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Ethan Buchman 9 years ago
3 changed files with 212 additions and 96 deletions
  1. +7
  2. +127
  3. +78

+ 7
- 0
consensus/common_test.go View File

@ -297,6 +297,13 @@ func simpleConsensusState(nValidators int) (*ConsensusState, []*validatorStub) {
// read off the NewHeightStep
// start the reactor routines
// (we should move these to state but the receive routine needs to be able to "broadcast votes"
// --> add good votes to some buffered chan and have a go routine do the broadcast ...
conR := NewConsensusReactor(cs, nil, false)
go conR.receiveRoutine() // serializes processing of proposoals, block parts, votes
go conR.timeoutRoutine() // fires timeouts into the receive routine
for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ {
vss[i] = NewValidatorStub(privVals[i])

+ 127
- 48
consensus/reactor.go View File

@ -56,8 +56,9 @@ func (conR *ConsensusReactor) OnStart() error {
return err
go conR.receiveRoutine() // serializes processing of proposoals, block parts, votes
go conR.timeoutRoutine() // fires timeouts into the receive routine
go conR.broadcastNewRoundStepRoutine()
go conR.msgProcessor()
return nil
@ -209,6 +210,131 @@ func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Receive(chID byte, peer *p2p.Peer, msgBytes []byte
// the state machine sends on tickChan to start a new timer.
// timers are interupted and replaced by new ticks from later steps
// timeouts of 0 on the tickChan will be immediately relayed to the tockChan
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) timeoutRoutine() {
ticker := new(time.Ticker)
var ti timeoutInfo
log.Debug("starting timeout routine!")
for {
select {
case newti := <-conR.conS.tickChan:
log.Debug("Received tick", "new_it", newti.String(), "old_ti", ti.String())
// ignore tickers for old height/round/step
if newti.height < ti.height {
} else if newti.height == ti.height {
if newti.round < ti.round {
} else if newti.round == ti.round {
if ti.step > 0 && newti.step <= ti.step {
ti = newti
if ti.duration == time.Duration(0) {
// for new rounds with no sleep
conR.conS.tockChan <- ti
} else {
ticker = time.NewTicker(ti.duration)
case <-ticker.C:
log.Debug("timed out! firing on tock")
conR.conS.tockChan <- ti
case <-conR.Quit:
// receiveRoutine handles messages which affect the state.
// it should keep the RoundState and be the only thing that updates it
// XXX: for incremental dev, we store this RoundState unprotected cs)
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) receiveRoutine() {
cs := conR.conS
for {
rs := cs.roundState
var mi msgInfo
select {
case mi = <-cs.msgQueue:
// handles proposals, block parts, votes
// may fire on tickChan
case ti := <-cs.tockChan:
log.Debug("Received tock", "timeout", ti.duration, "height", ti.height, "round", ti.round, "step", ti.step)
// timeouts must be for current height, round, step
if ti.height == rs.Height+1 && ti.round == 0 && ti.step == RoundStepNewHeight {
// legit
log.Debug("received tock for next height")
} else if ti.height != rs.Height || ti.round < rs.Round || (ti.round == rs.Round && ti.step < rs.Step) {
log.Debug("Ignoring tock because we're ahead", "height", rs.Height, "round", rs.Round, "step", rs.Step)
switch ti.step {
case RoundStepPropose:
cs.EnterPrevote(ti.height, ti.round, true)
case RoundStepPrevote:
cs.EnterPrecommit(ti.height, ti.round, true)
case RoundStepPrecommit:
// If we have +2/3 of precommits for a particular block (or nil),
// we already entered commit (or the next round).
// So just try to transition to the next round,
// which is what we'd do otherwise.
cs.EnterNewRound(ti.height, ti.round+1, true)
case RoundStepNewRound:
// ?
case RoundStepNewHeight:
/*if ti.round == rs.Round && rs.Step != RoundStepNewHeight {
cs.EnterNewRound(ti.height, 0, false)
case <-conR.Quit:
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) handleMsg(mi messageInfo) {
cs := conR.conS
var err error
msg, peerKey := mi.msg, mi.peerKey
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *ProposalMessage:
err = cs.SetProposal(msg.Proposal)
case *BlockPartMessage:
_, err = cs.AddProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Part)
case *VoteMessage:
// attempt to add the vote and dupeout the validator if its a duplicate signature
added, err := cs.TryAddVote(msg.ValidatorIndex, msg.Vote, peerKey)
if err == ErrAddingVote {
// TODO: punish peer
if added {
// If rs.Height == vote.Height && rs.Round < vote.Round,
// the peer is sending us CatchupCommit precommits.
// We could make note of this and help filter in broadcastHasVoteMessage().
conR.broadcastHasVoteMessage(msg.Vote, msg.ValidatorIndex)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("error with msg", "error", err)
// Broadcasts HasVoteMessage to peers that care.
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) broadcastHasVoteMessage(vote *types.Vote, index int) {
msg := &HasVoteMessage{
@ -248,53 +374,6 @@ func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SetFireable(evsw events.Fireable) {
// a message coming in from the reactor
type msgInfo struct {
msg ConsensusMessage
peerKey string
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) msgProcessor() {
for {
var mi msgInfo
var err error
select {
case mi = <-conR.conS.msgQueue:
case <-conR.Quit:
msg, peerKey := mi.msg, mi.peerKey
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *ProposalMessage:
err = conR.conS.SetProposal(msg.Proposal)
case *BlockPartMessage:
_, err = conR.conS.AddProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Part)
case *VoteMessage:
// attempt to add the vote and dupeout the validator if its a duplicate signature
added, err := conR.conS.TryAddVote(msg.ValidatorIndex, msg.Vote, peerKey)
if err == ErrAddingVote {
// TODO: punish peer
if added {
// If rs.Height == vote.Height && rs.Round < vote.Round,
// the peer is sending us CatchupCommit precommits.
// We could make note of this and help filter in broadcastHasVoteMessage().
conR.broadcastHasVoteMessage(msg.Vote, msg.ValidatorIndex)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error in msg processor", "error", err)
// TODO: get Proposer into the Data
conR.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringConsensusMessage(), &types.EventDataConsensusMessage{msg})
func makeRoundStepMessages(rs *RoundState) (nrsMsg *NewRoundStepMessage, csMsg *CommitStepMessage) {
nrsMsg = &NewRoundStepMessage{
Height: rs.Height,

