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Fix fast sync stack with wrong block #2457 (#2731)

* fix fastsync may stuck by a wrong block

* fixes from updates

* fixes from review

* Align spec with the changes

* fmt
Ethan Buchman 6 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
13 changed files with 358 additions and 190 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +24
  3. +46
  4. +13
  5. +215
  6. +20
  7. +4
  8. +1
  9. +28
  10. +1
  11. +1
  12. +3
  13. +1

+ 1
- 0 View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ program](
- [blockchain] \#2731 Retry both blocks if either is bad to avoid getting stuck during fast sync (@goolAdapter)
- [log] \#2868 fix module=main setting overriding all others
- [rpc] \#2808 RPC validators calls IncrementAccum if necessary
- [rpc] \#2811 Allow integer IDs in JSON-RPC requests

+ 24
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blockchain/pool.go View File

@ -168,9 +168,12 @@ func (pool *BlockPool) IsCaughtUp() bool {
return false
// some conditions to determine if we're caught up
receivedBlockOrTimedOut := (pool.height > 0 || time.Since(pool.startTime) > 5*time.Second)
ourChainIsLongestAmongPeers := pool.maxPeerHeight == 0 || pool.height >= pool.maxPeerHeight
// Some conditions to determine if we're caught up.
// Ensures we've either received a block or waited some amount of time,
// and that we're synced to the highest known height. Note we use maxPeerHeight - 1
// because to sync block H requires block H+1 to verify the LastCommit.
receivedBlockOrTimedOut := pool.height > 0 || time.Since(pool.startTime) > 5*time.Second
ourChainIsLongestAmongPeers := pool.maxPeerHeight == 0 || pool.height >= (pool.maxPeerHeight-1)
isCaughtUp := receivedBlockOrTimedOut && ourChainIsLongestAmongPeers
return isCaughtUp
@ -252,7 +255,8 @@ func (pool *BlockPool) AddBlock(peerID p2p.ID, block *types.Block, blockSize int
} else {
// Bad peer?
pool.Logger.Info("invalid peer", "peer", peerID, "blockHeight", block.Height)
pool.sendError(errors.New("invalid peer"), peerID)
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ func (pool *BlockPool) RemovePeer(peerID p2p.ID) {
func (pool *BlockPool) removePeer(peerID p2p.ID) {
for _, requester := range pool.requesters {
if requester.getPeerID() == peerID {
delete(pool.peers, peerID)
@ -326,8 +330,11 @@ func (pool *BlockPool) makeNextRequester() {
defer pool.mtx.Unlock()
nextHeight := pool.height + pool.requestersLen()
if nextHeight > pool.maxPeerHeight {
request := newBPRequester(pool, nextHeight)
// request.SetLogger(pool.Logger.With("height", nextHeight))
pool.requesters[nextHeight] = request
atomic.AddInt32(&pool.numPending, 1)
@ -453,7 +460,7 @@ type bpRequester struct {
pool *BlockPool
height int64
gotBlockCh chan struct{}
redoCh chan struct{}
redoCh chan p2p.ID //redo may send multitime, add peerId to identify repeat
mtx sync.Mutex
peerID p2p.ID
@ -465,7 +472,7 @@ func newBPRequester(pool *BlockPool, height int64) *bpRequester {
pool: pool,
height: height,
gotBlockCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
redoCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
redoCh: make(chan p2p.ID, 1),
peerID: "",
block: nil,
@ -524,9 +531,9 @@ func (bpr *bpRequester) reset() {
// Tells bpRequester to pick another peer and try again.
// NOTE: Nonblocking, and does nothing if another redo
// was already requested.
func (bpr *bpRequester) redo() {
func (bpr *bpRequester) redo(peerId p2p.ID) {
select {
case bpr.redoCh <- struct{}{}:
case bpr.redoCh <- peerId:
@ -565,9 +572,13 @@ OUTER_LOOP:
case <-bpr.Quit():
case <-bpr.redoCh:
continue OUTER_LOOP
case peerID := <-bpr.redoCh:
if peerID == bpr.peerID {
continue OUTER_LOOP
} else {
continue WAIT_LOOP
case <-bpr.gotBlockCh:
// We got a block!
// Continue the for-loop and wait til Quit.

