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Marko 4 years ago
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No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ Make sure you [have Go installed](
Next, install the `abci-cli` tool and example applications:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd tendermint
make tools
@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ Like the kvstore app, its code can be found
and looks like:
func cmdCounter(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
app := counter.NewCounterApplication(flagSerial)
@ -340,7 +338,7 @@ npm install abci
Now you can start the app:
node example/counter.js

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@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ ABCI application, which is the logic that actually runs on the blockchain.
Transactions sent by an end-user application are ultimately processed by the ABCI
application after being committed by the Tendermint consensus.
The end-user application in this diagram is the Cosmos Voyager, at the bottom
left. Voyager communicates with a REST API exposed by a local Light-Client
Daemon. The Light-Client Daemon is an application specific program that
communicates with Tendermint nodes and verifies Tendermint light-client proofs
The end-user application in this diagram is the [Lunie]( app, located at the bottom
left. Lunie communicates with a REST API exposed by the application.
The application with Tendermint nodes and verifies Tendermint light-client proofs
through the Tendermint Core RPC. The Tendermint Core process communicates with
a local ABCI application, where the user query or transaction is actually

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@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
order: 4
# Application Development Guide
## XXX
This page is undergoing deprecation. All content is being moved to the new [home
of the ABCI specification](
## ABCI Design
The purpose of ABCI is to provide a clean interface between state
transition machines on one computer and the mechanics of their
replication across multiple computers. The former we call 'application
logic' and the latter the 'consensus engine'. Application logic
validates transactions and optionally executes transactions against some
persistent state. A consensus engine ensures all transactions are
replicated in the same order on every machine. We call each machine in a
consensus engine a 'validator', and each validator runs the same
transactions through the same application logic. In particular, we are
interested in blockchain-style consensus engines, where transactions are
committed in hash-linked blocks.
The ABCI design has a few distinct components:
- message protocol
- pairs of request and response messages
- consensus makes requests, application responds
- defined using protobuf
- server/client
- consensus engine runs the client
- application runs the server
- two implementations:
- async raw bytes
- grpc
- blockchain protocol
- abci is connection oriented
- Tendermint Core maintains three connections:
- [mempool connection](#mempool-connection): for checking if
transactions should be relayed before they are committed;
only uses `CheckTx`
- [consensus connection](#consensus-connection): for executing
transactions that have been committed. Message sequence is
-for every block -`BeginBlock, [DeliverTx, ...], EndBlock, Commit`
- [query connection](#query-connection): for querying the
application state; only uses Query and Info
The mempool and consensus logic act as clients, and each maintains an
open ABCI connection with the application, which hosts an ABCI server.
Shown are the request and response types sent on each connection.
Most of the examples below are from [kvstore
which is a part of the abci repo. [persistent_kvstore
is used to show `BeginBlock`, `EndBlock` and `InitChain` example
## Blockchain Protocol
In ABCI, a transaction is simply an arbitrary length byte-array. It is
the application's responsibility to define the transaction codec as they
please, and to use it for both CheckTx and DeliverTx.
Note that there are two distinct means for running transactions,
corresponding to stages of 'awareness' of the transaction in the
network. The first stage is when a transaction is received by a
validator from a client into the so-called mempool or transaction pool