+ 78
- 48
consensus/state.go View File

@ -151,9 +151,29 @@ func (rs *RoundState) StringShort() string {
var (
msgQueueSize = 1000
msgQueueSize = 1000
tickBufferSize = 0 // I think this will deadlock ...
tockBufferSize = 0
// msgs from the reactor which update the state
type msgInfo struct {
msg ConsensusMessage
peerKey string
// internally generated messages which update the state
type timeoutInfo struct {
duration time.Duration
height int
round int
step RoundStepType
func (ti *timeoutInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v ; %d/%d %v", ti.duration, ti.height, ti.round, ti.step)
// Tracks consensus state across block heights and rounds.
type ConsensusState struct {
@ -170,8 +190,10 @@ type ConsensusState struct {
stagedBlock *types.Block // Cache last staged block.
stagedState *sm.State // Cache result of staged block.
// for messages which affect the state (proposals, block parts, votes)
msgQueue chan msgInfo
roundState RoundState // roundState for the receiveRoutine
msgQueue chan msgInfo // serializes msgs affecting state (proposals, block parts, votes)
tickChan chan timeoutInfo // start a timer in the timeoutRoutine
tockChan chan timeoutInfo // receive a timeout
evsw events.Fireable
evc *events.EventCache // set in stageBlock and passed into state
@ -184,6 +206,8 @@ func NewConsensusState(state *sm.State, proxyAppCtx proxy.AppContext, blockStore
mempool: mempool,
newStepCh: make(chan *RoundState, 10),
msgQueue: make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
tickChan: make(chan timeoutInfo, tickBufferSize),
tockChan: make(chan timeoutInfo, tockBufferSize),
// Don't call scheduleRound0 yet.
@ -239,7 +263,7 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) NewStepCh() chan *RoundState {
func (cs *ConsensusState) OnStart() error {
go cs.scheduleRound0(cs.Height)
return nil
@ -248,17 +272,32 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) OnStop() {
func (cs *ConsensusState) updateHeight(height int) {
cs.Height = height
cs.roundState.Height = height
func (cs *ConsensusState) updateRoundStep(round int, step RoundStepType) {
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = step
cs.roundState.Round = round
cs.roundState.Step = step
// EnterNewRound(height, 0) at cs.StartTime.
func (cs *ConsensusState) scheduleRound0(height int) {
//log.Info("scheduleRound0", "now", time.Now(), "startTime", cs.StartTime)
sleepDuration := cs.StartTime.Sub(time.Now())
go func() {
if 0 < sleepDuration {
// TODO: event?
cs.EnterNewRound(height, 0, false)
log.Debug("scheduleRound0 by firing on tick", "height", height)
// if sleepDuration is 0 it will just relay it to tockChan right away
cs.scheduleHeightRoundStep(sleepDuration, height, 0, RoundStepNewHeight)
func (cs *ConsensusState) scheduleHeightRoundStep(duration time.Duration, height, round int, step RoundStepType) {
cs.tickChan <- timeoutInfo{duration, height, round, step}
// Updates ConsensusState and increments height to match that of state.
@ -295,9 +334,8 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) updateToState(state *sm.State) {
// RoundState fields
cs.Height = height
cs.Round = 0
cs.Step = RoundStepNewHeight
cs.updateRoundStep(0, RoundStepNewHeight)
if cs.CommitTime.IsZero() {
// "Now" makes it easier to sync up dev nodes.
// We add timeoutCommit to allow transactions
@ -366,8 +404,7 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterNewRound(height int, round int, timedOut bool) {
// Setup new round
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepNewRound
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepNewRound)
cs.Validators = validators
if round == 0 {
// We've already reset these upon new height,
@ -398,8 +435,7 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPropose(height int, round int) {
defer func() {
// Done EnterPropose:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPropose
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepPropose)
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// If we have the whole proposal + POL, then goto Prevote now.
@ -411,10 +447,8 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPropose(height int, round int) {
// This step times out after `timeoutPropose`
go func() {
cs.EnterPrevote(height, round, true)
cs.tickChan <- timeoutInfo{timeoutPropose, height, round, RoundStepPropose}
