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Clean up error conditions and simplify pseudocode

Zarko Milosevic 5 years ago
1 changed files with 50 additions and 52 deletions
  1. +50

+ 50
- 52
spec/consensus/ View File

@ -198,29 +198,38 @@ captured by the `hasExpired` function that depends on trusted period (`tp`) and
not considered expired.
func hasExpired(h) {
// return true if header has expired, i.e., it is outside its trusted period; otherwise it returns false
func hasExpired(h) bool {
if h.Header.bfttime + tp - Delta < now { // Observation 1
return true
// basic validation (function `verify`) has already been called on h2
func CheckSupport(h1,h2,trustlevel) bool {
if hasExpired(h1) then return false //old header was once trusted but it is expired
vp_all := totalVotingPower(h1.Header.NextV)
// total sum of voting power of validators in h1
if h2.Header.height == h1.Header.height + 1 {
// specific check for adjacent headers
if h1.Header.NextV == h2.Header.V then
return hasExpired(h2)
// return true if header is correctly signed by 2/3+ voting power in the corresponding validator set; otherwise false. Additional checks should be done in the implementation
// to ensure header is well formed.
func verify(h) bool {
vp_all := totalVotingPower(h.Header.V) // total sum of voting power of validators in h
return votingpower_in(signers(h.Commit),h.Header.V) > 2/3 * vp_all
// validators that signed h2 are more than a third of voting power in h1
if (votingpower_in(signers(h2.Commit),h1.Header.NextV) > max(1/3,trustlevel) * vp_all) {
return hasExpired(h2)
// Captures skipping condition. h1 and h2 has already passed basic validation (function `verify`).
// returns (true, nil) in case h2 can be trusted based on h1, (false, nil) in case it cannot be trusted but no errors are observed during check and (false, error) in case
// an error is detected (for example adjacent headers are not consistent).
func CheckSupport(h1,h2,trustlevel) (bool, error) {
assume h1.Header.Height < h2.header.Height
if hasExpired(h1) return (false, ErrHeaderExpired(h1))
// total sum of voting power of validators in h1.NextV
vp_all := totalVotingPower(h1.Header.NextV)
// check for adjacent headers
if (h2.Header.height == h1.Header.height + 1) {
if h1.Header.NextV == h2.Header.V return (true, nil)
else return (false, ErrInvalidAdjacentHeaders)
} else {
// check for non-adjacent headers
return (votingpower_in(signers(h2.Commit),h1.Header.NextV) > max(1/3,trustlevel) * vp_all, nil)
@ -258,58 +267,47 @@ Towards Lite Client Completeness:
func verify(h) {
if hasExpired(h) return false
vp_all := totalVotingPower(h.Header.V) // total sum of voting power of validators in h
// return (true, nil) in case we can trust header h2 based on header h1; otherwise return (false, error) where error captures the nature of the error.
func Bisection(h1,h2,trustlevel) (bool, error) {
assume h1.Header.Height < h2.header.Height
if votingpower_in(signers(h.Commit),h.Header.V) > 2/3 * vp_all {
return hasExpired(h)
} else {
return false
ok, err = CheckSupport(h1,h2,trustlevel)
if (ok or err != nil) return (ok, err)
func Bisection(h1,h2,trustlevel) bool{
// we cannot verify h2 based on h1, so we try to move trusted header closer to h2 so we can verify h2
th := h1 // th is trusted header
while th.Header.Height <= h2.Header.height do {
while th.Header.Height <= h2.Header.height - 1 do {
// try to move trusted header forward with stored headers
// we assume here that iteration will be done in order of header heights
ih := th
for all stored headers h s.t ih.Header.Height < h.Header.height < h2.Header.height do {
if CheckSupport(th,h,trustlevel) {
for all stored headers h s.t ih.Header.Height < h.Header.height < h2.Header.height do { // try to move trusted header forward
// we assume here that iteration is done in the order of header heights
ok, err = CheckSupport(th,h,trustlevel)
if err != nil { return (ok, err) }
if ok {
th = h
} else if h.Header.height == th.Header.height + 1 {
return false // fail to verify succesive headers!
} else break // for
if CheckSupport(th,h2,trustlevel) {
return hasExpired(h2)
if h2.Header.height == th.Header.height + 1 {
// we have adjacent headers that are not matching (failed the CheckSupport)
// we could submit evidence here
return false
// at this point we have potentially updated th based on stored headers so we try to verify h2 based on new trusted header
ok, err = CheckSupport(th,h2,trustlevel)
if (ok or err != nil) return (ok, err)
// try to move th
// we cannot verify h2 based on th, so we try to move trusted header closer to h2 by downloading header(s) between th and h2
endHeight = h2.Header.height
foundPivot = false
while(!foundPivot) {
pivot := (th.Header.height + endHeight) / 2
hp := Commit(pivot)
if !verify(hp) return false
if !verify(hp) return (false, ErrInvalidHeader(hp))
if CheckSupport(th,hd,trustlevel) {
th = hd
// try to move trusted header forward to hp
ok, err = CheckSupport(th,hp,trustlevel)
if err != nil { return (ok, err) }
if ok {
th = hp
foundPivot = true
} else if pivot.Header.height == th.Header.height + 1 {
return false // fail to verify succesive headers!
endHeight = pivot
