- [p2p] \#3666 Add per channel telemtry to improve reactor observability
* [rpc] [\#3686](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/pull/3686) `HTTPClient#Call` returns wrapped errors, so a caller could use `errors.Cause` to retrieve an error code.
- [p2p] \#3666 Add per channel telemetry to improve reactor observability
- [rpc] [\#3686](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/pull/3686) `HTTPClient#Call` returns wrapped errors, so a caller could use `errors.Cause` to retrieve an error code. (@wooparadog)
- [libs/db] Fixed the BoltDB backend's Batch.Delete implementation (@Yawning)
- [libs/db] Fixed the BoltDB backend's Get and Iterator implementation (@Yawning)
- [libs/db] \#3717 Fixed the BoltDB backend's Batch.Delete implementation (@Yawning)
- [libs/db] \#3718 Fixed the BoltDB backend's Get and Iterator implementation (@Yawning)