-this is where we use CheckTx. The second is when the transaction is
successfully committed on more than 2/3 of validators - where we use
DeliverTx. In the former case, it may not be necessary to run all the
state transitions associated with the transaction, as the transaction
may not ultimately be committed until some much later time, when the
result of its execution will be different. For instance, an Ethereum
ABCI app would check signatures and amounts in CheckTx, but would not
actually execute any contract code until the DeliverTx, so as to avoid
executing state transitions that have not been finalized.
To formalize the distinction further, two explicit ABCI connections are
made between Tendermint Core and the application: the mempool connection
and the consensus connection. We also make a third connection, the query
connection, to query the local state of the app.
### Mempool Connection
The mempool connection is used _only_ for CheckTx requests. Transactions
are run using CheckTx in the same order they were received by the
validator. If the CheckTx returns `OK`, the transaction is kept in
memory and relayed to other peers in the same order it was received.
Otherwise, it is discarded.
CheckTx requests run concurrently with block processing; so they should
run against a copy of the main application state which is reset after
every block. This copy is necessary to track transitions made by a
sequence of CheckTx requests before they are included in a block. When a
block is committed, the application must ensure to reset the mempool
state to the latest committed state. Tendermint Core will then filter
through all transactions in the mempool, removing any that were included
in the block, and re-run the rest using CheckTx against the post-Commit
mempool state (this behaviour can be turned off with
`[mempool] recheck = false`).
In go:
func (app *KVStoreApplication) CheckTx(req types.RequestCheckTx) types.ResponseCheckTx {
return types.ResponseCheckTx{Code: code.CodeTypeOK, GasWanted: 1}
In Java:
ResponseCheckTx requestCheckTx(RequestCheckTx req) {
byte[] transaction = req.getTx().toByteArray();
// validate transaction
if (notValid) {
return ResponseCheckTx.newBuilder().setCode(CodeType.BadNonce).setLog("invalid tx").build();
} else {
return ResponseCheckTx.newBuilder().setCode(CodeType.OK).build();
### Replay Protection
To prevent old transactions from being replayed, CheckTx must implement
replay protection.
Tendermint provides the first defence layer by keeping a lightweight
in-memory cache of 100k (`[mempool] cache_size`) last transactions in
the mempool. If Tendermint is just started or the clients sent more than
100k transactions, old transactions may be sent to the application. So
it is important CheckTx implements some logic to handle them.
If there are cases in your application where a transaction may become invalid in some
future state, you probably want to disable Tendermint's
cache. You can do that by setting `[mempool] cache_size = 0` in the
### Consensus Connection
The consensus connection is used only when a new block is committed, and
communicates all information from the block in a series of requests:
`BeginBlock, [DeliverTx, ...], EndBlock, Commit`. That is, when a block
is committed in the consensus, we send a list of DeliverTx requests (one
for each transaction) sandwiched by BeginBlock and EndBlock requests,
and followed by a Commit.
### DeliverTx
DeliverTx is the workhorse of the blockchain. Tendermint sends the
DeliverTx requests asynchronously but in order, and relies on the
underlying socket protocol (ie. TCP) to ensure they are received by the
app in order. They have already been ordered in the global consensus by
the Tendermint protocol.
DeliverTx returns a abci.Result, which includes a Code, Data, and Log.
The code may be non-zero (non-OK), meaning the corresponding transaction
should have been rejected by the mempool, but may have been included in
a block by a Byzantine proposer.
The block header will be updated (TODO) to include some commitment to
the results of DeliverTx, be it a bitarray of non-OK transactions, or a
merkle root of the data returned by the DeliverTx requests, or both.
In go:
// tx is either "key=value" or just arbitrary bytes
func (app *KVStoreApplication) DeliverTx(req types.RequestDeliverTx) types.ResponseDeliverTx {
