@ -52,20 +52,33 @@ objects in the `ResponseBeginBlock`:
message Validator {
bytes pub_key = 1;
int64 power = 2;
bytes address = 1;
PubKey pub_key = 2;
int64 power = 3;
message PubKey {
string type = 1;
bytes data = 2;
The `pub_key` is the Amino encoded public key for the validator. For details on
Amino encoded public keys, see the [section of the encoding spec](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/spec/blockchain/encoding.md#public-key-cryptography).
The `pub_key` currently supports two types:
- `type = "ed25519" and `data = <raw32-bytepublickey>`
- `type = "secp256k1" and `data = <33-byteOpenSSLcompressedpublickey>`
If the address is provided, it must match the address of the pubkey, as