+ 46
- 11
blockchain/pool_test.go View File

@ -16,16 +16,52 @@ func init() {
type testPeer struct {
id p2p.ID
height int64
id p2p.ID
height int64
inputChan chan inputData //make sure each peer's data is sequential
func makePeers(numPeers int, minHeight, maxHeight int64) map[p2p.ID]testPeer {
peers := make(map[p2p.ID]testPeer, numPeers)
type inputData struct {
t *testing.T
pool *BlockPool
request BlockRequest
func (p testPeer) runInputRoutine() {
go func() {
for input := range p.inputChan {
// Request desired, pretend like we got the block immediately.
func (p testPeer) simulateInput(input inputData) {
block := &types.Block{Header: types.Header{Height: input.request.Height}}
input.pool.AddBlock(input.request.PeerID, block, 123)
input.t.Logf("Added block from peer %v (height: %v)", input.request.PeerID, input.request.Height)
type testPeers map[p2p.ID]testPeer
func (ps testPeers) start() {
for _, v := range ps {
func (ps testPeers) stop() {
for _, v := range ps {
func makePeers(numPeers int, minHeight, maxHeight int64) testPeers {
peers := make(testPeers, numPeers)
for i := 0; i < numPeers; i++ {
peerID := p2p.ID(cmn.RandStr(12))
height := minHeight + cmn.RandInt63n(maxHeight-minHeight)
peers[peerID] = testPeer{peerID, height}
peers[peerID] = testPeer{peerID, height, make(chan inputData, 10)}
return peers
@ -45,6 +81,9 @@ func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
defer pool.Stop()
defer peers.stop()
// Introduce each peer.
go func() {
for _, peer := range peers {
@ -77,12 +116,8 @@ func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
if request.Height == 300 {
return // Done!
// Request desired, pretend like we got the block immediately.
go func() {
block := &types.Block{Header: types.Header{Height: request.Height}}
pool.AddBlock(request.PeerID, block, 123)
t.Logf("Added block from peer %v (height: %v)", request.PeerID, request.Height)
peers[request.PeerID].inputChan <- inputData{t, pool, request}

+ 13
- 2
blockchain/reactor.go View File

@ -264,8 +264,12 @@ FOR_LOOP:
bcR.Logger.Info("Time to switch to consensus reactor!", "height", height)
conR := bcR.Switch.Reactor("CONSENSUS").(consensusReactor)
conR.SwitchToConsensus(state, blocksSynced)
conR, ok := bcR.Switch.Reactor("CONSENSUS").(consensusReactor)
if ok {
conR.SwitchToConsensus(state, blocksSynced)
} else {
// should only happen during testing
break FOR_LOOP
@ -314,6 +318,13 @@ FOR_LOOP:
// still need to clean up the rest.
bcR.Switch.StopPeerForError(peer, fmt.Errorf("BlockchainReactor validation error: %v", err))
peerID2 := bcR.pool.RedoRequest(second.Height)
peer2 := bcR.Switch.Peers().Get(peerID2)
if peer2 != nil && peer2 != peer {
// NOTE: we've already removed the peer's request, but we
// still need to clean up the rest.
bcR.Switch.StopPeerForError(peer2, fmt.Errorf("BlockchainReactor validation error: %v", err))
continue FOR_LOOP
} else {