var key, value []byte
parts := bytes.Split(req.Tx, []byte("="))
if len(parts) == 2 {
key, value = parts[0], parts[1]
} else {
key, value = req.Tx, req.Tx
app.state.db.Set(prefixKey(key), value)
app.state.Size += 1
events := []types.Event{
Type: "app",
Attributes: []kv.Pair{
{Key: []byte("creator"), Value: []byte("Cosmoshi Netowoko")},
{Key: []byte("key"), Value: key},
return types.ResponseDeliverTx{Code: code.CodeTypeOK, Events: events}
In Java:
* Using Protobuf types from the protoc compiler, we always start with a byte[]
ResponseDeliverTx deliverTx(RequestDeliverTx request) {
byte[] transaction = request.getTx().toByteArray();
// validate your transaction
if (notValid) {
return ResponseDeliverTx.newBuilder().setCode(CodeType.BadNonce).setLog("transaction was invalid").build();
} else {
### Commit
Once all processing of the block is complete, Tendermint sends the
Commit request and blocks waiting for a response. While the mempool may
run concurrently with block processing (the BeginBlock, DeliverTxs, and
EndBlock), it is locked for the Commit request so that its state can be
safely updated during Commit. This means the app _MUST NOT_ do any
blocking communication with the mempool (ie. broadcast_tx) during
Commit, or there will be deadlock. Note also that all remaining
transactions in the mempool are replayed on the mempool connection
(CheckTx) following a commit.
The app should respond to the Commit request with a byte array, which is
the deterministic state root of the application. It is included in the
header of the next block. It can be used to provide easily verified
Merkle-proofs of the state of the application.
It is expected that the app will persist state to disk on Commit. The
option to have all transactions replayed from some previous block is the
job of the [Handshake](#handshake).
In go:
func (app *KVStoreApplication) Commit() types.ResponseCommit {
// Using a memdb - just return the big endian size of the db
appHash := make([]byte, 8)
binary.PutVarint(appHash, app.state.Size)
app.state.AppHash = appHash
app.state.Height += 1
return types.ResponseCommit{Data: appHash}
In Java:
ResponseCommit requestCommit(RequestCommit requestCommit) {
// update the internal app-state
byte[] newAppState = calculateAppState();
// and return it to the node
return ResponseCommit.newBuilder().setCode(CodeType.OK).setData(ByteString.copyFrom(newAppState)).build();
### BeginBlock
The BeginBlock request can be used to run some code at the beginning of
every block. It also allows Tendermint to send the current block hash
and header to the application, before it sends any of the transactions.
The app should remember the latest height and header (ie. from which it
has run a successful Commit) so that it can tell Tendermint where to
pick up from when it restarts. See information on the Handshake, below.
In go:
// Track the block hash and header information
func (app *PersistentKVStoreApplication) BeginBlock(req types.RequestBeginBlock) types.ResponseBeginBlock {
// reset valset changes
app.ValUpdates = make([]types.ValidatorUpdate, 0)
return types.ResponseBeginBlock{}
In Java:
* all types come from protobuf definition
ResponseBeginBlock requestBeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock req) {
Header header = req.getHeader();
byte[] prevAppHash = header.getAppHash().toByteArray();
long prevHeight = header.getHeight();
// run your pre-block logic. Maybe prepare a state snapshot, message components, etc
return ResponseBeginBlock.newBuilder().build();
### EndBlock
The EndBlock request can be used to run some code at the end of every block.
Additionally, the response may contain a list of validators, which can be used
to update the validator set. To add a new validator or update an existing one,
simply include them in the list returned in the EndBlock response. To remove
one, include it in the list with a `power` equal to `0`. Validator's `address`
field can be left empty. Tendermint core will take care of updating the
validator set. Note the change in voting power must be strictly less than 1/3
per block if you want a light client to be able to prove the transition
externally. See the [light client
for details on how it tracks validators.
In go:
// Update the validator set
func (app *PersistentKVStoreApplication) EndBlock(req types.RequestEndBlock) types.ResponseEndBlock {
