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Intermediate commit (aligning spec with the code)

Zarko Milosevic 5 years ago
1 changed files with 230 additions and 50 deletions
  1. +230

+ 230
- 50
spec/consensus/ View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ In the following, only the details of the data structures needed for this specif
// hashes of block data
LastCommitHash []byte // hash of the commit from validators from the last block
type SignedHeader struct {
@ -38,13 +37,19 @@ In the following, only the details of the data structures needed for this specif
type ValidatorSet struct {
Validators []Validator
Validators []Validator
TotalVotingPower int64
type Validator struct {
Address Address // validator address (we assume validator's addresses are unique)
VotingPower int64 // validator's voting power
type TrustedState {
SignedHeader SignedHeader
ValidatorSet ValidatorSet
### Functions
@ -66,6 +71,16 @@ Furthermore, we assume the following auxiliary functions:
// returns the set of validators from the given validator set that committed the block
func signers(commit Commit, validatorSet ValidatorSet) []Validator
// return the voting power the validators in v1 have according to their voting power in set V2
func votingPowerIn(v1 []Validator, v2 ValidatorSet) int64
// add this state as trusted to the store
func add(store Store, trustedState TrustedState) error
// retrieve the trusted state at given height if it exists (error = nil)
// return an error if there are no trusted state for the given height
// if height = 0, return the latest trusted state
func get(store Store, height int64) (TrustedState, error)
### Tendermint Failure Model
@ -91,38 +106,185 @@ This is discussed in document on [Fork accountability](
### Functions
**VerifyHeader.** The function `VerifyHeader` captures high level logic, i.e., application call to the lite client module to (optionally download) and
verify header for some height. The core verification logic is captured by `CanTrust` function that iteratively try to establish trust in given header
by relying on `CheckSupport` function.
**VerifyAndUpdateSingle.** The function `VerifyAndUpdateSingle` attempts to update
the (trusted) store with the given untrusted header and the corresponding validator sets.
It ensures that the last trusted header from the store hasn't expired yet (it is still within its trusted period),
and that the untrusted header can be verified using the latest trusted state from the store.
Note that this function is not making external (RPC) calls to the full node; the whole logic is
based on the local (given) state. This function is supposed to be used by the IBC handlers.
func VerifyHeader(height, trustThreshold) error {
if untrusted_h, exists := Store.Get(height); exists {
if isWithinTrustedPeriod(untrusted_h) return nil
return ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod(untrusted_h)
func VerifyAndUpdateSingle(untrustedSh SignedHeader,
untrustedVs ValidatorSet,
untrustedNextVs ValidatorSet,
trustThreshold TrustThreshold,
trustingPeriod Duration,
now Time,
store Store) error {
// fetch the latest state and ensure it hasn't expired
trustedState, error = get(store, 0)
if error != nil return error
trustedSh = trustedState.SignedHeader
if !isWithinTrustedPeriod(trustedSh.Header, trustingPeriod, now) {
return ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod
error = verifySingle(
if error != nil return error
// the untrusted header is now trusted. update the store
newTrustedState = TrustedState(untrustedSh, untrustedNextVs)
return add(store, newTrustedState)
**VerifyAndUpdateBisection.** The function `VerifyAndUpdateBisection` captures high level logic, i.e., application call
to the lite client module to (optionally download) and verify header for some height. The core verification logic is
captured by `CanTrust` function that iteratively try to establish trust in given header by relying on `CheckSupport` function.
func VerifyAndUpdateBisection(height int64,
trustThreshold TrustThreshold,
trustingPeriod Duration,
now Time,
store Store) error {
// fetch the latest state and ensure it hasn't expired
trustedState, error = get(store, 0)
if error != nil return error
trustedSh = trustedState.SignedHeader
assert trustedSh.Header.Height < height
if !isWithinTrustedPeriod(trustedSh.Header, trustingPeriod, now) {
return ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod
untrusted_h := Commit(height)
if !verify(untrusted_h) { return ErrInvalidHeader(untrusted_h) }
if !isWithinTrustedPeriod(untrusted_h) { return ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod(untrusted_h) }
untrustedSh, error := Commit(height)
if error != nil return error
// get the highest trusted headers lower than untrusted_h
trusted_h = Store.HighestTrustedSmallerThan(height)
if trusted_h == nil { return ErrNoTrustedHeader }
untrustedH = untrustedSh.Header
err = CanTrust(trusted_h, untrusted_h, trustThreshold) // or CanTrustBisection((trusted_h, untrusted_h, trustThreshold)
if err != nil { return err }
untrustedVs, error := Validators(untrustedH.Height)
if error != nil return error
if isWithinTrustedPeriod(untrusted_h) {
// we store only trusted headers, as we assume that only trusted headers
// are influencing end user business decisions.