+ 215
- 123
blockchain/reactor_test.go View File

@ -1,72 +1,151 @@
package blockchain
import (
abci ""
cfg ""
cmn ""
dbm ""
cfg ""
sm ""
tmtime ""
func makeStateAndBlockStore(logger log.Logger) (sm.State, *BlockStore) {
config := cfg.ResetTestRoot("blockchain_reactor_test")
// blockDB := dbm.NewDebugDB("blockDB", dbm.NewMemDB())
// stateDB := dbm.NewDebugDB("stateDB", dbm.NewMemDB())
var config *cfg.Config
func randGenesisDoc(numValidators int, randPower bool, minPower int64) (*types.GenesisDoc, []types.PrivValidator) {
validators := make([]types.GenesisValidator, numValidators)
privValidators := make([]types.PrivValidator, numValidators)
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
val, privVal := types.RandValidator(randPower, minPower)
validators[i] = types.GenesisValidator{
PubKey: val.PubKey,
Power: val.VotingPower,
privValidators[i] = privVal
return &types.GenesisDoc{
GenesisTime: tmtime.Now(),
ChainID: config.ChainID(),
Validators: validators,
}, privValidators
func makeVote(header *types.Header, blockID types.BlockID, valset *types.ValidatorSet, privVal types.PrivValidator) *types.Vote {
addr := privVal.GetAddress()
idx, _ := valset.GetByAddress(addr)
vote := &types.Vote{
ValidatorAddress: addr,
ValidatorIndex: idx,
Height: header.Height,
Round: 1,
Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
Type: types.PrecommitType,
BlockID: blockID,
privVal.SignVote(header.ChainID, vote)
return vote
type BlockchainReactorPair struct {
reactor *BlockchainReactor
app proxy.AppConns
func newBlockchainReactor(logger log.Logger, genDoc *types.GenesisDoc, privVals []types.PrivValidator, maxBlockHeight int64) BlockchainReactorPair {
if len(privVals) != 1 {
panic("only support one validator")
app := &testApp{}
cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
proxyApp := proxy.NewAppConns(cc)
err := proxyApp.Start()
if err != nil {
panic(cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "error start app"))
blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
blockStore := NewBlockStore(blockDB)
state, err := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisFile(stateDB, config.GenesisFile())
state, err := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisDoc(stateDB, genDoc)
if err != nil {
panic(cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "error constructing state from genesis file"))
return state, blockStore
func newBlockchainReactor(logger log.Logger, maxBlockHeight int64) *BlockchainReactor {
state, blockStore := makeStateAndBlockStore(logger)
// Make the blockchainReactor itself
// Make the BlockchainReactor itself.
// NOTE we have to create and commit the blocks first because
// pool.height is determined from the store.
fastSync := true
var nilApp proxy.AppConnConsensus
blockExec := sm.NewBlockExecutor(dbm.NewMemDB(), log.TestingLogger(), nilApp,
blockExec := sm.NewBlockExecutor(dbm.NewMemDB(), log.TestingLogger(), proxyApp.Consensus(),
sm.MockMempool{}, sm.MockEvidencePool{})
bcReactor := NewBlockchainReactor(state.Copy(), blockExec, blockStore, fastSync)
bcReactor.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "blockchain"))
// let's add some blocks in
for blockHeight := int64(1); blockHeight <= maxBlockHeight; blockHeight++ {
lastCommit := &types.Commit{}
if blockHeight > 1 {
lastBlockMeta := blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(blockHeight - 1)
lastBlock := blockStore.LoadBlock(blockHeight - 1)
// Next: we need to set a switch in order for peers to be added in
bcReactor.Switch = p2p.NewSwitch(cfg.DefaultP2PConfig(), nil)
vote := makeVote(&lastBlock.Header, lastBlockMeta.BlockID, state.Validators, privVals[0])
lastCommit = &types.Commit{Precommits: []*types.Vote{vote}, BlockID: lastBlockMeta.BlockID}
// Lastly: let's add some blocks in
for blockHeight := int64(1); blockHeight <= maxBlockHeight; blockHeight++ {
firstBlock := makeBlock(blockHeight, state)
secondBlock := makeBlock(blockHeight+1, state)
firstParts := firstBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
blockStore.SaveBlock(firstBlock, firstParts, secondBlock.LastCommit)
thisBlock := makeBlock(blockHeight, state, lastCommit)
thisParts := thisBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
blockID := types.BlockID{thisBlock.Hash(), thisParts.Header()}
state, err = blockExec.ApplyBlock(state, blockID, thisBlock)
if err != nil {
