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tendermint+basecoin configuration fixes

Greg Szabo 7 years ago
21 changed files with 141 additions and 118 deletions
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ansible/ View File

@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
The playbooks in this folder run [ansible]( roles which:
* install and configure tendermint
* install and configure basecoin
* start/stop tendermint and basecoin
* install tendermint
* install basecoin
* configure tendermint and basecoin
* start/stop tendermint and basecoin and reset their configuration
## Prerequisites
@ -27,19 +28,19 @@ Head over to the [Terraform folder]( for a d
Optional for Amazon AWS instances:
* Amazon AWS API access key ID and secret access key.
The cloud inventory scripts come from the ansible team at You can get the latest version from the contrib/inventory folder.
The cloud inventory scripts come from the ansible team at their [GitHub]( page. You can get the latest version from the contrib/inventory folder.
## Ansible setup
Ansible requires a "command machine" or "local machine" or "orchestrator machine" to run on. This can be your laptop or any machine that runs linux. (It does not have to be part of the cloud network that hosts your servers.)
Note: The below commands use the Ubuntu/Debian `apt-get` command. To make it compatible with RedHat/CentOS, replace it with `yum`.
Note: All the below commands use the Ubuntu/Debian `apt-get` command. To make it compatible with RedHat/CentOS, replace it with `yum`.
sudo apt-get install ansible
To make life easier, you can start an SSH Agent and load your SSH key(s). This way ansible will have an uninterrupted way of connecting to tour servers.
To make life easier, you can start an SSH Agent and load your SSH key(s). This way ansible will have an uninterrupted way of connecting to your servers.
ssh-agent > ~/.ssh/ssh.env
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<The API secret access key received from Amazon>'
python -u inventory/ --refresh-cache 1> /dev/null
Note you don't need the access key and secret key set, if you are running ansible on an Amazon AMI instance with the proper IAM permissions set.
Note: you don't need the access key and secret key set, if you are running ansible on an Amazon AMI instance with the proper IAM permissions set.
## Running the playbook
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ ansible-playbook -i inventory/ install.yml
### Installing custom versions
By default ansible installs the tendermint and basecoin binary versions defined in its [default variables](#Default variables). If you built your own version of the binaries, you can tell ansible to install that instead.
By default ansible installs the tendermint and basecoin binary versions defined in its [default variables](#Default variables). If you build your own version of the binaries, you can tell ansible to install that instead.
GOPATH="<your go path>"
@ -123,12 +124,28 @@ TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME="testnet-servers"
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ install.yml -e tendermint_release_install=false -e basecoin_release_install=false
## Starting the servers
Alternatively you can change the variable settings in `group_vars/all`.
To be continued...
## Other commands and roles
## Default variables
There are few extra playbooks to make life easier managing your servers.
* install.yml - the all-in-one playbook to install and configure tendermint + basecoin
* reset.yml - stop the application, reset the configuration (blockchain), then start the application again
* stop.yml - stop the application
* start.yml - start the application
* restart.yml - restart the application
The roles are self-sufficient under the `roles/` folder.
* install-tendermint - install the tendermint application. It can install release packages or custom-compiled binaries.
* install-basecoin - install the basecoin application. It can install release packages or custom-compiled binaries.
* cleanupconfig - delete all tendermint and basecoin configuration.
* config - configure tendermint and basecoin
* stop - stop the application.
* start - start the application.
## Default variables
To be continued...
Default variables are documented under `group_vars/all`.

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ansible/Vagrantfile View File

@ -14,7 +14,5 @@ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "install.yml"
ansible.verbose = 'vv'
ansible.sudo = true

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ansible/group_vars/all View File