return types.ResponseEndBlock{ValidatorUpdates: app.ValUpdates}
In Java:
* Assume that one validator changes. The new validator has a power of 10
ResponseEndBlock requestEndBlock(RequestEndBlock req) {
final long currentHeight = req.getHeight();
final byte[] validatorPubKey = getValPubKey();
ResponseEndBlock.Builder builder = ResponseEndBlock.newBuilder();
builder.addDiffs(1, Types.Validator.newBuilder().setPower(10L).setPubKey(ByteString.copyFrom(validatorPubKey)).build());
### Query Connection
This connection is used to query the application without engaging
consensus. It's exposed over the tendermint core rpc, so clients can
query the app without exposing a server on the app itself, but they must
serialize each query as a single byte array. Additionally, certain
"standardized" queries may be used to inform local decisions, for
instance about which peers to connect to.
Tendermint Core currently uses the Query connection to filter peers upon
connecting, according to IP address or node ID. For instance,
returning non-OK ABCI response to either of the following queries will
cause Tendermint to not connect to the corresponding peer:
- `p2p/filter/addr/<ip addr>`, where `<ip addr>` is an IP address.
- `p2p/filter/id/<id>`, where `<is>` is the hex-encoded node ID (the hash of
the node's p2p pubkey).
Note: these query formats are subject to change!
In go:
func (app *KVStoreApplication) Query(reqQuery types.RequestQuery) (resQuery types.ResponseQuery) {
if reqQuery.Prove {
value := app.state.db.Get(prefixKey(reqQuery.Data))
resQuery.Index = -1 // TODO make Proof return index
resQuery.Key = reqQuery.Data
resQuery.Value = value
if value != nil {
resQuery.Log = "exists"
} else {
resQuery.Log = "does not exist"
} else {
resQuery.Key = reqQuery.Data
value := app.state.db.Get(prefixKey(reqQuery.Data))
resQuery.Value = value
if value != nil {
resQuery.Log = "exists"
} else {
resQuery.Log = "does not exist"
In Java:
ResponseQuery requestQuery(RequestQuery req) {
final boolean isProveQuery = req.getProve();
final ResponseQuery.Builder responseBuilder = ResponseQuery.newBuilder();
byte[] queryData = req.getData().toByteArray();
if (isProveQuery) { result = generateQueryResultWithProof(queryData);
} else { result = generateQueryResult(queryData);
### Handshake
When the app or tendermint restarts, they need to sync to a common
height. When an ABCI connection is first established, Tendermint will
call `Info` on the Query connection. The response should contain the
LastBlockHeight and LastBlockAppHash - the former is the last block for
which the app ran Commit successfully, the latter is the response from
that Commit.
Using this information, Tendermint will determine what needs to be
replayed, if anything, against the app, to ensure both Tendermint and
the app are synced to the latest block height.
If the app returns a LastBlockHeight of 0, Tendermint will just replay
all blocks.
In go:
func (app *KVStoreApplication) Info(req types.RequestInfo) (resInfo types.ResponseInfo) {
return types.ResponseInfo{
Data: fmt.Sprintf("{\"size\":%v}", app.state.Size),
Version: version.ABCIVersion,
AppVersion: ProtocolVersion.Uint64(),
In Java:
ResponseInfo requestInfo(RequestInfo req) {
final byte[] lastAppHash = getLastAppHash();
final long lastHeight = getLastHeight();
return ResponseInfo.newBuilder().setLastBlockAppHash(ByteString.copyFrom(lastAppHash)).setLastBlockHeight(lastHeight).build();
### Genesis
`InitChain` will be called once upon the genesis. `params` includes the
initial validator set. Later on, it may be extended to take parts of the
consensus params.
In go:
// Save the validators in the merkle tree
func (app *PersistentKVStoreApplication) InitChain(req types.RequestInitChain) types.ResponseInitChain {
for _, v := range req.Validators {
r := app.updateValidator(v)
if r.IsErr() {
app.logger.Error("Error updating validators", "r", r)
return types.ResponseInitChain{}
In Java:
* all types come from protobuf definition
ResponseInitChain requestInitChain(RequestInitChain req) {
final int validatorsCount = req.getValidatorsCount();
final List<Types.Validator> validatorsList = req.getValidatorsList();
validatorsList.forEach((validator) -> {
long power = validator.getPower();
byte[] validatorPubKey = validator.getPubKey().toByteArray();
// do somehing for validator setup in app
return ResponseInitChain.newBuilder().build();

