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rpc/client: add eventstream helper (#7987)

This allows the caller to stream events. It handles the bookkeeping for cursors
and pagination, and delivers items to a callback.

Handle missed items by reporting a structured error. The caller can use the
Reset method to "catch up" to head after this happens.

Add a manual test CLI to probe a running node. Requires the node to be
configured with the event log settings.

Add a unit test that scripts input to the stream to exercise it.
M. J. Fromberger 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 421 additions and 2 deletions
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rpc/client/eventstream/eventstream.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
// Package eventstream implements a convenience client for the Events method
// of the Tendermint RPC service, allowing clients to observe a resumable
// stream of events matching a query.
package eventstream
import (
// Client is the subset of the RPC client interface consumed by Stream.
type Client interface {
Events(ctx context.Context, req *coretypes.RequestEvents) (*coretypes.ResultEvents, error)
// ErrStopRunning is returned by a Run callback to signal that no more events
// are wanted and that Run should return.
var ErrStopRunning = errors.New("stop accepting events")
// A Stream cpatures the state of a streaming event subscription.
type Stream struct {
filter *coretypes.EventFilter // the query being streamed
batchSize int // request batch size
newestSeen string // from the latest item matching our query
waitTime time.Duration // the long-polling interval
client Client
// New constructs a new stream for the given query and options.
// If opts == nil, the stream uses default values as described by
// StreamOptions. This function will panic if cli == nil.
func New(cli Client, query string, opts *StreamOptions) *Stream {
if cli == nil {
panic("eventstream: nil client")
return &Stream{
filter: &coretypes.EventFilter{Query: query},
batchSize: opts.batchSize(),
newestSeen: opts.resumeFrom(),
waitTime: opts.waitTime(),
client: cli,
// Run polls the service for events matching the query, and calls accept for
// each such event. Run handles pagination transparently, and delivers events
// to accept in order of publication.
// Run continues until ctx ends or accept reports an error. If accept returns
// ErrStopRunning, Run returns nil; otherwise Run returns the error reported by
// accept or ctx. Run also returns an error if the server reports an error
// from the Events method.
// If the stream falls behind the event log on the server, Run will stop and
// report an error of concrete type *MissedItemsError. Call Reset to reset the
// stream to the head of the log, and call Run again to resume.
func (s *Stream) Run(ctx context.Context, accept func(*coretypes.EventItem) error) error {
for {
items, err := s.fetchPages(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Deliver events from the current batch to the receiver. We visit the
// batch in reverse order so the receiver sees them in forward order.
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
itm := items[i]
err := accept(itm)
if itm.Cursor > s.newestSeen {
s.newestSeen = itm.Cursor // update the latest delivered
if errors.Is(err, ErrStopRunning) {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
// Reset updates the stream's current cursor position to the head of the log.
// This method may safely be called only when Run is not executing.
func (s *Stream) Reset() { s.newestSeen = "" }
// fetchPages fetches the next batch of matching results. If there are multiple
// pages, all the matching pages are retrieved. An error is reported if the
// current scan position falls out of the event log window.
func (s *Stream) fetchPages(ctx context.Context) ([]*coretypes.EventItem, error) {
var pageCursor string // if non-empty, page through items before this
var items []*coretypes.EventItem
// Fetch the next paginated batch of matching responses.
for {
rsp, err := s.client.Events(ctx, &coretypes.RequestEvents{
Filter: s.filter,
MaxItems: s.batchSize,
After: s.newestSeen,
Before: pageCursor,
WaitTime: s.waitTime,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the oldest item in the log is newer than our most recent item,
// it means we might have missed some events matching our query.
if s.newestSeen != "" && s.newestSeen < rsp.Oldest {
return nil, &MissedItemsError{
Query: s.filter.Query,
NewestSeen: s.newestSeen,
OldestPresent: rsp.Oldest,
items = append(items, rsp.Items...)
if rsp.More {
// There are more results matching this request, leave the baseline
// where it is and set the page cursor so that subsequent requests
// will get the next chunk.
pageCursor = items[len(items)-1].Cursor
} else if len(items) != 0 {
// We got everything matching so far.
return items, nil
// StreamOptions are optional settings for a Stream value. A nil *StreamOptions
// is ready for use and provides default values as described.
type StreamOptions struct {
// How many items to request per call to the service. The stream may pin
// this value to a minimum default batch size.
BatchSize int
// If set, resume streaming from this cursor. Typically this is set to the
// cursor of the most recently-received matching value. If empty, streaming
// begins at the head of the log (the default).
ResumeFrom string
// Specifies the long poll interval. The stream may pin this value to a
// minimum default poll interval.
WaitTime time.Duration
func (o *StreamOptions) batchSize() int {
const minBatchSize = 16
if o == nil || o.BatchSize < minBatchSize {
return minBatchSize
return o.BatchSize
func (o *StreamOptions) resumeFrom() string {
if o == nil {
return ""
return o.ResumeFrom
func (o *StreamOptions) waitTime() time.Duration {
const minWaitTime = 5 * time.Second
if o == nil || o.WaitTime < minWaitTime {
return minWaitTime
return o.WaitTime
// MissedItemsError is an error that indicates the stream missed (lost) some
// number of events matching the specified query.
type MissedItemsError struct {
// The cursor of the newest matching item the stream has observed.
NewestSeen string
// The oldest cursor in the log at the point the miss was detected.
// Any matching events between NewestSeen and OldestPresent are lost.
OldestPresent string
// The active query.
Query string
// Error satisfies the error interface.
func (e *MissedItemsError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("missed events matching %q between %q and %q",
e.Query, e.NewestSeen, e.OldestPresent)