panic(cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "error apply block"))
blockStore.SaveBlock(thisBlock, thisParts, lastCommit)
return bcReactor
bcReactor := NewBlockchainReactor(state.Copy(), blockExec, blockStore, fastSync)
bcReactor.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "blockchain"))
return BlockchainReactorPair{bcReactor, proxyApp}
func TestNoBlockResponse(t *testing.T) {
maxBlockHeight := int64(20)
config = cfg.ResetTestRoot("blockchain_reactor_test")
genDoc, privVals := randGenesisDoc(1, false, 30)
maxBlockHeight := int64(65)
reactorPairs := make([]BlockchainReactorPair, 2)
reactorPairs[0] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, maxBlockHeight)
reactorPairs[1] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, 0)
bcr := newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), maxBlockHeight)
defer bcr.Stop()
p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, 2, func(i int, s *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch {
s.AddReactor("BLOCKCHAIN", reactorPairs[i].reactor)
return s
// Add some peers in
peer := newbcrTestPeer(p2p.ID(cmn.RandStr(12)))
}, p2p.Connect2Switches)
chID := byte(0x01)
defer func() {
for _, r := range reactorPairs {
tests := []struct {
height int64
@ -78,72 +157,100 @@ func TestNoBlockResponse(t *testing.T) {
{100, false},
// receive a request message from peer,
// wait for our response to be received on the peer
for _, tt := range tests {
reqBlockMsg := &bcBlockRequestMessage{tt.height}
reqBlockBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(reqBlockMsg)
bcr.Receive(chID, peer, reqBlockBytes)
msg := peer.lastBlockchainMessage()
for {
if reactorPairs[1].reactor.pool.IsCaughtUp() {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
assert.Equal(t, maxBlockHeight, reactorPairs[0]
for _, tt := range tests {
block := reactorPairs[1]
if tt.existent {
if blockMsg, ok := msg.(*bcBlockResponseMessage); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected to receive a block response for height %d", tt.height)
} else if blockMsg.Block.Height != tt.height {
t.Fatalf("Expected response to be for height %d, got %d", tt.height, blockMsg.Block.Height)
assert.True(t, block != nil)
} else {
if noBlockMsg, ok := msg.(*bcNoBlockResponseMessage); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected to receive a no block response for height %d", tt.height)
} else if noBlockMsg.Height != tt.height {
t.Fatalf("Expected response to be for height %d, got %d", tt.height, noBlockMsg.Height)
assert.True(t, block == nil)
// NOTE: This is too hard to test without
// an easy way to add test peer to switch
// or without significant refactoring of the module.
// Alternatively we could actually dial a TCP conn but
// that seems extreme.
func TestBadBlockStopsPeer(t *testing.T) {
maxBlockHeight := int64(20)
config = cfg.ResetTestRoot("blockchain_reactor_test")
genDoc, privVals := randGenesisDoc(1, false, 30)
maxBlockHeight := int64(148)
otherChain := newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, maxBlockHeight)
defer func() {
reactorPairs := make([]BlockchainReactorPair, 4)
reactorPairs[0] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, maxBlockHeight)
reactorPairs[1] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, 0)
reactorPairs[2] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, 0)
reactorPairs[3] = newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, 0)
switches := p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, 4, func(i int, s *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch {
s.AddReactor("BLOCKCHAIN", reactorPairs[i].reactor)
return s
}, p2p.Connect2Switches)
defer func() {
for _, r := range reactorPairs {
for {
if reactorPairs[3].reactor.pool.IsCaughtUp() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
//at this time, reactors[0-3] is the newest
assert.Equal(t, 3, reactorPairs[1].reactor.Switch.Peers().Size())
bcr := newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), maxBlockHeight)
defer bcr.Stop()
//mark reactorPairs[3] is an invalid peer
reactorPairs[3] =
// Add some peers in
peer := newbcrTestPeer(p2p.ID(cmn.RandStr(12)))
lastReactorPair := newBlockchainReactor(log.TestingLogger(), genDoc, privVals, 0)
reactorPairs = append(reactorPairs, lastReactorPair)
// XXX: This doesn't add the peer to anything,
// so it's hard to check that it's later removed
assert.True(t, bcr.Switch.Peers().Size() > 0)