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@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ need to [install Go](, put
echo export GOPATH=\"\$HOME/go\" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin\" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo export GO111MODULE=on >> ~/.bash_profile
Then run

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@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ indexer = "kv"
By default, Tendermint will index all transactions by their respective
hashes using an embedded simple indexer. Note, we are planning to add
more options in the future (e.g., PostgreSQL indexer).
hashes and height using an embedded simple indexer.
You can turn off indexing completely by setting `tx_index` to `null`.
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ func (app *KVStoreApplication) DeliverTx(req types.RequestDeliverTx) types.Resul
The transaction will be indexed (if the indexer is not `null`) with a certain
attribute if the attribute's `Index` field is set to `true`. In the above
example, all attributes will be used.
example, all attributes will be indexed.
## Querying Transactions

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@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
# Tendermint Architectural Overview
> **November 2019**
Over the next few weeks, @brapse, @marbar3778 and I (@tessr) are having a series of meetings to go over the architecture of Tendermint Core. These are my notes from these meetings, which will either serve as an artifact for onboarding future engineers; or will provide the basis for such a document.
## Communication
There are three forms of communication (e.g., requests, responses, connections) that can happen in Tendermint Core: *internode communication*, *intranode communication*, and *client communication*.
There are three forms of communication (e.g., requests, responses, connections) that can happen in Tendermint Core: *internode communication*, *intranode communication*, and *client communication*.
- Internode communication: Happens between a node and other peers. This kind of communication happens over TCP or HTTP. More on this below.
- Intranode communication: Happens within the node itself (i.e., between reactors or other components). These are typically function or method calls, or occasionally happen through an event bus.
- Internode communication: Happens between a node and other peers. This kind of communication happens over TCP or HTTP. More on this below.
- Intranode communication: Happens within the node itself (i.e., between reactors or other components). These are typically function or method calls, or occasionally happen through an event bus.
- Client communiation: Happens between a client (like a wallet or a browser) and a node on the network.
- Client communication: Happens between a client (like a wallet or a browser) and a node on the network.
### Internode Communication
@ -19,17 +21,17 @@ Internode communication can happen in two ways:
1. TCP connections through the p2p package
- Most common form of internode communication
- Connections between nodes are persisted and shared across reactors, facilitated by the switch. (More on the switch below.)
2. RPC over HTTP
2. RPC over HTTP
- Reserved for short-lived, one-off requests
- Example: reactor-specific state, like height
- Also possible: websocks connected to channels for notifications (like new transactions)
- Also possible: web-sockets connected to channels for notifications (like new transactions)
### P2P Business (the Switch, the PEX, and the Address Book)
When writing a p2p service, there are two primary responsibilities:
1. Routing: Who gets which messages?
2. Peer management: Who can you talk to? What is their state? And how can you do peer discovery?
2. Peer management: Who can you talk to? What is their state? And how can you do peer discovery?
The first responsibility is handled by the Switch:
@ -37,15 +39,15 @@ The first responsibility is handled by the Switch:
- Notably _only handles TCP connections_; RPC/HTTP is separate
- Is a dependency for every reactor; all reactors expose a function `setSwitch`
- Holds onto channels (channels on the TCP connection--NOT Go channels) and uses them to route
- Is a global object, with a global namespace for messages
- Is a global object, with a global namespace for messages
- Similar functionality to libp2p
TODO: More information (maybe) on the implementation of the Switch.
TODO: More information (maybe) on the implementation of the Switch.
The second responsibility is handled by a combination of the PEX and the Address Book.
The second responsibility is handled by a combination of the PEX and the Address Book.
TODO: What is the PEX and the Address Book?
TODO: What is the PEX and the Address Book?
#### The Nature of TCP, and Introduction to the `mconnection`
Here are some relevant facts about TCP:
@ -60,50 +62,51 @@ In order to have performant TCP connections under the conditions created in Ten
The `mconnection` is represented by a struct, which contains a batch of messages, read and write buffers, and a map of channel IDs to reactors. It communicates with TCP via file descriptors, which it can write to. There is one `mconnection` per peer connection.
The `mconnection` has two methods: `send`, which takes a raw handle to the socket and writes to it; and `trySend`, which writes to a different buffer. (TODO: which buffer?)
The `mconnection` has two methods: `send`, which takes a raw handle to the socket and writes to it; and `trySend`, which writes to a different buffer. (TODO: which buffer?)
The `mconnection` is owned by a peer, which is owned (potentially with many other peers) by a (global) transport, which is owned by the (global) switch:
The `mconnection` is owned by a peer, which is owned (potentially with many other peers) by a (global) transport, which is owned by the (global) switch:
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## node.go
## node.go
node.go is the entrypoint for running a node. It sets up reactors, sets up the switch, and registers all the RPC endpoints for a node.
## Types of Nodes
1. Validator Node:
1. Validator Node:
2. Full Node:
3. Seed Node:
TODO: Flesh out the differences between the types of nodes and how they're configured.
TODO: Flesh out the differences between the types of nodes and how they're configured.
## Reactors
## Reactors
Here are some Reactor Facts:
Here are some Reactor Facts:
- Every reactor holds a pointer to the global switch (set through `SetSwitch()`)
- The switch holds a pointer to every reactor (`addReactor()`)
- Every reactor gets set up in node.go (and if you are using custom reactors, this is where you specify that)
- `addReactor` is called by the switch; `addReactor` calls `setSwitch` for that reactor
- There's an assumption that all the reactors are added before
- `addReactor` is called by the switch; `addReactor` calls `setSwitch` for that reactor
- There's an assumption that all the reactors are added before
- Sometimes reactors talk to each other by fetching references to one another via the switch (which maintains a pointer to each reactor). **Question: Can reactors talk to each other in any other way?**
Furthermore, all reactors expose:
1. A TCP channel
2. A `receive` method
2. A `receive` method
3. An `addReactor` call
The `receive` method can be called many times by the mconnection. It has the same signature across all reactors.
@ -113,16 +116,17 @@ The `addReactor` call does a for loop over all the channels on the reactor and c
The following is an exhaustive (?) list of reactors:
- Blockchain Reactor
- Consensus Reactor
- Evidence Reactor
- Consensus Reactor
- Evidence Reactor
- Mempool Reactor
- PEX Reactor
Each of these will be discussed in more detail later.
### Blockchain Reactor
The blockchain reactor has two responsibilities:
### Blockchain Reactor
The blockchain reactor has two responsibilities:
1. Serve blocks at the request of peers
2. TODO: learn about the second responsibility of the blockchain reactor
1. Serve blocks at the request of peers
2. TODO: learn about the second responsibility of the blockchain reactor

