@ -737,6 +737,7 @@ Most of the data structures used in ABCI are shared [common data structures](../
| evidence | [EvidenceParams](../core/data_structures.md#evidenceparams) | Parameters limiting the validity of evidence of byzantine behaviour. | 2 |
| evidence | [EvidenceParams](../core/data_structures.md#evidenceparams) | Parameters limiting the validity of evidence of byzantine behaviour. | 2 |
| validator | [ValidatorParams](../core/data_structures.md#validatorparams) | Parameters limiting the types of public keys validators can use. | 3 |
| validator | [ValidatorParams](../core/data_structures.md#validatorparams) | Parameters limiting the types of public keys validators can use. | 3 |
| version | [VersionsParams](../core/data_structures.md#versionparams) | The ABCI application version. | 4 |
| version | [VersionsParams](../core/data_structures.md#versionparams) | The ABCI application version. | 4 |
| synchrony | [SynchronyParams](../core/data_structures.md#synchronyparams) | Parameters that determine the bounds under which a proposed block's timestamp is considered valid. | 4 |
| message_delay | [google.protobuf.Duration](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#google.protobuf.Duration) | Bound for how long a proposal message may take to reach all validators on a newtork and still be considered valid. | 1 |
| precision | [google.protobuf.Duration](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#google.protobuf.Duration) | Bound for how skewed a proposer's clock may be from any validator on the network while still producing valid proposals. | 2 |