switches = append(switches, p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, 1, func(i int, s *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch {
s.AddReactor("BLOCKCHAIN", reactorPairs[len(reactorPairs)-1].reactor)
return s
// send a bad block from the peer
// default blocks already dont have commits, so should fail
block :=
msg := &bcBlockResponseMessage{Block: block}
peer.Send(BlockchainChannel, struct{ BlockchainMessage }{msg})
}, p2p.Connect2Switches)...)
for i := 0; i < len(reactorPairs)-1; i++ {
p2p.Connect2Switches(switches, i, len(reactorPairs)-1)
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 10)
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 2)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if bcr.Switch.Peers().Size() == 0 {
break LOOP
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatal("Timed out waiting to disconnect peer")
if lastReactorPair.reactor.pool.IsCaughtUp() || lastReactorPair.reactor.Switch.Peers().Size() == 0 {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
assert.True(t, lastReactorPair.reactor.Switch.Peers().Size() < len(reactorPairs)-1)
// utility funcs
@ -155,56 +262,41 @@ func makeTxs(height int64) (txs []types.Tx) {
return txs
func makeBlock(height int64, state sm.State) *types.Block {
block, _ := state.MakeBlock(height, makeTxs(height), new(types.Commit), nil, state.Validators.GetProposer().Address)
func makeBlock(height int64, state sm.State, lastCommit *types.Commit) *types.Block {
block, _ := state.MakeBlock(height, makeTxs(height), lastCommit, nil, state.Validators.GetProposer().Address)
return block
// The Test peer
type bcrTestPeer struct {
id p2p.ID
ch chan interface{}
type testApp struct {
var _ p2p.Peer = (*bcrTestPeer)(nil)
var _ abci.Application = (*testApp)(nil)
func newbcrTestPeer(id p2p.ID) *bcrTestPeer {
bcr := &bcrTestPeer{
id: id,
ch: make(chan interface{}, 2),
bcr.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "bcrTestPeer", bcr)
return bcr
func (app *testApp) Info(req abci.RequestInfo) (resInfo abci.ResponseInfo) {
return abci.ResponseInfo{}
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) lastBlockchainMessage() interface{} { return < }
func (app *testApp) BeginBlock(req abci.RequestBeginBlock) abci.ResponseBeginBlock {
return abci.ResponseBeginBlock{}
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) TrySend(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) bool {
var msg BlockchainMessage
err := cdc.UnmarshalBinaryBare(msgBytes, &msg)
if err != nil {
panic(cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error while trying to parse a BlockchainMessage"))
if _, ok := msg.(*bcStatusResponseMessage); ok {
// Discard status response messages since they skew our results
// We only want to deal with:
// + bcBlockResponseMessage
// + bcNoBlockResponseMessage
} else { <- msg
return true
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) FlushStop() {}
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) Send(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) bool { return tp.TrySend(chID, msgBytes) }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) NodeInfo() p2p.NodeInfo { return p2p.DefaultNodeInfo{} }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) Status() p2p.ConnectionStatus { return p2p.ConnectionStatus{} }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) ID() p2p.ID { return }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) IsOutbound() bool { return false }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) IsPersistent() bool { return true }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) Get(s string) interface{} { return s }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) Set(string, interface{}) {}
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) RemoteIP() net.IP { return []byte{127, 0, 0, 1} }
func (tp *bcrTestPeer) OriginalAddr() *p2p.NetAddress { return nil }
func (app *testApp) EndBlock(req abci.RequestEndBlock) abci.ResponseEndBlock {
return abci.ResponseEndBlock{}
func (app *testApp) DeliverTx(tx []byte) abci.ResponseDeliverTx {
return abci.ResponseDeliverTx{Tags: []cmn.KVPair{}}
func (app *testApp) CheckTx(tx []byte) abci.ResponseCheckTx {
return abci.ResponseCheckTx{}
func (app *testApp) Commit() abci.ResponseCommit {
return abci.ResponseCommit{}
func (app *testApp) Query(reqQuery abci.RequestQuery) (resQuery abci.ResponseQuery) {