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@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ To download pre-built binaries, see the [releases page](
You'll need `go` [installed]( and the required
environment variables set, which can be done with the following commands:
echo export GOPATH=\"\$HOME/go\" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin\" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo export GO111MODULE=on >> ~/.bash_profile
### Get Source Code

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docs/introduction/ View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ works and want to get started right away, continue.
To quickly get Tendermint installed on a fresh
Ubuntu 16.04 machine, use [this script](
WARNING: do not run this on your local machine.
> :warning: Do not copy scripts to run on your machine without knowing what they do.
curl -L | bash
@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ Start tendermint with a simple in-process application:
tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore
> Note: `kvstore` is a non persistent app, if you would like to run an application with persistence run `--proxy_app=persistent_kvstore`
and blocks will start to stream in:

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docs/introduction/ View File

@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ introduces a few **locking** rules which modulate which paths can be
followed in the flow diagram. Once a validator precommits a block, it is
locked on that block. Then,
1. it must prevote for the block it is locked on
2. it can only unlock, and precommit for a new block, if there is a
1. it must prevote for the block it is locked on
2. it can only unlock, and precommit for a new block, if there is a
polka for that block in a later round
## Stake

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
# README in russian

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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@ -7,4 +7,16 @@ parent:
# Overview
See the side-bar for details on the various features of Tendermint Core.
This section dives into the internals of Tendermint the implementation.
- [Using Tendermint](./
- [Configuration](./
- [Running in Production](./
- [Metrics](./
- [Validators](./
- [Block Structure](./
- [RPC](./
- [Fast Sync](./
- [Mempool](./
- [Light Client](./
- [Secure P2P](./

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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
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# Block Structure
The tendermint consensus engine records all agreements by a
The Tendermint consensus engine records all agreements by a
supermajority of nodes into a blockchain, which is replicated among all
nodes. This blockchain is accessible via various rpc endpoints, mainly
nodes. This blockchain is accessible via various RPC endpoints, mainly
`/block?height=` to get the full block, as well as
`/blockchain?minHeight=_&maxHeight=_` to get a list of headers. But what
exactly is stored in these blocks?
The [specification]( contains a detailed description of each component - that's the best place to get started.
The [specification]( contains a detailed description of each component - that's the best place to get started.
To dig deeper, check out the [types package documentation](