+ 225
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rpc/client/eventstream/eventstream_test.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
package eventstream_test
import (
rpccore ""
func TestStream_filterOrder(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.Check(t)
s := newStreamTester(t, `tm.event = 'good'`, eventlog.LogSettings{
WindowSize: 30 * time.Second,
}, nil)
// Verify that events are delivered in forward time order (i.e., that the
// stream unpacks the pages correctly) and that events not matching the
// query (here, type="bad") are skipped.
// The minimum batch size is 16 and half the events we publish match, so we
// publish > 32 items (> 16 good) to ensure we exercise paging.
etype := [2]string{"good", "bad"}
var items []testItem
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
s.advance(100 * time.Millisecond)
text := fmt.Sprintf("item%d", i)
cur := s.publish(etype[i%2], text)
// Even-numbered items match the target type.
if i%2 == 0 {
items = append(items, makeTestItem(cur, text))
for _, itm := range items {
s.mustItem(t, itm)
func TestStream_lostItem(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.Check(t)
s := newStreamTester(t, ``, eventlog.LogSettings{
WindowSize: 30 * time.Second,
}, nil)
// Publish an item and let the client observe it.
cur := s.publish("ok", "whatever")
s.mustItem(t, makeTestItem(cur, "whatever"))
// Time passes, and cur expires out of the window.
s.advance(50 * time.Second)
next1 := s.publish("ok", "more stuff")
s.advance(15 * time.Second)
next2 := s.publish("ok", "still more stuff")
// At this point, the oldest item in the log is newer than the point at
// which we continued, we should get an error.
var missed *eventstream.MissedItemsError
if err := s.mustError(t); !errors.As(err, &missed) {
t.Errorf("Wrong error: got %v, want %T", err, missed)
} else {
t.Logf("Correctly reported missed item: %v", missed)
// If we reset the stream and continue from head, we should catch up.
s.mustItem(t, makeTestItem(next1, "more stuff"))
s.mustItem(t, makeTestItem(next2, "still more stuff"))
// testItem is a wrapper for comparing item results in a friendly output format
// for the cmp package.
type testItem struct {
Cursor string
Data string
// N.B. Fields exported to simplify use in cmp.
func makeTestItem(cur, data string) testItem {
return testItem{
Cursor: cur,
Data: fmt.Sprintf(`{"type":%q,"value":%q}`, types.EventDataString("").TypeTag(), data),
// streamTester is a simulation harness for an eventstream.Stream. It simulates
// the production service by plumbing an event log into a stub RPC environment,
// into which the test can publish events and advance the perceived time to
// exercise various cases of the stream.
type streamTester struct {
log *eventlog.Log
env *rpccore.Environment
clock int64
index int64
stream *eventstream.Stream
errc chan error
recv chan *coretypes.EventItem
stop func()
func newStreamTester(t *testing.T, query string, logOpts eventlog.LogSettings, streamOpts *eventstream.StreamOptions) *streamTester {
s := new(streamTester)
// Plumb a time source controlled by the tester into the event log.
logOpts.Source = cursor.Source{
TimeIndex: s.timeNow,
lg, err := eventlog.New(logOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Creating event log: %v", err)
s.log = lg
s.env = &rpccore.Environment{EventLog: lg} = eventstream.New(s, query, streamOpts)
return s
// start starts the stream receiver, which runs until it it terminated by
// calling stop.
func (s *streamTester) start() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s.errc = make(chan error, 1)