log.Debug("started timer")
// Nothing more to do if we're not a validator
if cs.privValidator == nil {
@ -456,11 +490,14 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) decideProposal(height, round int) {
cs.ProposalBlock = block
cs.ProposalBlockParts = blockParts
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&ProposalMessage{proposal}, ""}
for i := 0; i < blockParts.Total(); i++ {
part := blockParts.GetPart(i)
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&BlockPartMessage{cs.Height, cs.Round, part}, ""}
// TODO: can we do better than just launching a go routine?
go func() {
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&ProposalMessage{proposal}, ""}
for i := 0; i < blockParts.Total(); i++ {
part := blockParts.GetPart(i)
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&BlockPartMessage{cs.Height, cs.Round, part}, ""}
} else {
log.Warn("EnterPropose: Error signing proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "error", err)
@ -560,8 +597,7 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevote(height int, round int, timedOut bool) {
cs.doPrevote(height, round)
// Done EnterPrevote:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrevote
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepPrevote)
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// Once `addVote` hits any +2/3 prevotes, we will go to PrevoteWait
@ -613,15 +649,11 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevoteWait(height int, round int) {
log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
// Done EnterPrevoteWait:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrevoteWait
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepPrevoteWait)
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// After `timeoutPrevote0+timeoutPrevoteDelta*round`, EnterPrecommit()
go func() {
time.Sleep(timeoutPrevote0 + timeoutPrevoteDelta*time.Duration(round))
cs.EnterPrecommit(height, round, true)
cs.tickChan <- timeoutInfo{timeoutPrevote0 + timeoutPrevoteDelta*time.Duration(round), height, round, RoundStepPrevote}
// Enter: +2/3 precomits for block or nil.
@ -646,8 +678,7 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommit(height int, round int, timedOut bool) {
defer func() {
// Done EnterPrecommit:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommit
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepPrecommit)
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
@ -743,19 +774,12 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommitWait(height int, round int) {
log.Info(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v). Current: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
// Done EnterPrecommitWait:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommitWait
cs.updateRoundStep(round, RoundStepPrecommitWait)
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// After `timeoutPrecommit0+timeoutPrecommitDelta*round`, EnterNewRound()
go func() {
time.Sleep(timeoutPrecommit0 + timeoutPrecommitDelta*time.Duration(round))
// If we have +2/3 of precommits for a particular block (or nil),
// we already entered commit (or the next round).
// So just try to transition to the next round,
// which is what we'd do otherwise.
cs.EnterNewRound(height, round+1, true)
cs.tickChan <- timeoutInfo{timeoutPrecommit0 + timeoutPrecommitDelta*time.Duration(round), height, round, RoundStepPrecommit}
// Enter: +2/3 precommits for block
@ -1133,7 +1157,13 @@ func (cs *ConsensusState) signAddVote(type_ byte, hash []byte, header types.Part
_, _, err := cs.addVote(valIndex, vote, "")
log.Notice("Signed and added vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "error", err)
// so we fire events for ourself and can run replays
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&VoteMessage{valIndex, vote}, ""}
// TODO: can we do better than just launching a go-routine
// XXX: maybe we can use a "personal" channel in the receiveRoutine select
// and fire these there so we don't possibly block on a full msgQueue.
// though if things are really backed up, we could block on the personal channel too
go func() {
cs.msgQueue <- msgInfo{&VoteMessage{valIndex, vote}, ""}
return vote
} else {
log.Warn("Error signing vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "error", err)