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# Fast Sync
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ consensus gossip protocol.
## Using Fast Sync
To support faster syncing, tendermint offers a `fast-sync` mode, which
To support faster syncing, Tendermint offers a `fast-sync` mode, which
is enabled by default, and can be toggled in the `config.toml` or via
In this mode, the tendermint daemon will sync hundreds of times faster
In this mode, the Tendermint daemon will sync hundreds of times faster
than if it used the real-time consensus process. Once caught up, the
daemon will switch out of fast sync and into the normal consensus mode.
After running for some time, the node is considered `caught up` if it

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# Metrics
@ -18,37 +18,37 @@ Listen address can be changed in the config file (see
The following metrics are available:
| **Name** | **Type** | **Since** | **Tags** | **Description** |
| -------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| consensus_height | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Height of the chain |
| consensus_validators | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of validators |
| consensus_validators_power | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Total voting power of all validators |
| consensus_validator_power | Gauge | 0.33.0 | | Voting power of the node if in the validator set |
| consensus_validator_last_signed_height | Gauge | 0.33.0 | | Last height the node signed a block, if the node is a validator |
| consensus_validator_missed_blocks | Gauge | 0.33.0 | | Total amount of blocks missed for the node, if the node is a validator |
| consensus_missing_validators | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of validators who did not sign |
| consensus_missing_validators_power | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Total voting power of the missing validators |
| consensus_byzantine_validators | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of validators who tried to double sign |
| consensus_byzantine_validators_power | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Total voting power of the byzantine validators |
| consensus_block_interval_seconds | Histogram | 0.21.0 | | Time between this and last block (Block.Header.Time) in seconds |
| consensus_rounds | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of rounds |
| consensus_num_txs | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of transactions |
| consensus_total_txs | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Total number of transactions committed |
| consensus_block_parts | counter | 0.25.0 | peer_id | number of blockparts transmitted by peer |
| consensus_latest_block_height | gauge | 0.25.0 | | /status sync_info number |
| consensus_fast_syncing | gauge | 0.25.0 | | either 0 (not fast syncing) or 1 (syncing) |
| consensus_block_size_bytes | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Block size in bytes |
| p2p_peers | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of peers node's connected to |
| p2p_peer_receive_bytes_total | counter | 0.25.0 | peer_id, chID | number of bytes per channel received from a given peer |
| p2p_peer_send_bytes_total | counter | 0.25.0 | peer_id, chID | number of bytes per channel sent to a given peer |
| p2p_peer_pending_send_bytes | gauge | 0.25.0 | peer_id | number of pending bytes to be sent to a given peer |
| p2p_num_txs | gauge | 0.25.0 | peer_id | number of transactions submitted by each peer_id |
| p2p_pending_send_bytes | gauge | 0.25.0 | peer_id | amount of data pending to be sent to peer |
| mempool_size | Gauge | 0.21.0 | | Number of uncommitted transactions |
| mempool_tx_size_bytes | histogram | 0.25.0 | | transaction sizes in bytes |
| mempool_failed_txs | counter | 0.25.0 | | number of failed transactions |
| mempool_recheck_times | counter | 0.25.0 | | number of transactions rechecked in the mempool |
| state_block_processing_time | histogram | 0.25.0 | | time between BeginBlock and EndBlock in ms |
| **Name** | **Type** | **Tags** | **Description** |
| -------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| consensus_height | Gauge | | Height of the chain |
| consensus_validators | Gauge | | Number of validators |
| consensus_validators_power | Gauge | | Total voting power of all validators |
| consensus_validator_power | Gauge | | Voting power of the node if in the validator set |
| consensus_validator_last_signed_height | Gauge | | Last height the node signed a block, if the node is a validator |
| consensus_validator_missed_blocks | Gauge | | Total amount of blocks missed for the node, if the node is a validator |
| consensus_missing_validators | Gauge | | Number of validators who did not sign |
| consensus_missing_validators_power | Gauge | | Total voting power of the missing validators |
| consensus_byzantine_validators | Gauge | | Number of validators who tried to double sign |
| consensus_byzantine_validators_power | Gauge | | Total voting power of the byzantine validators |
| consensus_block_interval_seconds | Histogram | | Time between this and last block (Block.Header.Time) in seconds |
| consensus_rounds | Gauge | | Number of rounds |
| consensus_num_txs | Gauge | | Number of transactions |
| consensus_total_txs | Gauge | | Total number of transactions committed |
| consensus_block_parts | counter | peer_id | number of blockparts transmitted by peer |
| consensus_latest_block_height | gauge | | /status sync_info number |
| consensus_fast_syncing | gauge | | either 0 (not fast syncing) or 1 (syncing) |
| consensus_block_size_bytes | Gauge | | Block size in bytes |
| p2p_peers | Gauge | | Number of peers node's connected to |
| p2p_peer_receive_bytes_total | counter | peer_id, chID | number of bytes per channel received from a given peer |
| p2p_peer_send_bytes_total | counter | peer_id, chID | number of bytes per channel sent to a given peer |
| p2p_peer_pending_send_bytes | gauge | peer_id | number of pending bytes to be sent to a given peer |
| p2p_num_txs | gauge | peer_id | number of transactions submitted by each peer_id |
| p2p_pending_send_bytes | gauge | peer_id | amount of data pending to be sent to peer |
| mempool_size | Gauge | | Number of uncommitted transactions |
| mempool_tx_size_bytes | histogram | | transaction sizes in bytes |
| mempool_failed_txs | counter | | number of failed transactions |
| mempool_recheck_times | counter | | number of transactions rechecked in the mempool |
| state_block_processing_time | histogram | | time between BeginBlock and EndBlock in ms |
## Useful queries

