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PBTS model: timely proposals definition refined

Daniel Cason 2 years ago
1 changed files with 29 additions and 16 deletions
  1. +29

+ 29
- 16
spec/consensus/proposer-based-timestamp/ View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- [Message delays](#message-delays)
- [Problem Statement](#problem-statement)
- [Safety Invariants](#safety-invariants)
- [Temporal Safety](#temporal-safety)
- [Timely Proposals](#timely-proposals)
## System Model
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The reference real-time is assumed to be aligned with the Coordinated Universal
### Synchronized clocks
Processes are assumed to be equipped with synchronized clocks,
aligned with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
aligned with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
This requires processes to periodically synchronize their local clocks with an
external and trusted source of the time (e.g. NTP servers).
@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ In this section we define the properties of Tendermint consensus
#### **[PBTS-PROPOSE.0]**
A proposer proposes a consensus value `v` that includes a proposal time `v.time`.
A proposer proposes a consensus value `v` that includes a proposal time
### Safety Invariants
@ -133,27 +134,39 @@ consensus:
The monotonicity of proposal times, and external validity in general,
implicitly assumes that heights of consensus are executed in order.
### Temporal Safety
### Timely proposals
PBTS introduces a synchronous property that restrict the allowed decisions
based on the proposal time `v.time` associated with a proposed value `v`.
The property is based in the `timely` predicate defined in the following:
#### **[PBTS-INV-TIMELY.0]**
- [Time-Validity] If a correct process decides on value `v`, then `v.time`
satisfies a predefined `timely` predicate.
- [Time-Validity] If a correct process decides on value `v`, then the proposal
message proposing `v` was considered `timely` by at least `f+1` processes.
> Both [Validity] and [Time-Validity] must be observed even if up to `2f`
> validators are faulty.
The `timely` predicate is evaluated when a process receives a proposal in a
round of consensus.
A proposal is a tuple `(v, v.time, v.round)`, where `v` is the proposed value,
`v.time` the proposal time, and `v.round` is the round at which `v` was first
proposed (and `v.time` was assigned).
While the same proposal can be proposed multiple time, in different rounds of
consensus, we are interested on the first time it was proposed:
### Timely proposals
Let `p` be a correct process which is at round `r` of consensus:
- `receiveTime_p[r]` is the time `p` reads from its local clock when it
receives the proposal `(v, v.time, v.round)` with `v.round = r`.
The `timely` predicate is evaluated when a process receives a proposal.
Let `now_p` be time a process `p` reads from its local clock when `p` receives a proposal.
Let `v` be the proposed value and `v.time` the proposal time.
The proposal is considered `timely` by `p` if:
##### **[PBTS-TIMELY.0]**
The proposal `(v, v.time, v.round)` for `v` is considered `timely` by a correct
process `p` if:
1. `now_p >= v.time - PRECISION` and
1. `now_p <= v.time + MSGDELAY + PRECISION`
1. `receiveTime_p[v.round] >= v.time - PRECISION` and
1. `receiveTime_p[v.round] <= v.time + MSGDELAY + PRECISION`
### Timely Proof-of-Locks
