This repository holds a number of important pieces:
- `types/types.proto`
- the protobuf file definig TMSP message types, and the optional grpc interface.
- use `protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:./types types/types.proto` to generate the `types/types.pb.go` file
- see `protoc --help` and [the grpc docs]( for examples and details of other languages
- golang implementation of TMSP client and server
- two implementations:
- asynchronous, ordered message passing over unix or tcp
- grpc
- TendermintCore runs a client, and the application runs a server
- `cmd/tmsp-cli`
- command line tool wrapping the client for probing/testing a TMSP application
- examples:
- the `cmd/counter` application, which illustrates nonce checking in txs
- the `cmd/dummy` application, which illustrates a simple key-value merkle tree
## Message format
## Message format
Since this is a streaming protocol, all messages are encoded with a length-prefix followed by the message encoded in Protobuf3. Protobuf3 doesn't have an official length-prefix standard, so we use our own. The first byte represents the length of the big-endian encoded length.
Since this is a streaming protocol, all messages are encoded with a length-prefix followed by the message encoded in Protobuf3. Protobuf3 doesn't have an official length-prefix standard, so we use our own. The first byte represents the length of the big-endian encoded length.