@ -1,45 +1,77 @@
### Tendermint installation
## This file shows and sets the global defaults for the role variables.
## tendermint_release_install indicates if the install-tendermint role should install a release version or a private build of the tendermint app
#tendermint_release_install: true
#tendermint_version: 0.10.0-rc1
#tendermint_download: "{{tendermint_version}}/tendermint_{{tendermint_version}}"
##If tendermint_release_install == false, copy the binary from here
## tendermint_download stores the link to the specific tendermint release to install
#tendermint_download: ""
## tendermint_binary stores the path to a private tendermint binary to install
#tendermint_binary: "{{ lookup('env','GOPATH') | default('') }}/bin/tendermint"
## Details of the linux user the tendermint app uses
#tendermint_user: tendermint
#tendermint_group: tendermint
## Upstart start/stop conditions can vary by distribution and environment
#tendermint_upstart_start_on: start on runlevel [345]
#tendermint_upstart_stop_on: stop on runlevel [!345]
#tendermint_home: /var/lib/tendermint
## tendermint_log_file stores the path to the tendermint application log
#tendermint_log_file: /var/log/tendermint.log
### Basecoin installation
## basecoin_release_install indicates if the install-basecoin role should install a release version or a private build of the basecoin app
#basecoin_release_install: true
#basecoin_version: 0.4.0
#basecoin_download: "{{basecoin_version}}/basecoin_{{basecoin_version}}"
##If basecoin_release_install == false, copy the binary from here
## basecoin_download stores the link to the specific basecoin release to install
#basecoin_download: ""
## basecoin_binary stores the path to a private basecoin binary to install
#basecoin_binary: "{{ lookup('env','GOPATH') | default('') }}/bin/basecoin"
## Details of the linux user the basecoin app uses
#basecoin_user: basecoin
#basecoin_group: basecoin
## Upstart start/stop conditions can vary by distribution and environment
#basecoin_upstart_start_on: start on runlevel [345]
#basecoin_upstart_stop_on: stop on runlevel [!345]
#basecoin_home: /var/lib/basecoin
## basecoin_log_file stores the path to the basecoin application log
#basecoin_log_file: /var/log/basecoin.log
### Basecoin configuration
## basecoin_inprocess indicates if basecoin should run tendermint in-process
#basecoin_inprocess: false
#Used by the config role
#testnet_name: test-chain
### Development settings
## Used by the config role to find seed IPs and public keys and set the chain_id in genesis.json and config.toml
#testnet_name: testnet1
basecoin_inprocess: false
tendermint_release_install: false
basecoin_release_install: false
## Used by the config role to add a lot of mycoins to wallet 0x1B1BE55F969F54064628A63B9559E7C21C925165.
## Use /usr/share/basecoin/dev-keys/key.json to access them.
## Tendermint data has to be cleared when setting or resetting this key.
#dev_money: false

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ansible/reinit.yml View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- hosts: "{{ lookup('env','TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME') }}"
user: root
- cleanupconfig
- { role: config, testnet_name: "{{ lookup('env','TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME') }}" }

+ 1
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ansible/reset.yml View File

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
user: root
- stop
- cleanupconfig
- { role: cleanupconfig, when: not reconfig|default(false)|bool }
- { role: config, testnet_name: "{{ lookup('env','TF_VAR_TESTNET_NAME') }}" }
- start

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ansible/roles/config/defaults/main.yml View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ basecoin_group: basecoin
basecoin_home: /var/lib/basecoin
basecoin_inprocess: false
testnet_name: test-chain
testnet_name: testnet1
dev_money: false

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ansible/roles/config/tasks/basecoin.yml View File

@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
- name: register basecoin public keys as host facts
when: basecoin_inprocess|bool
set_fact: "basecoin_pubkey={{basecoinpubkeys.stdout_lines[0]}}"
set_fact: "pubkey={{basecoinpubkeys.stdout_lines[0]}}"
connection: local
- name: copy basecoin genesis.json - genesis_time will be updated
when: basecoin_inprocess|bool
src: genesis-basecoin.json.j2
dest: "{{basecoin_home}}/.basecoin/genesis.json"

+ 1
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ansible/roles/config/tasks/tendermint.yml View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
changed_when: false
- name: register tendermint public keys as host facts
set_fact: "tendermint_pubkey={{tendermintpubkeys.stdout_lines[0]}}"
set_fact: "pubkey={{tendermintpubkeys.stdout_lines[0]}}"
connection: local
- name: copy tendermint genesis.json - genesis_time will be updated

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ansible/roles/config/templates/config.toml.j2 View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ db_backend = "leveldb"
log_level = "debug"
laddr = "tcp://{{ do_private_ip | default('') }}:46657"
laddr = "tcp://"
laddr = "tcp://{{inventory_hostname}}:46656"

+ 21
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ansible/roles/config/templates/genesis-basecoin.json.j2 View File

@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
"app_options": {
"accounts": [{
"pub_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "619D3678599971ED29C7529DDD4DA537B97129893598A17C82E3AC9A8BA95279"
"coins": [
"denom": "mycoin",
"amount": 9007199254740992
{% if basecoin_inprocess|bool %}
{% set comma = joiner(",") %}
{% for host in groups[testnet_name] %}
{{ comma() }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if dev_money|bool %}
"app_options": {
"accounts": [{
"pub_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "619D3678599971ED29C7529DDD4DA537B97129893598A17C82E3AC9A8BA95279"
"coins": [
"denom": "mycoin",
"amount": 9007199254740992
{% endif %}

+ 1
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ansible/roles/config/templates/genesis-tendermint.json.j2 View File

@ -1,18 +1,4 @@
"app_options": {
"accounts": [{
"pub_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "619D3678599971ED29C7529DDD4DA537B97129893598A17C82E3AC9A8BA95279"
"coins": [
"denom": "mycoin",
"amount": 9007199254740992
@ -21,7 +7,7 @@
{% for host in groups[testnet_name] %}
{{ comma() }}

+ 1
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ansible/roles/install-basecoin/defaults/main.yml View File