+ 20
- 3
blockchain/store_test.go View File

@ -9,13 +9,30 @@ import (
cfg ""
cmn ""
dbm ""
sm ""
tmtime ""
func makeStateAndBlockStore(logger log.Logger) (sm.State, *BlockStore) {
config := cfg.ResetTestRoot("blockchain_reactor_test")
// blockDB := dbm.NewDebugDB("blockDB", dbm.NewMemDB())
// stateDB := dbm.NewDebugDB("stateDB", dbm.NewMemDB())
blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
state, err := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisFile(stateDB, config.GenesisFile())
if err != nil {
panic(cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "error constructing state from genesis file"))
return state, NewBlockStore(blockDB)
func TestLoadBlockStoreStateJSON(t *testing.T) {
db := db.NewMemDB()
@ -65,7 +82,7 @@ func freshBlockStore() (*BlockStore, db.DB) {
var (
state, _ = makeStateAndBlockStore(log.NewTMLogger(new(bytes.Buffer)))
block = makeBlock(1, state)
block = makeBlock(1, state, new(types.Commit))
partSet = block.MakePartSet(2)
part1 = partSet.GetPart(0)
part2 = partSet.GetPart(1)
@ -88,7 +105,7 @@ func TestBlockStoreSaveLoadBlock(t *testing.T) {
// save a block
block := makeBlock(bs.Height()+1, state)
block := makeBlock(bs.Height()+1, state, new(types.Commit))
validPartSet := block.MakePartSet(2)
seenCommit := &types.Commit{Precommits: []*types.Vote{{Height: 10,
Timestamp: tmtime.Now()}}}
@ -331,7 +348,7 @@ func TestLoadBlockMeta(t *testing.T) {
func TestBlockFetchAtHeight(t *testing.T) {
state, bs := makeStateAndBlockStore(log.NewTMLogger(new(bytes.Buffer)))
require.Equal(t, bs.Height(), int64(0), "initially the height should be zero")
block := makeBlock(bs.Height()+1, state)
block := makeBlock(bs.Height()+1, state, new(types.Commit))
partSet := block.MakePartSet(2)
seenCommit := &types.Commit{Precommits: []*types.Vote{{Height: 10,

+ 4
- 4
consensus/mempool_test.go View File

@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ func TestMempoolProgressInHigherRound(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound(cs, height, round)
ensureNewRound(newRoundCh, height, round) // first round at first height
ensureNewEventOnChannel(newBlockCh) // first block gets committed
ensureNewEventOnChannel(newBlockCh) // first block gets committed
height = height + 1 // moving to the next height
round = 0
ensureNewRound(newRoundCh, height, round) // first round at next height
deliverTxsRange(cs, 0, 1) // we deliver txs, but dont set a proposal so we get the next round
deliverTxsRange(cs, 0, 1) // we deliver txs, but dont set a proposal so we get the next round
ensureNewTimeout(timeoutCh, height, round, cs.config.TimeoutPropose.Nanoseconds())
round = round + 1 // moving to the next round
round = round + 1 // moving to the next round
ensureNewRound(newRoundCh, height, round) // wait for the next round
ensureNewEventOnChannel(newBlockCh) // now we can commit the block
ensureNewEventOnChannel(newBlockCh) // now we can commit the block
func deliverTxsRange(cs *ConsensusState, start, end int) {