return nil
untrustedNextVs, error := Validators(untrustedH.Height + 1)
if error != nil return error
error = verifySingle(
if fatalCheckSupportError(error) return error
if error == nil {
// the untrusted header is now trusted. update the store
newTrustedState = TrustedState(untrustedSh, untrustedNextVs)
return add(store, newTrustedState)
return ErrHeaderNotTrusted(untrusted_h)
// at this point in time we need to do bisection
pivotHeight := ceil((trustedSh.Header.Height + untrustedH.Height) / 2)
error = VerifyAndUpdateBisection(pivotHeight, trustThreshold, trustingPeriod, now, store)
if error != nil return error
error = VerifyAndUpdateBisection(untrustedH.Height, trustThreshold, trustingPeriod, now, store)
if error != nil return error
return nil
func verifySingle(trustedState TrustedState,
untrustedSh SignedHeader,
untrustedVs ValidatorSet,
untrustedNextVs ValidatorSet,
trustThreshold TrustThreshold) error {
// ensure the new height is higher
untrustedHeight = untrustedSh.Header.Height
trustedHeight = trustedState.SignedHeader.Header.Height
assert untrustedHeight > trustedHeight
// validate the untrusted header against its commit, vals, and next_vals
untrustedHeader = untrustedSh.Header
untrustedCommit = untrustedSh.Commit
error = validateHeaderAndVals(untrustedSh, untrustedVs, untrustedNextVs)
if error != nil return error
trustedHeader = trustedState.SignedHeader.Header
trustedVs = trustedState.ValidatorSet
// check for adjacent headers
if untrustedHeight == trustedHeight + 1 {
if trustedHeader.NextValidatorsHash != untrustedHeader.ValidatorsHash {
return ErrInvalidAdjacentHeaders
} else {
error = verifyCommitTrusting(trustedVs, untrustedCommit, trustThreshold)
if error != nil return error
// verify the untrusted commit
return verifyCommitFull(untrustedVs, untrustedCommit)
func validateHeaderAndVals(signedHeader SignedHeader, vs ValidatorSet, nextVs ValidatorSet) error {
if hash(nextVs) != signedHeader.Header.NextValidatorsHash or
hash(vs) != signedHeader.Header.ValidatorsHash or
!matchingCommit(signedHeader) { // commit corresponds to the header
return error
func verifyCommitFull(vs ValidatorSet, commit Commit) error {
totalPower := vs.TotalVotingPower;
signed_power := votingPowerIn(signers(commit, vs), vs)
// check the signers account for +2/3 of the voting power
if signed_power * 3 <= total_power * 2 return error
return nil
func verifyCommitTrusting(vs ValidatorSet, commit Commit, trustLevel TrustThreshold) error {
totalPower := vs.TotalVotingPower;
signed_power := votingPowerIn(signers(commit, vs), vs)
// check the signers account for more than max(1/3, trustLevel) of the voting power
if signed_power <= max(1/3, trustLevel) * totalPower return error
return nil
// return true if header is within its lite client trusted period; otherwise it returns false
func isWithinTrustedPeriod(header Header,
trustingPeriod Duration,
now Time) bool {
return header.Time + trustedPeriod > now
func fatalCheckSupportError(err) bool {
return err == ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod or err == ErrInvalidAdjacentHeaders
The function `CanTrust` checks whether to trust header `untrusted_h` based on the trusted header `trusted_h` It does so by (potentially)
building transitive trust relation between `trusted_h` and `untrusted_h`, over some intermediate headers. For example, in case we cannot trust
header `untrusted_h` based on the trusted header `trusted_h`, the function `CanTrust` will try to find headers such that we can transition trust
@ -140,10 +302,10 @@ i.e., it does not assume ensuring transitive trust relation between headers thro
// where error captures the nature of the error.