@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
basecoin_release_install: true
basecoin_version: 0.4.0
basecoin_download: "{{basecoin_version}}/basecoin_{{basecoin_version}}"
basecoin_download: ""
#If basecoin_release_install == false, copy the binary from here
basecoin_binary: "{{ lookup('env','GOPATH') | default('') }}/bin/basecoin"
basecoin_user: basecoin
basecoin_group: basecoin
# Upstart start/stop conditions can vary by distribution and environment
basecoin_upstart_start_on: start on runlevel [345]
basecoin_upstart_stop_on: stop on runlevel [!345]
basecoin_home: /var/lib/basecoin
basecoin_log_file: /var/log/basecoin.log

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ansible/roles/install-basecoin/tasks/install.yml View File

@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
- reload systemd
- name: Create example folder
file: path=/usr/share/basecoin/example-keys state=directory
file: path=/usr/share/basecoin/dev-keys state=directory
- name: Copy example keys
copy: "src={{item}} dest=/usr/share/basecoin/example-keys/{{item}}"
copy: "src={{item}} dest=/usr/share/basecoin/dev-keys/{{item}}"
- key.json
- key2.json

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ansible/roles/install-basecoin/templates/basecoin.conf.j2 View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Basecoin (Upstart unit)
description "Basecoin"
start on {{ basecoin_upstart_start_on }}
stop on {{ basecoin_upstart_stop_on }}
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
# Use su to become tendermint user non-interactively on old Upstart versions (see

+ 3
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ansible/roles/install-tendermint/defaults/main.yml View File

@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
tendermint_release_install: true
tendermint_version: 0.10.0-rc1
tendermint_download: "{{tendermint_version}}/tendermint_{{tendermint_version}}"
tendermint_download: ""
#If tendermint_release_install == false, copy the binary from here
tendermint_binary: "{{ lookup('env','GOPATH') | default('') }}/bin/tendermint"
tendermint_user: tendermint
tendermint_group: tendermint
# Upstart start/stop conditions can vary by distribution and environment
tendermint_upstart_start_on: start on runlevel [345]
tendermint_upstart_stop_on: stop on runlevel [!345]
tendermint_home: /var/lib/tendermint
tendermint_log_file: /var/log/tendermint.log
basecoin_inprocess: false

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ansible/roles/install-tendermint/templates/tendermint.conf.j2 View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Tendermint (Upstart unit)
description "Tendermint"
start on {{ tendermint_upstart_start_on }}
stop on {{ tendermint_upstart_stop_on }}
{{basecoin_inprocess|bool | ternary('','start on (runlevel [2345] and started basecoin)')}}
{{basecoin_inprocess|bool | ternary('','stop on (runlevel [!2345] and stopping basecoin)')}}
# Use su to become tendermint user non-interactively on old Upstart versions (see

+ 1
- 1
ansible/roles/install-tendermint/templates/tendermint.systemd.j2 View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Description=Tendermint{{basecoin_inprocess|bool | ternary('','')}}

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ansible/roles/stop/tasks/main.yml View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- name: stop tendermint
when: not basecoin_inprocess|bool
#when: not basecoin_inprocess|bool
service: name=tendermint state=stopped
- name: stop basecoin

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terraform-digitalocean/cluster/ View File

@ -23,3 +23,9 @@ resource "digitalocean_droplet" "cluster" {
#resource "digitalocean_floating_ip" "cluster" {
# droplet_id = "${element(digitalocean_droplet.cluster.*.id,count.index)}"
# region = "${element(digitalocean_droplet.cluster.*.region,count.index)}"
# count = "${var.servers}"

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terraform-digitalocean/cluster/ View File

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
// The cluster name, e.g cdn
// The cluster name
output "name" {
value = "${}"
// The list of cluster instance ids
// The list of cluster instance IDs
output "instances" {
value = ["${digitalocean_droplet.cluster.*.id}"]
// The list of cluster instance ips
// The list of cluster instance private IPs
output "private_ips" {
value = ["${digitalocean_droplet.cluster.*.ipv4_address_private}"]
// The list of cluster instance ips
// The list of cluster instance public IPs
output "public_ips" {
value = ["${digitalocean_droplet.cluster.*.ipv4_address}"]
#// The list of cluster floating IPs
#output "floating_ips" {
# value = ["${digitalocean_floating_ip.cluster.*.ip_address}"]

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terraform-digitalocean/ View File

@ -37,15 +37,7 @@ output "public_ips" {
value = "${module.cluster.public_ips}"
output "private_ips" {
value = "${join(",",module.cluster.private_ips)}"
output "seeds" {
value = "${join(":46656,",module.cluster.public_ips)}:46656"
output "rpcs" {
value = "${join(":46657,",module.cluster.public_ips)}:46657"
#output "floating_ips" {
# value = "${module.cluster.floating_ips}"