+ 1
- 1
consensus/state_test.go View File

@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ func TestNoHearbeatWhenNotValidator(t *testing.T) {
// if a faulty implementation sends an event, we should wait here a little bit to make sure we don't miss it by prematurely leaving the test method
time.Sleep((proposalHeartbeatIntervalSeconds + 1) * time.Second)
time.Sleep((proposalHeartbeatIntervalSeconds + 1) * time.Second)
// regression for #2518

+ 28
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docs/spec/reactors/block_sync/ View File

@ -65,24 +65,24 @@ type Requester {
mtx Mutex
block Block
height int64

peerID p2p.ID
redoChannel chan struct{}
peerID p2p.ID
redoChannel chan p2p.ID //redo may send multi-time; peerId is used to identify repeat
Pool is core data structure that stores last executed block (`height`), assignment of requests to peers (`requesters`), current height for each peer and number of pending requests for each peer (`peers`), maximum peer height, etc.
Pool is a core data structure that stores last executed block (`height`), assignment of requests to peers (`requesters`), current height for each peer and number of pending requests for each peer (`peers`), maximum peer height, etc.
type Pool {
mtx Mutex
requesters map[int64]*Requester
height int64
peers map[p2p.ID]*Peer
maxPeerHeight int64
numPending int32
store BlockStore
requestsChannel chan<- BlockRequest
errorsChannel chan<- peerError
mtx Mutex
requesters map[int64]*Requester
height int64
peers map[p2p.ID]*Peer
maxPeerHeight int64
numPending int32
store BlockStore
requestsChannel chan<- BlockRequest
errorsChannel chan<- peerError
@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ Peer data structure stores for each peer current `height` and number of pending
type Peer struct {
id p2p.ID
height int64
numPending int32
timeout *time.Timer
didTimeout bool
id p2p.ID
height int64
numPending int32
timeout *time.Timer
didTimeout bool
@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ Requester task is responsible for fetching a single block at position `height`.
fetchBlock(height, pool):
while true do
while true do {
peerID = nil
block = nil
peer = pickAvailablePeer(height)
peerId =
peerID =
enqueue BlockRequest(height, peerID) to pool.requestsChannel
redo = false
@ -181,12 +181,15 @@ fetchBlock(height, pool):
select {
upon receiving Quit message do
upon receiving message on redoChannel do
redo = true
upon receiving redo message with id on redoChannel do
if peerID == id {
redo = true
selectedPeer = nil
@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ createRequesters(pool):
create trySyncTicker with interval trySyncIntervalMS
create statusUpdateTicker with interval statusUpdateIntervalSeconds
create switchToConsensusTicker with interbal switchToConsensusIntervalSeconds
create switchToConsensusTicker with interval switchToConsensusIntervalSeconds
while true do
select {

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evidence/reactor.go View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (evR EvidenceReactor) checkSendEvidenceMessage(peer p2p.Peer, ev types.Evid
// make sure the peer is up to date
evHeight := ev.Height()
peerState, ok := peer.Get(types.PeerStateKey).(PeerState)
if !ok {
if !ok {
// Peer does not have a state yet. We set it in the consensus reactor, but
// when we add peer in Switch, the order we call reactors#AddPeer is
// different every time due to us using a map. Sometimes other reactors

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libs/autofile/autofile_test.go View File

@ -119,4 +119,4 @@ func TestAutoFileSize(t *testing.T) {
// Cleanup
_ = os.Remove(f.Name())

+ 3
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node/node_test.go View File

@ -13,18 +13,16 @@ import (
cfg ""
cmn ""
sm ""
cfg ""
tmtime ""
func TestNodeStartStop(t *testing.T) {

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types/events.go View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ type EventDataCompleteProposal struct {
Round int `json:"round"`
Step string `json:"step"`
BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`
BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`
type EventDataVote struct {