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# Running in production
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Tendermint keeps multiple distinct databases in the `$TMROOT/data`:
used to temporarily store intermediate results during block processing.
- `tx_index.db`: Indexes txs (and their results) by tx hash and by DeliverTx result events.
By default, Tendermint will only index txs by their hash, not by their DeliverTx
By default, Tendermint will only index txs by their hash and height, not by their DeliverTx
result events. See [indexing transactions](../app-dev/ for
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ For the above reasons, the `mempool.wal` is disabled by default. To enable, set
## DOS Exposure and Mitigation
Validators are supposed to setup [Sentry Node
to prevent Denial-of-service attacks. You can read more about it

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@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ curl http://localhost:26657/status | json_pp | grep latest_app_hash
<!-- markdown-link-check-disable -->
Visit <http://localhost:26657> in your browser to see the list of other
Visit `http://localhost:26657` in your browser to see the list of other
endpoints. Some take no arguments (like `/status`), while others specify
the argument name and use `_` as a placeholder.
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ taken into account:
With `GET`:
To send a UTF8 string byte array, quote the value of the tx pramater:
To send a UTF8 string byte array, quote the value of the tx parameter:
curl 'http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="hello"'
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ curl 'http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="hello"'
which sends a 5 byte transaction: "h e l l o" \[68 65 6c 6c 6f\].
Note the URL must be wrapped with single quoes, else bash will ignore
Note the URL must be wrapped with single quotes, else bash will ignore
the double quotes. To avoid the single quotes, escape the double quotes:
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ Some fields from the config file can be overwritten with flags.
## No Empty Blocks
While the default behaviour of `tendermint` is still to create blocks
While the default behavior of `tendermint` is still to create blocks
approximately once per second, it is possible to disable empty blocks or
set a block creation interval. In the former case, blocks will be
created when there are new transactions or when the AppHash changes.
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ another address from the address book. On restarts you will always try to
connect to these peers regardless of the size of your address book.
All peers relay peers they know of by default. This is called the peer exchange
protocol (PeX). With PeX, peers will be gossipping about known peers and forming
protocol (PeX). With PeX, peers will be gossiping about known peers and forming
a network, storing peer addresses in the addrbook. Because of this, you don't
have to use a seed node if you have a live persistent peer.

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# Validators
Validators are responsible for committing new blocks in the blockchain.

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@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ paths:
summary: Checks the transaction without executing it.
- Tx
operationId: broadcast_tx_commit
operationId: check_tx
description: |
The transaction won't be added to the mempool.
