs/spec/consensus/ View File

@ -1 +1,32 @@
Consensus module writes every message to the WAL (write-ahead log).
It also issues fsync syscall through
[File#Sync]( for messages signed by this
node (to prevent double signing).
Under the hood, it uses
which rotates files when those get too big (> 10MB).
The total maximum size is 1GB. We only need the latest block and the block before it,
but if the former is dragging on across many rounds, we want all those rounds.
## Replay
Consensus module will replay all the messages of the last height written to WAL
before a crash (if such occurs).
The private validator may try to sign messages during replay because it runs
somewhat autonomously and does not know about replay process.
For example, if we got all the way to precommit in the WAL and then crash,
after we replay the proposal message, the private validator will try to sign a
prevote. But it will fail. That's ok because we’ll see the prevote later in the
WAL. Then it will go to precommit, and that time it will work because the
private validator contains the `LastSignBytes` and then we’ll replay the
precommit from the WAL.
Make sure to read about [WAL corruption](../../tendermint-core/
and recovery strategies.

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docs/spec/software/ View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI)
This page has [moved](../abci/

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
Consensus module writes every message to the WAL (write-ahead log).
It also issues fsync syscall through
[File#Sync]( for messages signed by this
node (to prevent double signing).
Under the hood, it uses
which rotates files when those get too big (> 10MB).
The total maximum size is 1GB. We only need the latest block and the block before it,
but if the former is dragging on across many rounds, we want all those rounds.
## Replay
Consensus module will replay all the messages of the last height written to WAL
before a crash (if such occurs).
The private validator may try to sign messages during replay because it runs
somewhat autonomously and does not know about replay process.
For example, if we got all the way to precommit in the WAL and then crash,
after we replay the proposal message, the private validator will try to sign a
prevote. But it will fail. That's ok because we’ll see the prevote later in the
WAL. Then it will go to precommit, and that time it will work because the
private validator contains the `LastSignBytes` and then we’ll replay the
precommit from the WAL.
Make sure to read about [WAL corruption](../../tendermint-core/
and recovery strategies.