// Note that untrusted_h must have been verified by the caller, i.e. verify(untrusted_h) was successful.
func CanTrust(trusted_h,untrusted_h,trustThreshold) error {
assume trusted_h.Header.Height < untrusted_h.header.Height
assert trusted_h.Header.Height < untrusted_h.header.Height
th := trusted_h // th is trusted header
// untrustedHeader is a list of verified headers that have not passed CheckSupport()
// untrustedHeader is a list of (?) verified headers that have not passed CheckSupport()
untrustedHeaders := [untrusted_h]
while true {
@ -151,27 +313,27 @@ func CanTrust(trusted_h,untrusted_h,trustThreshold) error {
// we assume here that iteration is done in the order of header heights
err = CheckSupport(th,h,trustThreshold)
if err == nil {
if !verify(h) { return ErrInvalidHeader(h) }
th = h
if th == untrusted_h { return nil }
if (err != ErrTooMuchChange) { return err }
if fatalCheckSupportError(err) { return err }
endHeight = min(untrustedHeaders)
foundPivot = false
while(!foundPivot) {
pivot := (th.Header.height + endHeight) / 2
while true {
pivot := ceil((th.Header.height + endHeight) / 2)
hp := Commit(pivot)
if !verify(hp) { return ErrInvalidHeader(hp) }
// try to move trusted header forward to hp
err = CheckSupport(th,hp,trustThreshold)
if (err != nil and err != ErrTooMuchChange) return err
if fatalCheckSupportError(err) return err
if err == nil {
if !verify(hp) { return ErrInvalidHeader(hp) }
th = hp
foundPivot = true
endHeight = pivot
@ -179,6 +341,41 @@ func CanTrust(trusted_h,untrusted_h,trustThreshold) error {
return nil // this line should never be reached
func CheckSupport(trusted_h,untrusted_h,trustThreshold) error {
assert trusted_h.Header.Height < untrusted_h.header.Height and
trusted_h.Header.bfttime < untrusted_h.Header.bfttime and
untrusted_h.Header.bfttime < now
if !isWithinTrustedPeriod(trusted_h) return ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod(trusted_h)
// Although while executing the rest of CheckSupport function, trusted_h can expire based
// on the lite client trusted period, this is not problem as lite client trusted
// period is smaller than trusted period of the header based on Tendermint Failure
// model, i.e., there is a significant time period (measure in days) during which
// validator set that has signed trusted_h can be trusted. Furthermore, CheckSupport function
// is not doing expensive operation (neither rpc nor signature verification), so it
// should execute fast.
// check for adjacent headers
if untrusted_h.Header.height == trusted_h.Header.height + 1 {
if trusted_h.Header.NextV == untrusted_h.Header.V
return nil
return ErrInvalidAdjacentHeaders
// total sum of voting power of validators in trusted_h.NextV
vp_all := totalVotingPower(trusted_h.Header.NextV)
// check for non-adjacent headers
if votingPowerIn(signers(untrusted_h.Commit),trusted_h.Header.NextV) > max(1/3,trustThreshold) * vp_all {
return nil
return ErrTooMuchChange
func fatalCheckSupportError(err) bool {
return err == ErrHeaderNotWithinTrustedPeriod or err == ErrInvalidAdjacentHeaders
@ -210,29 +407,12 @@ func CanTrustBisection(trusted_h,untrusted_h,trustThreshold) error {
**Auxiliary Functions.** We will use the function ```votingPowerIn(V1,V2)``` to compute the voting power the validators in set V1 have according to their voting power in set V2;
we will write ```totalVotingPower(V)``` for ```votingPowerIn(V,V)```, which returns the total voting power in V.
We further use the function ```signers(Commit)``` that returns the set of validators that signed the Commit.
**CheckSupport.** The following function defines skipping condition under the Tendermint Failure model, i.e., it defines when we can trust the header untrusted_h based on header trusted_h.
Time validity of a header is captured by the ```isWithinTrustedPeriod``` function that depends on lite client trusted period (`LITE_CLIENT_TRUSTED_PERIOD`) and it returns
true in case the header is within its lite client trusted period.
```verify``` function is capturing basic header verification, i.e., it ensures that the header is signed by more than 2/3 of the voting power of the corresponding validator set.
// return true if header is within its lite client trusted period; otherwise it returns false
func isWithinTrustedPeriod(h, now) bool {
return h.Header.bfttime + LITE_CLIENT_TRUSTED_PERIOD > now
// return true if header is correctly signed by 2/3+ voting power in the corresponding
// validator set; otherwise false. Additional checks should be done in the implementation
// to ensure header is well formed.
func verify(h) bool {
vp_all := totalVotingPower(h.Header.V) // total sum of voting power of validators in h
return votingPowerIn(signers(h.Commit),h.Header.V) > 2/3 * vp_all
// Captures skipping condition. trusted_h and untrusted_h have already passed basic validation
// (function `verify`).
// Returns nil in case untrusted_h can be trusted based on trusted_h, otherwise returns error.