s.recv = make(chan *coretypes.EventItem)
s.stop = cancel
go func() {
defer close(s.errc)
s.errc <-, func(itm *coretypes.EventItem) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case s.recv <- itm:
return nil
// publish adds a single event to the event log at the present moment.
func (s *streamTester) publish(etype, payload string) string {
_ = s.log.Add(etype, types.EventDataString(payload))
return fmt.Sprintf("%016x-%04x", s.clock, s.index)
// wait blocks until either an item is received or the runner stops.
func (s *streamTester) wait() (*coretypes.EventItem, error) {
select {
case itm := <-s.recv:
return itm, nil
case err := <-s.errc:
return nil, err
// mustItem waits for an item and fails if either an error occurs or the item
// does not match want.
func (s *streamTester) mustItem(t *testing.T, want testItem) {
itm, err := s.wait()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Receive: got error %v, want item %v", err, want)
got := testItem{Cursor: itm.Cursor, Data: string(itm.Data)}
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Item: (-want, +got)\n%s", diff)
// mustError waits for an error and fails if an item is returned.
func (s *streamTester) mustError(t *testing.T) error {
itm, err := s.wait()
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Receive: got item %v, want error", itm)
return err
// stopWait stops the runner and waits for it to terminate.
func (s *streamTester) stopWait() { s.stop(); s.wait() } //nolint:errcheck
// timeNow reports the current simulated time index.
func (s *streamTester) timeNow() int64 { return s.clock }
// advance moves the simulated time index.
func (s *streamTester) advance(d time.Duration) { s.clock += int64(d) }
// Events implements the eventstream.Client interface by delegating to a stub
// environment as if it were a local RPC client. This works because the Events
// method only requires the event log, the other fields are unused.
func (s *streamTester) Events(ctx context.Context, req *coretypes.RequestEvents) (*coretypes.ResultEvents, error) {
var before, after cursor.Cursor
if err := before.UnmarshalText([]byte(req.Before)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := after.UnmarshalText([]byte(req.After)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.env.Events(ctx, req.Filter, req.MaxItems, before, after, req.WaitTime)

+ 2
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rpc/coretypes/responses.go View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ type RequestEvents struct {
// The maximum number of eligible items to return. // The maximum number of eligible items to return.
// If zero or negative, the server will report a default number. // If zero or negative, the server will report a default number.
MaxItems int `json:"max_items"`
MaxItems int `json:"maxItems"`
// Return only items after this cursor. If empty, the limit is just // Return only items after this cursor. If empty, the limit is just
// before the the beginning of the event log. // before the the beginning of the event log.
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ type RequestEvents struct {
Before string `json:"before"` Before string `json:"before"`
// Wait for up to this long for events to be available. // Wait for up to this long for events to be available.
WaitTime time.Duration `json:"wait_time"`
WaitTime time.Duration `json:"waitTime"`
} }
// An EventFilter specifies which events are selected by an /events request. // An EventFilter specifies which events are selected by an /events request.
